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tilY 31 from now tilljannatry
lst 1893. Give it a trial.
The Pilolsons Bank.
(Chartered. by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital . $2,000,000.
Rest Fund. .. 1,000,000,
lEfead office Montreal.
Money' advanced to good. Farmeree on their
own notes with one or more endorsers at 7
per cent per annum.
Txoter Branch.
Open every lawful day from 10 a. m. to 3 p.
ra., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m
A generalbanking businees transacted
. Four per e011tper annum allovred for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at
per oent.
Evil*, Jan. 28, '88. Sub Manager
(atter g‘booratt,
Is published every" Thursday Morning,
at the Office, •
One Dollar per annum if paid, in Advance.
01.50 if not so paid,
.23.<9.-trortaalang MataFr trnm. -23-Pazaca,,-
• • '
No paper discontinued un til all arrearages
are paid. Advertisementa vrithaut specific
directions will be publisb.ed till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal disectulitmade
for transcieat advertisements inserted for
long periods: Every desoription of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at raoderate rates. Oheques,inoney ord-
ers, &o. for advertising, snbaeriptions, ate. to
be made payable to
Sanders & Sweet
Viturelt Directory.
Falb, Reetor. Sunday Serviees, it. a. m
and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m.
1VCagnon19r Ontraertaarames-st , Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. en.
arid 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m.
Miry STREBT--Rey. 14CD0110411, Pas-
tor. Sunday Servi0es,11.00 am. an 6.30 p.m.
Sabbath School 2.30 p.m-
PRESavgannedi finupag ev,
, Martin,
or. Sunday Services, 11. a. m. nd 6.60 p.
na. Sabbath School, 0.45 a.m. •
rarrasecolaso lasaparnorxrevalreasonfocammomm
H.KINSMAN , L. D.S, Pal -Leon' 8 Block
kan. two doere north of Carling Store,
MAIN STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth
without pain. Away at Rensall on lst
Friday; Ailatgefaig On and anti' Atli:Tuesday;
• Zurich on last 2huriday of each- month..
H. INGRA.U, Dag gisr, Member Royal
V./. College Dental Surgeons, suocessox to
II. L. 13illangs. Office over Post (Alice
Exeter, Out. A safe anaesthetic given fo
the painless extraction of teeth. lane Gold.
Fillin.gs as required.
gnRED. W, EARNCOILB, Provincial Land
I' Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
trver Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
..1;11,9 tilaga...08ffli.*010WC.“1.9**Iie
• and Surgeon.. Oflute and. residence—
Corner Victctria tout Elgin streets, Goderieh,
Ontario. •
• Residence --Corner Andgew and. North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
.115 the College ofPhysicians and Sergeons
Ontario. Physician, Suageon &ad Aceouch-
eur. Office, .Uashavoocl, Ont.
DA.IND MILLER, Veterinary Su_rgeon,
Graduate of tlie Ontario Voterinavy
College, Toronto, (Successor to Wrn. Sweet,
V. S Over 18 years paactice. Office and
residence one block east of Richaad. l'ieks,rds
store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
Tali. T. A. AMOS, M. D.., C. Id, Meniber of
College of Physicians and Surgeons,
On.hogio; licentitite of the Royal College of
Physicians ancl Surgeons Da,linburgli; licen-
tiate ofthe Faeulty of Phyaiitians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Pellow of Trinity Modieal
College, Toronto. Office—Dr. 0077011'6 old.
dalate NOW Yorlc Eye and Ear I -Los Ili tail
-.Byes tested and glasses supplied. ()Mee eor.
Maple aucl Talbot streets.
Legal. •
, . 011, .Cenveyancer, Notary Public,
Office— Civ -or Poet Egetea, Ontario,
Money' to Loan.
,L,h, of fgutiferne Court, Notary Public, 0011-
•taiyanner, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
•Office--Patisonle Block, Exeter.
onveyan.eere, &e. Keeney to loan
6 per pent.
.1?iLLIO1.' J. Et-alog
ILT ntowx, winclio.sea. Licensed Atiet-
i_a. ionear for the Coun,ties __Of Perth and
iitliddlesex, aloe for the towneltip alITsbotine
Sates promptly a ttended, to and team reasoh
arra .pd at Potat ofiiee, Winelielsa
J. ROLLT,NS, laid of Illani1oba, Liecus-
at ed. A uetionaer, fer the eOun ties o±tur-
on. and Iliddlekiex.. OSidenec: 1 milo sonth
of Exeter, Ont. 54e Orders by mail or Diller -
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
IIT ROLT ,711ivd4 Ontario. Licensed aunt-
. loneea for the ounties of Middlesex
rd Lambton and the townships of Stephen
yl.d Raw' All sa1c nramptly ittterlaCa tr0.
1.7B0SS.ENBETII1Y, Tien still Ontario. Lie-
, ensed Artationeer for the Countys of
Traron and Perth, Charges moderate and
Rtisf0eti(111 gatt)'anteect.
T 'TARDY, bion Attetion eer far the
aorta ity of Rayon, Sales Conciliated on
reagonable terms, Parel and Farm Stoelc
pecialttf. Pull arratigem exits can be made
at this office. . •
Wait half of lot 10., COneession 3 in th
township of lisbornean the cone ty of fl main
eontaining therein 50 acres more or less.
There 14 about 30 acres cleared and the
alio bash, bei p g,MIXOd 'Wit& black ash and
ceda)!,A good \vela -milt with a good well
ft wailer and well suited for fit6Olt raisin g.
Per *trill or par tiettIeva 11 3' Vcc GeO, flutt-
11 j'1( wn Or to Jelui tree tor, .Tx. Exeter
Valuable Farm Land.
T.Tnder and byvigtuo of a power of sale con-
tained. in a certain Mortgage made by John
Dempsey and his wife, (to bar her dower) to
the vendor, whieli 'will be produced at time
of stile, there will beA.
isold by PUBLIC UCT-
ION, at the
Commercial Hotel Exeter
Saturday the 5th day of !larch, at the
Hum or TWO ,(yeeeese,
unless the moneys due under said mortgage
be sooner paid, the following land, vin—The
North Haif of -Lot No. Three (3) in the sec-
ond (2) Concession, in the Township , of 11a -
borne, Countyof Huron, and Province of On-
tario, containing by admetisurement Fifty
Acres more or less.
This is considered one of the best
fifty-aere farms in Usborne.
Sa On tions of Sale made known on day of
le. For further particulars apply to
Auctioneer,Exeter. Solicitor for 'Vendor
A fine Brick Cottage and one lot of land,
situated on Carling street,containing there-
in 8 commodious rooms in first-class order.
There is a good. well of water, cistern, and 'a
frame barn on the premises. Terms reason-
able. For further particulars apply to Geo
Hodgins or at this. office. -239-2 m
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed for the rem oval of buildings and
building fenoes on: the Stephen & Usborne
Agricultural grounds up to the hour of 12
o'clook, noon, on Wednesday, 17th day. of
Febrnar,y. All fencing to be _completed by
the 1st dayof May and the Grand. Stand to
be plai
ced n position by the same data
Plans and s pociacations can be seen on ap-
plication. A. -G. Dran,See.
The Devon Hotel and property, situated
21 miles south of Exeter, comprising tag ac-
res of land with frame stable and shed- will
be sold on reasonable. terms. PoSSesslon
given at any tiao-et''Por further -particulars
aPPlv to L. It. Dickson, baxrister, Exeter, or
to Ai. Zelland, proprietor, on the_ premises.
The following valuable Property comprist
in g lots east half 75, Thames Road, by ad-
easurernent WI acres. On the land is - a
splendid frame house and stable, good well,
a number ofyoung trees, and many other
accommodations. Also two acres of land
situated on Main ,street, north of Lake
Road. For terms rand paftieulars apply
to ,Tonx TROnesoSar,Iffity I' 0. • •
. 13
Mn. DAVID Ng-WE:an (Stratferd P. 0-) has
been appointed. Local Inspector for the Can-
ada Company in the place of Mr. Jno Spica -
m an resigned. • . • •
Parties having Canada Company business
to transact will find MR. NEWELL at
The first Thursday of,eech month, corn
mencinp, February 41,h, 1891.
Dzotor Rod, Dltatl
Buy or Sell a Farm
Buy or Sell Town Property
13Or1OW Or Lencl Money
Collections Nalco
Gall a My. ff110. Spackman's
Real Estate Agency.
Business, 72:m38m:toils strictly con-
fidential. Intending piirchasers will
receive the best adyiee in selecting
lanct or town sites.
Also agent for Allan Line
ancl State Line Steal ships.
Office- Main Street. Exeter, Ont.
Address:- 30HN. SPACKMA N,
- Box44
Than cure, and those who are ' subject
tit:rheumatism can prevent attacks by
keeping, the blood pure and free item
thetheid whieh causes the disease. For
this purpose Hood's Sarsaparilla is used
by thotisands with great success. It
is the best blood purifier,
Constipation is ca,used by the loss of
the peristaltic action of the bowels.
Hoed' s Pills restore this action and in-
vigorate the liver.
The undersigned offers for sale lots 215011(1
216, situated on the south eide of fliehmond
street, lien sal), Ont. On tlie land is a frame
house and seyeral smaller buildings, good
well, a cmantity of fruit trees, etc, . For
terms and partieulars apply to Ronang
Flensall P.O., Ont,
ANDERSON.- In Exeter, on o , era. alga
the wife of Geo. Anderson of a son.
TJsborne on the 29th ult- the
wife of Chas Cann of a dauehter.
The sleighing is about used up here
owitig to the .pluvial ,aveather-Peter
Cody, of Michigan, *as Visiting friends
around here last week.-JohnOlavire
was the gnest of Mr McLaughlin lase
Sunday. -Mr. Bowers was the guest of
P. McGee last Sunday.
Farms toe Sate.
, '1 he undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy term's.
• J, Speekmn.x. Exeter.
wovoit it8.ceiiig in Rana, .
There is in store an intellectual treat
for the citizeneof Exeter and surround
ing country,,promieed thtough the ser-
vice§ of the 'Rev. J. 13, D., 'who
will occupy, the pulpit of James Street
Alethodist chereh 011 Senday next in
the morning at 1.030 o'cjoelc, , In the
evening the pulpit of Main Street Meth-,
odist Church at the hdeL, /7 Aloe]:
Those eervices are held ittit`i4 the di-
rection of Advance Council No. 207
Royal Templet's of Temperance and. we
Mr. S. J, Hogarth visited Guelph fa,ne
day last week to attend the Farmers
Ingtitute reunion. ----Susy Sander,
daughter of John Sanders of the 8rd
concession is, on the sick list . -A large
number attended the debate at Sodom'
and reported favorably of the debating
Institute of that place. -- Mr. William
Mitchell passed quietly away into 2the
slumbers of death last week at the res-
idenee of Mr. William Rowtcliffe. Be
had been a sufferer for many years
and his demise did not come unexpect-
edly. •
The entertainment Friday „evening
22 ult, was well attended. The quest-
ion for disCusei.on was: Which is, the
greater eViloa thief or a liar? . The
dicision 'being' that the thief was the
greater evil: On Friday evening' IdSt
the, question of country and 'city , life
was discussed, dicision in fayor.
„tee rrefeere other enter-
tainments -in additiossion.
The question for Friday next will be,
"Resolved !that the clergy would be
justifiable in takingan aetive part' in
polities"... John Carrick leede the af-
fimasivee0. Prouty the neg,atiye.
there -will be othertantutements itt
adctition. The Poor House question0
i 11 soon be, a gai n discussed.
January thaw. -We ere pleased' to
see Mr. Robe Young whohas beenlaid
up with heGyippe is 'able to be around
againe--MrtfeWm, Rateenlefiry and fain
ily have rOUrried fremeGoderich:-Cone
muttiou seiniiees in Undlin aletrech one
week from nexe Sabbath. -Mr. Jno.
Beattie het returned -to Seaforth' after
a short stay.iet out butg.-We under
stand we are to be blessed With a taring
band of the lst order in this town.-eMr.
Elder 18 10 f,cleliyei a lecturele Dtxons,
eveuing' on , Manitoba, -
Robe, Roth= is recovering fronwa se-
vere attack of la gaippe.--eThe leap
year party was a failure owing to rocky
• BTeW0er•
Lots of fee en Lake lletron nowt PP,Ft
ties wishing to put up: ice will SeldoM
have a better opportunitythaa: the
present -----We.are sorry to betty -That Mr
S. Whttmere is very low with the gelee
but hope Soon to see him around again
--The slinghieg has almost en tiyely dis-
appeared derifig the; lasttfeetecleye isut
we hope soon'tb see it retrenti4egain.-
Be1le! getting' over the grip, ;':',,tie'.1.eltat
YOU al most I n yaribly hear w hatieet We
parties meet now. -On Sunday More -
ina '1.8 18r8. R. Jenuison waaaoina eat
for a short drive she had there iefortutte
to get thvown Out ofthecutter hut for
tufettely she was not hart farther than
a slight shaking tile the horse was also:
caught befocee ±1 ananaged toget away
-Mr, J. Coteeto of East Willianis While
visiting friends in these parts was
stricken with la grippe and forced ' to
remainlonger than ,he had .intencled
but is we believe recovering.
The sittings of the division court for
the year 1892 will be lield on Febru.
dry 17th, Apiil 19th, June 1.4th Aug
tot 1.0th, October 1£3th, December 20th.
--During the past week we have bad
a thaw but not enotigh to spoil the
sleighing,--,On'ttlonday while Me Jas.
Mawhinney was out coon hunting' he
Met with an ateddeet that cost him his
life. After following' a coon track for
some time they finally loceted the ani
ma's in a largeqate and at once set to
work to cut it down. litfalling the
tree -came in ontact ,4,itith another
which -threw it in another direction,
when a limb struck the young man,
tearing the 'scalp from his head and
otherwhie crushing his skull, from the
effecte of which he died. He was in
his twenty third year, and a young
man full of areltition and energy and
the stulden call has cast a gloom over
the comnitinitte-La grippe has been
reigning ,supreme 111 our midst during
the put week, -
frile (ua.dly bi grippe hae somewhat
abated and,..th.stt who have been ill are
eectyeriegdern* ,tle past week we
were trisited with a thaw; but it has
sitgain Caught a cold and busioess is be-
ginning tottnerease.-The fact that the
Inatittate' was Auccess reflects much
dredititiethe,we.etteinittee of '.Minage-
te ea Hood of 11)0 2nd c
Stan ey, ° f his o 100
acreeloale. Welper, of Dakota for the
sum ef$000. Although the, farm, is a
good 'one, this is it very fair price :eon-
eidertteg She present value of real, es-
tatee-oThe Intleeeedent Order of Fores-
ters intend ,girieg an entertainment in
the, new Hall, Efepen, cm Tuesday. the
9th of Feb. The Supreme Chief Ilan -
ger end the V,toa Chief Penaet of the
- e •
Order, 'both gate?, epeakers will d.eliver
addeeSsette Sheet -fee, the world re-
nowned ettinieeleger, has been .engag
f e.t oeteies.loe a'0±thosewho have
by lea
will be cycled and there'!ehotild be an
.Kippen is becom-
ing fametiefet the serellerie and stet,
cess of item t lba'ait herary enter
Jiiddulph Council,
w council met in the Towo-
ship tt I en, the 18th ult. Present CC
Ho glee, Reeve; A K Hodgins, Deputy
Reeve; Jas. Teohey, John Abbott and
Gee, Westinan, Councillors. Each mere
ber took an(l subscribed the Statutory,
Decleration of office and qualification.
The reeve appointed Mr. W, J. Smyth
and the council Mr. P. Brieu. Auditors.,
The Treasurers Bond was read and on
motion stands approved. The munici
pal officers for the year are as follows:
W. I). Stanley, Clerk; „leo Fox, Tteas.
urer; J LeAVIS'Assessor; and Messrs. C.
c. Hodgine W. D. Statiley,Sath'I Lang
ford, J Hlodgins and Delli1i13 Ilearna,n
to constitute the Board of Health. Dr.
H. Lang, Medical Health Officer and T.
H. Coursey, Sanitary Inspector. Elec-
tion expense s were paid amounting to:
$60. rcunninghain rep. culvert N 13,
$3; Bryant Bros, bal on printing, $23;
P Boyle, rep culvert Div -2; 50e. W. J.
Smyth, rep bridge, Div 3, 50c; W & G
Stanley, sundries for hall, $1.05; Trees -
elver 'McGillivray bat on Con trete Tile,
$55.75. Council adjourned to meet on
Monday, Feb 1st at 10 a m --W. D.
Council met p t adjourn-
ment on Feb Ist inst. Tb»e and
all the members present, follon.
in' accounts were paid -altleredith &
Judd services to date $4; C. A. Jones,
bal of account, $17.25; Val Mackay.dog
tax refunded $1; Thos Abbott, dog tax
refunded, $1: Jest Hodgins, salary as
collector $60. The tiaqSui,i was in-
structed to demand from the surity of
the late Treasurer the amount due the
Township by him. The clerk was in-
structed to advise Mr J W Langford
that this township will not contribute
to the maintainance of indigelits„ ue-
less they e,)•‘) to the Honse of Refuge.
The Commit adjourned to meet again
on Monday, February 291h, 1892, as 10
a m.-W..D. Suttisnav, Cleric.
-.when 1± p cod. of, -
Sale Dills. II 1.,a).1 Dins, Letter
wt.; an'a volopes-in IOOI
NO 213
noon hist Week between the followirlg -
C. A. McDonnell, P. Sipple, A. .061 -
Worth, 81810 35 Johe Coalte.t, John Cale, r
well, R Bonthorn, skip 25 -Mr. 3ee1.
and his daughter, Annie, haVe return-
ed ,front St. Marye, where they have
been en, a vacation . -A great demant.
estleRnernade in our village of late
oft4(set4 horses and several buyere
haye been here purchasing. --Miss nee.
tha"Hodgems, It Is understood, will oat
return to College for some time -Mes
Peter Auger left last week for Detroit
where he intends remaining for a 'few
weeks. -Mr. Ed. Bossenberity has IT
covered nicely from the bite he receiv-
ed a start time aa -Quarterly servi-
ces were held in connection with th.e
Methodist church On Sunday, the ate
tendanci . beinits large -Mi G Mercer
of Bay City, is here visiting his daugh-
ter, Mrs. James Carlile, of this yillagee
Stanley Council,
The, council elect met San. 18th,
1892, according to statue. Minutes of
previous meeting read ;and signed.
The following officers were appointed: ---
John Reid, treasurer; John Tough, as-
sessor; A.ndreW Stinson,paretaker, G.J.
Stewert, clerk; Geo Baird abd,'; J., R.
Balfour, auditors; J. 13. Secord; Nathae
Peck, Win Clark and Dr. Elliot, maul-
bers ef.toard of Health., e The, clerk
wa's instructed to ask for tenders for
14;000 feet cedar for township putties'
es. The following accounts were et-
dered to be,paid,--News Reaped; $8 for
printing ;.JOhe Wanless, 611 for open,
ing ditch on iot If), B. R, N., underee-,
gineeres award; John Alexander $3.23
for grovel; John McKenna, $7, fees as
engineer itt 1880 A, S. Weeks, $15,fees
as engineer' on ditch award, bn lot 19,
B. it, N, in 1891. Tho treasurer was
instructed to have the township botke
audited on Cr before the lgth day of
invite a large attendanee. The menit February mut, The clerk WaS metru-
bees of the above society will march
from their hell Fensoes Block, to each
of those service. Let, all Members of
the Society take notiee and pleaeo be
itt atteeclaece at\ their hall at 10 o'clock
a, tn.
cted to draft a 113 law confirming the
appointutont of toweellip 0111.60,1f and
fixing their ealaries. The court '1 ed.
journed to meet again on Mon i'eb
realty 15th next, at one o code
G. ; SraWe esie Clerk. k 4,t
Mr:William Chapman, of the 3rd
cencesseon of hay, a few days ago,
whifelia,Ving men employed digging a
well, wee suCcessful in snarlers an
overfiewieg one at thedistance of 30
feet, The Water eame 111 so rapidly
that it was impossible for the workmen
to brick it, np,-The Sexsmith folkein-
teed hatiing ,a basket soeial on Friday
tlie.12th Wee., at the resideece of Mr.
W1Iiarn.W,611,11cott, Friends will please
bear this in'inind as it, promises to be
0-ie./event of the season.A cordial in
citation 15 given to all to be present
apd spend ae eveniflg. of enjoyment.
Dena forget the date., on the eveeing
'Of the,12th Of February. --Mr. Jetties
.earricls, of. the 4111 coueession, carries
off the. honors in 'this fiainity for butch-
ering hogs. On Thursday of last week
he proceeded to the barn of Mr: Will -
Lam Warren, and in three hears eine
ceeded in killing 20 pigs. They were
all cleanly dressed and 11 was consid-
ered by conipetent judges that the
work done was executed in the best of
workmanlike style. and would compare
favorably with any city butchers. 1\11%
Carrich 18 a man. of stein resolutions
1)11(1 considers, notwithstanding his age
that he is not afeaid to meet many of
the youtiger generation in a trial of
„?ublic Scb.00l Work,
The following are the names of those
who received the highest number of
inatkeduring the month of January:-
Dep't. 1 ---3rd, 31. Martin, E. MeCah
lum, D. Crocker. 1 -toss. 2e2, F. Lutz
I. Johns, Lt Hoeston, L. liteles 1st, 11.
White, T Smith, E, Gregory, W. West-
cott. Number on roll (163 average 56;
sick 11,---T. bnowe, Teacher.
Dept, II --2n6, Geo Nelson, R. Hooper
*A Treble, M. yestaway. V. White, N.
Quance,'E. HoWard, C.Kelland, Num.
her bn roll 51; average 4.8; sick O. --
Nixes Irosrint, Teacher. .
Dept. III -2nd, T. Creech, J. Spack-
man, Et Smallecombe, W. Vale. lst,
Pink, L, Rollins, L. Manning, Et.,Gould'
Number on 'roll 50; average 46: siek 13
Guitoonee Teacher.
1.)ep't S. Gregory, E. Brown
II, Ford, A. Johns, 2nd, M. Welsh,,.E;
Matheson, E Oadmore, F. 'lecke% 1st,
11. Prior, E. Smellaeombe, D. Rendle, L.
'Mcbmieo Number on roll 56;. average
48'; sick 1.1.--MiSettert, Teacher
Dent V-8rd, P. Brownings, E. Dow,
G. Williams, 13. Rollins, J, Dow.
11, Frattne; E. Balkwill, FIlawkshaw,J
NewcoMbe, H. Fink lst M. Treble, H
Gr(lanville, M. Taylor. lelimbet
'On Toll 62; Average 42; sick 18.---3Itatl
WAI;DRONEn Teacher.
Dep't VI --3rd, A. Peterson, E,Itese,F
Bissett, I`. Moore, F. Taylor, 2nd, T.
Priskator, R. Davidson, 2. 1Vestaway,
L. Welsh 1st, H. Huestonf L Lea,th.
orn, Bissett, P. Wood. Number on
toll 71; avetage48e' sick 1.0.—Mrs
'PRINGt,o, Teaebe'r, .
Ayeratee atte)ulance for the month
283; nmeber oi the roll 365,-, T. A,
MOWN'. Pete tI.
Hay were Yolnet
matrimony one day last week. T le-
bride was the recipient of,a,great many
valuable -presents. Our best wishes go
with the happy couple -Last Friday
a eight not Often occurring-, was wit
uessed in our town, by some means or
other an 3A0' and a "Backsaw" had
a, sawing match both at work cutting
the sametstick of wood and the result
of the match is the "At" got beaten.
Get there Ed. -Mr. Chas. Latta paid
our village a flying visit last Satin. -
day -Mr. Walter EVaT)S, of Mitchell
-was renewing aunt aintances in towe
last Saturday. --Some people in the
world.seem to think ,of no one else ex.
cept themselves. ,A certain man of one
of 01.1T 11eiglibOrin°' villages waa 'doing
business here but instead of putting
his horses in some, stable, he tied them
to his sleigh and to give ,them a good
foundation he backed themon the side-
walk whieh made it very inconvenient
for citizens to- pass by. Utitil some
leiocl person notified him, of his wrong.
Please remember there is plenty.of ac-
eommod.ation for the, public in Zurich. -
Mee & Mrs. August Hill. of Crediton,
were the guests of Mr. Chas Greb, last
Sunday. -One of our 'business men has
maclo a purchase of a fine dog. The
dog is an tinknown breed but it ap
pears to be a species of the "Bull -dog"
and is very savage, Look out boys -
Lase Saturday Messrs RObt. JohnSton &
F.' Hess. The Dominate(t auditors fa
the Township of Hay went over the ex.
counts &e. of the council of 1891 anl
they report everything correct which
shows the, straitfordwardness of the old
council. -Mrs. D. Steinba,eh is visitieg
friends in Exeter. -Master Wm. Wurn
left for Berne Junction Mich last Wed-
nesday whete he has neared a situat-
ion as clerk in a stem.
Mr. David Foss is still suffettipte
from the effects of n sevei.e atteCiet
la grippe, and his brothel-, of Goderich,
has been called to look after his tete:-
esta-Mr. William Welsh hat returned
from Galt where he has beeit investing
in new machinery. -The reeival meet-
ings are still being continued and
la,rge, etunbers are irt attenda,nce at
every service. --21r. George Case, Lon-
don Road, is stillingering in a very
precarious condition. We are pleased
to learn however, thet at last accounts
he was hoing 1.8 well as could be ex-
pected. -Miss 131anche Polly is serious-
ly ill with a severe attaelt of erysipelas
bat hopes ate entertaitted of lier Meov-
ery,-Sketing and curling are now the
erder of the day as the ice is in spiced.
id condition. -Mr. John Dick has 10"aiii
returned to l'hornbury.--Mr. W. Atoee
shipped a couple of carloads of ap
pies a short time ago, -Mrs. Robert
HirglieS iS at present very ill from the,
ditets of a fall received hist week. ger
WantS are bate' earefully attended. to
IaThciat sal)tvaev
e°(1, it'ezlt1a°v:81'Yagiselq°u° ikeelcaly fnici 7
Te h
1 -0,
the atiONV disappear end our streets
have been in a sloppy condition.-Itrof,
Scott is endeavoring to Orgeni ze a alaSS
Of 80 pupils for a eantate to be render
ed settle time in May,-illies"A, Wright
of l,ondon bas been the guest of Mies
Blettehe Petty of late. --A etudiritt
niOch topi; place in the 1160511.1! auritig
:ant Oating rink on Wadnesday atber
Miss Rose Brophey returned -honte
last Monday. -Mr. Chas. Fairbank au&
wife visited friends here last week. --
Wm. Dawson of Sylean visited theBot-
ton home friends lasttgaturday.-Mr...0
W. Wilson and brideeof Broonengtote
a yillage about iiity "miles north Of '
Toronto, arrived here last Saturday..
They are visiting- their friends there
and at Moray and Pari hill Them.
Stinson, of Bayfield, spent Monday aed
Tuesday visiting. at Vtr, 5. Wilsone
Mrs. Gollen died on Saturday last.-Chte
of those pleasing- events, which e.reatee
a flutter of excitement and intereet im
every comunity,tooli place at the home
of Geo, Blooinfield on the lst inst ,011.
which morn his eldest da,ughter, Miss
Annie, was married to Geo. H. IVIorgast
of 13riniley. The ceremony was per
farmed by Rey. Mr. Shore, of Ailsa
Craig. The bride was supported by
her slater Martha, while the grommet',
right hand Man was Mr, John Outhert
The presents were numerous and hand
sonie,showieg the hig•h'esteeminwhush .
the bride let held by her numerouc.
friends andthat, e forgan may
enjoy'i long, hit and "prosperone
marriecl life. te,
The mortal reareties of Wm.-Weaaw,
c‘arepritted to earth. .art'gs, hltl'etaj. r‘f.,„L.
late' Wm. Wordere took piece On Friday
, .
'15th from his Jesidence lot 39 con. et,
There was a very large at-
tendance. It was'indeed the largest
that has been seen in the tp., there, he.
ing over seven hundred people. The
body was first taken to St. Faure
church where the usual servisee - were,
conducted by the Rey, H. W. Hodgins.
The pall bearers were: -John ,Saddier, .
Aletsander.Feetrnson, James Hamilton„
Joseph Morrie, Thos. Brooks, Gee. Kee°,
slake. The body was encased in a beau'
ciful clot11 covered. casket, with stirrer
mountings, upon which:were two et -a-
scribed plates, the first bearing the ree
cord:-"Dited, at Hibbert, Wm. Worden
in his 651.1 year." Upon the other were
the words "At rest". The services cost
sisted of 39th and 90111 Psalms and the
lesson ' rom Cori n thins, 15t11 .chep ter,
followed by the singing of the 'h,ynte.-
"Nearer my God to Thee" As thezae.
ket was being carried out the organist
played the solemn strain of the fenered
march. After leaving the church the
body was interred in ;be Staffa ceme-
tery where the buriatsereice was most
impressively rendered by the Rev.
W. Hodgiee. Mr. Worden had d)een
poor health but a short time and no int
mediate clangor was anticipated until
within a few holies of his demise. Ha,
was a gentleman possessed of many
amiable qualities. His hoSpitality, sym-
pathy, and pleasant smile had endeaxed
him to all with whom he came in con-
tact. He was born in Devortshireegeg
and came to this country at the age of
twenty one. He married a ueughter
of the late Joeeph Moffatt of East Whit
by. They had a family of eleven ehild-
ren ouly seven of which are -living now
The last thirty six years ef his life was
spent In Hibhert two of which he was n
member of the tp. council. He was a,
member of the English Church, Stat.&
dud while his health premitted 'was a
regular attendant at public ordiettences
His tedustry and fl30hlagCLiCIlt contiti-
bated mucli to the comfortable eireura
stanche lived to enjoy. Among times
present front a distetice were:--Robtert
Moffatt, Illonois 15. S , John Moffat East
Weitby, Jas.' White Columbus, :Jose&
Etherington, Wm. Pellows, Goderiehr
Christophoi•:Hodgson, Mrs Watson H
gson Radlan,and Mrs Jae Hodgson anti
family of Exeter. ,
Mena -et -In Usborne, on the lst intt
Mrs, Walter Madge, Fleeted 80 year.
Peetates.-In neater, On the 28th ulte,
Wm, Perkins, aged 71 years end 8
Sonatioterte-In Eeeter, on 28th ult.;
Yames Gordoe, infand SOR of 'William
and Christie Ane S011theOtt, ftged
Mos. and 21:3 days,
itIrrennee,-,,,In Stephen, on 30th ult.,
Vcrin. Mitchell, aged 7:1 years
Itiewttreetted--- Crediton, cm 1st 1.1191.t
Jasma,whinney, aged. 22 305.5 mee,
and 15 days.
McLuoi --Th Exeter, en 2nd inst, Ca,
therine Cameron, telfct of the late
Geo, 'MeLeod, Esq., aged 88 yre, and
0 11105.
Turtxnunr,..-- in ‘Vincheisea, on 29tit
tilt, Win, Turnbull, aged 84yeartr.