HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-1-21, Page 8e late Draw a line from tlm Lake felt iiia e is ieese to :Mlellen anti then by way lel Stela and Cromarty to Fel- baton mid ]tussetdale, then south to Rtr.t c ansV Wood thee again l to Clendeboyc and tern[ retina; by way of McGuire, Mount Caanlel,Corbett and Greenway at Grand T3eed you have the outside Boundary of the field wvhieli 11 H ^^a MART T dl' � 4 aims to cover with its goodsandand ens tourers. To secure this we have eo keep a large supply and certainly are. riot failing in this respect. Our store slrterall , ciowded sritlz goods and Hofday Stock ready for seekers of Hol- iday Gifts, Every d?sire>abie thing we could think of lets been placed to meet our eustoaners wants fled no y we'cor- diall �. - t0 ite thein and their friends to o call and pass re pleasant half hour in looking through. • We wish to make our store worthy of BA ."ton, ern e� ri '"l, t 1$ai� our �,i�.,-,.t,,_a a Itilpt11I'SulPea and now with little fear ask for their •' verdict. s THE MART. ENEpten, LOCAL JO TiNcis.: $500 Reward. See advt. Ice in good condition at the rink. Blacksmiths hard coal at Cobblediek & Folland's. For fine black suit try J. H. Grieve Merchant Teller. .- Don't forget that there ' is splendid skating in the ice rink. Heavy Hardware almost given away, at Cobbledick $: Folland's. If you valet a first elass farm on easy terrns`call on Jean Spackman, Exeter.' •Cohbledicl. & FolIand are 'offering. shelf Hardware at prices away down. Don't forget to call and see ' J. H Grieves $10 overcoatsbefore purchas- ing... Ladies should call and see .the dis ,play of tube paints at Cobbledick & Tolland's: BURDOCK PILLS cure ' sick head acne by regulating the stomach, liver, and bowels. So many have been cured of rheum tismby Hoods Seasaparilla that we urge all who suffer from the disease to try this medicine. A meadow lark was seen on the St. Marys road near Elimville on Monday. It appeared to: be: in a thriving coedit ion and at home in its winter quarters. • The pulpit of the Trivitt Memorial ehe ch was occupied on Sunday last .by the Iiev. Edward Softley,'of 'London, in the absence• of the Rev. Fred Helling Fatt, the present pastor, who is in Tor- onto. February, in 1300 will not .contain. 29 days; although it will be leap year. February, in. 1700, also contained 28 days. There is a slight error in the Gregorian ca e 1 n der but it will only amount to one day in 2,325 years. A very sad aceident happened to Frederick Penwarden, "son of `'1'iios.. Penwarden of the 9th con. of Usborne yesterday (Wednesday) while working in the bush he Was accidently killed by a falling tree. He was 21 years arses 8 'months old. Mr. Fred'Farncomb, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, at a a meeting of the Usborne Council, held last Monday, was appointed engineer for that township. He is now engineer for ithree townships, which are Hay Stephen and Usborne, Mr. E. Morris of the firm of Morris Stone & Wellington Nurserymen, To route, >, as in town vesterday:with IlIr Jobe T. 'Westcott their `general agent • of this place:trying.to purchase a matched team of heavy drau„ ht horses for c'.raying purposes, They dict not sue•: teed in getting a suitable team. Royal'Templars of Tempereerce. Rev. J. W. Bell, B. D., Missionary, Sup- erintendent of the above society will preach in the Methodist churehes of this town on Fob 7th next, Mr. Ball is an able and elogtiwrt €;pecker, Son vinc ing,on the subject of tetn:perence. He is an accomplished ]eettei-er andan en- ergetic ternperanee advocate. The people of Exeter will do well.to relnern • ber the elate. When King James the first wrote his "counterblast to tobacco" the royal pedant l:ncs'y nothing of the "Myrtle Navy;" If he had, instead of wasting his brains over his curious ;production, :he would have filled tiffs royal pipe with it, aid would have taken a royal .smoke, he would then have been pre. pared to admit that with regard to the injurious effects of tobacco, it all de- pended on what tobacco you stroked. James McNabb, of St Thomas died there on Friday at the advanced age of 88 years. It will be well remembered 'by a number of our readers that de- ceased Ives once a resident of this place some years ego and conducted a. hub, bending and turning factory here, an, til the building and all its contents were destroyed by fire. After leas -lag. here he moved to London Township'-. and from there, he removed to St. Tho- mas. While a horse was left standing tied. to a post 0r1 Main street .Friday 'after-• noon, belonging to Mr. James ,hoard- man. of ]:Tay township,itbecame fright ened and ran away. The animal made for the black' streets where it continued in its inert career for somedistaanee,ancl then foiled its way to the Main Street where it was enptnred {ir" Mr.` Charles Snell, Sr. The nnirua1 esenped without &meek while the .cutter eves only Slightly do mo 'rd. Stoves and tinware iri endless ("valet tty .at Uobblediele c , llarid's, SKIN i)JSEASES are mast annoy, ing; hwst [ruse ,,s llOtieealsle, ,Tier• 14)10 elulphnr Soap h als ,eta cic.ausesthe ekin, The* household goods of Mr. J. N. Hooper were sold on Saterday last at • •• the sale rooms of Mr. L Gnirstie, Mr. Joliri. Gill wielding the hammer. We have received from the Rcctor,of Trivatt Memorial church, a copy- of the arish•Almauack: for , 2large l r , p 5 t 1.b9� a faille size skeet ealeudar illustrated with the les- sons, dates of fesitwils &e, of the church in promineut'type, also a short text for eeeh day of the year, Mr :Vett has, at considerable trouble and expense im- ported enough of these,English Alnlau, acts to supple? one to every family of the congregation and he invites- all the members of his flock who wwieh for, one, to cal at the Rectory and get supplied. While a horse belonging to Dr. 11„ A. Amos was being hitched to a cutter Ln his barn en Suudav afternoon, with a sudden bound it gained its freedom and started for the Main street, but be- fore reaching it the 'driver 'was thrown out and the cutter upset. Some people who were standing on the'street caught the animal and held it nntit the owner came up, wvheu it was taken back, an other vehicle proeured,and'the Dr. was allowed to proceed on his journey. Nothing was broken only a shaft be- longing to the cutter. A4, CE The eoneoil adjourned until Meteley the 25th inst., at 730 pin; en motion of • % B. Carliei; „ecouwied by Il. Spaacic- s, mare,. M, 1' ,.ultni'i, Clerk, • On lloettay morning ning Iarst J, Sliipw t,y Wm. Johiestotr atwla auaa whose, name we could not obtain of Ailsa Craig who were keeping batch and cutting wood rel that vicinity started alit together for the woods, but did not -proceed far before Johnston complained of being sick and reteiroed to the house. 'Mum the other two Own returned they found the window had been cut open and an entrance effected. On mitering the building they feria. that Slupway's trunk bad beep. eat open with an axe and all his hest clothes had been token. away also a gold ciiain,'amouuttng in all to about $35. Ort Tuesday Shipway started in p"tirsuitancl sncceedeci iri In eating - his man at a Mr•, Hartman's Lake Road Stephen, Ile et onee se eared the. servioos''of Chief Gill aisd hadhien airrostcd. •' lie hail, not disposed of the clothes but > was weiiring two pair of grants, kle etas,- brought here yesterday (\Vetlnesday) arrd was com- mitted to Goder•ich for trial. v'G'cic?4rkIG"e: , The dist oceurrenec ;Of ..this kind teed: place at the residence :of Mr, Thos, Shute on \\Tednesdav aftet•i'aoo•n when a number ,of relatives andel' ftzsnds • as seeibled to assist peels other in peeper ing a lqineutity of wood for the stove. Having leisured in earnest for several hours and being rewarded with much success, as the shades of the evening began to close the clay, the throng . re• paired to the house and partook of a hearty meal. If ever a manfelt like indulging in eating ' it was when he became seated around ` the Qsstive board which•roaued with the ample supply of mean prepared. The re- mainder of the 'evening was spent singing, chatting alpd other sports, Wen dinee, in, much tumor, which lsrtng all together in a pleasant meeting. As the time approached and they were about to seperate many sunny inernor- ies of this ee Of other previous, assemb lages a1mind,n e carnearid 'when each had bidden the "Bost" in lus'noat little residence adieu, seper•atecl for their se ver;tt homes well satisfied in the court- eo.is manner in whittle ehey lied been received.' installation of ()racers: Op Monday evet;inb the installation of officers of Plymouth Lodge no 163 -S: 0. E. B. Society, took place under the. superiasion of Bro Thomas Jackson, sr oflin n C to. c. Distuwt Deputy, The sod lodge is now in a fourishing condition and with the present staff in the different chairs it is thought they will continue to add to the already large list of names Past President, • Bro. 'N. D, Harden'. Samuel Sweet; Edwin Bissett; " George Dein<p;. Joseph Senior; " •Robert Rowe; George Bowden; Fred :lfarnco,nb; X'toi elili'e; A'' iitanlake; W. 1=1. Dearing; John Parsons: W. Ptigs'ley; Jamas Sweet T. A. Amos; John Spa cknetp; James Sweet;. George Di tis; Robert E. Pickard; Hug h":Spackman; John:Speck Man ; Joseph Senior, Mr. Samuel Hersey rsarrowly escaped. from being instarrtl killed on Sunday evening last }Ie .went outside to close a shutter on the house in which •hc re sides, tied when about doing so a key- stone weighing about thirty : pounds fell from the arch above the window, striki,,. Mr. S. on the side of the. head, which knocked him almost insensible, and inflicted a very severe wound No doubt if it had corse directly in centaaet with. his head, instant death would have been the result, Medical aid was stun, mored'and he is now getting aloflg• nicely. Last week a rumor was circulated throughout oll 11 n• o• out thewlll village that the roof of the covered skating 1i..k was likely to fall in at any time. Where the gentleman got his authority cannot be ascertained,: but one thing ` is certain, his statement's are, untrue: Mr. Davis has had competent workmen to exam- ine the building and they have all pro. noi.need it to be perfectly safe. This report has disappointed marry lovers of skating in enjoying themselves.iu the favorite pastime, but we wish to say to suchP art[e s proprietorsthe have ed neither money or time to make this another season of mirth under the roof. The ice is now- in splendid conditionf or the merry glider, and it is 'expected will be kept so during the season. Ev- erybody should embrace the opportun ity, come out and see for yourselves and you will return home satisfied that everything .is in good condition. Nights and afternoons set apart for skating announced in another column. ] 'a nss for Sale. The undersigned has several first class faems for sale on easy terms. J. SPACKI,t T. Exeter. Siete List. Mr.- Wm. Bawden, who has :been ill with la �,grippe, is able to be around- again. -2-11r. Henry Perkins is very i11 atpresent and no hopes of his recovery are entertained. Notice.' WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! The Exet- er c.r Salt Works l,s Co. re1nire fifteen l.un- dredcor.ds of soft wood, dry and green, Will pay the highest price. For fur- ther particulars apply to David Mill. '1'. B. CAR.LING, See'y. skating. The Exeter ice (covered skating rink) will be opened on the following days, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sat- urday evenings, Thursday and 'Satur- day afternoons. Popular price of ad- mission 10c., children under 31 years of ase 5 cts. Notice. Having sold out my premises to. Mr. Joseph Cobiedick & Tolland. I the un- derii„ iced will be in the office to settle all accounts, until the 1st of, Feb' ruary. After which they will be hand ed over for collection. J. N. HOWARD. To CorresLeaenctents, Correspondents to the "Advocate" will confer a favor by trailing their 0011trtbutions for publication on Tues day evening of each week 'so as to reach us that evening or Wednesday morning, :Very often it is dropped ` in 0n Wednesda - atid•does not reach us until Wednesday night or Thursday morning, which is too late for that week. We would ask our correspond. ents to kindly bear this in n'riad. :sleeting, • The annual Meeting of the : Stephen and Usborne•AgriculturalSocioty' was held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Fri. day January 15th, when the election of officers and other business took place; Pres. John Delbrid;•e; Vice President, Samuel Sanders Sr.; Directors: John Hunter Jr., Jas. Ballantyne, E. Christie. D. McInnis, W. T. Acheson, W. Elliott, John Willis, H. Felber, W. White. Au ditors Septimus llogalth and M. Eae rctt. `tirnaeeeil Proeeedsiij g. • The council elect for the village of Exeter met pursuant to statute in that behalf at the Town Hall, Exeter, 18th January, 1802. Mr, W. Bowden, Reeve Mr. II, Spackman, Deputy Reeve; and M<ssis. Ross, Carling and Christie coupe di via elect, took and subseribed their- several declaratione of qualification and ollice, in preseece of the clerk. The council being thus. organized, it [vas moved by T, B. Carling seconded by D. A. Boss that Lewis FI. Dickson be auditor for 1892. -Carried. The Reeve nominated Mr. 'i hos. II. i'1feCallum as the other audita[' By Law No. one 1892 to confirm appointmentof auditors was duly read and passed on motion of 11..Spreclrman seconded. VI). A: Ross. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplin, Committee Inner Guard, Outer , Lodge Sung -eon Trustees - e , Auditors,. Delegates to Grand Lodge, ". it It It <t f'er�tonat 35eutiou. Mr. H. C. [Meyer, of •Winghaan, gave the "Advocate" a friendly call on Wed nesday evening of last week., ---Mee. James, of London, and Mrs.:and Miss Ford, of Mitchell• were • in town last week for the purposeof atterrduig the, funeral of the late Mrs. Hooper, --Miss Clara Hersey is home from Richmond Hill spending her holidays. -Mrs. T Browlj, who has been visiting ender_ the parental roof, Orono, retueeed en Thursday, together with her sister..-- Mrs. John Floyd, of Woodstdek, is visit ing her mother, Mrs. V4'ni. \'1 elsh.- fiev. Mr Martin, returned home from Mount Forest 011 Thursday lest, -Mrs. Geo. Samwell was called to Ingersoll last week on account of the illness of Mrs, IL Se:don-Miss Mlyners, of Park hill, is the „guest of the Misses Hersey. Mr. J. N. Hooper left on Monday for Wirt iiam.-Mr. Chas: Dorwoocl and a dopted daughter left on Tuesday last for London where they joined Mrs Dor Weed and. left fel! Scotland. Our best wishes go whitMr. Dorwood and fain, fly. acid may their voyage be a pleas- ant one. -Mi. Fred W. Farncombe left on Tuesday ,eyening.fee his home, in. London Township, where he, intenaS to remail fee two or three months -Mr. Thomas Jackson, Sr,, of Clinton, gave us a friendly call oo Monday evening: -Miss Sarah Ryan,' of, Rochester, N. Y. is the guest of Miss' Emily `.'Nomas., • Sodom. The Free Entertainment on Friday evening, 15 [.net, was . well' attended., 7 he object of the gathering was to re• snscitate the clebeting society, and at the sane time, to give a little en- terteinnlent. - The principle feature of the entertaintnent was supposed to be the swinging of the clubs, ,Everything' went off well Not a break. No fault ending, Mw John Carrie]; was unani measly elected to the t h ti r and per- formed his part in good style. The,l(ro•. gram was solneW1iat varied Tti coi13e quence of Mr. McCallum, of Exeter,coii. senting to assist us by reading three selections, very appropriate .and ren- dered in hie usual good style. -Next Friday evening (22)6a discission will take place ne to which is the r'rc •ttest evil "a thief 0r alyre. The leaders are Wiiiiam and John Ford assisted. by a number of others. A good time; is an:, tieipated. Centralia HenryM0,b taunt Witha.1,aai misfor trine on " Tie 'wiry lase by accidently get' tile;; dhii ;'xi a iri oieglit iii the jack of grain mitt criynei•, . '1'hte two middle tits gens at d tee centro of Ids lai'n4 as ;far up us ;he wrist was completely .distroy-- cd. `l'hey were promptly dressed by a doctor. • CuNT11ALiA ,MARKETS. ---Wheat, 84 to 86; oats, 29 to 30; Bees. 58 to 60; Barley, 44 to 46; flour per cwt., 2.50; dried apples, l tot's; hay per ton, $10, to $11.. Miss Hcamen, of London, is theguest of Mrs, R. Hicks -Miss 1. Robinson of Grand Bend,,is the guest' of Mrs. 'phos, Handford. --Mrs. Edith Robinson, of Zurich, spent Saturday in oar midst,-- Mr, Robert McLeod, of Lucan, was a guest at the Du!ferinHouse on Sundaw. last. -Mr, Wm. Boyle, of 13iddulph,speut Sunday, ;t1 home. --Mr. Ralph Ilauclforcl paid Zit[+ieh. a flying visit on Sunday lasts-One und<ti - last,-0ne of our fair young couples attianded the party at Jae. IIennesy's, Biddniph, 0r. '""Thur. day evening last.- Mr. Georges; Euston loft hest week 'for this h)rriein.Grancd Forks,' Dek.--Some of our young sports attended the comic plays' in Exeter last week -Mr. Thomas Handford intends stripping a carload of ling horses to the \Vest on or, about the 10th of next month. --On Friday even.. ing last a large sleigh load of ybung folks of'this vicinity, attended a sur- ppirby ly'ijoylw lsaal's,rediton, whriseen a mosttt enable cHiloi•enirigC• was spent. Muele wee furnished by the England Orchestra. ONE DOZEN .BOTTLES Of the Best known Biooil Remedy will not work such acharrgiein a case of , Catarrh as one pail. t,ge 1of ,Clark's Cat- arrh cure.. All the Wise talk about Catarrh being a constitutional or blood disease. depeeds entirely[ -upon what the advertiser has, to sell If you have Catarrh in any, try Clark's • Catarrh' Cure, and SOU, need not take a cariload Of it ,before any, benefit is derived; Druggists keepitand receornmeud it.. Price 50 cents. Sent to x5 add Less by Clark Chemical Co, Toronto, New York NOW IS TEE TIME TO BUY YOUR FALL CLOTHING, $3,O1L Hhrs. TO BE CLEARED THIS NEXT 30 DAYS AT LESS'THAN ll LESALE piIGE. If yoti wanta' Child's, Boys or Man's Suit Overcoat and • Ya t r, r n u, �..c.,call and see our 43ig stock. Tho largioit L.J.`P S IaCKM:AN & CO. 4 11 ¢r,�cn.s�anu.9i: tt,:,+,waw".ru�wwa.N'a,,cfuhar.e�w�ayqu, 1 � 11 ...�•�...._II � „� . 11 �.r...11. 0 00 o 11 1 11 1111 1: II :r 11 1" 11 What are YOU arn' towant? No doubt there many �a'e�, things you needybuy things Y and � . lot [1101 e you will l that � 4l1 do not need, we have thine foi' the• "NEEDY" andthing for the "NEEDLESS". We aro now STOCKING UP itlt.at-. • ie. big � v \vi,o�,ut trade., I Pa'oC ..refit .. is over all the land n theOpinion: o d til fell lu that a good is coming. 1.11100ls to be lively,'we think, Y r w 1 1�1., ll.11�l \\ c have prepared to meet a' tills Y for � t he � next motrtlls. Do not take any stock 1 i �z an misteacl„;statclelts of bargains "its throwing a s ai<Ltt to catch a inackrol, sum as you live. We are told that our goods are FAR Cpm. -a i P E a A .1 A � �.a ,�6 !� ar.,� than toose that prate so much about their bargain 1 To be oonvinoo45., me for younelveal. wouldWe s Higheses price pail for produce, Butter 16c; Lard Ike; Eggs 16c; mss1Gc; Dried Apples Sets7 • Geese yJcts• Ducksi:' 5 Turkeys G �, Cs; ts,. Chickens 5 cts. 71 CALL SOLICITED. CA 4• e T G Sale. A.desirableresideedoin-G etorNorth',new; frame house, one-lfths acre of:lancl. The house was eroctet in 158S. Good terms to purchaser. Apply at this Office. - 1.15-t, $75,000.00. -All persons who want CHE MONEY at5 -, 6 and.4 PER CENT should call --at the— Of ,co -of COLLINS ROBT NI.RUWE Has been appointed sole agent -for the THE , EARTH CLOSET. cheap, c.oii -act and splen- did , � a sl�lcll did arrel,no,'ement for a bed- room. A want in every house- hold supplied at small cost. SAMWELL'S F3LOC1i, Call at once and see it. EXETER. - . ONTARIO P,dn aOW°. J{ollsall PalBaker! D. W. Foss Proprietor of' the Palace Bakery, Hensall,'wishes inform the citizens of that he visits the village'. Every Ylednesday to Saturday Afternoon with a supply of T FIRST-CLASS BREAD & BUNS. All orders left with Gnomes S u,r n Lits will be promptly attended to, and from whom bread can be had. at alt times.' Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. GIIVE ME A TRIIAL AND BE CONVINCED. D. W. FOSS Baker„ Bonsai]... to EXETER STILL TO THE FRONT T-: And if you don't believe it call at. Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD and you will be convinced ,,that they have the Largest and Best:Stock of all kinds of Building Materials in this see - tion of •country,and at the lowest prices.. Shingles a Specialty, haying"a large..stock on hand' we are prepared to meet the keenest competit- ion as to price' or quality. We have se - cared the right to Manufacture and Sell Mer•riams celebrated Baking Cab- inets. Call a'nd see'them and be eo18- winced of'their merit. ROSS & TAYLOR, .Main St.. Exeter A USE IT FOR Difficulty of real[ g Tightness of the . h est 'Wasting :g Away. of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumpt3.on. Bronchitis, Asthma, Coughs, Catarrh, Colds DR. x yge iz d. Enm.lsion of Pure T„ 3.S ,8. L SS Ssti ALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LAAO A TORY, TORO TO, ONS",,.