HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-10-06, Page 3Goderich Teams Blank Stratfoid. Two soccer teams from GOde. rich went to Stratford last Sun- day and scored resounding vc- tore. Legion Cherub(oclerieh champions) tangled with in all- star, Stratford bantam team and won on, a 2-1 score. In the first half of the game the Cherubs !gazed a fast, accurate passing game and Tom Crawford opened the scoring, with a penalty Shot and shortly after Ray Volland left the Stratford goalkeeper helpless with a terrific shot form 25 yards; at half-time the Goderich team led 2-0., In the second period the Strat- ford All-stars came more, into the game and after 15 minutes' play McTaggirt reduced the leeway and almost equalized when McTaggart sent in a fast Low drive only to ,find ?ru- der the Goderich goalkeeper bringing off a tremendous save. • But teams Went at it in great style right up to the final Whis- tle to find the Cherubs finish good winners. In the second game .a de- rkch All-Star team, composed of younger players opposed an all-star team in their own age group and showed a tremendous superiority over their Stratford opponents winning very easily by a score of 12-1. The Stratford team -scored first after five minute play arid • from there en the Goderich bays took complete command of the ga1tne displaying a brand of soc- cer that was a revelation to the Stratford spectators. Dave Graf of Knight scored 4111111111,11N01441140, A Dun DUNGANNON. - The Wo- men's Institute met for Vheir,, regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Helena Ryan with the president, Mrs. Warren Zinn presiding. The meeting opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect and the roll, call was answered by fifteen members and .two visitors telling the name of their first sdhool teacher. • and the place they started .to school. A donation was given to the CNIB and canvassers were asked to canvass the village for donations. As .the 'ladies were not inter- ested in the course "HT ay fo You," it was decided ot to send leaders to the training school. - Mrs. Lorne Ivers tAtToduved themfive goals, one of being a speotator effort. Taking the ball in his own half of the field he beat man after man and then deked the goalkeeper out of his net and then placed the ball in- the corner of the . net. Gene DeJong of HeartS scored four goals and Danny Burns of Knights scored three bringing the score to 12-1. The Goderich victory was a real' team effort and the half.' back line of Allan Rater, Clare Sager and Dave Selingerotall of Lion •Hearts) took. compilete command af the midfiekl play and set their forwards up kr seoring plays. In the Si* staged Tom Plauffe (Victoriiiiitte played a stroniA game in gest and brought of some good saves. ,ARA11.....11111.111•11114, THE YOUNG GENERATION CLUB LEGION MEMORIAL . HALL, CLINTON Featuring October 7096'6 THE BOUNTY HUNTERS • 1 . 9-12 - Everyone, Welcome COME TO YOUR -CLUB, MEO"..YOUR FRIENDS HERE Campbell's. Specials BRANDS C -I G A R T E S WITH PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE 3.53 CARTON 5% Prov. Sales Tax Included SUDDEN BEAUTY - REG. 1.49 HAIR SPRAY 109 REG. 2.00 TECHNIQUE SILVERTONE 169 ONE -A -DAY - REG. 4.49 MULTIPLE VITAMINS 3.29 REG. .69 \TICKS VAPORUB .56 REG. 1.19 FACT TOOTHPASTE 97 JAR - REG. lin HEAD & SHOULDERS SHAMPOO . .1.08 TOP BRASS - REG. 1.25 HAIR DRESSING ....... ..... .1109 RICHARD HUDNUT PUSH-BUTTON - REG. 2.75 HOME PERMANENT 199 REG. .89 and $1.00 CUTEX LIPSTICK 1/2 Price REG. 1.69 SOFTIQUE BATH OIL 139 REG. 1.79 SCORE 'AFTERSHAVE . 149 REGULAR OR SUPER - REG. 1.79 TAMPAX 48's 1.49 REGULAR SIZE JERGEN'S SOAP 3 Cakes for.19 WITH FREE MAGNESIA TABS - Ar1-91/ALUE BAYER ASPIRIN 100's. ' ASSURE - REG. 1.39 SPRAY- DEODORANT 1,09 MENTHOLATUM - REG.. 2.19 DEEP HEAT RUB 198 CX 127 - REG. 1.55 KODAK COLOR FILM , 129 : CX 126 - REG. 1.70 INSTAMATIC COLOR FILM 1.54 CX 135 • 20 - REG. 2.25 KODAK COLOR FILM „ 199 • - WE DELIVER • CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUAKE. annon And District the speaker, Mr. Rah' r Nays, lawyer of Goderich. After a brief address he had the ladies ask questions, dealing mostly with women's rights, such as shares in estates,:voills and pro- perty, which made a very in- formative discussion. Ile was thanked and presented with a gift by Mrs. Geo. Errington, Miss Iva Carr had a, very in- teresting paper on the motto "All roads worth taking lead up - The meeting closed with sing- ing God save the Queen and the institute grace and the host- esses served a delicious lunch. CGIT Meet The CGIT meeting was held on September 28 in the United Church basement. The leaders areMrs. Ivan nive.tt and Um, Robert Jefferson and the offic- ers for the year are as follows: President, Susan Park; Vice- president, Ann Errington; ,sec- rectary Martha Eedy', treasurer, Marsha Hodge; press reporter, 13'apbara Blake.; Pianist, Karen Rivett. A reading, "What .shape are you in" was given by Mrs, I. Rivett. A worship service was held and the meeting closed with "Taps." Mt. and Mrs. Rot Andrew and children spent Ole weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Wilfred Pentland. CongratUlation.s to Mr. and MTS. Lloyd Pearce of London on the "birth of a daughter in St. Joseph's, Hospital OTI Sept, 28, a sister for Richard and a granddaughteifor *Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pentland. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Make, Hat - old, Barbara and Bill were guests of Mr. and Thos. Sowerby in Goderich Township on Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Harris of Sarnia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Art Danahy, INGLIS --,,MOFFAT - BEATTY SKELTON'S + NEW AND USED APPLIANCES + • WASHERS - DRYERS DISHWASHERS - RANGES REFRIGERATORS - FREEZERS SERVICE TO ALL MAKES 36 Britannia Rd. 524.7871 24TF • APPLES PICK YOUR OWN MACS and SNOWS in YOUR. OWN CONTAINERS LASSALINE ORCHARDS N ews Kevin and Terri -Ann of Sarnia visited at,the weekend with tier parents, Mr. and MTS. Fran4 Thompson. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were Mrs. IVIrs. A. Mc- Kague and Mr. and Mrs. -Elmer Wali of Teeswater and ArthuF Cowell of Peterborough. M. and Mrs. Jos Wilson, con. 6, West Wawanosh have return- ed..farom a trip through Wester,n Canada as far as Victoria, B.C. We are pleased to report that W. A. Stewart is making favor- able recovery since having surg- ery a week ago in Wingham . ,hospipal. .,Mrs. Cecil Blake and Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ander- son spent a day recently in London. Mrs. Eldon Culbert returned home last week after being a patient in Victoria Hosrpital, London for the past six weeks. We are pleased to report she b tt . • . i GODERICH FROSTED FOODS • 65 HAMILTON STREET • PRODUCE Fresh Cranberries SUPREME - SWEET MIXED PICKLES 29c 360 SIZE Kleenex Tissues 2 f" 55c 64 bz. Miracle 59c 6 OZ. - Heinz Soups 10 FOR 99c OLD TYME 16 OZ. Table Syrup 29c MAPLE LEAF Mincemeat 45c MAPLE LEAF - 28 OZ. Pumpkin 2 FOR 33c r. • °MEATS • FRESH - SWIFTS BUTTERBALL TURKEYS - Popular Prices HAYTER'S FRESH TURKEYS - Popular Prices FRESH- EVISCERATED • CHICKENS .,BOLOGNA VACUUM PACKED - SWIFT WIENERS LAZY MAPLE BACON' LB. 2 LBS. LB. • 57c 79c 55c LB 1.09 OPEN EVERY DAY UNTIL 6 P.M. OPEN FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M. Jesse Jewel DEEP FRIED CHICKEN' BARREL 15 PiEcESAI.:90 BUCKET 9 PIECES 3.00 . BOX COMPLETEDINNER 1.44 SKY RANCH Restaurant & Service Station Hwy. 21 lir. and Dirs. Anderson Mug- ford visited in Port Huron CM Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. De Reuter of London moved into 1Vits. Povp's house in the village on Saturday. We welcome them *to this own- punity. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pritchard of Toronto were weelcend vlst or with relatives here. BRONIE'S DRIVE4N : 524-8982 THEATRE - CLINTON OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY Box Office Openti,at 7:30 First Show pt 8:00 FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 7-8 - DOUBLE FEATURE - "IN HARM'S WAY" (Adult Entertainrnerit) John Wayne- - Kirk Douglas Patricia Neal "THE DISORDERLY ORDERLY" Jerry Lewis - Susan Oliver Color Cartoon SPECIAL SUNDAY MIDNIT SHOW Oct: 9 Double Feature - In Color "THE TERROR" (Adult Entertainment) Boris Karloff, Jack Nicholson Plus A Science -Fiction Thriller "ATRAGON" ALL STAR CAST Cartoon FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 14-15 Double Feature - In Color usHr Ursula Anctress - John Richardson Peter Cushing "Joy In The Morning Richard Chamberlain - Yvette Mimieux • Arthur Kennedy ° Adult Entertainment, Cartoon BINGO at LEGION HALL Saturday, October 8th at 8:30 p.m. 15 'GAMES - $1.00 The prize for each regular game will be $1200 4 Share -The -Wealth Jackpot Com' bined JACKPOT OF $80.00 IN 56 CALLS Sponsored by Branch 109, ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION No One Under 16 -P.ermifted To Play The Goderich Si alSiar ThurSdii %October 6, 1 " 11`;',', • Weekly Bowling Schedule MONDAY -- 7 to- 9 p.m. -Men's Town Leap" 10 tornm 1 and 2 „ (Wen. -- 9 to 11 p,m.-Ladies' Town Liague, 8 lanes; Ladles' Mon- day Niters, 4 lanes. 10 TUESDAY - 7' to 9 p.m. -Men's 10,pin, 6 lanes; Church Mixed, 6 lanes. 9 to 11 p.m. -Ladies' Commercial,,Thnes; lanes 1 and 4 open. WEDNESDAY- . 7 to" 9 p.m.--Sheiaffer Pen, 4 lanes; Men's Commercial, lanes. 9 to 11 P.m. -Mixed League, 10 lanes; lanes 1 and 2 open. THURSDAY - 7 to 9 p.m.: -Ont. Hospital, 4 lanes; Men's Major,, 8 lanes. 9 to 11 p.m. -Ladies' Social League, 10 lanes; lanes 1 and 2 open. FRIDAY - 7 to 9 p.m.-Sifto Salt Mins, 6 lanes; Friday Niters Mixed, . 6 lanes. 9 to 11 p.m. -12 lanes open. SATURDAY - 10 a.m. 'to 12 noon -Jr. Mixed League,.12 lanes. Saturday Afternoon and Night -12 lanes often. SUNDAY - Afternoon Only -12 lanes open.' • BINGO .16 FOWL .- 4 SHARE -THE -WEALTH GAMES Proceeds For Kindergarten Class Sponsored by St. Peter's and St. Mary's PTA THURSDAY, OCT. 6 - 8:30 P.M. AT LEGION HALL - ADMISSION $1.00 - Children Under 16 Not Permitted To Play Cash Games • DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD RESUMES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 Busic By DAVID LEE KING THE APOSTLES Admission $1.00 Per Person Dancing 9 - 12 NOW 'BOOKING CHRISTMAS AND WINTER PARTIES CATERING • • Phone 524,9371 or 524-9264 EXETER KINSMEN S Twelfth Annual HARVEST JAMBOREE Friday Oc t. 7 EXETER ARENA 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. JOHNNY DOWNS '8i HIS .11 -PIECE BAND 5 tuneful hours of variety - everything from the music of Glenn Miller to a Go -Go DOOR PRIZES SPOT DANCES PARKGODERICH. THEATRE at ea Es so to 1 um um am um ow or a a Imo First Run Fil.vas In ir-Conditioned Comfort THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY OCT, 6-7-8 ALL Hail FOR THE FIRSTTIME ONTHE SCREEN IN COLOR! £jIiii1EST•8llRTWARO COLOR by DE LUXE Batman at 7:30 p.m. Only 20th Centurylo? presents AN AARON ROSENBERG pRogutriom OF WaL%Mimic It' starring SS RKER . Smoky at 9:30 p.m. Only 2 BIG SHOWS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Saturday At 2:00 P.M. -Complete Show MON., 'TUE., WED. OCTOBER 10-11-12 eettaiit tAilitentriiirgrie•ARTHUR HILL•JANET LEIGH PAMELA TImN ROBERTVAGNER• SHILEYNI!!11.57.3 WM GEM14 tanusno adeatranisstai TiaitinrITSAViSiortala.*ER It Adult Entertainment SHOW TIME_3:30 and 9:30 P.M. THURS., FRI., SAT. OCTOBER 13-14-15 too SHOW TIME 7:30 and 9:30 P.M. Saturday Matinee at 2:15 ••