The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-06-23, Page 7• MRS. EIRGIT ROBSON Has Joined The Staff 5 Year$' Experience ,in all Lines of Beauty ,Cyita ra Appointments Evenings- and Every Day, Except Wed. HEATHER BEALJTY SAM��1 N Our COM Wave Specials Complete With MAE,- BARB. MARG. WILLA and BIRGIT 25-26 STRABER1.IES.. FCR SALE ORDER YOUR BERRIES NOW AND ,BE ASSURED OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS SEASON. PHONE 482.3462, F. W. ANDREWS CLINTON 24-25 THIS WEEK'S PHOTO FEATURE a diamond is forever How To Buy A Diamond, -Your ring-otone may be modest in size, but it should be chosen with, care A trusted jewel- leris your best adviser. A�k.about color, clarityandc Lt ting ---these determine quality, conttibute to beauty and value. Choose a -fine stone` and you'll always be proud of it. Diamond sizes are measured in points and ;carats -i00 points to the carat. ' (Exact weights shown . are neldorn found). Note that prices vary widely according to qualities. N. T. ORMANDY JEWELLER Thi Square. tENTENNIAL CALLING Industry Business Mrs Waiter Rathburn - Last week 1 Mentioned more and more -people were elirebinn aboard the Centennial Band Wagon. This is true! You can alrno14 feel the undercurrent of interest which is now stir- ring, Can we relax now- No! There are still the bigger groups •-- industries and . busi- neases wtao are laggin gbehind. Some are feeling the pinch with all the contributions they are asked to make>, this year, but, have they considered peol- ing their re purees arid- making nd making a worthwhile showing for centennial year? Have. 4,ny of- you realized the lack of cultural facilities in this town? We corn even hare a library that is open all • day. Our young people have little hope of teeing any of the per- forinang arts -a few grown -tips do gci Out Of town to them., WF SERVICE EVERYTHING IN TV and STEREO This medium priced home contains large living room, kitchen with built-in 'cupboards, two medium-sized .bedrooms and three-piece bathroom on the first floor, and two Targe bedrooms on the second floor. This home has fti'MI, dry basement and is heated by gas furnace. Full price $7,500 Good terms available. Ex.:Iusively Listed By HAROLD- W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER 38 Hamilton Street Dial 5247272 GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON. STREET 410 RODUCE WATERMELONS FSTRAWBERRIES NABISCO SHREDD WHEAT 2FSR 49c each 4,41 89c 49c 11 -OZ. AYLMER A CATSUP, F R' 39c 10-0Z: KRAFT CHEESEWHIZ 67c 12 -OZ. LUNCHEON MEAT PREM - 53a PKG. OF 8 HAMBURG & WIENER ROLLS 27c OFF KING ,SIZE FOR 49G OXYDOL 1.39 • MEAT • WIENERS 2°7Las RIB STEAKS LB79c MAPLE LEAF — VAC PACKED —.SWEET PICKLED C�TTAGER�LLS' LB. 67c OPEN EVE•RY.' DAY UNTIL 6 P.M. OPEN FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M. , McCormick International 234 CORN HARVESTER mounts on 5 different makes of .tractors The 234 is, the only corn harvester on the market with a self-contained power -mounted universal frame. It fits 5 makes of tractors, 22 models. You mount it or take it offwithout effort — in a matter of minutes. Matched husking or shelling units are interchangeable --in only•5 minutes. Completely new and different from conventional corn pickers, the 234 provides all the corn. -saving efficiency of a combine corn head operation — plus the versatility of rear processing units for shelled corp, .husked or snapped ears. Corn Heads Make us yourcorn harvestequjpment headquarters. See our full line of corn heads = 2 to 4 -row -sizes for both wide and narrow rows. • J. HOGGARTH GODERICH Al and Len are fully trained in all. phases of TV and Stereo- " Radio. rep a i r. Two 'vehicles mean f as t .service. RIVETT'S TV & STEREO The Square SALES — SERVICE 524-9432 10tf ANGE OF INERSHIP ,THE STORE FORMERLY KNOWN AS FEAGANS MARKET IS NOW BEDARD'S -GR CERY FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE: WE ARE OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY SUNDAYS 1 - 6 AT 187 BRITANNIA RD. WEST HERE'S HOW YOU CAN WIN ..... At the time this advertisement was place' .purchased the car will receive $100.00. we gave a responsible person an envelope The envelope containing the license number containing the license: number of one of our will not be opened until Monday, June 27. used - cars. This car is now on display on Our staff is not.•aware of this particular ry our lot. vehicle. This assures you that they cannot sell this particular car to a friend or ?rela- If this particular car iff sold duringrbusiness o tive. hours. between Thursday, June23 and.Sat- urday, June 25, at 6 p.m., the person who Come on in, join the fun. ��d ,t� �1,, • We sold several' automobiles last weekend but the °onelat carried the $100.00 -bonus was not sold. It was displayed in the front line all week and it was a 1965 Impala Four -Door Hardtop with license E3428. You can still save more than $100.00 by 'buying it this week. Due4o the excellent 'i esponse we received" chosen and it will carry the $100.00 cash last weekend we have decided to repeat this • award to the purchaser. Even if you don't buy the right car you will special. offer. Another car has already been save $160.00. Our ears are priced way down. Save More Than X100 On All Our Cars FOR EXAMPLE: 1960 CHEV FOUR -DOOR SEDAN This is a six -cylinder with standard transmission: In real good condition throughout. License A55952. THIS WEEK ONLY - 1962 DODGE TWO -DOOR Six -cylinder, standard transmission and only 34,000 actual miles. Owned by a local lady (name on 10. requrest). Our asking price was $1,295.00. Licence E1642. $899.00 BAIRD MOTORS 414 HURON RD. $1082.00 Goderich) LTD., 524-8311 Lag There is little or no training for artists and. craftsmen and for this read&fat 1ao encourage- ment in any, :of these gelds, A few dedicated people strufggle along in substandard buildings the town should be ashamed of,. 'Their efforts' are definitely ap- preciated but isn't it a sad situation when you really think a about it? -- Speaking of children and art we have a lot of fine artists in the inking in this area. Your committee has finally chosen the three most suitable drawings, done by our young- sters, for the cover of old, "Cal- endar of Events for 1967," booklet. We appreciate the thought and effort these young people have put into their draw- ings and wish we could have had many more rewards for them When there is no art „gallery frotn which to get instructions or ideas it is a pretty bleak looking future for them. Can we give ,this more thought and begin to work for a bigger and bettEr, well rounded, town of Goderich? Martha. .Folk Music Worship Service A folk music worship . ser- vice with the drama, "How Many Roads? taking the place of a sermon will be held in North :,tree,t United Church Sunday evening. It is being organized by the London Conference Kairos. Taking part will be guitarist Ken Scc.tt, of Blyth, and young persons from Stratford,. Lon- don, ° Windsor. and Huron -.County.— North Street Hi -C will be host - to a hootenanny to fol- low the service. Godarieh Signal lluirsday a 'u esviiie 1.1014.1 VIL+LN, ", and Mrs, Jolirr Gelling lett Vw ed,ues- day, for a vielt with friends as K.alifax, Mrs. M, Stoek is spending a few'.. days in Goderich with her daughter and tonna-1,aw. fir. Mrs. George- Young, : Mr. it d Mrs, Groves left for Ghiliwack, B.C. were he has :accepted a position, Mrs. Nelson Brown of Detroit. ha4 been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.- Glidden. Mrs. Herb Pocock was bastes. at a shower on Friday''evening for Karen Saddler, a bride this month. Lucille Bond, accompanied lir. and Mrs. Wes Holland, Val- erie and Richard to Niagara Falls - on Sunday to visit rela- tives there. Ellen IVIcKeig, Waterloo, was a ' weekcnd guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grigg. ' Mrs. IvlaoMath spent Sunda; yvith iV1r and Mrs. Don Collier of London. Mr: and Mrs. Kenneth Tre- wartha and family, London,. visited NI ith'relatives in the vic- inity over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forbes have moved tc their new home in Clinton, having sold their farm to _,Ir. Hank Gelling. The Messengers and their leaders held their annual picnic on Saturday afternoon at Point Farm" Park, - A good time was enjoyed by all'. School Anniv€trsary The Sunday School Annivers- ary was held on Sunday, Jpne 19 with Rev. Hope Jackson as gue,t speaker. The Snell sisters of Lonctesboro contribut- ed two beautiful trios, "Jesus Rose of Sharon" and "Haw Great Tatou Art." The ohild- ren:s... choir sang .. 'Tell_ rn.e..-.the Stories of Jesus" accompanied by the Sunday school orgdnist, Shirley Norman. DO. YOU' NEED . Ca,r, .Truck or Fleet AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE? LowJ' . Rates To Those' Who Qualify We can produce a policy for any 'licensed driver.; Annual, Half -Yearly or Monthly Premiums,: • Malcolm Mothers. b GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT ' 46 West St. . - -, Dial 524-9442 INGLIS-- MOFFAT -- BEATTY SKELTOId'S • WASHERS DRYERS — DISHWASHERS. - RANGES REFRIGERATORS -- FREEZERS SERVICE TO ALL MAKES 36 Britannia Rd. 5.24-7871 24tf • MARIA DE KiJRTHY BALLET s SCHOOL: Presents HER ANNUAL RECITAL THE � INTERNATIONAL SHOW JUNE 25 7:30 P.M. Goderich Collegiate Rev. a Park dedicated hyrnary which was presented to the clittrch by Mrs, Alii Gray and .?Via?, Cohn t'aenonald, memory of their aunt, Kays Isadore Harrison alio aassed away January :30, 1900,, ,-143ts.. Kinlen t- Bard, daubhtee of the late Mrs 1 arr son, •received the hyr>Lanary and placed it in tho' pew,",' 30th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. " Thos. CunninV'' ham, Daw. • :and 'Robert Grigg' held a social evening at • Aaabur' gomreunity Hall on Friday, 'the occasion was the 30th weddin anniversary „of their parents,'Mr- and Mrs Edward Grigg. Guests were litesent from 'eterbo -T ough, .. Waterloo. London, Kin- cardine and the Clintoh "-area to wish the couple many more years of happiness. 10 Grads At Dinner FOR SALE USED MATERIALS FOR HOME, COTTAGES, FARM OR BOATS Two-inch: varnished fir, tongue and grove stripping and many other sizes of lumber; window sash, complete with glass; bunk and • single beds, complete with spring and mattress,can be built into any corner; carpeting complete with underlay; bat- tleship linoleum; heavy chain, suitable for, ornamental fencing; flue pipe, . ideal for fence posts, wharfs, or clothes line poles; 4 -foot heavy fabricated steel cylinders, cold be used for culverts or be made into septic tanks; steel plate, all sizes and • thickness; lifepreservers; piping ,from W' to 8"; many other items too numerous to mention. APPLY Al' "4'; STEAMSHIP D. B. WELDON AT THE NORTH SIDE OF THE GODERICH HARBOR Monday Thru Saturday From 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. And This Sunday Froni4l2 Noon to 5 p.m. M1. TERMS: CASH -•= ALL SALES FINAL • 24x DUNGA:NNQN — Fourty-fo"- persons attended a dinner a` Dungannon United Church in honor of 10 members of Ur, graduating, class. of Dunganno' public school. Greg Park opened with a toa-` to the Queen. Rev. J. A. Veli'- , huis of the Dungannon -.Unite -k Ohurch offered grace: Follow- ing dinner Gary Caesar than' - ed all those responsible for 'tl dinner. Doug Henry offered a poetic toast -to the parents, Sp1aker was Rev. Donald Me -- Donald of North Street Unite•t Lhurch, Goderioh. ' Valedictorian was Roder. - Pentland,: Le e•i•e -McWhinney e::-. _. 'pressed the class sentiments + - the teachers who had taught the class since Grade 1. . Class prophesy was given b•• Arlene Culbert. Each memb-- of the• graduating class received . a framed colored photograph the class, a gift from thc. - teacter, Mrs. Lance Reed.. On the Friday preceding • th banquet Mrs. Reed was pr°- sented with an Alaska diamond ring from the senir•- rooni and a matching set c' earrings. frgm the junior room. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brov•i- have returned home after vis`--• ing with their son Kenneth, M- ; Brown and family of Ottawa and Wayne 'Brown of Montreal. ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster visited during the. • past we with friends in- London, Simcle and Brantford and spent t'le weekend in Toronto with thr'r daughter, Mrs. Ken Thomas, M•-. Thomas -and family. Mrs. Frank Pentland has r -- turned to her home after be'n-* a patient in Wingham hospit Mrs. Melvin Reed visited wi`h her daughter, Mrs. Lorne Ear' , of Holyr.,od. on Sunday. 1i" Eadie had the m•isforture to f•i'l from a ',ladder( fracturing 1, r wrist in three places. Mrs. Victoria Erringtpn visi'- in Toronto for the weekend -w'''t. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henderr •a 'and family. Brian Render irt .returned with -her for a v: • t his grandparents: BALL LEAGUE Dungannon is leading t Central Huron Softball Lep Standing with a record of se' wins and no lasses. ° Close behhid is Holmesv"; 'with six tins and one 1, Following are Auburn, Benr ler and Varna tied, and Lond - boro and Nile. • • THANKS We wish to thahk"all our former customers and friends for the- a. support they gave us while we -were. in -the-grocery--business. ---- We hope everyone will continue to support Gordon 'and Elva Bedard, who are now owners of our former store, operating under the name of BEDARD'S GROCERY. George and Hazel Feagaah .25x CAR RADIOS CUSTOM & -UNDER bAg RADIOS FOR ALL MAKES Hutchnson Radio --.TV ApptirNltcis 308 Huron Rir1. 524,7431