HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-09-08, Page 13During her European tour Mrs. F. R. McGee of culled Hatfield House in England, where Queen I spent her childhcod after being banished from by her father, Henry VIII. Goderich Elizabeth th court di% 'LOWING M tk .t.• • TCH COACHING CLASSES AT 10:00 A.M. 3 COACHES WILL BE AVAILABLE EACH DAY. Sat., Sept. 10—at farm of Howard Datars, Dashwood, Lot 5, Conc. 12, Hay Township, 114 miles north of Dashwood.. Sat., Sept. 17 ---at farm of Alex Corrigan, No. 1, Bluevale, Lot 40, Conc. 2, Turnberry Township, 1 mile east of Bluevale on Hwy. No. 87. Sat., Sept. 24—at farm of Elgin Thompson, Kippen, R.R. • 3, 112 miles south of Brucefield on Hwy. No. 4. Sat., Oct: 1—at farm of George Hubbard, Blyth; Lot 40, Conc. 4, East Wawanosh, 3 miles north of Blyth, 1 mile west Hwy. No. 4. Huron County Queen of the Furrow and Inter -County Classes will -be picked from these Glasse —,Further in- formation available from Ontario Depart t of Agri- cblture, Clinton and Huron County P.lowmen' Association. Simon Hallahan, Blyth Elston Cardiff, Brussels President, Huron County Secretary, Huron County Plowmen's AssociationPlowniers_Association - 1 have been asked why, as a professional -soldier, no com- ment has appe'ared in .this col- umn on the proposals for the reorganization of the Canadian Armed Forces. ,The very .ready .answer has been that from the information of. the 'minister of defence. A number of .peeple have rushed into print and having shot an arrow of- surmiseinto the air, have proceeded to shoot it down. Some of the surmises have appeared so ludicrous that it was hard to believe that any- one, who acceded to the rank of cabinet minister, could possibly be so ignorant as to contemplate such mayhem of the. services. I Now, two army officers are Th Godc,rich SignaiStai; -ThursdaY, %SOL 0, 1066 13 TL 13 , Th b N -Regulations: 1111 By G. MacLEOD ROSS tions." This means a' harmon- first disclosure in intent we re- ious 4111.41gana of the three ser- quire iS: Is Oanada providing a vices—sea, land and air. In military , or a police force? If 1915 the commonwealth, forces, the people of Canada are not to land and sea, failed at Gallipoli he forced to bow their heads in because of lack of co-ordination. •shaine, at least for the duration The army and navy fought in of a succession of pusillanimous separate, water -tight comport- govrnment, they will insist on. a ments. Who ean forget the fighting force. (Pusillarumous is pathetic situation, when the defined as: Destitute a coinage, array commander-in-chief had to :liminess or strength of mind.) beg for a destroyer from the Material, Spiritual Royal Navy to take him to his , Expressed in its simplest . • of the rank- and file. Seniors- of one service are being arbitrarily subordinated te,-,jun, iors of another service. Officers, wishing no part of • this new "'scheme;" have asked leave to retire at once, but have been Nater Resources ..Comrnission threatened with forfeit of the Act and was published August earned portion of their peas. 13 in the Ontario Gazette. ions. Should such reports ho This regulation comes into true, they are indicative of file fc,rce July 1, 1967, withthe most irresponsihle tampering exec ptiori that the' owner or th esprit of the armed opi_:fator ,of a boat in which areeirculation, command on land? .A minor a lighting force is inade, forces. point perhaps, but symptomatic .up of weapons and Morale. Weal Mr of ,the absence of any co-oper- polls, ha v e become, and will con.11iellfly: thin iitn txt.aaril.•nPoisrtesalt.)hoa'ult ation between the two services. !inue to become, more and more' in,iots, we are I rced to the 15 Mercifully the 13ritish services , complexity demands: dkinal .conclusion that he has at least, learnt their lesson, .so lization as the only way :;i led to disecr,i tfiL drtrertAte- that, hen their major .trial , pruvto, efficient operalion. ;),,.vieen flesh and bloo:1, and a came on the Normandy beaches, -/ he weapwis cacii service are. b,,x (.1 lead soldi,ers, Fa r Boat, A regulation Providing for the containers "until such time as control of the discharge of 'sew- it can be lawfully discharged fic age in pleasure boats into any deposited ashore," , water in Ontario has been made The" regulation defines 'W and approved under The Ontario age" as .,organip and inorgansi.c waste and litter, including hu- man excrement, lublicapitsj paper, rags, bottles, glass, crock, ery, cans, scrap metal, junis, or similar refuuse or garbage." Holding tanks, with and with - (.1( recirculation, which store ,....ce for the treatment of tle, wastes from marine toilets out sewage that ,is human waste, for subsequent shore disposal, which has ab! been approved and incinerators, are the only by the Ontario Water ReszfUrces typei-of device 'which ,,presently Cwoinis.sion, has been installed nioct with OWRC approval. beiore August 13, 1966, will have Macerator chlorinator units are until July 1, 1968. to comply nut acceptable. However, the with tlie reies.ant sections of the regulation is flexible enough to co -opera tion W, as supci. 1( ilH, xvtlidet exception, as differ- vit... can hi cha1re!2d at 'A hilt), by r(- 1i!.1ir)11; include . other disposal methods hsaid to have addressed a letter inference is that the defence (.11; ti.i 01;4%; from cheese, it. isHi ...;at .of paint. ,"i'llis, re guiatipii pi.oi.rides that!:,liould• coinnihrcial units 'he, de - to a very limited (75) public, ,force of today must be trained , i - ,, . . . ., t.h.L.; day and agp, ek;;,‘ ry an...* pleasure boat that has sleep, veloped which fulfill the ob- s nsi c‘in to suggest; but the man, iA the street has and practised in. combined. op-' yet to see its content. The (nations. The three services,: 1.,. ,, hat a short or loirg,service sold.' -,, 11-repccting nation demands a in:.t at.e ini:o;:dr.i;m, while in ay ! jectives of the regulation. U1 certaiii111 trehli llydnsoatilaosi a an i i'LilitM,g 1.)re., - bat you arc 11 ,C wa 1 .1., nio,it be equipped \Vial . • ,;9.ing to create one frsini ;A 111.2SS. a ' , 110al'l') 11(-, I and an aPPrbVetr y)at in Ontario waters includin4 only hint- ..has been that they through their respective mili-the regulatiint applies to any . do not consider the, govern -I tary chiefs, must be.taught the batant. Can - mint ' prpposals ill provide'. . or dis- !Ii,),..,,, team spirit. They must coffnple- , Asurning, as 'is generally the ,,f- pottage„based on the figures device which will store if the accountant Or statiStician,,p.)se of human sewage. The dis- from . other' parts of Can- a force which could be sent to ment one another as preciselyida and the United States. ' war. They -hint ruttler, that still less of the computer. One It is antieipated; according case, that the weapons. of the charge of such sewage in ;these as any teain of game'players. . spew pha.:ure boats and the instal - thing the computer cannot tothe OWRC, that as a result out is morale, and you will fail lation of tile toilet and the ap- df the . passin.g of the regulation, it, of proved device are also controlled to tap the emotional intere. a lictn'.-. of dockside pumping Canadian youth with a police Icy the regulation to insure that and shore disposal systems will force' with velvet paws. Such'the sewage is prevented from be established at marinas and a "force" would entail sabotage entering any water, of the fine existing defence In addition, owners or open forces.' ators of all pleasure boats must insure that tht boat, While in European sawfly larvae can any water, is equipped with damage Christmas tree planta- containers suitable for the stor- tions in Ontario if not control- age of sewage that is not of hu - led, •Lands and Forests - etA Imo'. man origin and that such sewage ogists vVarn. - is retained- on board in these the proposed reorganization will solely result in a tame cat for use by the United Nations. Hence their concern.. At the moment- therefore, the initiative rests with the,minister of defence and so long as he maintains his secrecy, -whether by design, or inability to formu- late a detailed plan, he can keep his critics at bay, guessing or committing, hari kari. In a mature society, this attitude is puerile and, in itself, justifies the completest lack of confid- ence from the country. Combined Operations One of the keys to success in war, as demonstrated by, the experience of the last 66 years, has -6eTen tliE need for -what acre known as 'Combined Opera- opposim, forces are approxim- We can no longer afford to ately equal in, potency, then, promote "prima donnas" to the despite their -pbwei and effec- command of any service. We tiveness, it is morale that is de - must remember the struggles of cisive in war. It may be hard Admiral King of the U.S. Navy, to convince a politician of this versus General Marshall, as to intangible, nevertheless it re - which front, EurOpean or Pacific mains a basic fact, which is should be paramount. In- Simi - Invisible, yet'fundamental part lar vein, we cannot afford to of the panoply of war of every breed any more Kitcheners„ or • soldier, *sailor and airman. Wolselys, or Gordons. To those latter classes, ,the Military or Police nurturing of this essential. non - If then, "Combined Opera- material virtue follows-muitifar- Lens" is the accepted strategical ious forms and ,ways. It thrives concept for WAR, the Canadian on discipline and tradition; on government must decide whe- patriotism and self --confidence; ther it envisages a force cap- on the team spirit and comrade - able of waging war, or whether ship. Tactically speaking, all it _ho'pes to surylve as a first- these spring -from the teaching class nation, merely on neutral and example' of their leaders, police work: If the latter, Mr, for as Monty truly, observed: Hellyer can. point conclusively "There are no bad regiments; to the R.C.M.P. After all, they only bad officers." 'Strategically, operate out -board motors, hell.- they require the support, en- copterg and drive- automobiles couragement- and good -will of (potential armored cars?) and the whole nation. wear one uniform. Already therard' ominous It therefore seems that the reports of tampering with the waiting for PHILIPS FULLY color ON 61/07 . TRUST GUARANTEED 2 /0 CERTIFICATES PURCHASED 'FROM • TELEVISION HAROLD W. SHORE s 38 HAMILTON ST. 524-7272 33-34 RIVE. OUT ND SAVE OUR LOW OVERHEAD LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY COLOR TELEVISION AN INVESTMENT IN PLEASURE Only The Best Should Be Considered. There Is Nothing Better Than ZENITH and ELECTROHOME. HUTCHINSON RADIO TV — APPLIANCES 308 Huron Rd. 524-7831 government docks to service the holding facilities of the various craft. CAR RADIOS CUSTOM & UNDER DASH RADIOS FOR ALL MAKES Hutchinson Radio—TV—Appliances 308 Huron Rd. 524-7831 FEATURE EVENT DIRECTORY - 'for your entertainment pleasure in TORONTO • Knits are still big for Fall '66 and they still belong in every woman's wardrobe. We. believe our selection of knit suits are'Second to hone in the area. Choose from Misses, Juniors and half sizes. • fiddle-free:Ocillois L.00K AT THESE FEATURES: Automatic • Automatic • Automatic • Automatic • Automatic on Automatic Pine Tuning. Pre -Set Tine tuning. "White" Compensator. Vertical Hold. Horizontal Hold. "Voltage" Regulator.' 35.00 UP • Automatic "Pin Cushion" Regulator. • Automatic Contrast Compensation Cir- .cuits • Automatic Picture Tube "Line. Burn" Guard. • • 25" Direct' Vision Rectangular Rare Earth Picture Tube. RIVETTS - TELEVISION and RADIO SALES AND SERVICE THE SQUARE 524.9432 COLONNADE THEATRE SEPT. 1 to.,SEpT. 11 "A TASTE OF HONEY" Starring Stellor Fin!ayson, Ray Wordsworth and Dorothy Spenc e.r ROYAL ALEXANDER THATRE SEPT. 12 to OCT. 8 "THE ODD COUPLE" Starring Georga Gobel. C-11]-1:1 EXHIBITION PARK SEPT. 16 to SEPT. 25 Festa C-0=0 O'KEEFE CENTRE SEPT. 9 to OCT. 8 Canadian Opera Company presents FAUST MACBETH LA TRAVIATA I PAGLIACCI CAVALLERIA RUST1CANA • DEIRDRE ODEON—CARLTON SEPT. 1 to SEPT. 22 Julie Andrews and Piul New- man star in Alfred Hitchcocks "TORN CURTAIN" Smooth or - textured cloths in plain or tweedy effects as well as all wool corduroys. Choose from either the regular or walking suit style. Thi s season we have a lovely selection of suits wit6 lavish fur trim. 1 25.00 to 190:00 THE For economy. andfriendly ser- vice plan to stay at Tnonto's LORD SIMCOE HOTEL • Conveniently located at the subway in the heart of downtown. • Single from $7.90 up. Doubles from $11.90 up. • Free overnight parkin. $HOPPE THE SQUARE — GODERICH •,' .1, LOMYSIMCOE HOTEL King & Oniversity • Tel: 362-1848