HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-10-13, Page 9W 1 Gathers In Auburn r,YXi'W`!XaPV*-"i.?Sie. a1%.'Vr.�-, �_.. ,• _vlF.�`•�'X:B!C.F..Tn. r. r. :..•>. r..l _-....•+.i.�!-+. `•." - UNION OAS COMPANY APPOIN 'M aNTS 150 Attend Huron Rally AUBURN. --One hundred and hfty Women's Institute delegates from Huron County attended the Huron County Rally held last weep in the Auburn Corn- munity Memorial r Hall. Regis- tration was in charge of Mrs. George Millian and Mrs. Wil - ham Straughan of the Auburn Branch. Mrs. Wilfred Colclough of Clinton, vice-president of West °Huron, was In charge of the .meeting. Mrs. William J. Craig, Auburn, was pianist. Greetings were brought by Mr's. Fred Bere, Hensal1, president of South Hu- ron, and Mrs. Ross Knight, Cran- brook, president of East Huron, Mrs. Stanley Bride, F'.W.LO. member of Fordwioh and Mrs. Wes..Bradnock, F.W.I.O. member of Auburn. Reports of the three districts ..were given by Mrs. James Horton, R.R. 3, Goderich, for West Huron; Mrs. Wilbert Drilling, Hensali, for South Huron, and Mrs. Howard Wallace of Lakelet for East Huron. Mrs. Cecil Blake, Dungannon, spoke on behalf of Miss Clare McGowan thanking the W.I. for its annual bursary to help a Children's Aid Society ward to a higher education. Mrs. Blake stated three wards have been assisted. The members voted to again assist the project by 50 cents per member. Mrs. Wilfred Mack of Credi- ton, brought greetings from the Huron County Historical'Society and told of itsprojects planned for the coming year. She asked again that all branches make their curators of their Tweeds- muir history books a member of the society. The minutes were read by the -secretary, Mrs. Otto Popp. of Goderich. - A card is to be sent to Mrs. Toynbee Lamb, of Goderich, pre- sident of West Huron district who is apatient in Victoria Hos- pital, London, due to a farm accident at her home. Mrs. Tait Clark askedfor a copy of Tweed- smuir history from each branch for the archives, room at the Huron County museum. Sharon Carroll, home econ- omist fior Huron County,` report- ed for the 411 program and the senior projects throughout the county. Mrs. Roy A.. Wambold of the Goderich Salvation Army, gave a solo on the tarnrboreen. Mrs. Bert- Craig and her conn- .FEATURE EVENT DIRECTORY for your entertainment in TORONTO mittee of Auburn .served pot luck and tea. Mrs. .Donal Haines, president of the' Auburn branch, welcomed the delegates. Highlight of the afternoon Plans were made 0 o d a card party in S.S. No: 9, Hui - lett for the members of the school section and those former residents who had assisted in the ROYAL ALEXANDER THEATRE OCT. - OCT. 22 "THE ODD COUPLE" - Starring George Gebel and Phil Foster 0-0-0 ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO OCT. - OCT. 23 (Formerly`" the Art Gallery of Toronto) "A New Theatrical Work" by Les Levine—an exhibition in- volving light, sound and move- ment. "11 Pop Artists: The New Image" from the collection of Benson & Hedges (Canada) Limited. 0-0-0 MASSEY HALL OCT. 11 to OCT. 12 The opening of the Toronto Symphony's 45th season. D-70-0 CASA LOMA OCT. 29 The Canadian Jazz Festival. 0-0-0 ODEN FAIRLAWN -THEATRE. OCT. • NOV. "THE BLUE MAX" Starring George Peppard and Ursula Andress. For economy and friendly ser- vice plan to stay at Toronto's LORD SIMCOE HOTEL • Conveniently located in the heart of downtown (at the subway.) • Singles from $7.90 up. Doubles from $11.90 up. • Free overnight parking. LORD SIMCOE HOTEL liking & University • Tel: 362.1848 agmiggigoollsommagggi At the Huron WI rally in Auburn last week, from left, Mrs. Wilfred Colclough, west Huron . vice-president; Mrs. James Drummond catering chairman; Mrs. Otto Popp of Goderich, secretary; Mrs. Harry Strong of Exeter vice-chaiman of London Area, discuss plowing match preparations. program was the presentation plans for the• school reunion of to Jannette Wright of Corrie. Miss Carrol made the present-. ation bo her mother, Mrs. W. Wright as Miss Wright has en- tered St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, to train for a nurse. the Htiron County Scholarship Mrs. ,Ernest Radford of Clin- ton played' two piano solos and the ebllection was received by mem'ber's of the Blyth branch, Mrs. Wellington Good, MrS. Anne Sun,dercock, Mrs. Luella McGowan and Mrs. Edgar How- e tt. • - Mrs. Mervyn Batkan of Cl'in- tongave a. demonstration of. hats for fall, telling about the, new materials and styles for the fall and winter months. 'She had on display many styles and materials. Mrs. James Drummond 'of IHensa'll, chairman of the Plow.- ing Match icomanittee, catering to the officials, led in a discus- sion on the work program. Mrs. Fred Bere invited the Rally to' South Huron in '1967. Walkerburn Club The Walkerburn ' Club' ' held its monthly meeting at the home" of Mrs. Nellie McDougall in. Goderich, with the president, Mrs. Ted flunking in charge. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Elliott Lapp. Mrs. Walter • Cunningham gave the financial statement. It was de - cid -ed to give a donation to a member, Mrs. John Hallam,. who recently lost a barn by fire. Fifteen dollars was sent to the Children's Aid Society to as. sist with their Christmas < gift buying and four dollars was sent to buy the Korean foster child a gift for. Christmas. Jesse Jewel DEEP FRIED CHICKEN BARREL 15 PIECES 4.90 BUCKET 9 PIECES 3.00 BOX COMPLETE DINNER 1.44 - SKY RANCH Restaurant & Service Station Hwy. 21 524-8982 this past summer. Mrs. 'Leonard Archambault in. troduced the speaker, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe of Londesboro. She showed the various table centres she had made out of , plastic jugs and then demonstrated how they Film Program And Entertainment Hour For • Young People ST. GEORGE'S PARISH HALL SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 8:00 P.M. were made. Mrs. Lorne Hunidng thanked Mrs Pipe. Lunch was served by Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs, Elliott Lapp, Mrs. Lloyd Mc- Clinchey and Mrs. Garth Me Cliri�ehey. - Auburn 0G1r held its firgt meetingin the Sunday school room of Knox Presibyterian Church. The leader, Al rs. Wes Bradnoek - gave the call to war- ship and Betty Moss was pianist. Scripture was read by, Wendy Schneider. The offering was re- ceived by Ruth Bere. The elec- tion of officers took place and Miss Laura Phillips assisted the leader. The -new officers- are: • presi- dent, Brenda, Ball; vice-presid- ent, Wendy Schneider; secre- tary, Joyce Leather'land; treas- urer, Sheron Collins; assistant treasurer, laid Seers; pianist, Betty Moss;` program committee, Nan Lapp; Brenda Archambault, Cathy Schneider,- Linda Sproul, Donna Baedh'ler; social eonomit- _ tee, Ruth Bere, Shelley Grange, Margaret Youngblut, Marie Plunkett. The girls divided into teams and canvassed the village for CN:1B. Over $66 was collected. Canned Fruit for dessert The new fall 'pack of Ontario - grown canned fruit is now avail- able ,in your favorite grocery stare. Be sure the canned fruit you buy is grown, canned and inspected in Canada Your guarantee of good taste. Write for the colarful "Horn of Plenty" recipe folder featur- ing new and exciting ways to serve canned fruit. Also - a 16 --mm: -sound-•-and-°-color- featuring. the • growing, harvest- ing, packing and serving of can- ned fruit is available at no cost for your next women's meeting. Afn adequate quantity of • the recipe folders and colorful place mats are also available. . For further information call or write: R. Ford Ralph, • Ontario Tender Fruit Institute, 231 Ontario Food Terminal, Toronto 18. Phane .251-1371. REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Interest Is calculated and added to your ac- count half -yearly and you may write a rea- sonable number- of cheques with no service charge. 1/44% SPECIAL D E P 051 T ACCOUNTS n (Minimum $1,000) Interest Is calculated on the minimum month- ly balance and added to your account half - yea rly. Withdrawals may be made anytime on presen- tation of your pass -book, VICTORIA and GREY TRUST AT THE STOPLIGHT GODERICH Mr. Woodward •Appointment of William P. Woodward as Goderich Branch Manager for Union Gas Company has lust been announced by W. H. Fleming, Manager of the Company's Central Region. Previously Delhi local manager, Mr. Woodward succeeds W. Paul Oliver. Mr. Oliver has transferred to Simcoe as Simcoe Branch Manager., - s _Mr. OI:i.xeh _ A free booklet to answer gour questlons about Annulties There comes a time in most men's lives when a guaranteed in- come is more important than the hope of capital gain.. And that's exactly what annuities from Manufacturers Life offer. , They provide an automatic, guaranteed income.for life. People have asked us many qutstions about annuities in the past. Important questions such as: Can I arrange for some of the money to be returned to my estate if I die early? Is there an annuity that will transfer the income to my wife if she outlives mel How do annuities affect my income tax? Is an annuity a practical way of supplementing Canada Pension Plan and other retirement income? . To provide you with ihe answers we have published an easy -to - read, easy -to -understand booklet called "Annuities ... the key to a golden age." It's yours for the asking, without obligation. Just fill in and return the coupon below. And if you would like to discuss annuities with someone, you couldn't find a better person to talk to than the Man from Manufacturers. MANUFACTURERS LIFE. W. E. Williams Representative GODERICH Tel: 524.7665 1tai raIse saaeraEN 1 Please send me,, without obligatlbn, . 1 tree cony of 1 the booklet: 1 "Annuities... the key to e golden age." - NAME ' 1 ADDRESS 1 1 1 • 1 W. E. Williams' 1 1 • Manufacturers Life Ins. ,Co. , 1 212c,� 1 46 West Street, Goderich 1 ler ea ra - ea eel - ar weer en we me 1 ON VACATION October l4thto 3lst s' SKELTON'S + NEW AND USED APPLIANCES + NKLIN' RVEST OF VALUES JM. CEILING TILE x 12" plain two -coat washable white ceiling tile •that will be ideal for any room in the house. OC EACH CARTON 672.• KAISER COMBINATION Aluminum DOORS 134" thick aluminum. Available in all 'standard sires. Hardware . is ' included at this price. 23.59' - VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE This is No. 1 quality tile. No seconds; 1/16" thickness. REG. 12c EACH 91/2, EACH • 0 PEG BOARD These are 24" x 48" pieces of painted or plain peg board. Limited quantity. Three colors only, white, primrose and green. 99t rim sin "NEE Nor= am um N. mom 1 COUPON SPECIAL 1 10' Lufkin Tape Measure LIN MI M®® M. OM J PREFINISHED MAHOGANY REG.. 2.79 1. 50 WITH THIS AD 4x7 4x7 PANELLING 3.99 '48479 UNFINISHED MAHOGANY PANELLING 3.36 4x83.84 NO DOWN PAYMENT QN CONKLIN CUSTOM CREDIT BAYFIELD ROAD 524-8321, be. Signal 11' t I i e DAY SERVI4 • r ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH 8: 0 am, --"Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.-Holy " Communion. Sermon bj► tba RerctoV • . CHURCH SCHOOL, 10:00 a.m,--Grades 3 to P I1:O0 a.m.- Nursery to Grade 2 Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL„ B,A,R, •d,D.. Organist and Choirmaster: LORNE H. DOT ERi i THE UNITED CHURCH OF "CANADA Victoria Street United Church House of Friendship ' 10:00 a.m.—Senior and Intermediate Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service - "SALT" 11:00 a.m.-•Junior and Primary Sunday School. 10:Q0 a.m.—Benmiller Worship Service and Sunday School REV. LEONARD WARR, Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choir Director Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LQCKHART ROYAL, R.A., Minister William Cameron,- Director of Praise ' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th 10.00 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship Sermon: "Faith and Immortality" (Nursery and . Junior Congregation) 7:30 p.m. Young People's Society ' ENTER TO WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church OCTOBER 16th, 1966 10:00 a.m. Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Junior Department 1.1:00 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon: THE HOPE OF AFRICA Guest Minister: Rev. Emanuel. J. Heuer, • E.A., B.D., Visual Education Production• w Secretary for the Canadian Bible Society. Having travelled widely in Africa, India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, Mr. Heuer has gained fascinat- ing knowledge of other people and has an interesting story to unfold. WELCOME -- Mr. Lance Reed, Organist and Choirmaster Rev. J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D., Minister. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and•Quebec) Montreal Street Near The Square, 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.--+Morning Worship—"The Bible." 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service — Guest Speaker. —Rev. E. J. Heuer, speaking on his trip to India Everyone Welcome Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 FREE . METHODIST - CHURCH Corner of Victoria and Park Streets The REV. A. It HARLEY, Th.B., B.D., Minister SUNDAY SERVICES Christian Education Hour -10:00 a.m. Morning Worship -11:00 a.m., October 16th Evening Worship -7:00 p.m. Mid -week Prayer—Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. "Christ -centred Worship in the Methodist Tradition" Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner 6f Elgin and Waterloo Sts. ' REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages.' 11:00 • a.m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service Fri. 8:00 p.m. — Young People's Service t Each Sunday, 5:30 p.m., hear Jack West • over Station C -H -L -O, St. Thomas CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR: L. D. TOWER, .B.Th: PRI., 8:00 P.M.—YOUNG PEOPLES , 10:00 A.M.—OUR FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL (OUR BUSES WILL CALL AT YOUR DOOR) PHONE': 524-7622 ' "A Honeymoon In Her 11:00-A.M. — 7:00 P.M.—PRE-SERVICE PRAYER 7:30 P.M. -'- "The Glory Of God WED., 8:00 P.M.—PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY. WEDNESDAY; 8:00 P.M.—PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY "THE CHURCH WHERE YOU ARE, NEVER A STRANGER TWICE" rI UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH 62 Cambria Road North 9:50 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.n't.—Worship Service. 7:00 p.m. --Evangelistic Service. Prayer Meeting -- Wednesday evening, 8:00 o'clock Pastor --'SAMUEL, M. MILLER "A Welcome Awaits You" tr