HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-06-30, Page 2The Goderieh Signal -Star, '1Thurwday, JaanQ 30, 1946
itorials .. .
Identification and. Minor Charges
In Bruce County court in Walk- having beer in their possession'out-
erton Magistrate 0. C. McClevis side their. dwellings or drinking
has. suggested that police should not under age it certainly does not make
be required to identify a motorist sense.
guilty of making unnecessary noise. • Would Magistrate M c C 1 e v i s
The magistrate fined a youth suggest that identification should
$25 and suspended him from driving not be necessary in this case?,,Prob-
for 80 days_ for screeching his car ably not.
tires in Teeswater.• Convicting a person of criminal.
Explaining that an officer must negligence without positive identi-
now identify a driver or chase hien fication on a serious charge is too
down, Magistrate McClevis torsi- much opposed to , all concepts *of
mented, "I don't see why an officer justice to' be considered. -
should endanger his ,life, the life of What the magistrate seems to
the pursued, and that of others." be asking is whether high speed
The magistrate is entirely cor-
chase police, to catch minor s b� '
rect in suggesting that there is, no fenders is justified when the risk of
reason why lives should he en-, life and injury are omnipresent and
dangered in a chase
involve the vehicles involved are lethal wea-
nothing more than a charge of mak- Pons
unnecessary noise.. As a former policeman it was
However, his submission that
the identification of a driver should probably difficult for Magistrate
not be required is too dangerous to McClevis to reconcile this viewpoint
contemplate. _ with the thought that someone who
, In central Ontario it was re- has broken the law might escape.
ported recently that the conviction - What the magistrate has pro-
of a driver on a charge of criminal pounded is that the owner of a
negligence resulted from a 36 -mile vehicle would become responsible
chase by police. for its operation even if he was not
Evidence showed that the driv- driving it at. the time of the - corn-
mission of an offence. Instead of
er s female companion -threebeer river thea olice
n_tif_ in the d 1?..ee
-bottles-frarn_ the -back of �-the-fiee�ing _.idE y g - the during the chase, strik- would merely obtain the. licence
ing a police car. She was also con- number acid consult registration
victed of criminal negligence.
There was no -indication of why • Such an approach to enforce -
police were attempting to stop the ment of the laws governing the op -
couple's car. eration of motor• vehicles would
If they were running because cover a multitude of sins, but it
the feared the minor charges of would.not be justice.
American -Canadian traffic interchange is. expected to reach
a record high this weekend and officials at border crossing
spots, like Niagara's Rainbow Bridge, are bracing them-
selves for the rush on both sides of the border.. With Can-
ada's Dominion Day falling on a 'Friday and the United States
July 4 holiday on the following Monday, the roads will be.
filled to capacity by cars, many of them towing boats and
trailers, and by the increasingly popular lightweight motor-
cycles. To get through the weekend safely, to show a little
extra courtesy, not only to our out-of,the-province visitors but
to all other drivers'on'the road. For safety's sake, the Ontario
department of tr.ansport'has the following suggestions: plan
the trip ahead of time' allowing plenty of time to reach the
destination with frequent nest stops along the Wain .•.. make
sure vision lsnrt- restricted by'luggage, boats or trailers .. .
and, a special word of,'warning to motorcyclists .it's nit
easy for a motorist to see you and, even when he does see
you, it's a common- error 1"o misjudge the distance of a
smaller object.
Beautiful For '67
Mrs. • Walter Rathburn And sharing brings up sozne-
By your centennial commit-
our .little- .world of titins
Goderich look tee felt' they must do. WW were
being selfish thinking only of.
wanting the best for
us. But we are giving up a pro-
ject we dearly wanted, so that
hundreds might- enjoy some
fine entertainment neat year.
We have given it up to a" town "
with "better facilities" and we
are jealous and hint. Why can't
we have better facilities? We
need an auditorium so badly,
which will hold more than 600
or 700 persons, one with a stage
and decent �acousti.cs.
The only large building, at
present, is the arena, and the
acoustics there are terrible. So,
we will be real neighborly next
year, and enjoy the,fine acconf-
moclations they have to offer
and keep working toward better
things for our own town. Per-
haps if we work those smiles
overtime, something wonderful
might happen.
Let's work at it!
Elverybne f see is really working
towards a beautiful town for
'67. I wish we could ',tidy the,
whole viYorid up and make it a
better place in which to live.
It is up to us to keep working
on it, since we have hundreds
of schools filled with f'ilture
politicians, lawyers, doctors and
nurses. Their teachers are work-
ing on the 3 R's but we have
to teach them how to get along
with people, - no matter what
color or creed, We can teach
them how to be neighborly, kind
and most of all, respectful. •
This is a word which seems
to be forgotten, these days. We
must have respect for law and
order, our elders and our fel-
low men or we will have no
self-respect. Since we have to
set an example for our Children,
we will find we are much hap-
pier with our ovvn everyday
living. It is a rvicious circle,
and this isgood!
own. Memory's
55 Years Ago -1911
One of the' most brilliant
events in the history of Gode-
rich was the banquet tendered
to the officers gf the military
camp by the municipality on
Tuesday evening. The spacious
dining room of Hotel Sunset
was handsomely decorated for
the -occasion with a profusion of
flags and.`flowers .artistically
Those in charge of the
arraalgen en,ts for the
coronation of King George V
and Queen nary, his wife, made
the event one of more than
medieval splendour. The cere-
monies in the famous West-
minster Abbey were presided
over by -the Archbishop of Can-
terbury, chief. prelate of the
Church of England, assisted by
many archbishops and bishops.
Persons of royal rank from
many great nations were among
the official guests, and all` the
foreign governments, h• as well
as the British dominions over-
seas, were represented officially.
The naval display at the Solent
on Saturday night was the
greatest, the world- has ever
The furious driving on the
Square by automobiles and other
vehicles has.been taken up by
the authorities.
15 Years Ago -1951
Rev. L. Crawford returns to
his. old home church
pressive services on Sunday in
commemoration of the 117th an-
niversary of the founding' of the
- Keep Six Honest Serving Men
Complaints have been received should be remembered.. New arrivals
that this newspaper has not been should be given similar considera-
reporting enough items of personal tion.
in rest.
,Some organizations do an out-
not the little,ubiquitous standing job in keeping the public
is q
. detail the comings and informed of changes in personnel.
iems.that g
goings of the citizens of toyvn and Others have made„only a .half-heart-
coitritry on the 'weekend that are' ed attempt at public relations.
deemed missing. - In some cases where a public
The lea is guilty. In an effort relations staff . is charged with re -
to create a newspaper with a differ- leasing news. or personnel changes,
ent tone, a weekly newspaper with it concentrates on top manage -
a touch of the city atmosphere, the ment, and middle management goes Anglican Church in Goderieh.
basic concept of news has occasion- unnoted.
William Cranston, president, on
behalf of the company at a
meeting of subscribers at the
parish hall,, Dungannon, last
Thursday evening.
A special effort is being made
this year to make the Dominion
day parade bigger and better
than +in some years past. Direct -
invitations are being,..ent out by
clerk S, H
. Blake to
tun cpro-
spective participants _ -in the
Parade,' particularly those, who
might be expected to enter
Rev. C. W. Cope deliiered
his final 'message to the con-
gregation -of North Street United
Church on Sunday evening.
T11e thirty-second annual con-
vention' of the Ontario As-
sociation of Managers of Homes
for the Aged opened here on
Monday morning 'in the Sunset
IJotel with delegates present
from all parts of the province.
10 Years Ago -1956
Nearly all elementary school
pupils in the county have now
received their second injection
of the Salk polio vaccine, .it was
announced today by Dr. R. M.
Aldis. '
Veiled in official secrecy -since
last fall, vast beds of high grade
crystal rock salt, deep under-
ground along Goderich's water-
front have been struck. Expert
diamond. drillers from Northern
Ontario and Quebec are drill-
ing at various points to- depths
up to 1,900 feet in order that
the- extent of these valuable
beds might be more fully
Close to, 500 pupils, most of
them from Western Ontario
rural Schools; -'have toured Gode-
rich so far this year.
Willingness to sell the Gode-
ally been overlooked. Often, because they are young- rich Rural Telephone Co. sys-
Names make news is a- tired old er, these are the individuals who be- tem provided "a fair .ps-ice” was
adage: It has stood test of time, and come most active in the community. offered for it was expressed by
only the metropolitan journals— Bank accountants, for. example,
'and this does not include the fore-
most daily -in—Western n ario --
have been able to ignore it. ..
Efforts will be continued ;to
give this community the most -widely
interesting newspaper possible, but
the days do not have enough°hours
to collect 'the small items that fall
into the category of making - news
through names. '
Almost weekly some individual
in the community is moving to an-
other town, changing jobs, receiving
a promotion or winning a' prize.
The !Signal -!Star is happy to
. print news of this nature, but it
cannot print what it does know.
The" public -must assist in bringing
such information to the attention
of the editor.
In most case a briefly -worded
- news release can be . prepared that
will give sufficient information to
tell the . story.
In a town the size of Goderich,
a closely -knit community, the activi�
ties of most individuals, who are
truly active, are matters of common
But when such a person leaves
a community his contributions to it
usually are pegged as the treasurer
of a C lei one -service ---dub fro
rothe time theyarrive until they. leave.
'To getsomethinginto the paper,
put it on paper and bring it .in to
the newspa#er office. Worried
about how to doait?
Refine l her :
"I kept six honest' serving men--
They taught me all I knew—
Their names were What and Where
and When-,
r •
And How and Why and. Who."
Calendar Trick.
This is another weekend' for
wise Goderich residents to stay at
home, and let everybody. else in
North America risk his life.
A trick of the calendar will
cause record traffic. Friday is
Dominion Day. Monday is' the July
4 holiday of the- United States.
It is a moot point whether lives
would be saved if both holidays were
the same day, or whether traffic
volumes will be spread thinner by
having them two days apart.
• ._ tar 119th Year oaf
Established C
C tibrrtr� gt al -
+.r Publiea�tian�
1848 ,
' —0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron ---®--
Published at Goderieh, Ontario every Thursday Morning by
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
President and Ptablisher Managing Editor
S. F. ! DLLS, Plant Supt.
Member of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A. and A.B.C,
0 Subscription—Rates $s ar Year—To U.S.A. - $6 lin' advance)
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept.,
Ottawa and for Payment of Postage in Cash.
s sot.
Huron County has found that
Mothering 667,500 trees has its
problems. Insect infestation has
become so acute that foresters
resorted to aircraft to spray the,
county forest tracts. north of
Entrie's are up, prize money
up and 'everything points
to an outstanding treat for
Fasts at
racingenthusiasts harness .
'Agrreulturat Park" on Dominion
Day. So far 45 horses have been
+ Letters To the
Last week's announcement by
Dr. Allis that the Goderieh pub-
lic bathing beach isheavily
contaminated by sewage and
should be closed, simply under-
lines the incredible folly with
which we have handled our •na-
`tural resources.
Instead° of passing on to our
children a heritage of clean
air, water, and large (areas of
public lic
parks and beaches,
appear;:_ • eoftservationwise•r•.• to.
-have .made every mistake it is
possible to make. If, by any
chance, we happen to have over-
looked a mistake, it could only
have been.,,,,by mistake.
Unclogging sewage from his
snorkel, a bather on our public
beach must feel a little bitter
as he . looks to the north and
sees the mile or so of wide sand
and comparatively clean water
usually deserted, and all of it
"Private." Nor can we blame
the mother, who has just found
her toddler topping off his .sand
castle with a piece of washed-up
toilet paper, from feeling like-
What the sewage -soaked Geode -
rich bather 'sees to the north is
a relic of the feudal system, a
20th Century Royal Preserve,
owned and controlled by ` one
family. For good measure, they
also control both banks of the
mouth of the Maitland River,
the sand and gravel beneath.
Rather than tease this Sacred
Cow, Goderich ,townfathers do
nothing. On the Colborne side,
behind the air. port, 'a public
right-of-way exists by which the
Great Unwashed might possibly
infiltrate the northern edge of
this sanctuary. This right-of-
way is impassable, and Col-
borne Township Council seem
determined, for some , reason,
that it stay this way.
South of the town. in Goderich
TownshiQ, a ero'un nfo?'tagers-
were - reeentl;• allowed, for a
short• while. to take over and
close public access to the
1 Year. Ago ---.1965
The Honourable Harry Hays,
federal minister of agriculture
has accepted an invitation to
open the 1965 International
Plowing Match on Wednesday,
October 13th, at 2 pm. The
match is 'being held this year
from October 13th to • 15th at
the Massey Ferguson Farm,
York County, M.iliken, Ontario.
Goderich town council was the
victim of a four-hour verbal
bombardment when the contro-
versial two: -hour parking bylaw
as aired in ' ceurt last wek.
Toronto financier . Ha r r y
Knight has offered the town
more than $15,000 to pay for
urgent repairs needed at the
pool he donated to Goderich.
The, pool which was built in
1950 inmemory of Mr: Knight's
granddaughter,•was drained this
week after serious leaks were
discovered in the structure.
Goderieh Kinsmen have locat-
ed an ace drawing card for their'
Aiugust Hobby Fair in the form
of a one-third scale model of
the project Mercury Spacecraft
loaned from;. National Aeronau-
tics and. Space Administration
Deparfii iiT in Washington.
Edif�r +
beach. Anyone not -in this as -are always complaining
I there is nothing for g
or ladies to do during the
mer, we would like to
sociation, who wanted to read
the beach, was to pay a yearly
"They pay a lot of taxes—
they should have some special
consideration," argued the form-
er reeve. 'Andther cottager,
further south, was • allowed to
build in the middle of a public
right-of-way, thereby, blocking
the only beach access for miles.
And so goes the long, sad tale
of -• greed.. _and blundering, We-
stasid in our own garbage and
filth and dream of conquering
the moon.
We proudly sunlmon 400 h.p.
to get to the corner store, yet
foul our watering holes in a
manner that would put any
self-respecting old sow to shame.
But enough in this vein, ere
,I. nrk my ulcers and blood
pressure, and the haying season
barely upon us. - -- •
- J. C. Hindmarsh,
R. R. 2, Goderich.
Messages" From
The Word
By Rev. J. A. Veldhuis do all the graveyards go? . .
•Dungannon United Church The answer my friend is going
with the wind :.. 0 when will
they ever learn?" .
"All flesh is like grass." This
"All flesh is like grass and
all its glory like.. the flower of
the grass. The grass withers,
,and the flower falls, but the
Word of the Lord abides for-
ever." I Peter .I: 424, 25. '
Bedause of leaving the Dun-
gannon charge, this is as a con-
sequence also my last medita-
tion for the Signal -Star, and
with the text of my farewell
sermon I extentt'hereby stay very
best wishes . and God's blessing
to the staff and the readers of
this paper.
A centenarian was recently
asked on a TV program, "What
is life?" And pointing to the
two doors in his room he re-
plied, "It is like Q, coming into
the room by this door and leav-
ing it by the other." How simple
and how true. Life is a coming
and a going. And, the going is
already .implied in the coming,
for it is as stated in the Seririce
of 'Burial, "In the midst of -life
we are in death.". That is the
first and the radical truth of
the text as expressed in an
old hymn, "Nothing Temaineth,
nothing remaineth." Man's life
fresh as the green grass and
beautiful like the flower is only
brief. And se is all that we see
and cherish, the world itself and
all that is in it being "stored up
for fire." Man is a mere thing
and he does not know how hope-
less lie is, not -because he is not
aware of it but because he is
afraid of realism. Yet folk songs
throughout the ages have sung
of it to this very day. "Where
do all the flowers go? Where
means of course that all that
is physical is but temporal. But
it implies also why this is so,
for the word "flesh" does not
just mean our physical body.
The original does not use the
medical word "soma" but the
theological "sari" 'which means
`"sinful flesh," man in his sin,
the ianspiritual 'which is opposed
to God and . His will, the carnal
and the worldly. And not only
is this grass, this "flesh" soon
cut off and turned to destruc-
tion, the text says in the Greek
actually that "thessteadfast love
of man is like the flower.which
falls, in other words, the very
best and beautiful in life comes
under this devastating judge
ment. How sad and how terrible
a truth ! -! ! 'Tihe wages of sin
is depth. Surely the people is
Here is the Good News of for-
giveness, peace, and life ever-
lasting. It is the World full of
promises which are Yes and
Amen, (positive and sure. It is
the Word- that brings light in
all our darkness, even in the
darkness of sirs and death, fhb
Word that commands, Retuht
unto God and live!, that invites,
"Come unto Me and .be saved!".
the Word that warns that the
sinner, the .uneon `erted shall
die, but that also dames with
great assurance and'+hope," He
who believes in Me has ever-
lasting life!" Here IS the an=
swer to all men's hopelessness.
sum -
Bill Kolkman,
E..StanleyABeacock of London
has been appointed first region-
al director of the Midwestern
Regiona' Library Cooperative.
Hewill start his duties on Oc-
tober 1.
Since 1961,.Mr. Beacock has
been :assistant director of London
Public Library and Art Museum.
Previous to that, he'worked with
Counly libraries in Ohio jin,the
United Sates and in Lambton
• the Midwestern Regional Lib
irary was organized nearly two
years ago to help improve lib-
rary service in the. four coun-
ties of Waterloo, Wellington,
Perth • ar.d Huron. It • will set
up services that most smaller
libraries in- the region are un-
able to provide to their bor-
rowers. Mr. Beacock will --offer
advice to an;,: library seeking
Willi�:m Templin, of Fergus,
the chairman of the regional
board, grid a number of ap-
plications were received, includ-
ing several from the United
We would like to d.well on
softball. Why is it that, in a
town like Goderieh with a popu-
lation of over 6,000 that there
'are not enough girls or ladies
interested in playing softball?
We have been trying to get a
team of 15 girls or ladies now
for a month and a half to two
Are tihe people in Goderich
not interested enough to send
or take their girls or ladies
out to the ball diamond?
Since the people not Goderieh
Peter has been called . the
Apostle of hope. The chapter
from which the text comes is
full of life, hope, and joy, It is
a great Bymn 'of Praise to God
for His great salvation in -Jesus
Christ. Weare told • that prac-
ticallv all the chapter contains
one long sentence without any
stops. The Writer • is "Bubbling
over" of the Good News. This
chapter is often read at the Ser;
vice of Burial, but it is nbt just
a word to perk us up a bit when
we are in sorrow, it ds • a sybrd
for every day, both in life and
in death, •or in the swords of the
Heidelberg Cathechistn, here is
our only comfort in life and in
death. And comfort means
"with strength" from the Latin
"con fortis." It means,great en-
cthiragement. But to have tour=
age, hope, assurance in death
it is necessary that we make it
ours in life. Please read in the
Chapter also that .although this
is only the reward of faith in
Christ who redeems with His
own precious blood,, not with
.perishable things as silver and
geld, yet at the same time it
places a great demand on the
Christian believer, viz, tQ be-
lieve the Word of God and to
obey the truth and to love the
(brethren sincerely. it is through
faithifi the Saviour Jesus Christ
and inobedience to His Lord-
ship in all, of life, that Christ-
ians may at last stand before.bhe
judgment sea of God without
fear and fully share in the ,joys
of ttiat' Itingdotiir which shall
!have no -end.
flesh is like grass .
but the Word of the Lord abides
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