HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-06-16, Page 6G erleh Signal -SU; Th dn'a. Jun. 10 h Miss Flora Durnin of Dungannon, home eco- nomist for Grey County, was presented on retirement with a service scroll by agri- culture, minister Stewart, at the banquet of the annual extension and home economics branch confererice, last Thursday,' at the University of Guelph. tib Halmesville HOLMESVILLE, — Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1VIcCuliough attend- ed the Payne -McCullough wed- ding at- Metropolitan Church, Toronto -last Saturday. .� Linda Eas, spent the week- end with Patsy.Tebbutt. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ginn visit- ed wrfh relatives Wisconsil the past weekend. Mr. and .Mrs.' Edward Grigg spent Sunday with friends, in Dundalk The pupil of Goderich Town- ship School Area. presented a • variety- prog'rrm to- a packed auditorium or. Wednesday even-' ing, June 8. The,. music super -1 wiser, Mrs. Dustow, teachers and pupils are to lie ,congratulated qn a fine performance. Sunday school anniversary j services are to be held on Sun- ' "day, June 19 at 9.45 alml There will be a children's choir with special music by the Snell sis- ters: Rev. Hope Jackson of Bel - grave will be the guest speaker. . Holmesville U.C,W. '"- The regular meeting of the iolmesville 7J.C.W. was held Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. L. Bond'ss group in charge of the program. Mrs. D. G: ddon read the Scripture and, the roll call N was answered ' by a verse on the word "Garden." Mrs. H. Williams read a letter from, Rev. Gibson' of the Long Plain United Church Mission. A few thoughts' on "Our Highly Or- ganized Society:.. were given by the leader. Mrs.' E Gi-i.gg was in charge • of the business. Plans were made for volunteer work at the Ontario Hospital.. Those taking part op June 22 were Mrs. W. Norman, Mrs. K: Harris, Mrs. J. Lobb, Mrs, Reg, Miller, Mrs •H. Williams Those volunteering cars on July 13 were Mrs: Les; Jervis, Mrs. B. Walter, Mrs. E. Grigg; and Mrs. L. Bond, Plans' were made for the bus trip on June 26th. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. M .Yeo, Mrs. Bender,- Mrs. -S. Farquhar.' - Go now! Vacation worry -free! - Go with an HFC. Traveloant: AMOUNT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 0 F 60 I 48 36 30 .20 12 LOAN months' months months months months months e to $ $ $ $ .' $6.12 $9.46 30018.35 28.37 550 - 23.73 32.86 51.24 1 000 41.45 58.11 91.56 t 500 ,57.72 . ,.. 2500 73,35 • 90.18 3000 88.02 108.22 04000 101.01 117.37 144.30' 5000 126.26 146.71 180.37 Ask about credit lite insurance Above payments' include principal and interest and are based ' - on loans at low group rates' 00 prompt repayment, but do not Include the wit of life Insurance. Go with money for every need. An HFC Trav'eloan gives you cash to enjoy a relaxed vacation: Then you repay -HFC conveniently. HOUSEHOLD FINAN , GODERIC H 35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) Ask about our evening hours, oo ' 3Cavvii is tile Ernie with her ./Jeaiiti f itt KENWOOD ALL-WOOL BLANKETS Proud is the young hrde who can display the KENW00D label among her jlri t rl''l5ossessionsf'Our collection of prize K.Esw000s covers a gorgeous range of flower shades - from gentle pastels to vibrant hues. Highest grade wool, of course, with wide satin binding. 4• F.E. HIBBERT & $0-N 1,HE SQUARE . 5114-$811 .4. Mature Driving Habits Sought By Wishart g.'•+ncouragement of mature driving . habits and attitudes -among young drivers- plays a' major part. is Ontario's continu- ing campaign for street and high - Way safety, says attorney general Wishart. Commenting on the safety campaign of .Junior Chambers of Comrx:erce . throughout the province, Mr. Wishart said that this type of activity and en- couragement is vitally import- ant for 'teen-agers in the form- ative years of their driving ex- perience. - "'Teen-age safe driving com- petitions now being conducted by local Junior Chambers of Commerce are proving effective in encouraging greater skill and responsibility e mong younger drivers. These should definite- ly be supported by. our muni- cipal officials and community affairs leaders," the 'attorney general Said. "Only by widespread driver training and education in - 1 age groups can we cope With the tre- mendous problem of safety on our streets and highways. Far to:o many young people are losing their 'lives in motion ve- hicle accidents. Many, of these accidents occur because of bad or careless driving of the young people themselves. A few les- sons and training in the develop men°t of good habits with re- spect to driving and responsi- bility on the highways aver a period of time can make a tre- mendous . difference in- driver aptitude " . Now in as 11th year, the .Jaycee's dntario-wide safety campaikn has attracted many 'contestants in the past and has made a number of today's mo- torist,, wore safety conscious. Regional `competitions iniroly- ing written and actual driving tests are now being held in many cities anti towns throughout the province. Winners of regional contests will compete in a provincial final to be held,, in Burlington on June 25. This is being joint- ly snonsored by Imperial Oil Ltd. and the Burlington, Junior Chamber of Commerce. The winner, last year, ac- claimed the "top 'teen-age driv-. er in Ontario," was 19-year-pld Bobo Wiedemann, . of Manitou- wadg.e. He edged out nearly 60 other contestants to win the title, together with a cash award of $100. and the Esso Trophy. MP Explains Preence " My duties• include such County sut hrs very much in" things as keeping up with af- comparison with' other parts of fairs in my oavn county, to find -the country," he declared. Act - out what is needed; where a wally, we are all very well otf better place 'than the county here by eomparison." He did council in ;session?" - not favor the principle of seek Robert E., McKinley, Mk' for ing to be con:idere(' a depress - Huron, 1001 Monday off from ed area, his duties at Ottawa, spoke Referring to his • duties in briefly to Huron County Coln- the House of Commons, Mr. Mc- cil, had lunch with the mem- Kinley say1 he had been able bers, and listened to some of to accomplish . -- not, perhaps, their problems. many 'big things --abut many lit - He was of the opinion that tie things. "There is no trouble the Internatrpnal Plowing keeping yourself occupied," he Match near Seaforth in October stated. would be "a big thing for Hu- He invited county councillors ron County;" that Expo . '67 to mention to him any way he would be "a great thing for could help out. Canada" especially in support- ing our effoes to sell our pro-.. The brain _of the elephant is ducts to other countries. the biggest• of all land animals. "I don't think that Huron It weighs more than13pounds. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE TEA & BAKE SALE Wednesday, June -22 CHURCH HALL • 3:00 TO 5:30 P.M. -- , Rug Demonstration As' you have probably noticed; the thermometer is up to $97,000.00... The last few tholasand are hard to get, but we are going to make it. We are all happy to see that the strike at one of our major industries. is now settled and 'the men are back to work. We are rapidly getting in the final calls on the industrial plants in town where an excellent job is being doneby our friends, in the labor organizations. The folks at the Ontario Hospital are near comple- tionl in their canvass and the calls by the town, county, federal and P.U.C. are about finished. Dearborn Steel Tubing and-'Sheaffer Pen are - just about all in. Goderich town tax billsareall. out but there is no increase• `caused by the construction of your new hospital. It is -interesting to note that about half of the total amount contributed to the hospital building find'- comes from industry, clubs, social and service organizations and not from individuals. We -have re- ceived_ eceived_ over $7,000.00 from old friends, not ..even, living ,here.' We, as individuals, are not carrying' the • whole load on our backs, as, many • - people think. Our house to house canvass will definitely be held" starting June 22, 23, -24 and 25th. If you have already °been contacted, you will not be called on agail. If you wish to con- tribute directly; rather than be can- vassed, the office ' on the 2nd floor of the post office - building will be . open every day—Monday thru Fri-. day from..9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The ladies are -really going, to town. Their fourteen captains have organized their:, groups by voting districts and their 125 canvassers will meet on June 21st to get the answers to the questions you might, want answered. ° In' next week's Signal -Star, we shall attempt to summarize the en- tire campaign. If you have a ques- tion that you want answered, com- pletely and honestly, please call 524- o . 7641 and a member of your building fund committee will be glad to_ answer it, -or call on you personally, if you prefer. - AI;114114ITIkV 11, Alexandra Marine 'and General Hospital Building Fund Federal Building, Goderich, Ontario ST.. GEORGE'S CHURCH Second Sunday After Trinity --'June 19th 8:00 a,r i,—Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.•--choly Communion Sermon: , Rev. Russell W. Turner, Uniontown, Penna. "WIC(Nursery fon Pr°e.School Chldren). -.. . Sunday School at 10 and 11 Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., ,5.D. Mr. B. Kenn.pster, Organist and Choirmaster THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Northa Street United Church HOLY°"COMMU,NION - Sunday, June 19th, 1966 - 10:00 a.m.—J-r. - Sr. Sunday School 11:00 a.m—Kindergarten-Primary Dept. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship Sacrament of Holy Communion Reception of members by transfer welcome. Supervised Nursery WELCOME The Rev. J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D.—Minister Mr. Lance. Reed, Organist and, Choir Director, Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister William•Camerort, Director of Praise SUNDAY, JUNE 19th 10:00, 'a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship Sermon: • Sermons From The Parables: (7) "The Sower and the Seed" (Nursery and Junior Congregation), ENTER TO WORSHIP @.a DEPART TO SERVE THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria Street United; Church 10:15 a.m.—Victoria St. Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship "The Lost Son" . 10:00 a.m.—Benmi'ller Church and Sunday School REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS: J. SNIDER, Organist and Choir Director :FIRST BAPTIST' C:HLACH (Baptist Convention o Ontario and Quebec) Montreal Street Near The Square. -- 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. - Everyone Welcome ' Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 FREE METHODIST CHURCH • Corner Victoria and Park Streets 9:50 a.m. Sunday School -11:00 a.m. MorningWorship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Tuesday. 8:00 p.m. — Prayer Service and Bible Study Rev. J: A. Robb, Thamesford, Pastor - - THE SALVATION ARMY - CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Family Worship 7:00 p.m. Salvation Meeting , EVERYONE WELCOME ' Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor - SUNDAY, 'JUNE 19th -, 10:00 a.m. Sunday' School Classes for all ages. • 11:00 a ms Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service w Fri. 8:00. p.m. -- Young People's Service CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET SUNDAY, JUNE 19th Slyhi'OAY SERVICES 10:00 a.m. e'unday School -- Ride the Bus -- 524-7622 11:00 a.m. MORNING 'SERVICE .. 7:30 p.m. EVENING SERVICE - Wed., 7:30 p.m. -- Romans verse by verse Pastor: REV. T. LESLIE HOBBINS, B.A. "A Warm Welcome To All" - The Onion United Church CLOSING SERVICE • • SUNDAY, JUNE 26th AT 2:00 P.M. Former Members and, Adherents trivited To Attend THE HOLY COMMUNION • Representatives of Presbytery