HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-08-18, Page 8The Goderich Signal -Star, 'hursday, August fB, 1966 a The Blue Thumb - By G. MacLEOD ROSS A phrase has 'been axed:.that already the fruits of U.S. Asian insurgent troops you must (a) live with the local people; speak their language and know' their customs. (b) Develop tremendous jungle ex- pertiseto make up„f rt ff,sgitent numerical inferior*. They contend that the correct 'coun- ter -insurgent measures demand. a' "Presence” and not an oc- casional fire brigade. The virtue of this "presence" Is that it givestime to win the esential "hearts and minds" campaign among the local peo- ple. This entails helping them to set up schools; running med- ical services and helping with agricultural techniques. This campaign was conducted on a shoe -string of $300 per battal- ion per month. Despite the small financial assistance given by the government and the cam- plete absence of any recognition of its success, it was made suc- cessful by the men, who Were completely unselfish; 'ga've up many pleasures and were as friendly° understanding and pat- ient with the villagers, as they were tough and ruthless in the jungle. "The Arrogance of Dissent' and, on the Mace of it, "dissent" does seem to have superseded "boredom" as the prevalent, modern disease. "Dissent" has not to look far for causes to embrace; their number is legion: Segregation, low pensions; working condk tions, atomic bombs, University curricula and .most of .all dissent from American policy in Viet • Nam. Immediately, let us examine this last' which offers two main aspects for debate. First the why and wherefore of the U.S. presence in South Viet Nam and secondly U.S. tactics there. Why Of Viet Nam Just now the Fulbright, com- mittee . of the U.S. Senate is busy hurrying the president's executive over what it calls "American arrogance of pow- er." Fulhright assumes a :mon- opoly of truth and wisdom, which has, in turn, been char- acterised as the "Arrogance of Dissent." Ones of the most devastating replies to Senator Fulbright came 'from Senator Gale McGee, who pleaded in de- fence of government officials for "the right to be right" and for Capitol criticism to be "acutely responsible." In a recent letter to the "Globeand Mail," Mr. Duane interventionwere being .gath- ered. Turple, who spent the last 1Q' year in Indonesia, relates how the total collapse of the Communist regime. there, dated from the -determination of the U.S. "to build 'military power in Viet Nam." At first S'ukarrto was frustrat- ed in his attempt to form an al- liance with 1Vlalay Sia and the Fhillipines..:. This led him to accept the inevitability of Chin- esedomination, so he decided to join his' enemies rather than fight them. By early 1965, the Communist power in Indoesia had reached its peak. Thencame the clear and simple message that the U.S. was prepared to expend what- ever resources and . manpower were pecessary to prevent a Communist take-over in South Viet_ Nam, Suddenly' the Indo- nesians realized they need not accept ,the brutality, the philos- ophy or the destruction of their economy by the 'Communists. Thus it transpires that it was the American way in Viet Nam, which made' possible the In- donesian _ solution , in t e ab- sence of a foreign presence on either side. Hearts And Minds British 'officers who went through the "Malayan Emerg- ency" and the "confrontation in V. Turple, gave it as his opinion Borneo," say that to ' beat good is there some car -safety you z need to buy'? ' These Malayan lessons are supported by the action of a battalion of the "Tiger" division of the Korean Army, now sta- tioned at thetown ora Boi, some 300 miles north of Saigon. The battalion area of respon- sibility, covers some 50 Miles • NIAGAR& KNOWS HOW -t" Get cash now - . for new tires, complete overhaul, any good reason. A Niagara counsellor will talk over the amount and repayment schedule ... and tailor it to fit your budget. We believe money and helpful planliting go together. Loans from $50 to $2500 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 29 Kingston Street . Phone 524-8357 Member of the Group of Companies. U BARBECUE Hosting Charles MacNaughton M.R.P. and GUEST MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT Riverside Park EXETER AUGUST 24th 6 - 8 p.m. LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE PARK ADULTS: $1.00 CIPILDREN Udder 12: 50c by 70 miles, inland from the pert of • Dui Nhon. once the worst Viet Cong infested region. The.vi'llagers have been clear- ed out of the„ town, in which ;the only ,buildings are the Ro- man Catholic church and 'the ,Town Hall. Nevertheless, the inhabitants, while terrified of the Koreans, are not resentful, because they lime in security across the river. No Air Force The Koreans are without an air force and have little ar'til- lery. They fight in ant411 squads, mostly at night, armed (with re- ; goilless ri e$ anti a first class knowledge of ` karate (taequan. do). ' The simple point is that the Koreans (understand this typo, of warfare and fight it with as much ruthlessness and hand-to-hand determination as the Viet Cong. The Koreans tram for battle in the villages; '!urate in the village °square, together with half an hour's rifle practice. This is calculated to be worth 2,000 helicopters and 0,000,000 nice liberal advisers in winning the hearts and minds of 'the villagers. When they conquer a ccxmmnnity like Go Boi, they hit first with the big stick, kill» ing known V.C.'s vfeiously, puh- licly and probably, half a dozen suspects as well; Then, they really take charge, The V.G. try to infiltrate and, I to their. amazement,. find them. selves 4nibuslited and slaut- Bred. At any Moment in their area, the Koreans have 60 am- bushes waiting each night for -moving enemy. The villagers know that if they support the Koreans there la no chance for the V.C.'s to return and kill thein- for their' change of heart, as 'happened after Operation "Crazy horse," an American operation of the "search and kill" type, in which the „U.S. lost 146 killed and 800 wound- ed,, plus indiscriminate mayhem; Is it ,just possible that -'the mericans in battle follow that outdated Palley, that success against guerillas is measured only by- dead enemy? 1 is suffic- ient emphasis' placed on "the continuous presence," which en- sures the. pernient safety of the South Vietnamese villagers in a given area? Are territorial TRAIN TO RONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office • BLUE NireFAR F $4.60 CANADIAN NATIONAL gains being consolidated? Viet1aIll fit se I CRliomy • the V'ittnarnese •eeonoany is in a bad Way for Much the same reasons as affect the American, Canadian and Itritish economies. .They suffer from uncontrolled inflation. The redised tntrate is oniy fou..r per colt: the Nation- al lank continues to" tint paper money; up last year by 75 per dent and in 1964 by 26 per cent. The budget this year is for $010,000,000, two-thirds covered, by taxation and U.S. assistance, the rest by the' iirinting • press. Real estate speculators, taxi- drivers and cabaret hostesses are those who profit and the result is corruption, and graft, with diligence, - honesty and thrift" going a'beggin'g. History suggest$ that de. feat inflation, unyielding adis- cipline is required; as Ufyield. ing as anything in the liilita y code. Can the U.S. get Premier Ky to slop the printing presses and will the VAS. underwrite to whole of the budget deficit? A victory over inflation would. be worth several divisions of troops towards winning the war. At least, that is the contention af' Wall street. Many common plants in field and forest are poisonous and can cause serious illness or death. Children should be taught never to eat any plant or berry not commonly used ar food. DRIVE our AND SAVE OUR .LOW. OVERHEAD LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY COLOR TELEVISION AN INVESTMENT IN PLEASURE Only The Best Should Be Considered. There Is Nothing Better Than ZENITH and ELECTROHOME HUTCHINSON ' RADIO --- APPLIANCES 308 Huron Rd. 524-7$31 tdoo r chefs r1y.iussy! Ever since the outdoor cooking fad began, we've been catering to the special needs not outdoor chefs. Over the years, we've satisfied scores of thousands. Many, many find just the steak, chops or chicken they want in our self-service meat departments. Others have specific needs . ° ° - the steak must be 2•1" thick, the chops double thick and so forth, . That's no problem. 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