The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-06-30, Page 3Warrant Officer M. F. Grant explains a piece of eadioequipment to three Tanzanian communications . technicians. .A course, of Tanzanians training at Camp Borden were STUDY COMMUNICATIONS cr CFB Clinton played host to! Air Force who were here on a cations schoo' to acquire in - seven airmen of'the Tanzanian visit to the ralar and communi- formation and knowledge of ground . coMmunications equip - on a visit to CFB Clinton. Front left are Private C. N. 'MQllel, • WO Grant, Privates A. .l. Hitu and W. J. Massoi. Tanzanians Visit CIin!�n DO YOU. NEED . . FIRE INSURANCE And. Extended Coverages On BUILDINGS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS STORE or' FACTORY PROPERTIES STOCKS i EQUIPMENT - Malcolm:: Mathers GENERAL. INSURANE AGENT 46 West St. Dial 524-9442 PA•RK THEATRE GODERICH NI hili - Illi III Ill im in Es NI mill - _ in .First Run Fibs In Air -Conditioned Comfort Today, Fri:, Sat. Evenings Only at 7:30 9:30 • M TT 1H ELM SHOOTS THE WORKS! calms cimso e DEAN MARTIN as MATT HELM in HM S.II.ENCER; S-Ei SiEVENS' DAI.1AN Al. VICTOR 8[101\67 -UR O•CONNEII' ROBERT WE'R E . JAMES REGORY'ROGER C,CARMEL [MEM ADAMS CVD CHARISSE ko.s,VICKI CARR 'wogna'SIAYOIRI3 "Salvor riOSCAR SAUL Bn-o'r„;,ets!rSONA;CN&tO[TCN u.;• red"lfti RGkLL VittesNPRILIORt$Of AGisLh:rtiGttyoo, COttlfiABtACOtOR IOriginal Sound iraok,Album Available on RCA V iC101 Records' A Big Special Saturday Matinee A WALT DISNEY FESTIVAL AT 2:15 PQM. You'll See :..Bear Country . Pecos Bill .. . No Smoking= ... Bee On Guard ... Don Apple Core ... Father's Lion . : Two Chips And A Miss. ADMISSION ALL CHILDREN 50c EACH Starts Mon. Till Wed. at '7 :3,0 - 9:30 plan. PARAMOUNT PICTURES Arra KURT UNGER mop pRIA.:19REN jobtrliti TECHNICOLOR') ANAVISION' Starts Next Thurs., July 7 For One Week -3, MY FAIR LADY SHOWING THURS. MATINEE 2 iY.M.—EVENINGS AT 8 P.M. Advanced Tickets -on Sale Now For All Performances At The Box Office THURS. MATINEE PRICES 25c, 50c 75c Each EVENING PRICES 50c, 75c, $1.00 Each WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWARDS r� • � re including BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! REX NARR130N Rest Actor iauuanY JREYohEPBijM. REN NGRRISON ments and techniques. The Tanzan-a s were welcom- ed and given a briefing. by Wing Cmdr. B. R. Rafuse, the officer commanding R. and C.S., fol- lowing which they visited var- ious training sections in the school. During their tour the visiting grotip ,were shown our radar training facilities and methods, as well as typ.eal telecommunic- ations equipment' used in the service tciday. For the past nine month"s the Tanzanians h, ive been in Canada .taking the a: reran- communic- ations technicians course given at CFB Camp Borden. In August they will return to them, home- land where they will form the nucleus 9for development of eleetronic maintenance and ser- vicing facilities in the recently - formed Tanzanian Air Force. CAR RA DI OS CUSTOM & UNDER • DASH RADIOS FOR ALL MAKES Hutchinson Radio—TV—Appliz'nces 308 Huron Rd. 524-7831 NSET DRIVE=1N THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 30 - July 1 Audie Murphy Arizona: Raiders Color Western Also Martha Hyer in A Science Fiction Thriller FIRST MEN ON TIDE MOON Color Tiger Dunlop .!Institute To Sell Souvenir. Spoons • CARLOW. ----The Jug PAPP1in.g -1'f the Tiger Dunlop. Women's hstitu•te was 'held in .the rrewn- -hip Hall with the presid n:., Mrs. Ralph Jewell in char: It was decided to purchase 100 commemorative spoons to be sold at the Women's Insti'uie handicraft booth .at the Inter- natienal Ploughing Match in October. Plans were announced regard - ing .,cateiing for Grade $, Gradu- ation -Banquet. Mention was made of F.W.I C. badges, which had been presented to the past 'President, Mrs. Richard Buch- anan and the secretary, Mrs. James Horton for the excel- lent service they had given the branch. Reports of the district annual held at Auburn in May were reed by the delegates, Mrs. Ed. Montgomery and Mrs. Wil- mer Hardy: It- was ,public relations night. Mrs. Terence Hunter who had charge cf discussing the- motto, "Never Criticize a man until you have' walked a mile in, his mocassiils," rend a story entitl- ed "The Leng, Long Mile" which was particularly fitting. Mrs. Hardy introduced her son John, who spent last sum- mer as a junior ranger the department of lands and forests at .'ortelance Lake. north of Blind River. Showing slides he took in that time, • he described the work of a junior ranger. This program which was started one summer in the early 1a5r's with 50 boys- oil (17 years of age has become so jpopular that last stirrer thnr' '`Were over 1,600 -boys of that age. taken to over aQ eamps.' John's camp won the safety award fr•r the district and were treated to a days fishing trip with Mrs. the BIG MIDNLTE SHOW TONITE, THURS., JUNE 30 H MAN -^- PLUS — REVENGE OF FRANKENSTEIN COME EARLY AT 9 P.M. AI' D SEE ALL • 4 SHOWS ,FOR THE PRICE OF ONE POTH PICKED Leroy Poth, Bayfield, has been chosen to fill the vacancy on council caused by the resigna- -ion of Joseph Allaire. Council- lor Poth was also named chair- man of the finance committee. SAT. • - MON. - TU E S. July 2, 4, 5 E=lvis In Viva Los Vegas Plus the .clank Williams Story Your Cheating - Heart WED. - THURS. - FRI. July 6, 7, 8 BEACH BALL In Color , Crack In The World by plane. He elided his talk slides of lora), scenes. Toynbee .Lamb thanked er. 'The + 0derreh Signal -Star, ' hw data JUZla 30, 1000 Contribute To Hospital A meeting of the Pant Noble Grand's Club of the Rebekah Lodge was held June 14 at the" home of Moss Edna Driver. Following the opening ode several items of business were discussed:- A- donation of $10 was voted to the hospital build- ing fund and $10 was to be forwarded to the Rebekah assembly secretary to be added to .the eye bank research founda- tion. This was the annual meeting and officers were elected as follows: president, Mrs. G.- Orr; vice-presidents, - Mns. A. Os- baldeston and' Mrs. F. Bowra; recording' secretary, Mrs. H: Fuller; corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. Murray; treasurer, Miss E. Driver; press secretary, Mrs. G. Mumby. At the conclusion of the meet- ing, seveal ganfes of "500" were played, the winners being Mrs. A. Abell and Mrs. H. Mac:hee. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. K. Bell and her committee, to whom a vote of thanks was extended, as well as to the hostess for the use of her home. SPECIAL' EEN DANCE BAYFIELD =PAVILION Monday, July 4t6 Featuring BUDDY CARLTON AND HIS FABULOUS - STRATO-TONES• Alsb Appearing THE LYNKS- DANCING 9:00 - 12:30 Admission•3—$1:50 aye 25-26 KINSMEN PARADE JULY 9 — 7:00 P.M. IN CONJUNCTION -WITH HOBBY and TRADE FAIR PRIZES FOR BEST DECORATED BICYCLES COMMlCRCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL FLOATS BANDS For Additional Information Phone 9581 or 7,85 25-26-21 ks is there a somewhere you'd like to, go)? NIAGARA KNOWS paw Get cash novo ... for ti•airi tic ket:'. accominodat itrns, any good reason. A Niagara c'ounselloi• will talk over the amount and repayment schedule ... and tailor it to tit your htldget. We believe money and helpful planning go together. T,oans from $50 to $2500 NIAGARA FINANCE bOMPANY LIMITED 29 KINdSTON ST. • ,. Phone 524-8357 43 Mamba of the '=Group of Cornnon0M. Carol (left) and Maureen Doran, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Doran, Auburn, have both graduated from the school of nursingat Owen, Sound General and Marine Hospital. Carol will remain in Q,n/en Sound;U Maureen is going to Humbrside Memorial Hospital, Toronto. Community Centre Gets Council Approval At a special meeting of Clin- ton town council June 16 the buildine committee of Clinton and District CommunitY'Centre was given the final OK to in- struct their engineer to proceed with plans and specifications for the new centre. A. E. 'Kiraly of the engineer, ing firn of A. E. Kiraly and Associates Ltd., Peterborough, who had been engaged by the committee, was present and an- swered nany questions for the councillors. • He was accompan- ied by -Jack Peirson of Peirson Buildings Ltd., also of Peter, borough. whose firm had orig- ionally gven the local commit- tee a price of $167,940 for an arena building without auditor - The town already has tenta- tive approval. from Ontario Municipal Beard for a -_-$i67 00O expenditure or: a . community centre. Engineer Kiraly explained his sketch drawing of the centre and answered engineering and building methods questions. After the meeting he met with -the building committee for final instructions. • The building will be 200 x 110 feet, 'with arena ice . surface of 80 x 1999 feet. The arena fluor will be of a hard material suit- able for rollerskating and danc- ing. The 36 -foot Bleep full width lobby willcontain four'14 x 17 dressing rooms with showers and washrooms, ladies' and men's dressing rooms, two washrooms, first aid roan-, and an 11 x 10 - foot office; space fora snack bar will also he provided. Seating capacity will be for 800, with room for 400 standing. Upstairs over the lobby will be an auditorium complete with washrooms. kitchen and a move- able stage. The engineer will have plans and specifications available by June 27 and local persons have been invited to tender. Tenders are requested by July 15, when they will be viewed by the building committee and council Chairman of the fund raising committee for the new commun- ity centre, Mait Edgar, hones to raise $100,000- by donations, fund -raking events ttnd govern- ment grants. He estimates grants of upwards of $40,000. Estimated cost of ,the project is from $210,000 to $230,000. UCW Holds June Meeting The June meeting of Victoria Street United Church U.C.W. was heed•' in- the•,ehureh•.-hall on Thursday afternoon. The meeting opened by the call to worship. The devotional period followed led by Mrs. T. Wilson. Hymn 506 was read in unison. Tlie lesson was first 15 verses of Chapter 4 of the Phill'piens followed by a med- itation. Mrs. T. Wilson led in prayer. The collection was taken and dedicated; birthday and shut-in boxes were passed. The roll call was answered by each mem- ber reading an article ori- tnis sionary work , Mrs. J. Vincent read a news- paper clipping regarding , the appointment of cher neph'e'w, Stewart Toll, a former Goderich collegiate graduate and teacher for past four years in the Wind- sor Teachers • College wh o along with a teamof five others are on. loan for : two years from the government of Can- ada to Kenya for the upgrading of education there. -'He, with his wife and two small sons, will leave in J1' I7,r on their journey. BINGO at .LEGION HALL Saturday, July 2nd at 8:30 p.m. 15 GAMES - $1.00 The prize for each regular game will be $12.00 --4=-Shaee-The-We-a-lth Jackpot—Combined, JACKPOT OF $90.00 IN 58 CALLS • Sponsored by Branch 109, ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION No One Under 16 Permitted To Play 1 KINGSBRIDGE GARDEN PARTY SUNDAY, JULY 3 4:00 to 8:00 P.M. Turney — Haan Adults $1.50 Children 75c 4 You Can't Go Skinny Diving Any More But The W9ter's Just As Nice As It Used To Be At PIPER'S DAM WE'VE ADDED A>LAWNED PICNIC AREA AND HAVE. A FEW CAMPSITES DAiLY 50c A CAR North on Mill Road off Highway 8 on Maitland River 1.45 .ESSEX STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT This Week THE DEL -REPS Sumner Dress • — Casual Special Summer Teen Dance EVERY TUESDAY • JULY S ' THE VOLCANOES Of Sarnia Dancing 9 - 12 Admission 85c Per Person PHONE 524-937T . OR '9264 uUC 1'14W, Wingham mil Lint lay it and ,v in; harm High School Districts have been DIM alga nated(yunder� ay,joint � board to be lino N„�n a .aP S�••F om,Pd, arse, High Srr;Qol Dstri•et ;board. Action by Bruce -County Co until earlier in the week was followed by. similar action by Huron . )ounty Council, after a recommendation rpm ' •• the school' consultative eminrittee. School °'Inspector J. H. Kin- kead of Goderich, a member of the committee, piloted the re- port through council which eon 3•iderv`'d -it clause by clause in c.)mmittike. Mr. K.nlcead reported that 50 Students from Lucknow were attending Wingham District Ashfield Mrs. Harold Sawchuek and son of Tcronto are visiting with Alex Fairish. Mrs. Emile Neergaard of Chi- cago is visiting her brother, Bruce Macdonald. - Dr. F. Scott MacKenzie of Montreal is visiting his bro- ther, Henry. Mr. and Mrs George Lead- better and Barbara of Toronto spent the , weekend with Mrs. Colin MacGregor. Mabel Macdonald of Sarnia washome for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. David .Compton and Laurie and T.issa of Lucian visited on Saturday with Colin Howes. E"1' CAR GET READY By H, L. Baird For your car, that is. Give it one week ttr getready:_. --- If you are planning a long trip" away frog= Goderich this vaca- tion and have pat off •(who doesn't?) tune-ups and other impending troubles, you may be sorry if you wait until the last minute. Even an < experienced ' me- chan' e highly trained in re- fresher courses on modern equipment, can't be sure of new parts. A tiny spring may break—. a valve may leak, , That's why. quality car dealer- ships always warranty their service work. If a part -malfunc- tions, they'll replace it: It is this kind of service that induces repeat ,bu:eers for their sales depar• hent asitsown reward. If you expect to do; a Jot. of driving over your vacation, . be fair- to the garage ,,When you have your service work done. Give• your car a week, or - at least a very long drive, to bring to the sur±ace any weaknesses in parts or adjustments that are not r.vp.arent at; first. • As our car population soars, competent mechanics become relatively fewer. •Ask any auto- mobile dealer who is' earnestly trying to service his customer's vehicles. Staffing and operating a customer -satisfying service division is the MAJOR problerrt` of a quality automobile dealer these days. He knows his future new and used car business depends on how__ well _he__satisfies his. -I See y.,u next week. Advt. Hirsh Soh,,t01 w4►cr. , n eyed, paying double fees. Ile °ailid that the e azo:Rte6 recd a me aced app 3V .T f` the plan since it was'aagreed t tat the present Lueisnw, lfigh School :ould be acquired by Kinloss Township school area for the ntnotant ,of the debep.' tures at ;trauster of ownership, and also since the Luuow,Pu'b 1•ic School section; whah is to be added to” the ltain1oss'` -fminl' ship,•.school area,, includes -pr-- poi ty in the C,tin'ty orf l aro : Areas affected in the -eliange are Ashheld, West• Wawanosh, Winghani, Brussels, Turnberryy Hawick, =Morris and East Wawa- nosh. Kinloss Township school area e• it Lucknow Public School B and have agreed to purchase the present Lueknow District High School and its contents for elementary school purposes by assuming the debentures; on the building that will remain at time of possession. 70 Attend Anniversary AUBURN — Seventy relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs., Edward Grigg of Holmesville gathered in the Auburn Com- munity Memorial Hall to help them celebrate their 35th wed- ding anniversary. Guests were present from Clinton, Peterboro, Kitchener, Kinburn, Blyth, Lon- don, Kincardine and Leaming- ton. ' ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN - Chinese Food Our Specialty =ALSO YAKS bUT ORDERS"? OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to JO p.m. Open Friday and Saturday • Ut til .12 Midnight The Esquire „ Restaurant "5249941" B r�wnie's DRIVE-IN Theatre : — Clinton 2 Shows Nightly " '0: Come as Late a.!11 p.m. And See a Complete - - Show Box Office Opens at * o'clock First Show Starts al Dusk THURSDAY and FRj1DAY ' • June 30 - July 1 The First Feature Length ALL COUNTRY MTISIC Motion Picture Ever Filmed. Country Music On Broad -Way Pauls Delivery Owned and Operated "by Paul Spain • Local Delivery Service Local Hauling ANYTIME For Information CALL 524-9469 or .524-8181 Dead Animal' REMOVAL eor dead and disabled animals call collect Darling & Company ° of Canada Ltd. Phone 482-7269, Clinton Dead animal licence number 350-C-65 - ° 4tf r= - r W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 81.32 524- DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING Lqaded with over 30 HIT SONGS HANK SNOW, FERLIN HUSKY SKEETER DAVIS HANK WILLIAMS JR. STONEWALL JACKSON And Many More Stars Color Cartoon 6 BIG NIGHT. S SAT., JULY 2 to It? FRT., JULY 8 HERE COMES THE BIGGEST - BOND OF ALL! IAN FLEM•ING'S• THUNDER BALL Starring Sean' Connery as JAMES BAND Secret Agent 007 • d ClaudineAuger Color... (Adult Entertainment) ......Cartoon