HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-07-07, Page 1Walter Safety says,
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-• Na. 27:
.ower. Electrical Rates Promi
Goderich users of electric
power can look forward to
reduced rates later this Year
Publ1e Utilities Chairman W.
J. Mills said Tuesday evening,
Mr- Mills, speaking at an
official opening, dinner for On-
tario Hydro's new $500,000,
110,000 -volt transformer sta-
tion at Goderich, said the
PUC will .be .buying electrical
energy cheaper because of a
-new" price system. _-
His promise that the re-
duction will be passed on to
consumers brought a cheer
from industrial representai
tives at the Dinner.
A rich• current of history
ran through the evening's
speechs. Commissioner . Geo-
rge Filsineer con mended On-
tario Hydro for encouraging
local utilities to compile their
history. He said Goderich
Will publish its PUC history
in a b, o.chure.
Vote, Held
'Mr. Fi]singefi said the first
mention of electrical service
in the town records a vote
held May 12, 1877 approving
debentrres for a lighting sys-
tem. 'Ihe boiler§ in the water
'pumping staiion at the harlbor
also generated the electricity
for 33 street lights.
Dight bulbs cost $LSft . 2
at that time said Mr. Filsing-
While efforts were made to
interest private companies to
developing puwer on the Mait-
land River, two men, working
12 -hour snifts, manned the
generating station.
Coal for the boilers arrived
by sailing schooner and was
hoisted to the station in horse-
draviifi buckets. -
Mr. Filsinger said Goderich
was p obably unique in have,
ing had only three utilities
managers: ,f B. Kelly from
1898 to 1948; Elmer Weaver'
from 1948 to 1965 and the
current manager, D. B. Rol-
He s tid"Reg Bridle has been
with the PUC 38 years and
1V,liss Helen .McCarthy"30 years
—indications of the loyalty of
the staff.
Created. -MC- —_.
The town council created
the PTD( on January 22, 1913
said M . Fels nger.
G. M McHenry of London,
regional manager for Ontario
Hydro, said, "We are proud
of our new facilities for de-
livery of electrical power to
The tran ,j sumer station
will provide a better 'level
of electrical power, make it
A graph `showing the dramatic increase in
the consumption of electrical power in.
Goderich since 1937 was on display. at the
° PUC dinner Tuesday evening. Examining
Awards Given
Hold Minor Hockey Dinner
the chart, from left, G. M. McHenry, re-
gional,manager for Ontario Hydro, London;
W. J. Mills, chairman doderich PUC, and
its manager Dave Rolston.
Goderich Minor Hockey As-
ssociation held its annual
father and sari banquet re-
cently at the Goderich Arena.
Minor hockey players from
mite • to juvenile, and their
fathers were served . a hot
meal by an efficient corps
of mothers. Over 500 a'..tends
The banquet is the official
wra!pup of another season and
includes the .,presentation of
,, :t
Goaltender Bob Overholt and his' father Go`rdon Overholt look
proudly at the trophy Bob received for being voted the Out-
standing Squirt Goalie during the 1965-66 season. Bob received
the trokhy at the GMHA banquet held at the arena.
Wingham T Station
Given dolor Licence
Radio Station CKNX Ltd.,
operators of CKNX-TV, Wing -
ham, has been granted a cate-
gory B licence for transmis-
sion' of color:-
In this category,'"the station
will be permitted to transmit
color from network programs,
from fijms"for announcements
and on. film or slides for
The Board of Broadt8st'Gov-
ernors yesterday gave color
transmission authority to an
additional' 27, television sta-
tions across Canada.
Stations with color licences
are permitted to, begin test,
adjustment and trainingi
sod transmissions after
ilarly-scheduled programs.
a d before 9 a.m. or the com-
mencement of scheduled pro-
grammi'ng, whichever occurs
Oct. 1, they will begin a
three-month shake -down per-
iod, which , wi><1 `permit color
transmission during the day.
In this period, minor equip-
ment adjustments and faults
are to be cleared up 'and op-
eratingeskills polished.
By Jan. 1, all color trans-
mission is expected to fully
meet technical requirements.
Active in community af-
fairs in 1-Goderich for many.
years, Edward Sale, 57, of 88
Wellesley St., died Wednesday
in Alexandra Marine and Gen-
eral Hospital. The, -.Lodge
FuneraleHome is- in charge.
• Included in the awards
presentation this year were
Gord Mask and Bob Rush.
These were given for, meritor-
ious work in minor hockey
stretching back more than '10
years. Bob Rush was on hand
for the award, while Brian
Mask accepted the plaque on"
behalf of his father. The in-
scriptions read, "In Apprecia-
tion For Outstanding Service."
Mayor Walkom 'extended a
work ' f welcome from the
town. He encouraged the boys
°to work hard at their •hockey
.if they desired to reach the
heights that Larry Jeffrey
and Gary Doak •had reached.
To keep the question period
to a minimum chairman
Howie K,uenzie, asked one'
question of both Larry and
Lai;ry said the most im-
portant thing a forward can
learn to assist him in becom-
ing a professional is to skate
both ways and to learn to turn
both ways.
Boston Bruin rookie de-
fenceman, Gary ° encouraged
building defencemen to learn
to skate 'strongly and break
fast. Gary, always known as a.
rugged performer. stressed
the importance of hitting
. During the evening, past
president of the GMHA Vince
Young told both fathers and
'sons that president Ken Mul-
lin had done a fine job- during
-his first. season in, office. Mr.
Young was forced- to resign
from the post for health" rea-
sons after serving several
seasons as president.
' Head table guests included
president of the Royal Cana-
dian Legion Branch 109 and
presidents of 'all the Goderich
service clubs. These organize-
. tions play an important part
in the GoderichMinor Hockey
Carnpa ign
Hits Top
Returns °are not expected
to be complete for a month,
but••the building fund at,Alex-
andra Marine and General
'Hospital has passed its objec-
The -fund needed $109,214.
Tt was raised in a little over
three months.
Tim Elliott, chairman for
building fund publicity, said
there are still considerable
calls to be made on persons
who mere cn vacation or
moved to another address.
Several organizations have
indicated -they want to add to
the fund and help bringclown
the loan° of $190,000, Mr.
Elliott said,
"Every dollar over the
quota can be used to buy new
equipment that,might be de-
sirable in future years since
the hospital will bp fully
equipped when it opens late
this year,"" he said.
Among elementary school teachersgoing
back to school at Victoria .School this week
were, from left Ernest Crawford, supervis-
ing principal at Victor Lauriston School;
• Mrs. Claude Kalbfleisch, from Robertson
Memorial School, and Frank Moore of Victor
Merchant- Gets- V�/eifa rtea'_
hides Labor
A Goderich merchant re-
ceived welfare assistance from
the town last year, Goderich
and District Labor Council
was told Monday night.
B. R. Robinson, speaking
' to the council on matter.;
,,which he felt it should give,l
serious thought and observa-
tion, said town council has no
chairmanof welfare.
"We have in council, - a
chairman of finance, chairman
of parks and lights, but no
•chairman of',health, arid 'wel`
fare,l' said Mr. Robinson.
"Perhaps this,is why one of
our businessmen was able to
get financial help when busi-
ness was slow."
Mr. Robinson later declined"
to elaborate on his comment,
other thbn to say that the
man had stayed in business
and had received welfare as-
sistance. _
Mr. Ttohinson .s talk was given
as an after-dinner speech at
the labor council's regular
meeting. He'.was 'introduced
by president Harold Stewart
as active in this labor Move-
ment since 1934.
Chides Labor
The speaker chided organiz-
ed labor on its lack of public
relations and said it must seek
a new image and discard a
complacent attitude.
, "What is the image of or-
ganized labpr?" he asked.
•"Back in the 30's and 40's we
were Communists trying to'
destroy the capitalistic system-
in our country.
"Our image has changed to
that of degenerate, incom-
petent, irresponsible people,
trying to feather our own beds
by disrupting production,
bleeding our economy, de-
stroying the _ very fibre or
moral and social order,- be-
cause We have too much spare
time and money with no
brains to use our blessings
Mr. Robinson said • govern-
ment Lacks leadership at all
level:-4gadinz to disunity. de-
stroying confidence- and in-
genuity. •
..Lack of direction of our
natural resources, productiv-
ity and our economy throws
organized labor,' the farmer
and the small businessman on
Thesacri#'icial altar of despair.
insecurity; physical and men-
tal deterioration, while the
fast -buck art isls, war -mongers
and politicians play tiddly
winks or worse "
- Take a Look.
Take a look a' yourself. the
speaker advi•erl. Decide if you
dire how the community is
TTe said organized labpr
should estahli'h a public re-
lations "council at all govern-
ment levels to -.study govern-
ment. policy before it is im-
Labor .should seek arealis--
tic°minini ni wage, based on
the cost of living, increasing
or decreaJini every siv
months according to a board
of statistics:
"This would hely stabilize
the economy, prevent infla-
tion, reduce labor -disputes
and strike. release untold
number of, judges. lawyers
and eonciliation officers who
co>:,ild well use their talents
in fields in whieh, they have
Mr. Robinson qu boned
the necessity of a seven -man
police force in Goderich. He
° said 1.854 citizens are up to
15 years of age. and 1,243 are
60 years and older.
• A further 52 per cent he
aid are professional persons
and their families.
"In all fairness I must as-
,tne these people need little
or no policing.
"Now we have a problem,
we must identify who needs
policing, well all that are left
arc' you the working men• your
,sons and daughters or about
1,000" in all.'S
He. estimated that about
500 of this group would need
pot iri.nn "IE.u.t _ I- doubt _ _wo
need a Seven -man police fofce
to keep them in order."
' Predicts Increase -
T1e predicted Goderich will
have a police force of 10 of-
ficers costing $70,000 a year
in the next two or three years.
Mr. Robinson advised the
labor council to have window
decals printed that could he
placed in the door of every
business place in town stating.
"We support organized labor."
He also advised that it- e.stab-
lish a Centennial Scholarship.
The council voted to obtain
200 decals, and agreed to pro-
vide a $100 prize for a Grade
11 or 12 student beginning in
1967. The council was told
that the machinists union has
already established a similar
scholarship to begin next year.
Goderich, and District Labor
'round' plans to invite locals
222 and 3Q54 of the United
Brotherhood of Carpenters
and Joiners of America to,join
the council.
Local 222 h a s members i n
all parts of Huron County,
the meeting Monday night
was told. Members are in all
trades relating to the building
more available for industry
and decrease power interrup-
tions tte banquet was told.
Mr. P1cHenry recalled that
the extension of a power line
48 miles from Stratford to
Godericn in 1913 was a bold
venture. He said the area has
a high lightning incidence,
and line creaks were located
by ,men on horse or foot.
Power at that time was
measured in horse power.
Goderich was drawing 215 h.p.
in 1911, today it draws 9,750
h.p. he said.
Ile said the demand for
electricity has increased 45
times a.id revenue has increas-
ed 25 times :,ince 1913. Cost
of electricty has been cut to
a quarter of the cost at that
He'said the 13,000 -volt ,line.
from atratford to Goderich
in 1913 would not be consid-
ered today . because it would
not be. economically Peas-
More 'Efficient '
Ontario Hydro's 10,000
miles of line In 1955 has in-,
creased to 19,000 in 10 years,
Automation and computers
are creating rnore efficiency..
He said the general growth
rate of six to 10 ,per Bent
higher than average now pre-
vailins! has created such a de-
mand fi r power that new gen-
erating stations are thermal
powered—coal or nuclear—
and by 1980 thermal generat-°
ing stations will aeeount for
two-thirds of all power gen-
erated in the province.
He said electric heating was
"one of the great success stor-
ies or ti e'er` --1 60ts. Jit heats
24,000 houses, 8,000 apart -
merits, 500* motels and "250
thurehes in. Ontario.
Returning tp local . history'
Mr. McHenry t said in 1910
heavy earboii deposits on ill:.
sulators at the harbor gener-
ating caused arcing and pow-
er interruptions. The carbon:
was caused by .heavy smoke
in the area he said.
Mr. McHenry said this is no
longer a problem here, •but"
-is in -Sarnia, -where a new,
method of washing . the insul-
ators has been developed.
He commended the Gode-
rich PUC fox building a 27.-
000 -volt loop around the town,
part to be done this year and -
compl e t•ed n ext year.
It is evidenceof good man-
ageme ;t, he said, that the
cost of $60.000 can be taken
• out of the accumulation of •
-funds set aside For that "'JUT --
eachers Returning
o'Vktoric, School
It was back to school for
130 elementary school teach-
ers in Goderich this week.
The teachers, from all parts
of Western • Ontario, are at=
tending` a five -weak course
in junior education at Victoria
school. . -
Besidet the 113 women 'and
17 men taking the cotirse,..a
nuniber of Goderich students
. in Grades 4, 5 and 6 will' also
be going- back to school.
The pupils are required for
° demonstration lessons in the
new teaching n ethods. which
are being studied.
The course deals with the
educational- growth and de-
velopment of children in those
grades and in the age range of
eight to 12.
Six Periods
The six, 45 -minute periods
a day will include lecture
discussion. demonstration. and
participation in group pro-
ject activities.
G. A. Boate- of London
Teachers' College, who is
principal' for the school said a
'major aim of the staff is .to
make the work practical.
the return to school for' the
teachers took them back to.
the years before they had
risen to the professions. One
familiar requirement was the
election of a student council.
one person representing each
of fhe seyen forms.
• The teachers were also
pleased_ that there will be no
final examination for • the
course, which they found -ea
relief after recently complet-
ing the 'grading ofchildren
in their home schools.
The teachers will be requir-
ed to write short tests, submit
projects and reading. assign-
ments. The total mark will
determine whether the teach-
er can be recommended for a
certificate in junior educe -
Text Use
Mr. Boate saidathe effective
use of text and reference
books, development of sound
study habits, learning to
think critically, selecting, and
summarizing information and
the ability to express oneself
will be considered' in the
presentation of various topics.
Tealn ' teaching, programed
learning, new mathematics
and the enquiry method will
also be dealt with.
Mr. Boate said the junior
education summer course is
more than a refresher course.
It is- planned to meet the
needs of teachers who have
experience with junior grades
and' want to extend their
education horizons and teach-
ers moving into supervisory
or consultant positions.
7t" is also -for 1teaebers who
will be teaching 'junior grades
for the first time in Septem-
ber, 'Those who have been
away from the classroom for
several years and plan to re-
turn, and rural teachers
interested in relating the
work and- activities bf pupils
in .Grades 4, 5 and 6 to the
total program of the elemen-
tary school.
The summer school came
out of three years of. -effort by
the Goderich unit of. the
Women Teachers' Association
to have . the department of
education establish a summer
vacation course in this area.
A formal opening was held
yesterday at which school in-
spector J. H. °Kinkead spoke.
in the absence of plulinister of
Highways McNaughton. The
other speaker was John K.
Sully, president of Dominion
Road Machinery Co. Ltd.
Other members of the teach-
ing staff are A. Brendon of
London Teachers' College,
.science; G. England, Windsor
Teachers` College, English;
John Jones, Forest Hill, Eng-
. lish; H. S. Long, London
Teachers' College, social
studies; W. Marshall, Toronto
Teachers'. College, psychology;
Arnold Mathers, Exeter, group
• procedures; Albert Stahlke,
Waterloo, mathematics., Mrs.
Barbara Howe, _157. Victoria
'St. N:, is secretary.
I'rov:nc;a1 police of this
Goderich de achment are in'
vestigating the death Mon-
day of a yeurg railway em-
ployee whose, body was found
by a fallow v.: rker outside a
TtNR work 'rain .• in Iluilett
Township n,'ar .Auburn.
Cn.r,:net Dr. N. C. .Jackson.
Dead by
pf. Goderich, - identified the
man as Re'�ert J. Peters,
about 30,.of R.R. 1, Stittsville.
Dr. ,Jackson said foul play
was not suspected hut ordei'-
ed au autopsy at Stratford
Gorier: 1 llospita1 . The body
was found' o:1 strip of grass
at a `idin ;.
Police said the .man carried.
no ideatitication in his per-
sonal effccts and the CNR
had no records on him. ,
Dr. Jackson reported Wed-
nesday that death was caused
by alcoholic poisoning, and no
inquest would be held.
At the graduation ceremonies held in the
DND School at CFR Clinton, Michael Roche-
leau .receives the Air. Marshal Campbell
trophy. This trophy is award2,d annually to
the student with ' The most outstanding
record of ° achievement in all •Oasts of
school life. Making the presentation is
Wing Commander L. J. Lomas, the base •
administration officer.
CF Photo