HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-06-09, Page 8The Oroderich Signal -Star, T n ay J1 e 9, • 19,06 erubs Tak 'Point Lead Town Soccer League i ve weeks ago 'Councillor Herbert Such kicked off the first Dalt igtr bin _ the -beginning of the season for the 'newly - formed Godertch Minor Soccer 1 Ssceiationi: Councillor Such .also saki a few u oxdsptQ the boys, pointing out the advantages that were be- ing prescfitect to them through the kindness of ,. four service clubs in town, Goderiph Legion 10S, The Knights of Columbus, Kinsmen and The Lions Club. The boys have really shown their appreciation by displaying real shill, and sportsmanship to uphold the good names of the clubs which they represent. The league has suspended op- :OBITUARIES p- C BIT UARIES W. J. LEE MRS. JOHN rGALBRAITH - William Jahn Lee, 65, of 130 Blake -St., who died Monday in hose'ta1, was -buried in Colborne Cemetery yesterday following a funeral service at the Lodge Funeral Home. Mr. Lee* was born at Ben Allen, Ont.; 'son of the late John tee and Mary McDougall, and at one time lived at Hensall. He had been a motel and restaurant operator and monu- ment salesman. He was a mem- ber of North Street United Church. Besides his wife, the former Besse Marie_ Woods, he is 'sur- vived by a sister, Mrs. Hugh ‘Lizzie) Patterson of Wiarton. Rev Donald J. MacDonald of- fieiatPd for the funerat service. A funeral service was held yeste:day in the Lodge Funeral' Hom,'. for Mrs. John Galbraith, 32, of Clinton, who died Monday in C1,iton Public -Hospital. Mrs. Galbraith was the former Mary McClure, daughter of the .late James McClure and Matilda Fishe. of Colborne Township. She-narri•ed the late John Gal- braith in Tara, and later lived, in Goderich. She was a member Of Victoria Strew- United Church„ Goderich. There are no immediate sur- vivors. Rev. G, ant L. Mills of Ontajp Street United Church, Clinton, officiated at the service and burial• was in Colborne Cen.e-, tery. Pallbearers were Earl Westbrook, John Westbrook, William McClure, James Mc- Clure, Forest McClure, and Robert Lawson. At the annual track and field meet in Clinton last Thursday; Goderich won with 190 poiints. Ken. Bowen. -won. the . ..senior boy's championship and David Carruthers won the -Intermediate hoy's-ohamipionship. They were the only ones who won awards for Goderich. Scoring went , as follows: Holmesvillg, 42 Seaforth, 44; RCAF Clinton, '76.; Clinton, 82; Gode"ich. 190. The last assembly of the year was held last Friday in the gynn- nasium. The assembly was given by Mike VroQman's grade 8 class'. The assembly opened with the Queen followed by the Lord's Prayer and the Bible reading. Principal Ralph Smith° made some announcements. Basketball tabs were • awarded to the win- ning girl's team and the winning boy's team. play • Was -presented -4 .•� pupils called "TIie Trouble with Doctors." . The school band played two hymns. Saturday Ceremony The 1966 International Plow- ing Match' comes alive this weeis. when highways minister -Ma iNa[ightdn, and the agi°1 cult'ire minister Stewart, will co-operate to plow a first fur- row at the match site at Sea forth. The ceremony, to which the' pub Lc is ,invited, takes place at 3:30 p.m Saturday after- noon on what will -become the tented city on Scott farms west of the town. Sea'forth District High School Trpmpei. Band, a fea- ture at plowing matches across Ontario for several year' will take part in the short pro- gram. erations for a two week period in order that -the boys devote full a tention to • their examin- ations. t • ation ,. , " League games will resume on June 20, with a contest between the Knights and the Lions, start- ing time 7,p.m. •° Standing or. of June 4 Teams W. L. T. Pts. Cherubs 3' 0 2 8 Knights'3 1 1 7 Lions, 1 3 2 Victorians 0 4 1 1 Leading Scorers R. Fairish (Knights) J. Redmond (Knights) '1'. Crawford, (Cherubs) T. Pluufie •(Victorians) 3 II. Rctlinghaus (Lions) 2 D. Graf (Knights) 2' S. Asher (Cherubs) 2 B. 'Alien (Victorians) 2 4 ,r. 3 3 Kingsbrldge KrNGSBRJDGE—Mr. and ivirs. Fergus Dwyer and .family of Kinkora spent Sunday with Mr., and Mi.s. Donald Frayne and family. _ Frances Gilmore and Irene Milne of London spent the week end here. Mrs. Bernadine Kenny of De - Mrs. Josie, Cleary of Wallacehurg are visiting rela- tives hey e. Mrs. Martha O'Neil is a patient in Gxderich hospital. Jim Sinnett of the motor vessel Paul Townsend is home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs.' Ellis Irwin and son Drew, MT and Mrs. T Wim - Dorchester, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin and faintly on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr.. and Mrs. Jim MacDonald on the birth of a daughter, June 6, in Gode- rieh hospital. Henry Van -Dyke of Holland is visiting his son Bill and daughter Mrs. Van, Roay, John and family. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Slets, Hol- land, are visiting their daughter,. Mrs. Van Dyke, Bill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalton spent the weekend in Galt and, To: ronto. GLIDDEN. EifTfRliDR-PAl Former Goderich resident William Saunders is living in a'roand house in Wallaceburg:' Mr. Saunders and his wife are not living in a railroad retie-; bit what has been des- cribed as "Wallaceburg's most unique domicilP." It is • a new house built in a complete circle with the living Loom completely en- closed. Next week- Wallaceburg Kinsmen are using the house to raise funds by charging admission for a tour of the dwelling. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hill of Goderich celebrated their :60th wedding anniversary with 36 members of their family Sun- day. The group dined at the Tiger Dunlop Inn and messages of congratulations were received from Prime Minister Pearson; opposition leader Diefenbaker, Robert McKinley, MP; Ontario opposition leader Andrew Thqmson, Murray Gaunt, MPP. Mr. and Mrs. Hill were married at the home of the bride's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bean, 60 years ago at Carlow. • R. J. Nephew, photographer SPRING HATS NAVY —`BLACK — ETC. S2 — S5—S10 10% TO '20% OFF SUMMER HATS :THE_ HAT .SHOP THE SQUARE Outlasts ordinary paint by 50%. Acrylic Latex keeps its velvet finish clean and bright. Dirt won't cling — colors won't fade. Homogenized -Spred House Paint requires lens frequency of paint- •ing than conventional house paints - resulting in less time, effort and expense. ' • Solves the problem of • arm - tiring. brush drag and gives all- weather protection! It's the first e:oice__of_many_ ihomeownens!_ The self-cleaning propetrties of Endurance House Paint keeps surfaces bright, clean looking longer. SERVICE Victoria St. N. ELECTRIC (Goderich Limited) Dial 524.8581 THI.SWEE.K'S PHOTO FEATURE STRAWBERRY PIE . • Three TieIl ed WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CAKES. $10.00 UP Uniquely Designed To Your Individual Tastes. CULBERT'S BAKERY "The Horne, Cif Tasty Pastry • Sint* 1871" 1111.11110.11.1111.1111011111111.111.1 • 114 This trim bungalow, 'situated on a s1 aded lot, features ..large, bright living room, large eat -in kitchen, two bedrooms, 4•piecd bathroom, full 'basement and gas 'forced -air furnace. Exclusively Listed By , HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER 38 Hamilton Street Dial 524.7272 SNOWBALL BINGO EVERY SECOND 'MONDAY, CLINTON • IRIQN LION,, ARENA 9 P.M, D.S.T.--.SHARP JUNES, 2Z -- JULY'1, 25 AUGUST 8, 22 -- SEPTEMBER 5, 19 .— CASH PRIZES — 15 Games for $30 2 Share -The -Wealth Games Share -The -Wealth with $500.00 Snowball (In 50 Numbers or Under) • 1 MAJOR BINGO FOR . $500.00 • ADMISSION: $1.00 Per Person EXTRA CARDS: 25c .Each or 5 for $1.00 2 Doca PRIZES —• CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT • FOR DOOR PRIZE DRAW ALL. PROCEEDS ?OR COMMUNITY WORK Sponsored- by- - Ser -vice Clubs --of" Clinton- GODERICH -COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Offers . You The Following Services Share Savings - Current Dividend 4'/25 —Life savings insurance up to $2,600. for eligible members at no extra cost Personal thequing Accounts Pay 4% —on minimum quarterly balance Christmas & Vacation Savings Pay 4'/25 Low Cost Personal'Loans —All eligible loans are life insured at no extra cost Quick Pay Day Loan Service First ` Mortgage .Loans -.-Life insured at no extra cost NOT FOR PROFIT — BUT FOR SERVICE GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 39 St. David St. , Phone 524=7931 OFFICE HOURS Tues. • Fri. 10:00 = 5:30 -- Saturdays 9:00 • 12:30 • Knox Ladies Prepare Sniorgasbord The annual smorgasbord by the ladies' aid of Knox Church was held June 1. Two hundred and fifty people were served, as well as 100 the next day at noon. Tho church hall was beauti- fully decorated in a scheme of ,red, white and blue, highlighted by brass. Occupying• the centre of the west wall was a ""large gold framed mirror, draped with was decorated in mucin the same school room was a graceful red, white and iblue 4 bunting mi'nner. , and flanked by. Canadian flags. The smorgasbord tables in At each end .of the hall was a both the main hall and the Sun- large fan shaped arrangement day school room were graced of red, white and blue flowers by large bouquets and brass banked against green ferns. Over candelabra, holding red, white the wall sconces were large and blue candles, and red, white brass plates, effectively high- and blue candles were Qn the lighted by the lights from be- individual tables. Between the neath, The Sunday sol room main hall and the Sunday archway • of cedar, interspersed 'wit'h 1 ed geraniums. The tables held a variety of meats, salads, , jellies and relishes, and the dessert tables more than afilled were ha amply with all kinds of pie, cakes, tarts, .jellied desserts, -.fruit cup, etc. FRESH KILLED 4 to 6 LB: PONS. or ASTING CHICKENS RED & WHITE Fo�drnaster open Nitely Until 10 p.m. 91 VICTORIA ST. NORTH. GODERICH AVG. SCHNEIDERSFAMOUS SWEET PICKLED CROSS RIB or Cottage Rolls - �a Z9c TWC WAY ROASTS `a Ib. 4 SHORT RIB CHUCK ROASTS or ROASTS Boneless Stewing Beef Le. 65c or Ground Chuck — BLADE BOTWREMOVED .. BLADE ROASTS LB. b. SAVE 47c - DUNCANI HINES CAKE MIXES 3 FOR • SAVE 25c r- 20 -OZ. TINS AYLMER PORK & ,BEANS -. SAVE 30c -- PSG. dF� TII n'LL METRECAL SAVE 17c - 48-0Z. TINS ALLENS FRUIT DRINKS SAVE 17c - 20-0/. TINS LIBBYS Tomato Juice SAVE 16c FACELLE Royctile Tissue b SAVE 10c - FACELLE R'OYALLE Paper Vowels 1. 99c 3 FOR • 6__FOR Rolls 89c 4 ROLLS • SAVE 20c - 10c SIZE • ChocolateBars 12 FOR • SAVE 71c — ALL SIZES NYLONS 3 SAVE Sc - 16 -OZ. JAIL YORK PAIR 1 • Peanut Butter 45c SWIFTS PR E.M. 12-0Z. TINS 49c -3 ' 3' NaoN{q TEA BAGS 69c 100's LARGE SIZE - WaterhieI�ns• 99c U.S.A., NO..,1 NEW POTATOEsT LBS. 69c FRESH FLORIDA NO. 1 .'CORN .6,, FOR 49c 10 SUNKIST SIZE 163. ORANGES 2 DOZ 79c F0.OZEN French Fries 4FoR 69c EXCELLENT IPOR THE FREEZER Homegrown Asparagus BcihfCHEs SAVE 10c - CHICKEN - BEEF - ° TURKEY SWANSONS