The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-09-15, Page 10a` The Goderieh Signat-Stari Tbiladv, September 16„ 1966 The B1ue. Thumb By G. MacLEOD RQSS 0 e f the symptoms "which tan Arms firm for the assassin- of any unbiassed mad that the characterizes a dictatorship is the introduction of a scape-goat. When° "planning" by a self -an- ointed train trust has failed, it is lime to .create a diversion. These take. nlany forms. Ger- 'many found the Jews; Russia its leaders. Indoneasia declared War. • 'Egypt stole the Canal. Italy massacred the Eritrean& Canada, still employs massive doses of appeasement. He who shout is loudest and threatens to disrupt the whole fabric of na- tional life; he must be placated —at the expense even of you and L The 'provinces: Ontario, Quebec and 'British Columbia find their goat in theatening the federal government. - In North America, now that the shadow pf the Great Society is lessening, the favorite butt is big business. The malevel- ent collectivist mind attacks the goose that lays the golden eggs. The 2,800,000 share -owners of the 'huge American Telegraph. and Telephone Co. are served with a demand for information on its inner workings 1,vhich will cost thein millions of dollars. worth of unprodustion labor and jeopardize its operations for 20 years. The widows and orphans of this coropanrhave had their investment re -valued by a mere 22 per cent in 1966 alone. However, the most carefully prepared and waged assault has been directed against the auto makers: General Motors, Ford: and Chrysler. This took the subtle form of iblarniffg- the au- tomobile for road accidents. Possibly the first recorded in- stan6'e of an object being blamed for its action in the hands of its owner. It would have-lieen Ital- ation of President Kennedy. The quip that no one was ever ruin- ed by a logolt was discounten- anced by the support given .by the U.S. senate committee to "'Unsafe at any Speed." As a result, the 1,300,000 General Motors share -owners saw their investment shrink by 35 per cent. Onehundred law snits Were bIbIlkIragainst the eor- poration involving $40,000,000 in claims relating to the Ciar; vair car. This will give you some idea how the troops of IVIidian prowl and prowl around. To date, the corporation has lost not a suit. In a recent find- ing the judge ruled: "the only reasonable conclusion the court can draw from the evidence is that when average drivers ap- proach the limit of a ear's con- trol -by driving a curve too fast, it 'creates a dangerous risk of harm, irrespective of whether the car be a Corvair, a Falcon, a Dodge, a Cadillac or anyother enake of model." In continental Europe, where traffic casualties are far greater than here, the authorities are focussing their efforts on the driver andinbt on the car. ,If there be any doubt in the mind and aft. Call it $50 to driver is the source of an ac- 100 per car extra. dant, the Auto Club of Mich- In 1968 in the U.S. (and Can- igan has published au analysis ada is unlikely to be far behind of state-wide traffic , fatalities Big 130rotherl a smog device will over two holiday weekends. It be mandatory. Never mind that reports' that Ilene of the dead it is only in California that it wore, seat belts;. at least half !night be of use. You have had "been drinking; most of delivered your soul to Parlia- them, py the "point" system, menet and you are going to like should 'have lost their licences. it. Call. it a further $50 per Driver Pays • car. This last abortion has been Whilst yeti may feel no oc- called "a batten dollar hoax." casion to shed tears on behalf The advice is intricate, needs of the share -owners of Amer- constant attention and service lean TeL and Tel, or of the and may have adverse' effects auto Urns, yon, the car -buyer, on the performanee of 4lie en7 are going to pay the, collectivist gine. So this Unholy all4a0 piper. For, as far as future between t,he doctrinaire scient- models are concerned, your ist and the demagogue will en - place in the driver's seat has sure a further 000,000,000 going been usurped by "Safety." In out of the tail -pipe and down the current model, safety fea- the drain. tures will cost the car -buyer There then, are just the be - .$500,000,000 allit3he result of has- ginnings,- now that .governinent ty, ill-considered legislation. is going to decide what stand - [You may argue that we have ards aye "reasonable, practic- become used to that: federally, W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 524 11113 DAY OR NIGHT • Agent for 24 -hr. . FILM, DEVELOPING ft, b og tirthir - ucers Plari x r . PI an Club The latter calls for care- fall fairs and invariably attracts Huron Hog Producers As- speiatien sponsoring one of the Ilargest swine exhibits ever to be held, in conjunction with an ituternation.allIP laughing Match At 'this year's Match near Seaforth;' the }Wren As- sociation is taking over an en- tire building — 4,800 square feet—and devoting it to perk du,stry •displays. From Oct. 11 to 14, tens-. of-thqusands of visitors are expected to view the exhibit, which is designed to interest both producers and cen.sumersea detailed explanation about For the farmer there is to be their background. • a display of Yorkshire, Land The young farmers of Huron will have their own exhibit. This' will be a Lacombe- sow plus her litter. She is a "third generation" animal of Huron's 4-H Gilt ' Club. Beside the Lacombe display there is to be a pen of market hogs sponsored by Huron's 4-H Market Hog provincially and municipally, and no one will disagree with you.] General Motors' 1907 mo- dels will include an energy ab- sorbing steenitile column. -The braking system will have dual ,cylinders for front and rear brakes and, of course, belts ajor Oil Company Has For Sale or Lease SERVICE _ .$TAT1QN Downtown location, established gallonage. Excellent opportunity for Class A mechanic. APPLY BOX 4.1' SIGNAL -STAR 35-36-37 Enjoying the bonus -benefits of these Royal ily-banking :services? See how this check -list can help: Student loans can be discussed when ever you wish at your nearby branch. ElRoyal Bank termPlan, loans can be economically arranged for a new car, appliance or similar purchase. Savings Accounts, for steady savings and sound accumulation of interest. • Joint Accounts, for two or more • people to operate a bank acemint:to- gether. ElPersonal Chequing 'Accounts (only 10¢ cheque) le t you pay bills without disturbing your Savings Account. • BantAby-Mail facilities for those who can't call during regular bank hours. The many bonus features of Royal's family banking services are helping thousands who now use them. Whether your family is small or large, youthful or mature, you'll find all members can benefit through these carefully planned services. Ask for our useful booklet entitled "Helpful Services", today. ROYAL BAN K Consult your Royal Bank branch manager: Goderich Itranch N. S. McINTYRE, Manager race and Lacon e breeding stock. Against each pen there will be a sign explaining BOP scores and why the stock is good. SinCe more and more farm- nrs have become interested in Hybrid hogs, there is to be a pen containing a crossbred York - Lacombe sew. Bred to a Land - race boar ;she will have her, litter with her—so advanced planning.is called The sire eb housed in a pen next door. Again, there will be iutomobile. And you really be- lieved that one day SartIl you would cast off the shackles of the Lord's Day Act and the de- predations of the L.C.B4O. As Sam Blumenfeld wrote recently in the "Review of the News," The "protest" against the atamobile is a lightly dis- gtdsed protest against freedom, individualism, rationality, innov- ation and beauty." It is, pretty obvious that you will be: "Poot able and appropriate" for your' er at any Speed. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENI' 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. GOLDEN CRISP. FISH 61,. CHIPS TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 524:9375' ful timing because in the week a large number of visitors, par- . of Oct. 11-14 ,the,se animals will titularly city people mechani- have to be in the weight range of 195, pounds. Malcolm. Davidson of Bruce - field, who is chairman of the exhibit's planning committee, say S there •will be demonstra- tions of backfat probing and ultrasonic testing. These should attract both rural and urban PeoPle, he predicted. Research Workers with the agricultural college of the University of Guelph and the Ontario De- p.artment of Agriculture will make these tests. Another section of the build- ing, Mr. Davidson says, will be used to demonstrate the teletype auction system used by the Ontario Hog ProdUcers Marketing Board to sell all •of Ontario hogs. This was dia. catty inclined or accustomed to the tickertape of the Toronto Stock Exchange. in the same section is to be an exposition of ROP scor- ing and an explanation,of the ,grading system by Vfielals of the Canadian Department of Agriculture, ., Additionally, the IGA grocery chain will give a show of retail meat cutting as an explanation of retail values of various 'grades. And for the consumer, On- tario Hydro is holding cooking demonstrations of Various pork cuts'. There are two cooking shows a• day plus films. •Ms part of the building, lVir. David- son says, will have a •proper floor and seats. Ln addition it played at „other matches and will be heated. prqs;00,••••••••••••••••,..r.....m.o;7...mmoorotiotommo...ammrnmotretamor HURON CENTENNIAL 'YOUTH 'CHOIR ' A Youth Chair is being formed for Huron County as a centennial project. Here is an opportunity for the youth of Huron County' to take part in a centennial. project that will be worthwhile, challenging and enjoyable. HERE ARE THE PARTICULARS: - Open to all youth of Huron .county from age 13 to 30. — Non -denominational — 10 Voices 2L-- Music secular and religious. —„ Registration Fee $2.00 — tinder the direction of Mr. Clinton. George Cull of Central Huron Seccindary School, — Organization and first practice at 2:00 p.m., at Wesley Willis United Church, • Clinton, on September 18th. ALL• PRICES EFEECTIVE SEPT. 14.17 INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT' .TO LIMIT QUANTITIES CORONATION BUTTER 17u:4:A: oPINICEsKLES 32Z: 4t CAKE MIXES 2, TOP. VALU Flovours 1 :;,..°% '19 l2-19-Ox. ,INSTANT COFFEE 6-Oz.79 WESTON'S ICED rr KRAFT PARKAY * COLOURED MARGARINE CRISCO SHORTENING GRADE "A", GOVT. INSPECTED KADANA TEA BAGS NESTLE'S QUIK BACKS 2 t.s. moo 13Ap vitt , OF 100 eliotaciffsCHIPS LANCIA SPAGHETTI or MACARONI ftri: 39* Pkg 6 9 DAt. VID, s TRE SCatharine TOFFEE 3r1:$1.00 in 1.17 CREST TOOTHPASTE erzrZaslis 00 PKGS. $1 00 . /14,s•, „Ate:ix AN)A. . FRESH, 'BROILER (64 lb. size) 4/ • • •\ , • „ r 40'4 tecY, PRIMROSE • ▪ .4%:;"I)UTSPAN. 162's) itVI,W/04,11V1WAVIKA:4414WOVAV, SHOULDERS SHAMPOO Special tigk $1 00 HEAD & . Jar -- • WILKINSON STAINLESS SUPER SWORD BLADES Poin590. GREEN GIANT,FANCY FROZEN • VEGETABLES r*1 snAtja rE" 3 gfQ2s:$1.00 :lt,1:=,PEAStoltORNMIXED A CREME CAKEcoaravvalealliZ-g; $1,00 • NFfiiiUE FROZEN DRINK izoz. 'no TIN 47 •-•,4 TOP VALU GRADE 'A' FROZEN • LONG ISLAND (5. 64,0. SIZE) TURKEY 6.9 -LB. SIZE LB. 47DUCKLING . . Le. 591' 2 Beef or Veal Steakettes 65° R/ES 79 BURNS SWEET PICKLED I. T. , COTTAGE ROLLS vi's vAtlAc 79" LETTUCE 1 r V HEADS CARROTS • 2 .490 CAN. NO. 1 SMALL COOKING ONIONS • e lc:. 890 HOLEAND BULBSAcSOSLORTEDRs pK0,590 • TULIPS • NARCISSI • CItOCUS • HYACINTH '• 4111111011111.1. REMINGTON'S I G A C.7 o