HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-2-4, Page 5c`L 6 ]ilk. or st Tlieri is, agentle- i">/s', cpsia. alga at Malden, -our the'Iudson, N. rattled Captain A. G. Pareis; who Las wrii:ten us a letter in whtch it evitlellt that lie has made up his alalncl concerning some things, and 1' l t what 1 he says: " 1 ha VC used your preparation called August Flower in my family r seven Or. eight years. It is coir ta,'ltlj' in my house, and we con ides it Ile best rel peri y for Indigestion, ConstiPatioli w nave ever used or 11( WLI. 11Iy wife htrott'n1e4 with Dyspepsia, and al ti il,a;u.T...,:ve yn:iu.'1iafter eating The Fl lio,vever, 1'C' lie yes tt e difile ty. My wife fro ccuently, ysto....-`ty enIamgoin: to town, We are ow Bon„tlpatio1•: Attgust Flower 4 I •Vital: y -o., l;a( het1e1 gettanJtll%. +tr ' 1 am al.,‘ tloubled with Indigestion, and wheal ever T. alai, I take one or two tea- spoonfuls before eating, fora day or two, and all trouble is removed," C Hon. T, Chase Casgrain has notified Hon. Charles Langelier that he will run in the Conservative interest in Montmorency,and invites Mr. Mercier's colleague to meet him at a political meeting on Sunday at Chateau Rich- er. Oh, What a Cough! W,ih you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumpt- ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford. for the sake of saying 50e., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your t:oug h. • It never fails. Mr. E. R4Warner, ei , mina er of the g' Stephen house, St Catharines, died in Windsor on Tuesday night while on his way to Detroit on business. He was 59 years of age and leaves a wife but no children. The Head Surgeon, Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may bo consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or mi c d lle•a Cd v:l r g io 1,n 1 themselves nervous weak an deahauste,l, who are broken en dewy from excess or ovexWorlc, resulting in man of the following symptoms: Mental depres- sion, permatnre old age, loss of vitality, loss ofinepnory,bad dreams,dimnoss ofsiaht,pal- gitatlon of the heart, emissions, laolj of. on- . orgy. pain in the kiclnevs, Headache,,, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sen- sation ft bout the scrotum, wasting of the. .5rans, dizziness, specks before the .eyes, twitching of the muscles, aye lids, end else- where, bashfulness deposits in the urine,loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weals and ;flabby muscles,' desire to sloop, failtixe to be rested by sleep, constipa- tion, dullness of hearing, loss of' yoke, desire .for solitaire; eeeitibility of temper, . sunken eyeA surrounded tritlY f,i:,tr.l•,N DIRCLT, oily.. looking skill Rte. , are all .ynuetoms ofnerv- ou.; debility: that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring ox vital force hay- ing lost. its tension every function wanesin consequence. Those who .through aue comnuttectinignorancoreay beperm anent- lycured. Sen d. your address for .book on all diseases, peculiar to man. 33ooks ,ten t free sealed. heart" disease, :the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, nuinbnoss palpitation, skip beats, hotflushes, rush of blood to the bead, dull pain in the heart with beats stroYig,..rapid and irregular, the second' beat quicker than the .first, pain about the breast bone, etc,, can positively be cured. No euro no pay. Send for book. Ad- dress BE, V. LLJBON, 21 Macdonald Aye., Tor- onto, Canada, Jan 1-1 year - The tug lVashtei', :with a crow of eight, and two. scows with two men . cert were aboard, 110'11 n out to sea. from Newv York ' harbor - on Tuesday and no trace has been found of them. It is feared they are all lost. F'os Over $4 ifft y* Years, Mas. W osaow's SooTE,igG SYRUP has been used by millions ofmothers for their child- ren while teething. -If disturbod at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suf- fering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once anis get a bottle of ":Mrs Win- slow's SoothingSyrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will reeve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers,there is no the about h and11Bowels rcuies Wind,Coiio, softens the (anis, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Status. Price twenty- five oen is a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be snre:and ask for "Mao. Wxo snow's Soo'rilnNG Smur,".. Air.. George Gale, head of the firm of Gale and Sons, wire matress manufact- urers at Waterville, Que., fel] dead while et the telephone in his office yes- terday. Apoplexy. Cousuinptioan Gaged. An old physician, retired cfi'om practice having bad placed in liis,hands'by an Fast lndiamiseionnry the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent euro of Cousum ption, Bronchitis Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat and Lung Affections, also a, positive and-aclical euro for 1 ervous Debility and all ..,r•Vot'Is Com- plaiuts,after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his due to mals ' .v eitic known. W to his i mirr- oring follnwa. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suttoring, I will vend free of charge, t'o all who desire it, this recipe, in German, 1vlreeelhror English, with full diroctionsfor preparing tui d. using, Sent by, Moil 1p,y addressing with stamp, naming tins paper. W. A. l 0ya,a, 820 Powers Block, flooheoter, 1''. r Two freight trains collided on the ITudson River railroad neat• H,yclePark r v eStesday and traffic was delayed some rout's, but no one was hurt, Piseis I cmedy for Catarrh is the Best TOSient to Ilse, and Cheapest. sae ore Sold In, druggists Dr sent by..mail, 000.1:� 'i, I'lazeltlac.. Warren; Pa, Ors taROE'S COTTON ROOT pits. a��Peial Sale uI Furniture [or tie liGil 5E1 Di Safe and absolutely pure. Most �,powerful Female regulator known, The only safe, sure enc'' reliable pili for sale. Ladies ask druggist© for LaRoe's Star and Crescent Tirane, Take no other kind. Beware of cheapimitutione, as they are danger- ous. Sold by an reliable druggists. Postpaid on receipt of price. AMERICAN PILL CO., Detroit, Mich, for sale In Exeter by J. W. Hrowning, Dr. T. A, slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have a Cough --Use it, For sale by all druggists. 35 cents per bottle. The New York State Assembly has basset' Mr, Stein's bill allowing repre- sentatives of newspapers towitness electric executions. The vote was un- animous. FIVE. TO ONE. DEAR Sins, -Last winter I had flye large boils on my neck and was ad• vised to use BB l3, Before I had used ono bottle I was completely well and thin': B.B,B, cannot be excelled " as a blood purifier_ JOHN WOOD, Round Plains, Ontario. The number of deaths attributed to infiitenza in London during the past week is 506,' The general mortality shows a further increase. As a cure for cold in the head and catarrh Nasal Balm is endorsed by pro minent men everywhere. D. Derby. shire;: president of the Ontario Cream- ery Association, says: -"Nasal Balla beats the 1Norld for catarrh and cold in head. In my own case it effected re- lief from the first application." Sold by dealers or sent by mail on receipt of price -50 cts. and $1 a bottle. ,Ful ford & Co. Brockville, Ont. Maurice Bloom, a'Toronto tailor, was brutually assaulted and robbed by two unknown men in his room at the corn- er of Lombard and Victoria streets last night. KNIGHTS OF LABOR. The Knights of Labor aim to protect their members against financial diffi- culties, etc., Hag•yard's Yellow Oil pro tects all who use it from the effects of cold and exposure, such as rheumatism neuralgia, lumbago, sore throat, and all inflammatory pain. Nothing com- pares with it as a handy pain cure for man and beast. Mr. Sparllug, M. A., principal of the Straihroy High School, died a few days ago, and now his successor; Mr. D. L. Leitch, has just been cut off by la gi•Ippu. Do notcuring despair p 1 of your sick headache when you can so easily ob- tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They �assoiaeer Time Table, Will effect a prompt and .permanent Goixo Norm. ' Gongs Sou'rsr, am pan. am. p.m. cure. Their action is mild and nater- 'London,clep't8.05 4.25.;Wingham 7.05 340. al, ccaCres'g 8.47 '5.20. Belgrave- 7.24 4.00. Clandeboye 852 528. Blyth: ' 7.38 .4.15. c At the meeting rLondesboro' Ct,trnCentralf^ of the9:05 Press.5.45. t r Presbytery of Z•"' n b 3 yEXETER 9,111 57. Clinton04.25, Barrie esterda • Prof. Bryce, of Win- 8.07 5.04, y 3 Flonsall 9,28 G 09..Uruoefield 6.26 5.04 nipeg, was nominated as moderator of Tiippeii 934 0.17. Nippon 8.34 5.12 the next General Assemblyand Re Brucefield 9.42 0.26. Heusall 8.41 5.19; , ? Clinton. 10,00 6.45. EXETER . 8.57 5.33 D. D. McLeod, of Bani; -, was unani Londesboro' 10.19 7.03. Centralia 9.09 5.45 1nOtt8ly nominated for the position Of Blvd) - 10.28 7.12. Clandeboye 9.18 5.56. foreign Be gxave 10.42 7.27. /meanCros'g9.24 6A2 - a. mission secretary. wineham 51.00 7.45.. Londona,r; L0 15 61.5 The American Beet Sugar Prodtic ers' Association has been formed in San Francisco, The object of tho Asso- iation is to encourage the development of the beet sugar industry in the Unit- ed States, EASILY CAUGHT. Croup, colds, sore throat, and many painful ailments are easily caug•lit in this changeable climate. The never.' failing' remedy is just as easily obtain- ed in Ilagyard's Yellow Oil,- which is undoubtedly the best of all the many remedies offered for the cure of colds or pai as. CAUTION.. EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVYr I IS IVIA VED e IN BRONZE LETTERS, NONE OTHER GENUINE fsCo!1orffjoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used nlolatlti'IJ bj/ thousands of LADIES. Is the only perfect l safe and reliable' medic- ine discovered. ware iof unprinoipleddruggists'w1 o offer inferior medicines in ]71000 of this. Ask. for COOK'S CoT2oN Boor CO,oirouND, take 110 substitute; or inclose $1 and three -cent Can- ada postage stamps in letter, and we will send, sealed by.return mail. Full sealed par- ticulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 s tam ps. Address road Contea►►y,No 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward aye., Doti ort Mich. 4EESoid in ESE'rER'at'DR. LUTZ'S, J' NV. I1nowNING's and by all druggists every- where. London Huron & Bruce Railway ATTACKED BY Air ENEMY. DEAR SIRS, --Arrests a year ago I had a very bad' attack of dyspepsia. For nearly four months I never' ate :a Meal without suffering pain after. I had got 56 weak I could scarcely walk, when one day I saw an advertisement or B.1313 anda • •r thou,ht•T �,ou]d trytt bottle, Four bottles cured me complete- ly, and I am now strong and healthy. Miss J Astr7T STuarer, • Muskoka Falls,,Ont.. Judge liaiming F. Knapp, of the New Jersey Supreme Court and presid ing judge of the Hudson county Cir cuit Court, dropper. dead yesterday of ternoon while delivering a charge to the grand jury at the court house in Jersey City. No one knows better than those Who have used Carter's Little Lived Pills what relief they' have, given when take en for dyspepsia,• dizziness, -pain in th side; constipation,.ancl cliSorderect stoney ash; . • The total number of immigilrnts ar- rived in the United States during the 12 months ending December, 81, 1891 was 590,006 against 491,026. A GENERAL OVERCOME. DEAR SIRS. --I suffered' from general weakness and debility and my system was completely run down and I found B.B.B. the best medicine'I ever. tried. I would not be without it for a'' great deal. Mlss NELLIE ARMSTRONG, Dublane P. 0., Ontario Archbishop Larigeyin, of Leontopo Que., cried yesterday after 12 hours illness, in his 7.tst year. IIe was a brother of Sir Hector Langevin. BURDOCK PILLS clue sick head: ache by regulating the stomach, liver and bowels. Baby McKee, a full brother to the famous Arlon, of the Palo Alto stables, was suld to Mr. J,. S. Ferg usnn, of New York city, yesterday for $25,000. BAD, WORSE, WORST. Cold, cough, consumption, to -cure the first and second and' prevent the third use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the never falling family medicine for all diseases of the throat, lungs and. chest. A marvel of healing in pulmo- nary complaints. Tho New York State Democratic. v Loll el y 'tion is to be held in Albany .Lrobruary 22, when delegates to the National Convention will be appointed Their gentle action and good effect on the system really make them a per- fect little pill: They please those who ase them. Carter's Little Liver Pills may Wel be termed "Perfection", Tang Yon. a wealthy Chinaman of Ineiiai,apoliss, and Ida Norton, also of IndianapoSe, and daughter of wealthy pararrts, have been married in Chicago. It was.;; case of elopement. SKIN DISEASAS are most annoying. because so noticeable, Dr. Low's Sul. phur Soap heals and ole tnees the elan O'd'ICE. • Mr. G. A.IIypdman wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that lie has secured an' agency FINE FLAVORED TEAS AND COFFEES -and also FIRST - CLASS BAKING POWSEIIS. Orders left at his residence, Albert-st,, or at Dr, H3ndman's Office,, Main-st,, will receive prompt attention. , A, Ryndinau, Exeter, Ont. ---THr- , SHAVING --PARLOR. EXETER, - ONTARIO. £ Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Lathes' and Chi rOI's Han: Cutting. CETMll4 TMLtJ1 SJIOFO Mr. George Smallcombe wishes to informtl i e citizens of hxetel and - sur- rounding. country that he has opener{ ----out a new Tailoring and Gents' Furnish- ing Establishment in • Fanson's Black. 'Latest designs of goods always on hand, and made up in the latest American Styles at Right Prices, A CALL SOLICITED AND GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies Jackets S `Lir antl e making attended to. J. G. SMALLACOMBE, `, TAILOR xeter, Nov pricesExeter.zs the time: to secure furniture at never heard of before in For the next"TIRTY DAYS,T WILL T�.OFFER THE WHOLE OF 11zY GIGANTIC STOCK_ Bed Room se, in PliaPie, Cherry, Ash & Oak; sideboards si nMaple, Cherry and Oak: together wi h a magnificent lino in Parlor Su�tes Lou nge�,��a�rs,Table, s and everythi.'ig usually found in a first-class furniture x 11I e store. REMEMBER THESE .A,RE A.LL FrR$T CLASS S E rS GODS, NO SHODDY ELM', anti the prices are from. TEN to TWENTY per cent BELOW the 'usual price Gall Earlywhile the Stock Iasts1 Remember the Stared -F W Stand -Factory .�1/arevooms two doors north of Town Hall, Exeter, WALT. ANDREWS. EXETER MARKETS, Wheatper bushel.. , $0.83 to0.85 Spring " 83 to 85 Barley Oats Peas Butter 40 to 42 28 to 30 56 to 58 15 to 16 Eggs . .... 18 to 15 Potatoes per bus . 30 to 35 'Hay per ton .8,00 to • 10.00 Wool 18 to 19 Clover Seed $5.70 to 5.90 Timothy Seed ...... ....$1.25 to 1.50 •w o a - da N a ,s • 'Regulates 'the Stomach, Liver and•Bowels, unlocks the Secretions,Pu rifiesthe 'Blood and removes all im- purities from a 'Pimple to. the worst Scrofulous Sore. 3:-. CURE.S:ems DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. LA. HEART BURN, SOUR STOM C -I DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES ,�.7 C . j a.a. -se FUJRE y M G �ca ..S A very large stock on hand neer to select from in the way of Parlor, Bed- room and Drains. Room suits at nearly half the usual price. 150 Looking Glasses from 10c and up. .Hundreds of feet of Picture • l'i`ouldings to choose from, cheap. Eapy`C11ti1i' and a great variety of otllea, , Goods.,-,sluitable for Xmas preseu,ts andinial.fdet everything usually keptrirr arfiettfelai;s'furnishing house nullor,piice'sttf 11ivIldvn. Agood e e 1•i41s'fol2 Conic and see tt`r1$'1 i t 441, ,ei;1 t f. e "BLOW Al3•Q.TT, „alae, },.risen):We, Uiew 15 we htise. tlli;.g9pds to j2i ek, :t sup. Bring along oour eiisy chairs and4Parlor Fnr- niture that need re covering as wehave a beautiful stock of covers with cord & gimp to match. Drop in even if you don't want co btty, will be happy 'tosee you. U iNDERTAKING A 'complete stock of everything in this Line from the cheapest to the high est. Also the only Embalmers. Ire member the name and place GIDLEY'S Odd -Fellows Block, Opposite J Grigg's Stationery. CI 4I 1 : K- NG (i oat jj'. s q EXETER - , ONTARIO Has now in stock i WintAr�0 camel 00q IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Sttitings and Troia cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser Ings. I"rorlch and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. P11..11717 ,y pAORSE'S GLYCEROtEOA CELERY COMPOUND. A 8.1F13 remedy rot teething infanta and adults suffering hog all nervous troubles.. Guessaterid to contain no opium et any dreg' eroept those printed.. armais on *Ter) bottle. Rationed by pby.lclaas. Yana., ti Cams. For elle by druggists. Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to BADE a,aRK. Ratan Morse, Buffalo, f . Ys G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses SeS aci Rigs. s. SPECIAL RATES WITH' COMMERCIAL L A MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. I3ISSETT. Exeter -North General Store tllvii 0 illsioss. A Clearing Sale AT and BELOW Cost. We offer our entire stock' of DRY GOODS IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLES, AND PRICES AWAY DOWN. A nice stock of Furs to be cleared out. { Carpets and Floor oor Oilcloths. OUR PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES away down below cost, A JOB LOT OF READY MADES. 5 lbs Japan Tea for $1. 311.111 Stook of Grcceli e No trouble to,show goods. We offer a reduction of 25c for cash. JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North ,ENTREL A110. L A complete stock of PrealldFreia h Rlui 11 ALWAYS •'KEPT. Itciit 1 Spoilllos5 llrlltjit' . s Supplios At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Faiy Receipts Carefully Prepared. WJiiit's C 0 �l ti O POWOI the best in the market. C. LTUTZ PROP, A SURE CURE rogBILIOUSNESS, CONSTI or , INDIGESTION, Nr DFZYI NESS, SICK F1BADACHE, AND b18EASE3 O' THE STON1ACi9, LIVER ' AND BOWELS, THEY ARE MILD,THbfOUGH AND PROMM' IN ACTION, AND rO1t,M A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOODBITTERS IN von totaveENv AND CURE Or C1'iRONIc AND OBSTINATE DISEASES, rY.s::+n.�+.Jnr:.,.•--.m�a.,..,.•..,..,..:,,., .,. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT o�� r WI ME 'IN 0 from which this paper is printed was supplied by the toRom TYPE FONDLY Dealers in type, Presses, and. Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON: 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. CHRISTIE'S COMMERCIAL) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS s LEFT AT THE TI ATiI ' 3 I SIAW' Ii OUST; OR AT TWT STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terrnw �ea�c =aki2 Telephone Connection. F-7 t5 r€-91; ra Pi's ii fiiiilol kt5 kiEI,Dri POWDERS 0(11s ALL f•fi~ADACi- E. They ere net gamer'' t1se(i to came ere y- tlLi7 L fi L. i '+ is n_ I f tl' LeazT- �v (refLCs d'ry steamy .at .c ii cosi 6,21 25 coats Al, r a boa: tCoj a `n3 harmless. Mei, aro not a Cathartic. E ��FJJI BHREL1 � . ISSTILL IN TIIE OLD STAND -where he is- READY FOR A CALL. Morn, Noon or Night he will -GIVE .AN - EASY SHAVE, AND I� f UE 'HAIR.G LTT, LADIES HAIR CUT TO ORDER, Also LADIES HAIR WORK - DONE. North of Post•Office, •.J� VIGOR ad ,For LOST or FAILING NGmf Arlt General and ? E1B,�IOiJS DEBILITY, Weakness of BODY AND RIND, Effects of Errors or Excesses in 0lt1 or Young. Robust, Node 1l'l'AN IIOOElt tinily Restored. Hiow to en- large and strengthen WEAK UN- DEVELOPED ORGANS NS .and PARIS O11' BOD, Absolutely unfailing ROME TREITHENT. Benefits bag; a 'day. Nen testify from fifty States and Foreign Countries, Write them. Dank, explanation. and proofs Mailed (ssealedp)� Wit a r oAdidicessIVIp BUFF-ALQ, N4Y