HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-07-07, Page 5GDC 1 Prizes, Promotions
(Continued from page 3)
lir land, Jo -Anne Leddy, Larry
Littlevhild, Roely Lubb e r s,
el' Grant MaeDoUgall, James Me-
A.stocker, John McKenzie, Kerry
McLean, Cherita McLeod, Eric
MeNee, James IVIcithinney, John
• Malins, Robert Marion, James
Melick, Ann Millar, Janet M.11Iar,
Linda Moore, Patricia IVIotrii,
Blake Morley, Elizabeth Nelson,
Daniel O'Brien, Pat O'Connor,
Joan Preszcator, Susan Rankin,
Pat Reed, Glen Robinson, Kevin
Rumig, Scott Ryan, Wendy
Schneider, George Schram, Shar-
on Sheardown, Bruce Sillib,
Bryan Stothers, Susan Stringer,
Mark Sully, Donna Suplat, Hugh
Sutherland, K a r 1 Teichert,
Charles Thomas, Janice White,
Pamela Wildgen, Janet Wilkins,
Micharel Wilson, Charles Young,
Connie Young.
Promoted to Grade 10—two-
year program: Donald Bricker,
Beverley, Culbert, Connie Hick,
ey, James Hickey, Larry Lock-
Promoted to Grade 1I—five-
year program: Mary Anderson,
Sharon Anstay, Lynn Argyle,
Rosemarie Basler, Ruth Bere,
BILL •MacKAY • ,
Brenda Bradley, bavid Brereton,
John Carruthers, Laura Dater,
A la drey Denomme, Patricia
Durst, Brenda Eat, Wrierne
Feagan, Shirley Fisher, James
Frayne, Joan Glen, Gordon
Hardy, Shirley gonna, Archie
Hunter, Elizabeth Jerry, Janette
Jerry, , Rose Leaman, John
Lodge, Nancy MaeLeunan,
Michael McArthur, William Mc-
Manus, Bryan Mask, Lorna Mil-
ler, Pat Malian, Patricia Mum -
by, Dawn Munday, Janice
Murphy, Judy Nordahl, Donald
Pollock, Veronika Potzel, Ann
Rae, Janice Reaburn, Laverne
Riley, John Robertson, Rea
Sanderson, Brian Sheardown,
Christina Shore, Philip Sizer,
Nancy Sowerby, David Steep,
Douglas Stoll, George Turland,
Sharon Van der Meer, Joanne
Veldhuis, Wanda Wilson.
Promotedto Grade 11—four-
year program: Bruce Allin,
Nellie .Bilstra,- James Culbert,
Paul Deer, Robert Everett,
Brenda Ferris, Philip Foster,
William Gardner, Yvonne Gir-
vin, Ernest Good, 'Paul Graf,
Donald Granger, Valerie Hodges,
Carol MacDonald, Joseph Mac-
Donald, Larry McCabe, Douglas
McCann, Judy McCosh, Bruce
McCrea* Donna ' McKenzie,
Rodger 1VIcKnikIht, James McNee,
Brian Mabon, David Macey, Fred
Macey, Terry Maize, Ronald
Miller, Susan Mullen„ Janet Pet-
tus, Clare Rodger, Brigitte
Schlichting, John Sheardown,
Brian Siddall, Charles Swan,.
Don Tipert, Steven Tonks, Bill
Vanstone, Dianne Vassella, Cerol
Ann White, Janet Williams, Ken
Wilson, Don Worthy.
Promoted to Grade 11—four-
year business and commerce:
Lynda Baechler, Linda Brown,
Barbara Carter, Carol Ann
Coveney, Bonnie Culbert, Gussie
Culbert, Marilyn Donnelly, Mary
'Duckworth, Anita Glazier, Judy
Graham, Diana Hoy, Kathleen
Johnston, Angela Lang, Rosanne
MacDonald, Sandra MacDonald,
Pat McIver, Shirley Meriam, Iris
Millar, Brenda Millhn, Brenda
Mugford, Connie Opfer', Arleata
Pollock, Linda Prouie, Darlene
Stewart, Kathleen Stothers,,
Linda 'young.
Promoted to Grade 12—five-
year tprogram: Helen Adir:n,
Hugh • Aldis, Patricia Allen,
Nancy Anderson, Judy Arthur,
Heather Asher, Linda Bean, Jill
Bennett, Suzarl'ne Berry, Cathy
Bisset, Paul Brown, Ruth
Chambers, Joanne Cook, David
Cornish, Phyllis Cummings, Joan
'urry, 1Vlaureen Dalton, David
De Vries, Corinne'Duncan, Glen
Falkiner, Danny Frayne, John
Gottschalk, Barry Grace, Carolyn
Graharilt Edward Haines, Anne
HardY, Kathy Hindmarsb, .jan-
ette Hoy, lames Jerry, Clarissa
Lassaline, Annette MacCrostie,
Janet MacDonald, Anne Mac-
Rae, Janice McCosh, Jeanne, Mc-
Donald, Frieda Maaskant, David
Mathers, Kathryn Mills, 11/larvin
Mills, Lynda Pierson, Andrew
Pirie, Susan Remington, William
Robinson, Linda Sheardown,
Brian Smith, Thomas Smith,
Gordon Stoll, Karen Stott, David
Stringer, Joan Van der Meer,
Diane Weitbreek, John Mite,
Frances Wilcox, Patricia Wild -
gen, Pauline Wildgen, Robert
Wilkin, Rodger Williams, Lynda
Willis, Linda 'Young.
The results in Grade 12 are
subject to the approval of the
department of education. Stu-
dents Successful in obtaining a
secondary school graduatiop,
diploma, five-year program:
Nancy Baker, Nancy Bell,
Michael Bellinger, Bryan Black,
Nereda Campbell, Philip Clark,
Mary Cochrane, Louisa Collier,
Richard Corbett, Julia Cox„
Carol Culbert, Doreen Culbert,
Brian Dalton, John Eadie,
Barbara tlliott, Betty Blue,
Pamela Fester, Jane Fisher,
Joan,Fisher, Keith Fisher, Linda
Hodges, Brian Lewis, Jacqueline
Lewis, Brian Linfield, Sharon
Lockhart, Charles MacDonald,
Colin MacDonald, Joan Mac-
Donald, Duncan MacRae, Walter
Mcllwain, Karen McKenzie,
Robert McWhinney, Barbara
Mackenzie, "F rank Melady,
James Millar, Elizabeth Pollock,
Roberta Prest, Edward Royal,
Margaret Sanderson, Mary 'Sand-
erson, Robert Stoll, Robin Sully,
William Twaddle, Norma Walt-
er, Peter Walzak, Carolyn. Wat-
ters, Frank Wheeler, Carol
Whitely, Robert. Willis, Robert
Worsell,, Bryan Young.
The, results in Grade 12 are
subject to the approval of the
department of ,education. Stu-
dents successful in obtaining a
secondary. scheol4 graduation
dipoIrrea, four-year program:
Alice Allen, Harold *Ashton,
Bruce Baechler„ Linda Baechler,
John Bennett, Barry Buchanan,
Fred Gilbert, Marian Hickey,
Mary Jewell, Gordon, Lemon,
Brian Lochhead, Carol MellWain,
Karin McLean, John ManderSon,
Paul Miller, Pat Nordahl, Mary
O'Brien, Douglas Overholt, Gary
Robinson, Judy Shore, raul
Smith, Gary Siluire, Cynthia
Wain, Douglas Wilson. °
Promoted to Grade 12—four-
year program: Dianne Allen,
Mary Ellen Bettger, Sharron
Chaniney, Alan Chrysler,
liam Craig, John Duckworth,
Suzanne Durnin, Paul Eedy,
John Harness, Jim Haworth, Jo-
anne Kinahan, Sharon Kirkey,
Michael Lawley, Ted Lutz, Wil-
•liam MacDonald, Jackie Mar-
riott, Gail Miller, Gary Parsons,
Nancy Parsons, Sandra. Rawson;
Larry Schilbe, Maureen Sher-
ratt; Ernest Sherwood, Rick
Sowerby, Larry Sturdy, Shirley
Tipert, Regan Washburn.
Softball' Clinic -
Set To Go
A softball umpire's school
will be, held under the auspices
of the Western Ontario Athletic
.Association, at the Clinton
Legion Hall on Sunday, July 10,
from 1 to 5:30 p.m.
Local softball officials attend-
ing the clinic will be instructed
on the fundamentals of umpir-
ing by F10 Dan Davies and
Cpl. Ed Mullaney Of CFS Clin-
ton. Both instructors are recent
graduates of the OASA umpire's
sehool which was held at Camp
Borden in May.
In addition Sgt. Hugh Hodges,
also from CFB Clinton has been
responsible for organizing this
particular clinic as well as the
two held' recently iti the Han-
over and Listowel areas.. Sgt.
Hodges has served as "an execu-
tive.with the WOSA since 1963,
and since that time has acted_
as league convener for a num-
berof softball teams in the
Western Ontario area.
Attendance at the clinic is
free and open: to anyone 16
years and over; coaches, 'man-
agers and ,players may also at-
Surveys show there are about
the same number of undiag-
nosed cases of diabetes. In Can-
ad'a as there are recognized
oases. - •
Jasper McBrien of 136 Cameron St., signs the guest book; pre-
sided over by Mrs. Gordon Taylor,of Auburn, at Ball's Cemetery,
Sunday. Mr. McBrien formerly farmed near the cemetery.
40th Annual Memorial
At Ball's Cemetery
AUBURN_ The 40th annual
Memorial serv:ce was held at
Ball's C.,*emetery last Sunday
with Rev. G, E. Pakenhain, rec-
tor of St. Mark's Anglican
Church. in charge.,
Norman McDowell, chairman
Of the trustee board„ welcomed
all to tl-re annual service and
on behalf of the board thanked
everyone for their support. He
told of the work that had been
done on the grounds and of the
new fence and gate Which -added
greatly to the general appear-
For the first time a registre-
tion beak was there and, the
secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Gor-
don R. Taylor was in cliarge of
registering the guests.
• Rev. John Wheeler, minister
of Knox United Church, was the
speaker of "theafternoon. He
spoke cf the m-emorial placed
by the pile of stories beside the
J-rda'h river bY the Chiktign
of,Israel to tell other genera -
'ions about. the journey to the.
Prqinisr?ct, Lan -,1 and what they
had gone through.
He related .the memorials of
stones on the sacred burial
ground of, Ball's Cemetery to
markers telling of the comple-
tion of fife of loved ones. The
living should meet the,Challenge
to live for Christ and be a living
memorial to the world, he said.
Relatives and friends were
present from Toronto, Brant-
ford, Bluevale, Kitchener, Strat-
ford, Tavistock, Wingham, Blythe
London- and the surrounding
AUBURN. -. Bertha Webster
of Toronto and Mrs. Marjorie
Ohlis ef Willowdale spent ,Sat-
urclay with Mr. and Mrs, Mere-
dith Yoang.
Mrt William Stiles and Miss
Joan Weir at Ottawa spent the
weekend in Ottawa visiting. her
grandmother, Mrs. EuStace.
A 'funeral Js io'he held today
at 2 pan, at.the rinioral
Home for Mrs. W. F.11. Price,
79, ef 9Q Terento,St,„ who died
Tuesday • In Alexandra Vaiirto
and General Irospital,,
Mrs. Price, the former Martha
Wootton, was born In Guelph,
daughters of the late Thomas
Wootton and Elizabeth Blood.,
She attended school in
Guelph. On Oct. 31, 1910 in
North Street Methodist Church
she married W; F. H. Price,
who died in• 1962. 'They moved
to Goderic.b. in 1921..
Mrs. Priee was former presi-
dent of the Ladies Aid, the
Borne and School Association
and the Women's Institute, and -
was a member of North Street
United Church.
She is survivedby. two
daughters, Mrs. Les (Evelyn
Jean) Hanna,' Ayr, and Mrs.
Clarence (Fldrence Mae) Miller,
*Goderich, and a sister, Mrs.
Florence Gardiner of Stratford.
Rev. Leonard Warr is to of
ficiate at today's service and
burial is to be in Maitland Ceme-
Women See
Niagara Falls
Mrs. William Batkin and Mrs.
Huller spent the . weekend of
June.25 in Berkley, Mich. While
there tney attended the 50th
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Ezra Durst.
'Elien 1VIcKeig, Hespeler, and
Robert, Grigg, Kitchener, spent
the holiday weekend with Mr.
and Mr., Edward Grigg. .
Forty-one women ef the Rol-
mesville congregation enjoyed a
bus trip to ,Hamilton and Niag-
ara Falls last Tuesday.
The regular meeting of the
U.C.W. will be 'withdrawn for
Mr and Mrs, Irvine Tebbutt
and Marilyn left on Tuesday for
Calgary to attcnd the wedding
oYtheir son Gordon.
aid Mrs. Doug Noeman
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeo left
on Wednesday for a trip to
Van cony er.
Frank McCullough havreturn-
ed home from Victoria Hospital.
The Go#100,,ich Signal -Star, ThursdaY, ;rub. Prj,
Detroit Woman Wins
Cash at Garden Party
.K.W.GSDRIDGE.---The garden
party held StoulaY eVenin$ was
well attended The winner of
$100 was Mre"." Nick Rerry, De-
troit; SOCOnd prize embroidered
table cloth and servreJtes, Jeanie
l:irennan, Stratford; third prize,
set of corning ware Mrs. P. g.
Murray, Detruit.
Visite s over the weekend
were Dr. and Mee. Frayne, Lon -
dim, Joe O'Reilly, Mr. and Mrs.
Redfern, Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Perry, Dominic Berger, Detroit,
Mr. andMrs, Delmer Maize and
babe, Eileen and Linda Vassella,
Toront .
Mr. end Mrs. Maurice Ed-
wards and family, Francis Gil-
more, Mike Costelloe London;
George Drennan, Detroit; Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Lannon, Mr. and
Mrs. Hill and family, Toronto;
Clare Lannon, Mr. and Mrs.
Kerry }peen, Jeanie Drennan,
Rosemary and- Donna Hogan of
Stratford; A n n Heffernan,
'Raymond Heffernan, Wallace -
burg; Jerry • Heffernan and
Blanch e Bilocleau, Guelph; Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald and
family, Stratford: Mr. and Mrs.
John Dietrich and family, Clark-
son; Mr. and Mrs. Bass (Rose
Marie Lennon) and family, Tor-
onto, Dennis tuinian, Brant-
ford, Mr. ard Mrs. Clarence
ASHFIELD. — Mrs. J. B.
Rhodes,'and Anna and Charlotte
MacKereie of Toronto visited
relatives here over the weekend,
Mrs Emile Norgaard„ of Chi-
cago is a' guest of. her brother,
Bruce Macdonald.
Mts. Kenneth Farrish is a pat-
ient in ,Goderith hospital.
Barbaea L. MacKenzie' and Jan
Simpson are counselors at Go-
forth Camp at Dunnville.
Douglas Falrish and Alex
Ma cKen zi e of Toronto were
home for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leadbetter
and Bei bare of Toronto visited
with Mrs. Colin MacGregor.
Mrs. Jack Treat of Chicago
spent the -weekend ...with rela-
tives hcre.
Ray MacKenzie of Toronto
waS home for the weekend.
Deherty. Pete and Ted Marti110
Pr. and Mrp, Dolland and family,
Toronto:, Florence Lambert -04
il'anulton; Als. and 'Mrs; Ian.
Parker .(1)6nn4 'Lannan)
failltYY.(4oa4cn.; Mr. and Mrs.
Hash Bayou.
ArglrevP lVfartin passed away
in GodPileh hospital', July 4 .
after a lengthy illness, we ex-.
tend ouci syit.pa,thy to the fant-,
Rev. Thos, O'Keefe visited
Mr. awl Mrs, Joe O'Keefe re-
Mrs. Fred Vassella and Linda,
Mrs. jim Sinuett, Art Bowler of
Torenta atter.ded the wedd•ina.
of Mrs. Vassella's niece in Sud-
bury last weeh.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Straus,
Forestburg,. Alberta; Mr.. and
Mrs. Alex Sir eta. Teeswater;
Eleanor Schafter, wingham.
ited Mr. and Mrs. John HoWard
and family.
SARNIA.—A highways plan-
ning st4dy is under way cover-,
ing Huron, Bruce”. and Grey
e01,111tiPSand areas .of Perth and
Wellington counties. Highways
Minister Maegaughton said
June 28.
Mr. illacNaughton tokt dele-
gates ti the Association of. One- •••
tario Mayors_ and Reeves con-
vention that this study will
dovetail* witi - another. to be -
undertaken later this year in
the Kitchener - Waterloo area.
Another- is siated-for the Parry
Sound district.
The studies will provide in- .
formation on travelling habits
ocf residents • and: anticipated
growth in tre:nc as a base for
a 20 -year roads program;
c•Feiir such studies, including
one in the London area,:have
already been completed. ,
Mr. -Mac..Naughton said in-
creased mbllity of population -
makes it possible for large
plants ta locate almost anywhere ,
in rural areas. This adds to -
regional plannirg problems ,and
!causes eounty reads to grow in
I importance.
. . FREE
SAT., Jinx. 9, 7 P.M.
Around The Square Down South St., Along Britannia Rd., McDonald Street To The Arena
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