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posing Ragout a Windsor and SAO=
Vie%lee it St. George.
Tritest° %atoms the late Duke's Sorrowing
grandmother—The Prince et
kneels in Weyer—garter ee the Frill.
OeSSes--Tite Duke's Walther, protheraud
farothersiusLaw the Chief Hourners.
The Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of
Connaught, Prince Christian, the'Duke of
Took with two of his sons and/many foreign
representatives assembled at Windsor ta-
tion and were in waiting when the Royal
train arrived.
At 3,30 the train bearing the .remains
came into the station. On ^jt were the
Prince and Princes a of Wales.
Another train which followed immediately
after the funeral train conveyed theinembers
of the Prince of Wales' household at Sand-
he Prince of Wales wore the uniform
of colonel ,of the 10th Hussars and
Prince George was attired in his naval
The .Lord Chamberlain received the mem-
bers of the Royal Family as they alighted
from the earriage and. they stood talking to-
gether until the coffin was removed from the
&neral car.
The coffin was taken on the shoulders of
men from the Tenth Hussars. It was en-
wrapped , in a silken Union Jack and on it
was a sing1e splendid wreath which had
been sent by the Queen. A silken ribbon
was attached to the wreath on which were
. the words:
A mark of the tenderest raffection and love
from your devoted, loving and sorrowing
As the detachment of soldiers bearing the
coffin walked slowly along the platform a
signal was given to a party of the Life
Guards on the round tower of the castle and
immediately the boom of minute guns
could be heard. At the same time the
roll of sthe drum from the massed bards
swelled out upon thesair and the procession
began to move.
TheiLife Guards had the right of the line
and were followed by the bands, which
played .Chopin's and Beethoven's funeral
marches alternately. A detachment of the
Tenth Hussars and of the Horse Artillery
immediately preceded the gun carriage
aspen vehicle the remains had been placed.
On each side of the gun carriage walked
guards of officers of the Tenth Hussars.
Uodhester. A psalm wasM chanted by the
cholvand the dean then read the hellion.
Tbs stoir sang hymn a which had been.
'selected by the Queen.
After the reading of the leseons the
'Bishop a Rochester read the sentences be-
THE DUKE'S charionn.
The charger which had been ridden by
the Duke of Clarence saddled and bridled
and with the boots of his owner reversed in
the stirrups, was led directly after the gun
The mourners came next. The Prince of
Wales, Prince George of Wales and the
Duke of Fifeied the mourners. Next came
the Duke of Cannaught, Duke of Edinburgh,
Prince Christian, Pince Henry of Batten -
berg and the Marquis of Lorne. Then
followed the Grand Duke Alexis, repre-
senting the Czar of Russia '• Prince Albert
of Schleswig-Holstein., the Crown Prince of
Denmark, the Duke of Oporto, brother of
the King of Portugal; Prince Frederick
Leopold of Prussia, the Duke of Teck be-
tween Prince Ernest of Leiningen and
Prince Edward of :Saxewarine.
Then followed the three Princes of Teck,
on of the Duke .of Teck; the Duke of
Wurtemburg and Prince Philip of Saxe-
The Princesses drove from the station by
a private road to the chapel.
The procession moved slowly, amid the
absolute silence of the spectators, many
whom shed tea,reeases the procession -passed.
* —rat eMrs ,"7.t4D:BRuTtIER.
Forasmuch as ithaah pleased—
The Duke's tator, Canon Dalton, stepped
forward, and cast a handful of earth upon
the coffin. After this the choir sang
1 heard a voioe rom Heaven.
The Bishop a Rochester read the con-
cluding prayer, and the religious ceremony
was closed by the shagiug of Sullivan's
Brother gone before us,
and the pronouncing of the benediction by
the Bishop of Rochester. At the beginning
of the service, whieh lasted for nearly an
hour, a chair was brought for the Prince of
Wales, who sat down. He looked greatly
fatigued, and his face gave evidence of his
deep sorrow.
When Canon J. Neale Dalton cast earth
on the coffin the Princesses sobbed bitterly.
They were also unable to restrain their
expressions of grief during the Lord's
prayer, which concluded the service. The
Prince of Wales knelt at the head of the
coffin while the prayer was being said. His
face was buried in his hands, and his heav-
ing shoulders showedhow he was struggling
to repress the agony of aorrow. When the
prayer was finished the Prince rose looking
comparatively calm, and placed on the coffin
a small white wreath which up to that time
he had held in his hand
As the Bishop of Rochester pronounced
the benediction the Prince knelt with his
head buried in his hands. When the
Bishop- had finished the Prince remained
kneeling tor a short time, and eb most
impressive silence fined the chapel until he
Then in consonance with the ancient cus-
tom Sir Albeit Woods, C. B., K. C. M. G.,
F. S. A. Garter King of arms (the Duke
was a Knight of the Most Noble Order of
the Garter) in the full insigne, and habit of
his rank stepped forward and proolaimed
the full list of titles of the Prince.
The Prince of Walei, followed by the
other personages, then proceeded by the
private way from the chapel to the castle.
The Princess of Wales could be seen
looking mournfully from the Queen'sgallery
upon the coffin of her beloved son for some
time after the services were concluded.
The Prince of Wales and Prince George
of Wales were the centre of interest. They'
bore themselves with .inanly gravity, and
neither looked to the right nor the left
All heads were uncovered during the
passage of the funeral procession amidst the
serried ranks of thousands of mourners.
The universal funerea aspect of the scene
was heightened by the dreary weather and
by the draperies of black .on the houses
along the route. In the procession the
helmets of all the soldiers and the swords of
the officers were draped with crape.
The charger which walked behind the
coffin was heavily caparisoned with crape.
It was nearly 4 o'clock, an hour after the
time appointed for the services to begin,
when the cortege reached St. George's
The clergy and the choir were apprised
of the coming of the procession, and they
slowly marched down the aisle to the
door af the chapel and ranged themselves
on either side th receive the body of the
As the Earl of Latham, the Lord Cham-
berlain, avvung back the crimson curtains
at the door, the harsh command to the
soldiers to halt and the music of the band
of the Life Guards could be heard. As the
heavily draped gun carriage arrived oppo-
site the door of the chapel the music
ceased and perfect silence reigned. Then
there was a sharp command, and the coffin -
bearers from the Hussars stepped from
the ranks and quickly lifted their bur-
den to their shoulders. With bared and
bowed headEi they mounted the steps and
passed within the sacred precincts of the
As the coffin was carried into the chapel
the clergymen, headed by the Very Rev.
Philip Frank Eliot, domestic chaplain th
the Queen, Dean of Windsor and Registrar
of the Order of the Garter, and the Right
Rev. Randall Thomas Davidson, D. D.,
Bishop of Rochester, and the choiristers
preceded it down the main aisle, singing:
"1 am the resurrection and the life."
They were followed by three equerries in
scarlet uniform, bearing on cushions the
coronet of the Duke and other insignia of
his rank.
Then came a small detachment from the
Hussars, and behind them was the coffin
flanked by 10 officers of the Duke's regi.
ment, the 10th Huesars.
Behind them came the Prince of Wales,
Prince George of Wales and the Duke of
Fife, who were in eturn followed by the
Royal personages who had walked behind
the coffin from the station.
The coffin was placed by, its bearers upon
bier before the altar, and the coronet and
other insignia were placed upon it. At the
same mi
moment the window n the Queen's
gallery, situated direotly above the altar
on the right, opened, and the Princess of
Wales and her daughters., Princese lionise
Princess Victoria and Prmeera Maud and
Princess Victoria May of Teck took seats
in the gallery,
AB the body was placed on the blot the
Priem of Wales as chief mourner stood at
the head of the coffin, Priam George of
Wales stood on One side a it and the Duke
of Fife em the other. Standing in a group
near then: were the other royal personages.
The bervices were condueted by the Dean
4 Windsor,- assisted by the Bishop of
Some surprise was expressed among the
people along the route that the Duke of
Fife walked in the procession on the left of
the Prince of Wales and in advance of the
princes of the Royal House, brothers of the
Prince of Wales. The significance of this
is said to be that the Duchess of Fife comes
next in succession to Prince George, and
that the Prince of Wales wishes to give this
public recognition to the fact.
Boa Salem° of Forgers to Raise
Money in Shaftesbury's Name.
A London cable says:. Frank Ackland,
the gorgeous footman who falsely repre-
sented himself to be in Lord fehefteslaury'e
serviceand who was eharged with forg-
ing Lord Sheftesbury'a name to a cheque,
was this Kerning sentenced te eighteen
months' inaptuscerment, and his accomplice,
Blackwell was sentenced to serve oeven
years in pruion.
The case has attracted much attentien
from the prominent position occupied by the
gentleman Ackland tried to victimize and
the novel scheme to obtain the money by
means of a forged cheque.
The prosecutor was Mr. Jos. Thompson,
a turf accountant. He was at the Victoria
Club recently when the prisoner came in,
dressed in a new and gorgeous footman's
livery, with a letter addreesed to him. The
letter was as follows :
"Dear you oblige me by cashing
the enclosed cheque and handing the change
to bearer?
"Yours truly,
Enclosed was a cheque on the Charing
Cross branch of the National Bank for £4O.
Knowing Lord Shaftesbury, Mr. Thompson
was on the point of cashing the cheque
when his suspicions were aroused, and he
decided to take the money himself to the
Bachelors' Club. He asked Ackland to
accompany him, and on the way, the latter
admitted that the cheque wawa forgery. It
was on a form issued: seine One back by the
bank to a customer, whose 'account had
since been closed.
Mr. Jos. lhompson said that he was at
the Victoria Club when the hall porter
brought him a letter enclosing the cheque
produced for £45O. In consequence of this,
he went out into the hall with the money
and was about to hand it to the
prisoner when it occurred to him
that there was something suspicious
in the phrase, "and hand the
change," and he decided to go with him and
hand the money to LordShaftesburyhirnself.
He got into a cab with the prisoner, who
then said he had another call to make. Mr.
Thompson, continuing, said that as he had
called him out when he Was very busy, he
must go with him instead. The prisoner
then turned very white, and said, "For
God's sake, Mr. Thompson, have pity upon
me, it is a forgery." The witness then told
him to tell the truth, as, if he could get to
the bottom of it he would let him off as
light as he could. Then the prisoner made
a statement to the effect that he had re-
ceived the cheats from two men who h
bought him the w
Witness went in with him to e B e elors'
Club, and after seeing the officials there
decided on giving him into custody.
A clerk from the bank stated that they
had no customer of the name of Algernon
Bathurst, with whichthe cheque was signed.
It was out of a book of cheques handed to
Mr. Reginald Brewer, whose account had
been closed for two years. ,
Detective -Sergeant Gettin said that before
the prisoner was formally charged lee made
the following statement, which was put in
evidence; "1 was very hard up, and I saw
two men outside the Egyptian Hail, Picca-
dilly, and asked them for some mone . The
men said
There were only a few women in the
chancel and they were all seated in the
All the space in the choir under the ban-
ners of the sKnights was reserved for the
digtinguished guests, most of whom were
attired an brilliant uniforms and wore deco-
rations that had been conferred upon them
by different rulers.
On the altar there was displayed during
the service the beautiful gold communion
plate one of the valuable treasures of the
No daylight was allowed enter the
chapel, which was i
light from num
The entire
solemn impres
deeply felt • }ay
Every detail ha een mast carefully ar-
ranged, and there was not a single incident
to mar the solemnity of the occasion.
And any of the Helpless Cripples
Burned Alive.
An Indianapolis (ind.) despatch gives the
following additional fade regarding the
horrors of the fire in the National. Surgical
Institute; The scenes attending the confla-
gration beggared description. Just as the
department arrived MA the ecene a woman
appeared at a thitd story wtadow. The
flames within made a frightful .background,
and her form stood out in bold relief. She
wrung her hands and screamed for help,
while the smoke rolled up in angry black
wreaths about hex.. Chief Webster at once
realized her critical condition, and flouted
at the top of his voice: "Hold oia, hold on ;
don't jump. For God's "sake, don t jurnp !
We'll get you out in a moment." A savage
roar of the flames and a creaking, crashing
:sound was the only reply that came back
to him, and scarcely had the words of
appeal left his lips when the woman
with a shriek of agony leaped into space.
With dishevelled hair the feminine form
descended rapidly, the bursts of flames dis-
playing the deathly pallor which overspread
her face. The body struck the etone flag-
ging but a few feet from where the chief
stood and was picked up in the pangs of
death and removed across the way.
At a window on the upper floor a panic.
stricken mother was seen struggling in an
effort to throw open the window. In one
arm she clasped her child, which was a
mere infant. She clutched at the window
casing and finally succeeded, after frantic
efforts, in reaching the air and reeeived
relief from the stifling smoke and 'death -
dealing flames within. No ladders were at
hand and her pitiful appeal went unheeded-.
Her face was deathly pale and her
form partially nude. The flanies were
closing in about her, and she looked back
into the furnace of death, then down to the
pavement below, as if _choosing between the
things either of which seemed certain death.
Realizing finally that the end was at hand,
she clasped the babe to lier breast, tossed
the precious load out of the window, and
gave her‘life to the flames within: It would
have been a pleasing thought to her to
know before expiring the fortune that befel
her offspring. Pipenaan O'Brien hadwatched
the heartrending scene from below, and as
the child left the arms of its mother he
planted himself firmly with outstretched
arms underneath the window. The baby,
wrapped in its night clothes, whirled about
in the air and tumbled into O'Brien's arms
unhurt by the fall. A few moments later it
was smiling, seemingly unconscious of the
The heroism of Fireman J. Loucks, of
ompany No. 2, will be long re-
m ered. While the flames were shoot -
login forked tongues from the windows
facing Illinois street he ascended the ex-
tension ladder to the upper floor. As he
reached the window sill he was met by
Fireman Webber Robinson, who had pushed
his way through the smothering smoke with
a child in his arms. "Take this baby, for
God's sake Loucks, and let me breathe,"
said Robinson, as he pushed his head into
the open air. Loucks grasped the living
load and started downward. He had de-
scended but a few feet, when the brave fel-
low missed his footing and fell headfore-
most, his leg catching in the rungs of the
doubtless saving his life. He
to the child pluckil
Jury was -awful one, his
BE WAS 009D r-.Tug.-13...00lv.,
likoa the People Who Watched Cardinal
The Queen, the Prince and Wrineess of
Wales nepresented at the Einteral--
Anthessadoes ofVoretgurowersleresent.
A London cable says : The body of Car-
dinal Manning was removed from the
Chapelle Ardente of the Archiepiscopal
residence to -night, and taken to the Brornp-
ton Oratory, where the final funeral service
will be held. The body was encloeed in a
coffin, and conveyed in a plain hearse with
the leaet poosible ceremony. A number of
children from the adjacent Catholic orphan-
age lined the street with lighted candles in
their hands. The priests received the body
on ita arrival at the oratory, and vespers
were sung. The number of people who have
viewed the remains of the Cardinal as they
lay in state since Saturday is estimated at
Admission to the Oratory was by ticket
only, for ib weuld have been utterly im-
possible for the structure to contain a
hundredth part of the vast crowd who were
desirous of paying a last token of respect to
the dead prelate. Notwithstanding the
miserable weather conditions prevail-
ing, the city being ehrouded by fog,
which seemed to penetrate with its
chilliness and dampness through the heavi-
est clothing, the crowd began to gather in
the vicinity of the oratory at an early hour.
It was composed largely of workingmen and
their families, and on every aide could be
heard expressions of loye for the ratan who
had devoted so much of his time and talents
to bringing Ada a betterment in their con-
dition, ad who, having fought the good
fight, had gone to his reward. "He was good
to the poor," people in the crowd were
heard to exclaim. Hundreds of times was
tisis repeated through the vast crowd, many
of the members of which had a personal
knowledge of the kindness of heart of the
dead Cardinal, which had taken in people
of all religions.
A 5 o'clock this morning matins andother
services for the dead were said in the
oratory, where the body had been lying in
state. When the solemn mass of re-
quiem was commenced the oratory
was filled with notable personages
representing the Church, the State and all
political parties. The Queen and Prince
and Princess of Wales were represented by
high members of their households. All the
ambassadors of foreign powers were present.
The coffin reposed in front of the altar. It
was enveloped in a black pall, ornamented
with a gold cross, crimson cords and afringe
of bullion. Surmounting the coffin was the
hat of the Cardinal. The altar was draped
with black, the only ornament visible being
a solitary gold cross. .
The Right Rev. John Cuthbert Hedley,
Bishop of Newport and Menevia, preached
the funeral sermon. He opened his remarks
with a touching tribute to the late Duke of
Clarence and Avondale. He said that an
era had closed in the history of Catholicism
in England with the death of C .rdinal
Manning and a new one had opened. He
made special reference to the Cardinal's
efforts to secure the Catholic education of
children, and declared that the struggle was
Duringthe evening the coffin containing
the Duke's remains was removed from. St.
George's Chapel to Albert Memorial Chapel.
Here it was placed beneath the cenotaph of
the late Prince Consort and recumbent
figure of the Duke of .Albany.. The coffin
will remain in its present position till Sat-
urday in order that the Queen may be
enabled th place a wreath upon it.
After the coffin' had been deposited in St.
George's Chapel, wreaths from the Duchess
Of Teck and Princess May were placed on it
beside the wreath sent by Her Majesty.
Until late in the day floral tributha con;
tinued to pour into the castle from every
part of the country. -Some of them were of
such size that it Was a difficult task to get
them through the doorway of the chapel.
Memorial services were held in West-
minster Abbey, at which Archdeacon
Farrar officiated. An immense assemblage
was present at the services, and many
persons who were desirous of attending
found it impossible ,to gain a.dmission.
Large numbers of men, prominent in public
life, statesmen, authors and others, all at-
tired in deep mourning, could be seen
scattered here and there among the large,:
Services were also held in St. Paul's
Cathedral. The Right Hon. and Right
Rev. Frederick Temple; D. D., Bishop of
London, preached the memorial sermon.
There were present at these services 12,000
persons, including Dorsi Mayor Evans and
the sheriffs of London.
The services were most solemn and affect-
ing, and many of those present were moved
to tears by the eloquent eulogy pronounced
by the bishop on the dead prince.
Memorial services were held to -day in all
the capitals of Europe.
The Queen, accompanied by Princess
Louise' Marchioness of Lorne, attended a
specialservice in the chapel at Osborne
House, conducted by Caron Duckworth.
Memorial services were held yesterday in
all important cities in England and the
colonies. In Bristol there was such a crush
of people in theCathedral, that many fainted
and had to be removed, while outside many
women had their dream nearly torn off and
dozens of persons were injured in trying to
secure admission. At the Portsmouth and
other Royal dockyards, in the garrisons at
Gibraltar and , m Malta, wherever the
Ihiitish flag floats, signs of mourning were
displayed, special serviw were held, troops
paraded, and minute gAS, were fired. The
corporations of all &gaps 'attended the
church servicee in their robes of office.
A Policeman Murderer.
A Chicago despathh says Michael
Gaynor, an ex•policernan, yesterday shot
and killed his brother's wife, Mrs. Moittle
Gaynor. The killing was the result of a
family quarrel The murderer went to his
sister.m.law's house and shot her before
she Was aware of his presence. When
arrested Gaynor expressed himeelf as glad
that he had killed the woman, and when
looked tip proceeded to sing a song and
dance a clog on the floor of his cell.
--There conies a time in every man's rich
life when he regards it at a luxury to be
hungry, and to be tired, enough to sleep
sound at night.
wen and hada drink in the Yorkshire
Grey, and then went to the urinal °paid -TAU
the Criterion and I changed my clothes for
the livery in one ot the closets. - I OM leaft
them and arranged th meet them at the
Daisy public -house in the Brompton road.
One of the men hailed a cab and we drove to
the Victoria Club, and he left me, saying,
shall keep you in sight,' and I then entered
the club.'
Blackwell, Ackland's accomplice, was
arrested soon after, and their conviction and
sentence have followedas already detailed
A German Measure for Suppression of
Immorality on Trial.
A Berlin cable says: The Bundesrath has
_finally approved of .the Sappression of Inp
morality Bill, with its sweeping 'clauses
dealing with souteneurs, prostitutee, pro -
=rears, and dealers in immoral works.
Procureurs are liable to a month's imprison-
ment and to fines ranging from 150 to 5,000
marks. Those found guilty of aggravated
offenses are subject to terms of imprison-
ment of from one year to five years. The
heaviest punishment that can be inflicted
upon married souteneurs is the minimum
prescribed for persons of that class, one
year's imprisonment.
The meature provides that all offenders
embraced by the Act shall be placed in soli-
tary confinement, and shall be supplied with
only a plank bed and bread and water.
Already the police are taking the law from
the Emperor to enforce the provisions of the
Act, and Berlin, Hamburg and other cities
are being cleared of the social evil. Many
hundreds of immoral women and men have
already been imprisoned. These drastic
measures, applied under the ignorant dicta-
tion of a reforming despot, are held by
thinking men as being of small avail in
effecting a radical cure for the evils attacked.
In a number of cases gross injustice has been
done through the arrest by the police of
workmen out of employment as southneurs.
Several hundred suspected persons are now
confined in prison awaiting trial under the
Act on charges made by the police and other
Creed Revisers' Work.
A New York despatch says: The Pres.
byterian General Committee on the revision
of the Westminster Confession met again
to -day. The day was spent in arranging
tlie details of the report to the Assembly
and the methods of everturing the presby-
Chapter 10, section 3, was amended so as"
to read : "Man by his fall into sin hath
wholly lost all disposition to any spiritual
good accompanying salvation. So, as a
nataral man being altogether averse from
that good, and dead in sin, he is not ableby
his own strength to convert himself or pre-
pare himself thereunto."
A committee was appointed to prepare
a digest of the work of the General Com-
mittee. '
Sections 3, 4 and5 of chapter 9 were cons
densed as recommended by the various
The largest university in the world is
that of Paris, with its 0,216 students.
Vienna is next, with 6,220 students, and
Berlin third, with 5,52/. Harvard has about
2,000 etedents.
There are two places where b requires an
effort to keep one% balance—on the ice and
at the bank.,
A poor student can go to Harvard now
on something lest than $400,000 a year.
g broken. As he hung -there the
mass of people below turned away
from the awful scene, thinking that Loucks
would perhaps be obliged to loosen his grasp
from weaknese. Not so, however. He
called for assistance, and in a twinkling he
was reached by two other firemen, who
carried the child safely to the ground and
tenderly helped Loucks to an ambulance,
which conveyed him to his home.
As soon as the hallways had been suf-
ficiently cleared of the smoke to permit an
investigation some of the most horrible
scenes were developed. In one room on the
third floor four victims were found dead
kneeling in the attitude of prayer. The
windows in the room were up, but the
occupants had apparently made no effart to
escape or appeal for rescue: ,Alie stifling
smoke -had overtaken them.
In a room on the second floor a man was
found in bed dead. The smoke had found
its way into the room slowly, and he was
gradually overcome, expiring without a
Farther along the hallway a young man
was found sitting beside an open window,
his dead body leaning forward.
There seemed to be no good reason for
this loss of life, as all those who appeared at
the windows were quickly saved. Although
the occupants were pearly all more or less
seriously crippled, many of them became so
frantic that they lost all self-control, and
almost invited death by their action.
They would rush to a window' cast
their eyes below. and, realizing thata leap
was almost certain death retreat at once
into the room and face the result. A lady
from Harrisburg, Pa., was stopping at the
Surgical Institute with her child, who was
a patient there. She asserts that some
time before an alarm was sent in she
smelled smoke and told "Ben," the porter
that there WRB fire somewhere. He
declared that it was nothing but a piece of
burning paper somewhere in the hallway,.
So she returned to bed, to be awakened
a few minutes after by stifling smoke
and flames. She gave the alum to those
in the rooms adjoining, and then
rushed from the building with her child,
they being the first to escape,
A Murderous Couple.
A Vienna ca,ble says: The trial opened
to -day of Frank Schneider and his wife,
Rosalie Schneider, on the charge of murder-
ing and robbing eight servant girls. Schnei-
der was also charged with violating in two
instances the girls. Schneider pleaded
guilty to violation in two instances and to
murder in one instance, and threw the guilt
of the other murders on his wife, who, he
said, decoyed the girls to their fate on the
pretence of employing them. There was
an exciting scene in the court -room during
the proceedings, due to a violent exchange
of accusations between the prisoners.
One tarl Cuts Another's Threat.
A Memphis, Tenn., despatch says; Mia
Alice Mitchell, aged 19, the daughter of a
retired furniture dealer, this afternoon cut
Miss Freda Ward's throat from ear to ear
on one of the leading streets Of the 04.
The Vieth)), who is from Go1ddust, Ark.,
died ahortly afterwards. It is alleged by
several persons that MiSS Ward has made
remarks of a detidedly uncomplimentary
nature regarding Miss Mitchell, and thiS
latter allegation is supposed to have been
the cantle of the tragedy. MiS8 Mitchell is
now in Jail.
You can't do any business with nie,"
said the new settler to the village doctor;
"1 intend to be my own doctor." " That's
all right," answered the physician. "Let
me give you an introduction to my brother,
the undertaker."
pupil) TuAlpir uouutuic.
elle relit:engin and Both. Hesperados.StteS
A Lamar, Mo,, despatch says: Two
very bold men robbed the express car of the
Miesoart Pacific train whieh reaches here at
12.30 m. The men held up the occupants
of the car, keeping them covered with re-
volvers while the train travelled the ten
Milos between Sheldon and Laniar. The
two men, of whom only the most meagre
descriptions are obtaineble, boarded the
train at Sheldon, In the baggage and ex-
press car were Express Masseneei Houck,
13aggagemeeter Hall and Travelling Pass
senger Agent Charles 13arrett. All were
covered with revolvers and their pockets
ransacked. From Hall $75 was taken, from
the others smell sures of money and jewelry,
llouckwaa forced to give the combination
of his safe and this was also robbed of a
small amount.
A Fort Scott, Kan.,. despatch says :
Soon 9,fter the robbery at Lamar a despatch
was received here to watch for the two
robbers, stating that they had left on a
freight train for this place. Policeman
McLemore saw the men get off the train
which arrived at 7 o'clock, and he halted
them. One of the men shot him dead, and
then both escaped. A few moments late
they were seen to get inside a box car in
an out -going northbound freight, and
Detectives Chester and Maples started on
a passenger train in puma, overtaking
them at Pleasanton, 25 miles north of here.
One of the men who is believed to have
been one of the train robbers wee shot and
killed, and the other man badly wounded.
The wounded man says he is Charles Myers,
of Kansas City. The name of the dead man.
is not known.
How Money was liaised for the Church andr
the Gossips Were Horrified.
A Durand Mich despatch says • There
is a split among the members of theLutheran
Church in the town of Burns, near here,
over a mode of raising money which was
introduced at a social last, night. The affair
was given by the young ladies, and it was
announced that the gills had a great sur-
prise in store for the good people. The
social was given in the church parlors, and
they were thronged when the time came.
Across one end of the room was- a curtain.
For an hour the guests chattered after the
old-fashioned church sociable style. Then.
the curtain was suddenly withdrawn,
There in a row stood six of the prettiest
girls in the congregation, blushing and gig-
gling, each bearing upon her 'bosom a.
placard, on which were the words : "You.
may kiss me for 25 cents."
It Was fifteen minutes before the device
began to work, but when it did the silver
quarters fairly showered into the aprons of
the young ladies' circle. Old men and
young eagerly rushed to the front to ex-
change coins for kisses. The show lasted
only a short time when the curtain was.
again drawn. Then the storrn burst.
Somebody thought it was not quite proper;
somebody else insisted that it was decidedly
improper. The critics were largely of the
feminine gender and did not include any of
the pretty girls. The social finally dispersed
with several members in a huff.
Strange Tale on Piracy and:Abduction. in,
• the South Seas.
not ci yet over. He added that perhaps the co despatch says: James
hottest and deadliest hour of the edu 5.
battle, whicagausaelta-se;,.b nroUghout the
7Ardd soon be fought.
The music throughout the services was
splendidly rendered. Mr. Santley, the
well-known baritone, sang the "Dies Ire."
Among those in the front pews were the
Duke of Norfolk, the Marquis of Ripon,
the Marquis of Butte, Lord Howard of
Glossip, Burdette-Coutts, Justin McCarthy,
William O'Brien, John Dillon and Thomas
Sexton. .At the concluseen ai thes(ivices,
the clergy preceded the body to the hearse
in waiting. The first coach was occupied
by the areas bearer. Then followed the clergy,
who preceded the hearse,and following came
carriages with the relatives of the cardinal,
the members ef his household, diplomats,
members of the nobility, Knights of Malta,
a deputation of members of the House of
Commons and a deputation from the Irish
parliamentary party. Following these
came 300 carriages containing private citi-
zens, and after them marched a large num-
ber of workmen's societies. 'The dock
• laborers and the stevedores wererepresented
by large delegations. Thesbodys:vas Interred
isa Kensal Green cemetery.
A Trapper's Daughter's Unpleasant Expert.
owes in Rear Lake Woods.
An Ottawa despatch says: A striking
example of woman's courage and fortitude
comes from near Bear Lake, in the vicinity
of the depot of Mr. J. R. Booth, the Ottawa
lumberman. A married stepdaughter of a
well-known hunter named Peter Duck
started to visit some traps and arranged to
be away one night in the bush. She did
not return, and her half-brother started to
hunt her up, and after considerable search
found her lying in the snow with a babe
of seven or eight days old pressed closely to
her breast and as well wrapped up as
possible. The little one was all right, snug
and wenn, but the mother was completely
exhausted and almost famished. Being
taken sick the night she left, she was un-
able for nipe days to leave the shelter she
managed to construct for herself. With her
gun she killed a squirrel from where she
sat, which was the only sustenance she had
during the whole nine days, beyond what
she had taken with her for the one day.
Polities Hot In Hungary.
A 13uda, Peeth cable says: There has
been much disorder at the electioneering
meetings all over the country. Political
feeling runs high, and supporters of rival
candidates often come to blows. A meeting
in Southern liungary Sunday ended in a
savage fight, in which two men were killed
and many injured. There was a riot at
another meeting at Kispatak yesterday.
The police appeared on the ecene and with
difficulty put a stop to the fighting, but not
until two of the combatants were shot dead
and five seriously. hurt. Much of the ani-
mosity is caused by the use of inflammatory
language against the Jews. A Jewish school
at Karhan was wrecked by rioters, and thy-
eral persons were wounded.
Bye -Election Dates.
Constituency. Nomination. Polling.
Victoria, N. S.... Jan. 19 Jan. 26
Rina-ston Onb........ .. Jan. 21.. ,... Jan. 28
Halton, 6nt .,..1an. 21Jan,28
Lincoln, Ont... .......tan.28
Laval, Que . . "seam 25a. .. Feb. 1
Sonlanges, Quo „Jan. 27...... . . . . . Feb. 3
Peel, Ont., . .. . . :ran. 28...........Feb. 4
Lennox, Ont.............. Jan. 28......,....Feb, 4
Prince Edward, Ont .Jan. . . Feb. 4
North Victoria, Ont.Jan. 28 . . Feb. 4
South Victoria, Ont., • , .3101. , Feb. 4
queoh'a N, hast Slmcoo, St3et 11),
......_ .
Haat Deuce, Ont .... ..Feb. 4....... ,:—Feb, 11
,.... ....Fob. 4. . ... ....Feb. 11
Electric welding is now applied to the
work of manufacturing iron wheels. The
procos of welding the hub, spokes and tire
of a wheel is accomplished in 30 second. '
White, a stowaway '
steamer Australia, tells a remarkable story
of his adventures in the South seas. Last
May he deserted from an American ship in
Sydney, and shipped on a schooner for a
trading voyage among the islands of the
Pacific. Soon after leaving the Australian,
coast guns were brought tip from the hold,
and White was told they were to be sold th
islanders. The vessel carried a crew of
fifteen men, commanded by Captain Colton,.
a Southerner. At the first place the vessel
touched five young girls were forcibly ab-
ducted. The natives pursued in a canoe,
and when near the ship were fired upon, six
or eight being trilled. The canoe was over-
turned, and the rest were devoured by
sharks. Two weeks later the vessel touched,:
at another island, and in a fight with the
natives one of the crew was killed and the
mate's arm broken. At another island a,
lot of, sandal wood- was Stolen, and ° the,
schooner was chased by a French gunboat,_
but she got away. At the Guahan Island,
White deserted, and was taken to Honolulu -
by the brig Me,drone. .
She Proposes Arbitration or Submission to, -
the U. S. supreme court.
A Santiago despatch says : The Chiliant
Government has sent a reply to the ulti-
matum of the United States. The reply is
in effect as follows : Chili agrees to with-
draw the offensive note sent by Senor
Matta to all the Chilian Ministers abroad,
and acknowledges that its issuance was due-
to an error of judgment. Chili also with-
draws its request for the withdrawal of U.
S. Minister Egan. In addition to this, the .
Chilian Government, in its answer, proposes,
that the affair of the attack on the Balti-
more sailors in Valparaiso be submitted to •
the arbitration of some neutral nation. If
this proposition is not acceptable to the.
United States Government, the Chilian Gov-
ernment suggests that the matter be sub-
mitted to the decision of the Supreme Court,
of the United States.
A Benton rRiarerbdoart, IMheichli.1,1yr
despatch says it
Mayor Hobbs was shot at on Saturday night,
by unknown parties in the street through
the plate glass window al his house while he:
was practicing with the choir for the Sun-
day services. There is no clue, but parties..
connected with the gambling -rooms are sus—
pected, as he has been enforcing the law iii
such places here. The bullet passed so near
h4s head that pieces of glass flew in his facei,
passing through the clining.i oom door and(
lodging in the opposite wall. Neighberal
passing 0, few, moments beim e saw suspiciotua a
characters in front of the house. Mr. Hobble
is a most excellent mayor, and one of the'
leading business men of the city.
The Leap Tear Situation.
Bolivar Breeze: A large number of the.
girlit are not earning saltlfries that would'
justify them in taking a husband to support,,
and most of those who are in receipt of a
comfortable income prefer the life of
independence which it brings to the re-
sponsibilities of marriage. The average.
young man has not the slightest cause for
Slightly Sarcastic.
This curious advertisement appeared in
a London paper: " If the lady who pock.
eted the elainu cuP from the little tea, ger.,
vice set when my furniture was on view
at will return it, 1 shall be obliged,.
and will hand a donation to the funds sup.
porting •the place of worship she makes,
The London Baptist Missionary Society
is appealing to the public for £100,000 for
missionaries and a steamer for the Upper
Cong. It is sad that X40,000 is already