HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-2-4, Page 4•
sA.1,\'x?J:7:t's cSc SWEr', Props.
ili011SDAY, Feb, 4th, 1892.
The opposition to Mr. Auimet wisely
erlithdrew from the contest on Febru•
pry 1st and allowed the Minister of
rtablic Works to be returned by accla-
;The city of Kingston has again
c leered a Conseryative to represent
them, Mr. Metcalf, eonservativo, de
treated Mr. Gunn, reformer, on Thurs.
«ay Inst week by 101 of a me jority
" to contestt was the keenest 'ver wit
Messed in the city,
X9 .: Dickey, the Conservative candi•
date, has been returned by over 400 of
majority in Cumberland county,
Mr. Henderson, Conservative, carried
Wee county of Halton on Thursday last
week by 400 majority. The large ma-
prity seems to indicate that the Con-
rrative ranks are not broken.
On. the return to England of Col.
•ssward Vincent, M. P, for Sheffield,
odtea' his ail -round tour over the world,
constituents s taco
is acs
orded to their re=
yeesentative in the British House of
et Mons a splendid ovation , Before
€ Smmense audience Col. Vincent .re -
^ted• on his mission to the several
a ltlnies of the. Empire on the subject of
ageferential trade. The task which be
had Undertaken was to ascertain how.
fksCanada iu particular, in the face of
r▪ eign tariffs and a steadily decrees
,.sig'trado in England bothin iron man-
ufactures and textile industries,—was
s;epared to trade with the mother
asiuutry on better terms than with
Fan nee, Spain, Russia, the Unite l Stat-
asr-aud other foreign, nations. So far
s Canada was concerned, Col Vincent
expressed the opinion that there was
n unmistakeable sentdurent through -
nut the Dominion in favor of a Com-
snert;ial Federrtion'simidar to what ex-
Itte; among the state of Central Europe
E•tietwithstarding the fact that his fay
onto scheme was bitterly- opposed by
.xertaiu parties in Canada who favored
annexation, yet the member for Shef.-
e1 . assured his constituents that he
=eeid'lu his hand iedubitable:testimony
ete the loyal attachment -of . the great.
bnik,ef their Canadian filiow subjects
teethe British Crown and British Em
etTee. In St. John's, Newfoundland, in
Fi f a x, N. S.; in St. John N. B in
loge as
"ITactical iwanimsty" in the resolu-
submitted a
d an
THE CREAT SPANISH R$MEDii, easily, quickly and
permauently restores Weakness, Nervousness and lost Manhood.
A GxAxsxresu specific for Fits and Neuralgia, X ysteiia, Dizziness,
Cenvisions, Nervous Prostration caused by the use o Tobacco or
Alcohol, Loss of Power in either Sex, Involuntary Losses caused by
over -indulgence. We guarantee six boxos, to cure any case or refund'
7><PDRR OM A>L'TYIt Vse. the money. $r a box, 6 boxes for s5 Address 1J. $, set �epte Span,
gab iiiedielwe Co.. DettoSt, AtkinSold by `druggists..
It'or sale i,u Exeter by J. 'W. Iteenwnbte.
withstanding the great remission, of
taxes and consequent loss:Of revenue
by the' free admission of sit„ er, they
would go before Parliament, without
any deficit in the revenue." Indeed/
from the last returns published, it ap-
pears that for the year 1891 there is a
surplus of nearly tufo and a hall mill-
ion dollars in the treasury-wlii'le the
export trade of the Dominion during
the last sixxmonths increased by $g,•
896,830 ever the corresponding period
of 1$90 --and this in the face of the
remission of the' sugar duty. It is
worthy of note by the' farming soul-
munity that a ready and remunerat-
ive sale has beers foturd in the British
market for all the farm produce sunt
across tl>.e Atlantic; and it is stated on
good authority that there is ample
scope among the millions of Britain
and Europe for all that Canada can
supply. Speaking, however, of the
result of the recent bye elections, it
must be apparent to everyone that
in the face of the most desperate efforts
pat forth by the Opposition, in order to
persuade the electorate that corruption
and malfeasancepreyailed at Ottawa
in:the administration of the Public
service, the Abbott ministry has come
to stay. The .Opposition cry about
`Tory Corruption" comes with ih grace
after the, scandalous revelations lately
n14610 411 Quebec of wholesale boodlingt
and r'obberj of the public' funds, and
after the numerous instances of• cor-
rupt Practices brought to light in sev
eral of the recently contested. elections
-such as London, South Perth, King's;
Queen's, Lincoln; Simeoe, Welland and
other constituencies where the Grit
candidates have been unseated er dis-
qualified. The only defeat suffered by
the government was that of Richelieu;
by the retirement of Sir hector Lang
evin•—throng h the combined influence
of .McGreevyisni and the Richelieu
Navigation Company which is domi-
nant in that. constituency, As to Lin-
coln, hatters stand just as before—?IIr
Gibson, Who is a popular man in the
county, being again returned to parlia-
ment. Jndgin from all that alas
transpired, we may falrly, reckon up-
on the Abbott administration obtaining
a lengthened' lease of power,_ more
especially since the accession of fresh
blood' in the reconstruction of the Cabi
net b > ,Ott has dis
ctictel fee,—.
`roes recon
0 the new
sulorsecl by all those leading cities.
en3y remains for the English nation
'express their condemnation of a mot
';end fiscal policy which has reduce
d*ir exports by: 16e million sterling;
ease year, owing to the inroads mad
. rte British trade by foreign prohib
Say tariffs. In the iron trade, in wool
len and cotton manufactures, the - fre
Seree•ort system has had the effect o
eterfkin a blow at the several indust
els of the United .Kingdom, so that th
reeettne of imported manufactures in
etengland in 1891 had increased to th
exnrois amount of $10,000,000 over
etre previous year. This state of things
Pl be intensified when France and
at -r nations are on the eve of adopt-
a higher protective tatiff; when in
c 1Z defence Britain will be . compelled
to abandon Iter past policy of .free trade
nez:I look to the protection of her horne
retdustries. Canada has a lesson to
;nnxn from passing events and especi-
sfu frons. the results of the ntor'iburld
Haley of Bobden; and it will be for her
merest, and that of the other colonies
edible Empire, that Eugiand should-
l gisiate for the repeal of those "most
l fortunate treaties", as Lord Sails -
Wm -ay
termed them, entered into by the
Severnment of 1862 and 1865 which
- .. ° yre proved to be clearly adverse to
dee trade of the United Kingdom,
:`f�E GO FERNIlf'E,t.YT V.,ICTOR -
Thus far the Federal Government of
'Iaada has proved victorious in the
: y eicetiees. In'Nor'tlt Lanark, Glen
arry,.ticlunotrcl, N.S., Victoria, N,S.,
xgston and Halton, the Conserrvative.
e didatee have been elected by hand
surae and, in most cases, by largely in.
orcasod ,majorities. It has now been
nsorlstrated that the Abbott adminis
,tion is commanding the respect 'and
of 'cadence of the great body of the
sop/e; and not only will the govern
teem', be in a position to " meet parlia
raniwith an i:ndroasccl majority,—
J y,
1 rot
,,�,estecl bySir Sohn f
n in his speech at Halifax, NS,, bract:
SDN. TrirRA;-ptiio O'Brien, Alice
Gould Annie Nort.hoott,,
JUN THIRD;—Nellie Gould, Jae Shir
ray Joseph Northcott.
Sara, SEeoND:—John Todd, Beckie
Northcott, Henry Bush,
JUN. Svcoeni:,—Milton Russell, Flora
Northcott, Nathaniel NcDoaalcl,
Snc oNri PART:—Melvin Gould, Car-
rie Gould, Edgar O'Brien,
FIRST PART,--Bertic O'Brien Willie
Bash, Robt O'Brien.
The best spellers in the monthly
math were:—
Sixth, Homer Russell; Fourth, Rate
Chapman; Sen Third, Mand Russell;
Jun Third, Nellie Gould; Sen Second,
Flora Northcott; 2nd Part, Melvin
Gould; First Part, Bettie O'Brien.
To your friends, if you have an offen-
sive breath from Catarrh, to get rid o
it as soon, as possible, to say nothing of
your own personal interest, As there.
are lases against allowing-deeaded
matter in the streets, so should there
be against tainting and polluting' the:
atmosphere with some people's breath,
Perhaps as the nation advances with
every sanitary appliance, it will be
found necessary to :purchase large
of l
Clark's s Catarrh Cure to
give to the people, It would bea wiser
stroke of public policy, for then the
nation mi'ht rise up and 'call its rulers
blessed.' Sold by druggistsat50 cents
or sent to any address by Clark Chem-
ical Co., Toronto, New York,
The New York State Board of Rail-
road Commissioners has granted the
application of the Brooklyn I1ail
read Company for permission to change
their roads from motor power on its en-
tire line to the electric system.
When Baby was Sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, sho cried for Castors
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them'Castorils,
k 1;� 4 •1
When I say I-onro I do not mega merely to,nu a
for a radical cu e. thou have them ,craw `again, I menu ,
SYorcure. I have made the disease o£ study.
n y or remedy tcu o the E88 a ses..lgstudy. I others
n, Yeinedy toe care the of not eases. in' 0Because others heat
onl for a,treati for not nova receiving vara. Send at
ono for ' Gtive
and a /PreissO .os'p of my, infallible
reread . C+lye 1]%pr�Sg and POSr•OFP1C1;:
H. c . R oT, 1vt: C , ! T? ADELAIDE ST.
personnel of the Govorement, C
The following is �ti full list of the �'' ',_,,:�" •�� r;
newly constructed Cabinet:—Premier "f �' j}
grad, Piesldf,nt of Councu, .L -ion, J. J. C.
to Abbott; Minister of Customs, Hon. J. A.
1- Ohapleau; Minister of Militia, Hon. M.
d Bowell; Secretary of State, Hon, J. 0•
u Patterson; Minister of Railways, Hon.
e J. G.'Haggart; Post Master Generali
1. Sir Adolphe Caron; Minister of Agri-'
- culture, Hon. J. Carling; Minister of
e Public Works, Icon, J. A. Oui net; Min -
f inter of Interior, Hon. E. Dewdney;_
- Minister of Justice,- Sir John 5. D,
o ,Thompson; Minister of Finance, Hon.
G. E. Foster; Minister of Marine,:&c.,
1e Hon. C, H. Tupper; Minister of Inlend
Revenue, Hon. T. Costigan ; Without
Portfolio, Hon. Frank Smith,
Stephen Council,
All members present. ,Minutes of
last meeting read and signed, K.
ber-•J Sherrritt—that the auditors • re-
port beaccepted and that 200 copies
be printed. Resolved that the disposal
of G. B. cut debentures be defered for
future consideration. Two applicat
ions for assessor were entered, a ballot
was taken which resulted 10 favor of
Mr. Ryan, whereupon it was , resolved
that he be the assessor at a salary of
$75. Resolved that C. Prouty <In V.
Ratz be a deputation toThedford at
the next meeting of Bosanquet Council
in the matter of the. G. B. Cut affair
and if necessary to Sarnia or elsewhere
until the matter of said work be fully
and finally settled, Resolved that the
following orders be granted, 'viz.—Jas
Carroll culvert 8th con $2.80; gravel
road interest x;300—Intorest Molson
Bank 5.8$; 'G 'B C appeal costs 343.15;
Auditory $12; funeral expenses of W.
Mitchell $40; Municipal paper $1; J.
Sberron keep of W. Eagleson $8; Re-
fund of dog tax owners away and oth
erwise $7; G, Brown collecting• $85;
Assessory 876. Council now adjourned
to meet again :first Monday in March,
when Path Masters, Fence Viewers and
Pound Keepers will be appointed.
C ProuTi ,
Ray 'Soh ool Report.
The following is the Januaryw report
for S. S,`No. 2 I;tay, " Names are in or-
der of merit.
SIv riot: —Kamer Russell, Alfred Mc
Fano!',,—Nolson Northcott,
ourt'rri: - G; C. Ross, Kate Chapman,
Lred E er'ettr
It is a hard, uncontrovertible fact that more disease
is directly iittributable'to clsni•ders of the Stomach
than to all the other organs combined , this isnot hard
foreven the unprofessional to understand when we
take into consideration the pass of food that itis made
the receptacle of for a time, there to be churned, di,
gested and: so assimilated.
(an artificial gastric juice -formula on every label) will
aid the weak stomach and so erre Indigestion, Dyspep-
psia etc. In fact, it is a good aid to digest a hearty
dinner, and can do no harm; os itis only adding an extra
amount of gastric juice, does not stimulate, and so there
is no reaction. , Endorsed by pltysicians. Send z cls. io
postage for valuable book to HA ZEN MORSE,
IrlrsrerterforiA , DR1nno,• O1474.k0'
And it also pays to get your clothing.
made by a first•elass tailor. When in
need of such call on
x II _ 1 x II - Il x II _ t x
Wlio is
prepared to
give you a neat
fit and the latest style.
The best and cheapest shot
in town for ordered clothing.
:Farmers will find it to
their advantage
to give me
Over er F . J. Knight's Grocer
li per dray
J. J �4' c�filiE'�iN, Pl'01i1'1Qt91'l,
If you will send us
names f
0 one
In order to introduce the Muni -
nen AnyISER, we will send it and
any of the following papers to the
end of 1892 for 91,00.
Toronto Globo, News, Mail
or Empire; Montreal Star or
or in fact almost any weekly
paper published.
or two persons
troubled with Cancer, we will send -you
1 of the best monthly. journals publish•
ed to the end of 1892, free, • Address
STOTT & JURY, Bowe anville, Ont
Mention this paper, and send Stott
and Jury, Bowinanville, Ont. The
names of ons or two persons troubled
with cancer, and they 'will make you a
present of a year's subscription to the
which is one of the best Monthly Jour.
pals pibiished.
V 5`ees,11 try and
your own),
for any of the following
onto Globe 1 `1, Empire or News;
Montreal Ster orWitness?
If you send
us $1.80 we willsend an two of the
above papers and the Medical Adviser
to the end of 1892 to "any address in
U. S. or ` Canada, Address; M>apiun.n
ADVISER, Bowmenville,'Ont,
$1,00 to $2.00 a day, at light, easy
work, can be made by sending 29c in
stamps for three samples, which will be
sent postage paid. Address Stott
Jury, Bowmanvillo, Ont. Mention
this paper.
The Globe, the Mail, the Empire, the
Montreal Star, or Witness. We will
send the above papers free for one
year, to any one sending us four -sub-
scriptions to our s journal, Price 50c,; a
year. Samples 5c -Mention this pap -
et. 1VIEDIOAh ADVisisrt, Bownianville,
Send 29c. in stamps, to Stott & Jury
Bowinanville, Ont., and you will re
wive some samples by return of mail,
which enables you to
earn. f rn 050 to
1,00 every evening after eWorking
hous, Mention
this paper.
AT Tcir
Learliug CloiUiag Housc
fare the latest goods in -----
and overcoatings, justarrived.
All will be macre up in the Latest Style and a
Good fit Every Time or ' no
Remember the Stand one Door North of E H i
Barber Shop.Fsh s..
Give me a call.
J. 11. GRIEVE.
leal1lllg Sale al
isselt Bras.
We have 15 Crosse
,y _Llt. Saws,
66 3 dozen Axes
which must be .cleared out- s
at wholesale -prices. We Have a
large stock of TUBULAR LANTERNS which must
go at the following prices:—
45c.,5c., 65c _ and
Also a few more of those cheapLibraryLamps
Lamp goods of all kinds alnlrs at actual cost
1 p� o y cheaper than the cheapest. -
Call and ing Stook
As usual our stock of Hardware Stoves and tinware
and � •e defy T, tiLware is com-
� d.,fS competition.
IS , si ETT
_ [��m}p� ljr;�,R -i S,p,
�u'OA a�pa � c�3fa3' m1'IY t�S DL/." e .neereseenrene,Aen—eass See
o hA
Ann Furniture Dealer.
Exeter Roller
WHEAT 0,90 TO 0.95 per bush
Oar Selling Prime.
Flour, strong bakers', $3,00 per 100
,t best family, 2,50 " "
" low grade, 2.00 't «
Bran, 70 " u
Middlings, 90 " "
Screenings, 100 " .1
Chop, 1.10 to 1.25 " ,r
Chop stone, running every day.
The Exeter, Milling Co
CONSU P11014
This GREAT COUGH CURE, this suc-
cessful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without
a parallel in the history of medicine. All
druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos-
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can
successfully stand. If you have a Cough,
Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will
cure you. If your child has the Croup, or
Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
CONSUMPTION, donY,,)'ail to use it, it will.
cure yott or cost nothing. Ask your Drug-
gist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price to eta.,
sects, and ,$1,6o.
• 3 have a positive remedy for the neve disease; byIts000 thousands of: cases of the worst kind and of long
standing have loon. cured. Indeed so strong is my faith
in its slfenoy, that I will send TWO l'orr/.IIS Tien,
,vlte a- VALUABLE TREATISE on thisdiseaso, to en)•
sufferer who will sendmo their EXPRESS and ao addres6.
T. A. SLoouns, M. C. •1"86 Am:Le:Da
Er1tleibEil til
W9 cary the most: complete stock of
Musical instru1nents in the county.
�.:.. 'ORGANS.
The above in9t,'timeirts always on
T e iwitt tfid $113.t rtIllohasers.,