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The Exeter Advocate, 1892-2-4, Page 8
Ot'.t109:11911,\, Special—Draw aline from the Lake Shore directly east to ]. iirpou Furl then by way of Staffa and droiu rty to Ful- lerton and Eussek1ale, then south to Kirkton and Wootlhiun thea west again to elandcboyeand terminating by way of McGuire, Keene Ottrtnel,Corbet't end Greenway etGrand Bend you have the outside Boundary of the field which THE iviARrr ,aims to cos^car tvitia its goods ,.its. ,ens tamers. To 'secure , this we `neve to keep tt large supply aud ceittat 1y are, not fa'i'lingaintins 'respect. tach 'stores Is literally ,ceteeded with 'goods atilt Holiday Stock ready for sedlears of Mil - Way Gifts. Every desireala'le thing'rttc could think of has been 'Pieced to Melt our customers wants and no we 'Mt dial'ly'inetite them and their friends to roll and pass a pleaau`sltn`t :half 'hone in Booking *rough, . Wene'`•i'sh . to , eke ,our stem wo Rhyef :�1I� X115 llslil'�5 �tl. •S��e Both t ><~ s :end now with little :fear ask 'foe ttheir verdict. T11$. 'MART. Mzeter. tOCAi. • " `af` NG5. Several caeeslefesetaelet feyereare re - ;ported in the village. Blacksmith coal mud estove .teal ° at ¢Cobbledick and Fdila;nd;s. See the a ll =esiiin tctory, avid white ,cotton at the Big Beeskr,upt Stare. Roofing as d.ea've ttt ougiiiug r spec iality at Cob'4iaedick.and Folioed's. Our town +eiock, .after undergoing !repairs, is agertn 1L tinning char. If you want :a fiiotelass farneen easy terms call on John:'Spackman, 'Exeter.. Don't buy e:din-ifcue ingb,fore youl: w seethe �tac at Cobbled'ick. and 9'olland's. Rememberthe Big Bankrupt `'*tore will be closed. all day Friday. Look .out for Bargaies. Builders twilit finditit to their ielttenest to call on Co•1slbteaiclnend Polland .: be fore placing ;Gsaear order. 'THERE IS NO BETTER remedy; or ,worms of any ;rind in.:.haiidren or :tsd- tults than Do Low's Worm .Se-rup. ersora shoti • . i i S uld � 1 on Cobble- . Obl:u.; ••dick and Foliandts.and:see the fineet -oisplay of hardware:tntehe county. A number of our ladies are at pree-i _ent trying to make arra ngements fora; pancake social. of (Sheave Tuesday). Popularly called the king of merit- eines—Hood's Sarsaparilla. It conquers screentle, salt rl.euni, and ztiother blood diseases. The woncler:s of the: monograph 'acre;again exhibited at Hick 's Jewell- ery Store during the latter part of the past week. . Coed news for : cash buyo_•-', the greatest:sacri ice sale ever held an Ex- eter opens at the Big Bankrupt Store Saturday. atuz -av�- . . MILBU tN'S ' BEEF, IRON AND WINE is 4prepared from fresh beef, eel- uble iron. and.pure sherry wine, cone - bleed vitlr ;choice aromatics. NIessi•s c or Charles Seni • and E. H. Slackm un, two former residents of ,Exeter, are bolh ,members of the coun- cil for the town of Blenheim'' for the year 1892. Revival services are being carried on in the James Street Methodist ehurcliat present by the pastor, ,as- sisted by the rembes of the church. Everybody should atte=nd. The Ladies Guild of the Tri vitt Me- morial church will meet at the res:- clem%of-tlie president,:Mrs. A. Q. Bob ici, this after•uooi,,-(Thnrsday).::As many 28 can are invited to be 'present. Tlae;sittings of the Division Court will be held for the current year in Exeter en the folstaving •dates:—Febru- ary Lech, April 18th, June 13th, Aug- ust 15th, October 17th, and December` 19th. Cobbledick and Follancl have recur ed Mr. Alex. Fersytlt to conduct their tinware department. Mr. Forsyth, was for a long time to the employment of William Folla.nd and is well known through the country. Owing to a severe attack of la grippe Mr. D. W. Foss, baker, .Hensel!, has been unable to attend to his duties and. his brother, of Godcrich, has been de- livering bread in the village during the past week. Although, very ill he is olowly recovering; The death of Rey. Charles'" 'redden Spurgeon took place at Mentuue, at 11.05 on Saturday night. Of late years he has been a great sufferer from gout. and recently the disease attacked' his head, culminating iri death The re- mains will be taken to England for burial. Mr. !Matthew Iirelland is now offering his hotel property for sale, The prem- ises are situated 2e miles south of Exe- ter and comprise 13 aeras of land, a large two store; frame building, good frame stable with shed attaelied, and all atter necessaries that are required* for the benefit of the public. Full par- ticulars can be had by applyirt to the proprietor. Ort Satutdav lea a runaway horse knocked Mee. Mitchell, of to.lericn, un- conscious and ciit her head severely,' She is at 0'e8011t in the-hospittil' ender. gotng• treatment and lie wounds are considered dangerous. She is the mother of .Jo ui'- 1iftchell, proprictorof the Ooaeodo d S'f".r, and Chargee Mitch ell, proprietor of the Ottawa J"r'C.e .I'r•eSs. At the time of the nccident site Was on her way to Windeor, whore she hnd been called to the death bed, of her -son • jn•la ,Jelin Edlraiehf. Groceries, Boots and Stioes, and over- shoes are some of the bargains at the Big Bankrupt Store Tho many friends of Mrs Robt Hugh, es, of Hensallwill regret to hear of her severe illness. Vast week she met with an accident in which she received an injury to her head by falling. Medical help is delete all that can be done in reettsitating; her from: the malady which is likelyy to follow, and she is now slow ly- i1npovtug. ITittring the past week the plans and Spec tcations for the erection of a brick 'bleck for Snell Bros. have been passing 'tilttt.ough the hands of a number of oars 'tteeeltanics.: They are to be of brick, 'two storey high, and the same design -as the store nowoccupiofi by William Southcott Ta=e contract for the mason work has been let' to Mr. Wm. Heward for the sum of ef08:00 Girl Wanted A good girl wanted at ouee for which liberal wages will be Paid Apply to Central Hotel Exeter. ]Nor oe cents. Yon can get the Exeter `Advocate",. Medical Adviser and Farm Help seat to any person fn Amer;ice. Only one pi•iee for two papers, Now is , yoitr time to subscribe. Aeoidei t. On Tuesday afternoon while Mr Wesley Bissett was engaged working around a machine called the shaper in Verttv's Foundry he happened with the misfottutze of getting his thumb jammed : Tse injured member was so badly squeezed that the shattered bone was taken away in small pieces. It has been properly cared for, and 'it is thought'ltat Mr. Bissett will ' not 'lose any post+tion of his thumb. ' . A well filled house ;greeted the "Piz- SlaaW'IIkLtsIIamtBrooks, son of "Wel aa; n ados" on Friday eveletng last at Lim- Brooks, collar maker, Exeter North is. eriek. Tire•songs•of Will F. McNulty at pe sent very ill with 'consum'ption brought forth 'roars of laughter from He has been ailing foresonae time but the auhesiioeandtbe'renditions 'given _a aresh cold has hastened the disease by the young ipegple from this village Mies, Thomas Sheathe has been eonfin- won many :raundsstf applause during ed:•tm her bed during The ;past vveek. the evening. '©n the who1e he concert ',filth malaria fever. aleas still ill but was s ',mimeos. +lirwly recovering trona 'the ;attack,-' ThelBiaadostedish to nettuln many ,]kiss, John Smallacem'e is recovering thacnl s?te" Father Reale for the kind l- Really doom her late illness of •rheu�ruatism:— pees:Shown them during their -visit aft' her. -Irving Armstrong is at present M®eiaitil"armel. ' nfined to his bed with an ulcerated All ethe tobaccos except the finest throat.—Mr. Thomas Sweet •Sr., has re- covered froua his ;illness and is able 'to flee around mice mere. Bev Bees- Viagorrie 'hsve.a pungent effect upon: this tongue -anti will ;-sm r+t it if tire' awaking !is `long continued. Some Oft them (even will blister: it, or at leant; desbras its ,ouster 'skin :at the p*inti where the :smeke inipiriges upon '%t. Tete)" tyrtle cavy" is entirely free, Tuesday e'venang was not as well at= from eiiisidefeet, shic'h,ogether rviit1'tended as it would have been had the rt 'fine :full iavor.-makes it a great: favorte �eiithtainokens. Owing to the bad .state ,Of the weath- er the sale of monk and ,concert given by the Busy Bees in the 'Mown Hall on: 'The feountyeneeting.ef L. 0. L. we. held ihereein h'riesdaytin the Odd'fello, Hall. There 'werewerese it 85 county officers ,ef thotorder, 'The order -in •tee. counter waze:reported:to be progressing. The if dowing -Officers mem a elected's—A M. Totedecounty:master; Wm..Minere," Wan. W]� Depteo. Mestere V end 3.. •Ch L y� eiP Stephenson Kin. Sec.. R ak ei Caiteion, Rec. Sec., John Beacom. Treasurer :Iti wazdeeided•to<celebrate, the 12th of, July meat ,in!Qoderieh where monster preparations:e,re •being ,made. George I3.,G. Hawthorne, of London, was smothered air the St. Clair tunnel on Satneday. The eause:of the sacci dent was the breaking -of th.e.car.coup ling in about 1Ihe centre of the great underground passage. The gas •arcs in from the .eate>:il�tistaaUn of coal al had been too much for him, •:and as there was no one zeal ban he :was overcome by the dense atmosphere. It is said. they were in the : tunnel about two hours before being taken out Deceas- ed was eceas-f.d.was well known: and leigh'.yeespeet- The residence of our town constable, Mr: James Creech, was made the scene of a pleasing and interesting event on Wednesday, eyening, 27th ult., it being the marriage of his second daughter, Thirza F., to 1VJr. Frank Ilandcock, of Emerado, Dak., formerly of this place. The ,Rev. Mr. Russell solemn- ised the nupital knot in. the presence of a few of the contracting parties most intimate friends. She bride was supported by her sister, ` Jessie, and the=groom's right hand man was Sid- ney Handcock. The presents were numerous and coaly. We join 'with. their many friends in e ishing the newly- i y atrteti couple every happiness this world can afford. The following is clipped from the Paynesville News and relates to former residents of this 'pltce•—On Tuesday afternoon last at the corner, turning to Mr. IL F. Sheldon's:farm, Was seen a heap of all sorts; old` clothes, crinoline, muffs, buffalo robes; Vegetables, a cut ter upside clown, almost e runaway horse, and two women looking as though a whole host of redskins were after then. We nae pleased to state that the,ciear:women got home safe and sound with the exception of a few slight bruises. If any one asks `yoit who told the above, do not let on, as in case we say anything about it, we are in danger of being laid out with rolling pins, mop stick, flat irons and several other light (?) articles of domestic use, by Mrs Jim Henderson and our wife. William lfutart; of .this place, clini-g- ed with stealing a coat and :two hairs erica. on Saturday morning after• at - weather been sine. Mr. N. Dyer Hurd - on acted as chairman for the evening and assisted in ,earning ,e,at the pro- gram, whieth consisted cif:reeitations by Miss Jackelel, violin •aelecciaans by Mas- ter Judson Davason,:and ;singing by the little f slks. Tke proceeds amount- ed to $37, c'biciu es within three dollars of the sum aslbed Lor to,olear the debt a off the carpet andv' matting. The - ming. u y people wish to return thanks to those who so kindly asci sted them at their en- tertainment and in clean=ing away a debt of, $200. reseed Away. During the past week many <deaths have occurred in and around Exeter. On the 28th ult. the infant son, of Wm. -end 'Christiana Southcott, died after, a brief illness. The remains were inter- red in the Exeter cemetery on Sunday afternoon. e eon. Ther eassed' p away at his.. residence on Thursday last week Wm. Perkins aged 71 years and 8 months. Being born in Devonshire and having grown to manhood, he married Eliza_ beth Rudd, when they moved to ` Bela- tol. Residing in that city for abosat--,.-5 years, and not feeling satisfied, 'MMe. Perkins came to Canada to •-seek for himself a hale. Two years afterivard he returned for his wife and brouo•ht her out and settled in the county of Halton where he only remained for; a short time. He then cane into the township of Usborne, where he remain ed until he became a resident of this village, about 11 years ago.. Forenany years he led a christian life, his ,poli- tics being of a reform' -nature. He leayes a wife axed :family ofsix children to meet the loss,' but in very comfort- able circumstances.. The remains were inteiicci in the Exeter `cemetery on Saturday afternoon; many friends in attendance. After living to a ripe old Mtge there died at her son's. ,rest dance on Tuesday -,.Catherine Cameron, relict of the late George' McLeod, Esq., having had only a brief illness. De- ceased had reached the age of 88 years and 9 •months, and being physically weakened readily gave way before the now prevailing disease. She was a member of Caven Presbyterian church and was a worthy deservedly woman, and was much and deservedly respect ed by all who kness her. The remains will be interred in the Exeter ceme- tery on Thursday afternoon at two o clod:.. ecotone]. meantime Mr. Thomas•Ching,. Jr.,. of ,Toronto, returned to his home again on Satur- day morning.—George -;Weekes, of Chicago, was visiting in the village for a few days last week, returning again on Thursday.—iltessrs. W. Bewdeia and, Hugh Spackman returned from God - of mite. from George Bawden, was tending the session • of the. Comity brought before Judge Tows in. the Council.—;Mr. E. J: Spackman left on Saturday to visit his brother in- Bien'- heint on Sunday aria afterwards , visit- ed Detroit before•returning. Mr: John Bowden left this week to tied his'Iwo- .county judge's criminal court on Sat, 'urday, 23rd inete The prisoner pJeFd- ed guiltyto this charge end to another of caJ;iryirib a loaded revolver. Yester- day lie was senterrced to three months a then. in Ilidgetown.—'\Ir. Daniel .Davis wife and family were the, guests of Mr. and Mrs,,Stcinbach, of Zurich, on San- day.—ivlr. Walter Evans, of Mitchell, is in town on a short vacation. Ile looks to be'nuch improved in health since his last visit. We understand he intends leaving shortly for Detroit.- Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Clark, of Clinton. were hereon Sunday attending the funeral of her brother's child. Mr. Wn. Anning, Jr., nephew of Wm. .An- ning, Carling street, is here from Mich gen on a short vacation. -Messrs. Wm and John Ilandcock. and "their wives leave to day (Thursday)• for' Enteredo, Dakota, where they are both • engaged: in business. -Mrs.` D.' Steinbach and son Robert, of Zurich, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cr, Dyer this week. ---Master Henry Rows is at present visiting. inIlarnilton.—Misses Ann and 'Eliza Nestle of Sharon, ere, v eliting in Iainiton, Burford and other places.=- -i ih. Folland is at present in Toronto on beeinees•---lir. Cable, of SSeafc rte , has beefs engaged by Mr. John Treble to work at hal-boss reeking for a time owing to an increase in trade. Mr, C comes well recommended and we welt come him to our midst,—Mr. .licherd Richardson, brother of Ames and Rob, ore Richardson, arrived here on Wed. needey morning from the ccnnty Thera, Nebraska, US. He bee been in gaol at hard ldine.' on each charge, the sentences to coneurren.lj', On Monday of last wee. Judge Tonus' had before him William Johnston, of Ailsa Craig. who was charted with stealth., a gold chairs and several articles of clothing from John T. Shipway, of Ail - ea Craig. Johnston brought the stolen property into Stephen township, where he was errested by constable Gill. He was taken before Charles Snell, J. P. and committed for trial. On Ivfonclay he pleaded guilty and was remanded until Saturday for sentence, when he was sentenced for six month in Cent. ral Prison. Payeut Iraarttoestetl. All accounts due us must be settled on or before Much 1st, 1892, or they* will be placed in the hands of our 'sol icitor for collection. PISSnee BRADS. vrantee., Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the loading boot ai,nd shoe store next door to the post :office. Ct. Manson, :afire, WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! The Exet- er Salt Worke Co. require fifteen ltuat- dtcd cords of soft wood, clay fund green. Will pay the highest price. Per fur- ther pa.rticuiers' apply to David Neill. '1.13. Ceitlet,elO, SecdtO ab.;ent from this neighborlicod fore nearly ten years and has now become closely attached to the customs of our friends. Americanrds.i Public School IDoaril lat'inmtes Jan. 20 --Board met at the house of the Sect etary, absent W. 'Treble, Items passed:—Declaration of office by H, h, Huston and W. D. Weekes—per T. Fit- ton and Dr, Lutz, H. E. Huston to "pe chairman—per T. Fitton and r pies kin, . Lute to e .treasurer -per T. FittonDrand W. Hobskin, d, Grigg to be secretary—pet '1 Fitton and Dr Lutz, W. Hoskin tet be a wood committee—by resolution, the Board to be a visiting committee -per T Fitton, adjournment. ADZ'osyRN sn SESSION—Jan. 20—Meet- ing held at she house of the Secretary, absent, W. Treble. Items passed, min Utes of previous meeting -per T. Fit- ton and W. Hoskin, that the' chairman and Dr Lutz be a committee to wait on the council in furtherance. of a resolut• ion to prevent street wandering by child ren after 9 phi per; T. Fitton find: Ds. Lutr,A. Fukes a/c for Desks $7 be paid; T. Fitton and W. Hoskin, that the In• spectors favorable report as read be adopted; per D Lutz and W. Hoskin, that ate official visits of the Board and eegslar meetings be paid and; held as 'denting 1891, viz: on the first , Monday of each month at 9.30 a. m: and 8p ta.3 per TFitton,that payment of the school auditors Would form an unwise preced anti per Dr. Lutz 'and W. Hoskin, that W. D. Weekes be added to the Fire Pro- tection Com; per T. Fitton, adjourn- anent.—J Gs time+, Sec'y. FIVE 'HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given for a ease . of Catarrh wench cannot be cured permanently Clark's Catarlii Curd.'- Step right lap to the office:and ',prove your case and get your reward. Thousands have dried this remedy, but no one has elaamed the roweled, because it cures 3n .every case. If you have a cold .or ate troubled with Catarrh, ask your druggist for Clark's Catarrh Cure, ;pride 50 cente, and see what a'rpleasant Belief at will be instantly. If you are asked • to take something else, send to us direct, .andw, e will send you a bottle by mail on receipt of price. ,Clark Chemical Co.. Toronto New York. NOW IS TIM TIME TO BiJY YOUR FAL[. LOTHI}UTI S3,000.00 1V011TH0 TO BE CLEARED THIS NEXT 30 DAYS AT LESS THAN WIIOLESALE PRICE. If you Kant a Child's, Boys or,, Man's Suit Overcoatand' i11d PtZ lltS &: c call and see our big stock. Tha 6t i TTN1 CI-WOSE .7110M. E. J. SPA ChMAN CO. SAMWELL'S BLOClc, EXETER. - ONT &1RIt) LLAII Os H wadhed Cents,. you have a right to expect that value for it. To give you more no legitimate business man 00,11 and make money- and ]1011evands we realize that to do it we :Aust give Value received. We simply tell you ouF goodsare e GrIVEN ,AWAY so low have we mark ed down the prices. We guarantee every article as represented. We are just through Stock ock Taking and find we have aquantity of od ds and ends that we will sell at halfprice. All winteroods will l be sold at a discount of 10r cent for or cash. , AqquantitYof Men's, Boys and Youth's overcoats at cost By honest dealings we hope your contin- ued patronage will be earned. CARLINGB BROS. For Sale. A. desirable residence in ExeterNortb, new frame house, one -fifths acre of land. The house was erected in 1888. Q•ood terms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 148-t $:59000.00. —All persons who want CHEAP MONEY. at 5x, 6 and G,- PER CENT should call —at the -- Office of R xi. coy '== OOT N. FIOWE Has been appointed sole agent for the TSE DANANOOLIE DRY EtiRTH CLOSET. Cheap, �, compact and a splen- did p len- � did arrangement for a bed- room. A want in every house- hold e- s hold ` supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. JIellsallP Palace B aka r Y A D. W. Foss Proprietor of the. Palace Bakery', Hensel], wishes to. inform the citizens of ,XE... -F1 IR that he visits the village Every Wednesday & Saturday Afternoon with a supply of FIRST-CLASS BREAD & BUNS. All orclers left with GEORGE SAND - Las will be promptly attended to, and from whom bread can be ` had : at all times. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. GIVE IIE' A TRIAL AND BE ` CONVINCED. D. W. FOSS Bak ,r„ llezisall. EXETER STILL TO THE FRONT And if you don't believe it call at Ross v Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER- YARD and you will be "convinced that they leave th'•e,Largest and Best Stock of all kinds of.Building Materials' in this sec- tion of country,and at the'los:est prices.. Shingles a Specialty, having a large stock on hand we are prepared to meet .the keenest competin ion as to price or clitality; We, have se • - cured the right to Manufacture and. d. : Sell Merriams celebrated Baking Cab- inets. Call and see them and be con- vinced of their merit. ROSS S, TAYLOR, Main Sb.;Exeter DR USE IT F*R Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest 'Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumption Bronchitis,Weak Lungs Asthma, Coughs hs Catarrh, Colds 'Oxygenized Emus ion of Pure .• WjaCr.I$1.T.S.