HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-09-22, Page 7• • A. Soccer Assoiation En ds Secison. Goderich Minor Soccer As- oeiation has completed a sue= eessful season the Iasi. game of the schedule was Sept. 14. The skill and enthusiasm .dis- played by the boys in their first year in soccer was tremendous and the indication is that soccer in this area is here, to stay, ' Legion Cherubs" won the championship, having lost only one game during the 15 -game 6chedule. Most of the games were keenly contested and rivalry between the teams was indicated by the amount of en- deavour that was. displayed dur- iag the games. The scoring race was won by Gorci Fisher (14) (Legion Cherubs), followed closely by Ron Farrish (10) (The Knights). Considering that soccer is a low points scoring .game, these play- ers showed a lot of power in .the process of scoring their GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET 32.OZ. BICKS SWEET MIXED PICKLES GIANT SIZE — REDEEM YOUR COUPONS BOLD QT. SIZE CANADA DRY Ginger Ale & Wink 2 ROLL PACK ' 53c 91c PLUS DEPOSIT 5 FOR 1. TOILET TISSUE 2 FOR 49c 64 -OZ. — . 6c OFF • JAVEX :• MEAT SWIFTS LAZY MAPLE BACON VAC PAC' !1/IENERS. SWIFTS FULLY COOKED BROW • 39t La 1.09 55c & SERVE 8.0Z. 4 5C SAUSAGE STEAKETT.ES. • PRODUCE COOKING APPLES LB. 59c • • 3 LaS, 39c MAC APPLES POPULAR PRICES OPEN EVERY DAY UNTIL 6 P.M. OPEN FRIDAY'S TIL 9 P.M. i goals. • FINAL STANDING W L T F Cherubs 11 1 3 36 11 2 Knights ... 9 3 3 32 13 Hearts ..., 4 8 3 16 28 Victorians 1• ' 13 1 16 44 F 21 1 3 In competition for the Legio cup, Which is a sudden Beat tournament, the Victoria n brought off the upset of th season by beating the Chercb 2.0. In the other semi-final :h Knights beat the Lion Hearts The final game between th Knights and Victorians w somewhat spoiled by storm Weather and blustery winds The Knights came out winner 2-0, in a game which could hay been won by either side. The Goderich Miner Bocce Assoc, was. assisted by_ se.rvic clubs- and others who officiate at the. games. n h s e s, e e as y s, e r e d • (Sift° Boosters` Stag Party Viewed .As "Zest . Ever" Held The local hockey season made its unofficial debut last Satur- day night with, what Booster Club officials have described as their "best ever" stag and buffet dinner. The, affair, held to raise funds to operate Goderich's Junior Hockey club, saw a large turn- out of ticket holders, and many last minute requests for tickets had to be turned down as the 500 available had been sold. The food, prepared under the direction of "Chefs" Jinn Wilkin- son, was, as one gourmet put it, "good and plentiful.!' Prizes totalling $1,000 were won, by 22 ticket holders. Win- ne>r-s-of $25 --each ':vire William Doggett, Lyle each, Ivan Lemon, John E. Needham, Leo Don't make a move to redecorate until you've seen the fabulous new Arborte Decorator Guide Introducing Home Decorating without tears! • Down at our store a great new service awaits you from Arborite. It's the Arborite Interior Decorator Guide — a big, ingenious, exciting lett that takes the risk out of Home Decorating. You can see exactly how the Arborite decorative laminate you choose - or the colour scheme you want — will work out 'in your kitchen, your home ... before you spend any money! Drop in and see. for yourself how easy it is. The Arborite Interior, Decorator ,Guide. McArthur & Reilly 0 WEST STREET Baker, Barry Kinahan, Gor' Glousher, Mug MacDonald, W. J. Denamme, Bruce Lockhart, Joe Durnin, Ted' Sallows, Bert Robinson, Ron Carter, Bob Needham, Herman Shoemaker, William Duncan, Don 1ViaeKay, John Thurlow and Frank Smith. The official winner of the grand prize of $500 was' Barry Doak on a privately arranged agree- ment made between the two men when their tickets were the only two remaining. The Booster Club is meeting this week to make the final selection of a coach for this year's a, and prospects for another good season of junior hockey are bright. Club Picks Officers HOLMESVII,,LE— Holmesville Homemaking Club met Sept. 17 at the old school to, organize for the new season. The leaders are Mrs: Eldon Yeo and Mrs. Frank Yeo. Officers are president Wendy Bird, vice - president Nancy Ginn, Secretary Carpi Angus, press reporter Carol Steppe. The next meeting will be 'Oct. 1. Carnation Co. Ltd. plant at Holmesville, Friday, set in 'mo- tion its new irrigation system to their fall, Thankoffering Oct. sprinklers ._.are set up behind the 'plant on the Lloyd Bontl farm' 4 Paul Cudmore of the R.C.M.P. at Vancouver is vacationing at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cudmore. Dawn Grigg returned Satur- day evening from --an Avon. Products-fturrto' Montrea?.-;- Mr. and Mrs: Francis'Cantelon and family attended the 40th Wedding anniversary celebra- tions of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crummett of Seaforth. The dinner. was held at Dan' •Grummett's restaurant in. Wingham. The U.C.W. ,met on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. A. J. Mowatt -illustrated a talk on Hawaii with pictures he Clad taken while on a trip around the world. The business was conducted by Mrs. D. Gliddon, f'vtce;presi- dent. The allocation of clothing was. read by the supply convener Mrs. M. Grigg. An invitation from Bayfield U.C.W. to attend dispose of wash water. The 11 was accepted. The fall bazaar is .set for Nov. '9, Int was decided to hold part of the bazaar at the old school next door. ' The baking, produce and 'candy booths will be at the school. The sewing and Christmas booths, as well as tea tables; salad •supper and take-out meals at the church basement as usual. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. B. Walter, Mrs. G. Ginn and •Mrs. B. Whitely. AST • '+7'.•,stfi'ray.•'.j)r'7rr+,:}:•+ii{/?;;i.:%i.+•:> Ti:?r:$:..;:y:: ,.... 23A R6P4 .. 1. /� r, '{r/•; r �•.. `Y•`r: .lf',�rp.. ••' rr 'f..f ru�%'i� i ,... �,r rf�r �. err.. r +..✓,'; �.!• f' r ..yr.%;r'o: %; :oak •1...�.,.fiy.%k/er ...,. .......•,; ;/;c :•'H?r ri.# <•> w: /'. r !cif:�i://r.'•r::SG$::.^••l.:�ir.:io.:ifs/ :•:•:.:2w'%wS:s r ,;. , .'oar ,,;��•%��'Y''�,a�.r`2%'r.'s• co • afj ,..•^. f.:•:.;.ra+Y,S' <Y!`fl',14: ;:':G,rs$/`;;:r ./ r r?'Y'rY+. gs L' •Nr•':i :iY"'Y':yd+..,l`;:�rrj?•.}, rryJ?,$�% ��. +%' •!.``,+�j+`S OS }a{,rijrr .. •>' irr� :/.frrf r fes... t�l/f�'�'C�lr4'�Ofs/ 1.33 SAVE UP FALCONS FAIRLANES FORD CUSTOM TUDORS & FORDORS MUSTANGS * L=T -D TO $1000.-0 ON THE SPOT FINANCING CUSTOM FORD TUDOR 2395 A six -cylinder standard, finished in Antique Bronze; two-year warranty. Licenced and ready for the' road. Serial No. 202255. . TOP TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES EXAMPLE GODERICH MOTORS LT 35 SOUTH ST.. DELIVERED D. Open Evenings For Your Convenience 524-7308 P . Cards of Thanks PALMER-140,4(4.--Mo. A. Wil- xner and• Miss A. Mills would like to thank their friends for the acts of kindness which have helped make their holi- day such a happy oeeasien. 37x HEL ' IC. --4X wish to express sincere thanks to my friends, neighbors and relatives for the cards, flowers, treats and, visits' while I was a patient in •St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Special thanks to 1)r. W. Fraser, Dr, R. C, Wilson, and the nurses on fourth floor for their kind and thought- ful 'attention. Mrs. William Helesic. 37 G. Coming Events A series of prenatal°, classes will begin Wednesday, October 5th,_ 1966, at 2:00 _pan. at. Knox Presbyterian Otihurch, Goderich. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on the above date or phone the Health Unit, Goderich 524-7441, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 37-8 FOWL SUPPER—Wednesday, Ostober 5, at six p.m., St. Geo- rge's parish hall, sponsored by Evening Guild, $1.75 per plate. 37 ,Goderich District Collegiate Institute annual commencement exercises Friday, November 4, 8:00 p.m. 37-8 The regular meeting of the Home and School Association will be held at Victoria School, Ti,lesday, September 27. 37 Benefit dance for Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Hallam, Friday, Sept. 23, Auburn Community Hall. Music by Black Hawks Orchestra. 37 Rummage Sale .— Saturday, Sept. 24, at 1:30 p.m. in St. George"s Parish Hall. Auspices of St. Andrew's Group. For pick-up call 7967. -- -- 36-7x- TEESWATER FALL FAIR Follow the crowds to TEES - WATER, home of Canada's.Larg- est Rural Fair on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. See Canada's finest livestock, 4-H, machinery,. rides and Miss Dominion of Can- adan. Ontario Provincial Police motorcycle precision ride 'fea- tures two complete grandstand shows; Canada's 48th Highland- ers Pipe Band and Dancers in attendance. See Mr. Flowers demonstrating in arena with the craft folk. Floor show and dance Saturday night in arena to music of The Debohaires. 36-7 'Young Joins Centennial Fling Morris Young, president of the Highland Dancing and Pip- ing Association, has beep select- ed by the RCAF to in the pipe band in Ottawa to,take part in the centennial tattoo which the armed forces will be putting on in .1967. Mr: Young will be travelling from coast to coast in Canada to take part in 40 tattoo's,' Th Goderich Signal -Star, Tktu'sday, SepteMber 1066 Social. Notes In And Around Town Mrs. Ivan Papernick and Larry travelled to ' Orillia re- cently to visit Mrs, Paperniclt's daughter, Frances. o o o Mr. and Mrs; Alex Smith have returned home after a six-week holiday in the Maritimes. 0 to to Mr. and Mrs. W. Gdrdon Muir; 247 Elgin Ave., West, are com- bining business and ;pleasure on a trip to Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austraia, Prance and Scotland. They are scheduled to return in tree week . `� • 0 4' 4 a , Mr, ° and Mm. Bill .!:Ticks . and family visited with Mr. and lis. 14u15 Fulford, Helen and Iten during their va;eatiun. ° fir. 0 yrs. ' 'Wilf Good. an,, Susan and David, haveretied lime to Belleville after*ling the summer with her parents herd while LAC Wii'f Goodman was in Dusseldorf; Germany. BUILDING FOR SALE OR RENT ON THE SQUARE — MODERN APARTMENT — Write Box 55, Signal Star. Goderich Community Concert Association SERIES. '66 '67 October 15, 1966 =— Fou Go Dacing December 5, 1966 — Mildred Dilling May 2, 1967 Canadian Opera Company The Clinton District' Collegiate Institute Board Requires Instructors for Night Classes To Be Held at Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton As Advertised In This Issue Applications To Be Forwarded To The Undersigned Not Later Than 30th September, 1966 Mr. R. J. Homuth,,. B.A., Principal, • Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, Ontario., . 37-38 Glenayr HAS WINNING WAYS IN PURE WOOL CARDIGAN—Yes, you too can be a winner in this eye-catching 100% English Botany full-fashioned cardigan with three-quarter sleeves It's fully machine -wash- able. Picture yourself first in line every time in this . oxford grey-` sweater with light grey trim around the collar and V -neckline. - SIZES 36.42 $13.98 SKIRT—Enhance 'your wi,nnrnq ways 'with either a perfectly - matching or contrasting fully -,lined skirt of 100% pure woo!' worsted, woven' from superfine English Botany. Ory-cleanable.,Dyed to - perfectly -match any Kitten !3otany wool sweater! r ° SIZES 10-20 $16.98 L‘t-PN PURE VIRGIN WOOL Look for the Woolmark on the label when you shop THE lti 4 5 4 ,v SHOPPE" THE SQUARE — GODERICH 1