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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-06-09, Page 6
dl The Ge lerieh Signal -Star, Thursday, Ala° 9, I960. • Socia Notes . e .. In.- And Around Town lrand-Mrs., Clair Parton, To- the Elgin 'Regiment in St, . OntO, . visited Airs; Parton's Thomas on Sunday last. Parents, W. and MrS. Hugh Hill, gr. and MTS. Wayne Freitz Obderieh,over the Weelcend. - left last Wednesday by car for • l4rs, -,f, R. I3,oughtont,of West- Winnipeg where they will re - m:444 - e- rioa .t,-- p,. ., visited with Mrs. side. L. AT, Pope of R.R. 6, Goderich, on 1.lhUrsday of last week. Ms=s Sharon: Regie; ha,'s ae- nepted a position at the office Of F,, G. Gibbs, C.P.A.; Strat- ford., Miss Regier has been at- tending' Goderich Business Col-.yi;ited 1, ith Mrs. Earl '1 schke' daugl:te,., Mrs. G.,rdon Kidd. ed h•,me after spending a feW ST. AUGUSTINE--Gwendolyn lege.,during the past year. and chi.dlren on Sunday. Mr. Kidd and Shiela attends d `.eek;; in London. Redmond, daughter of Mrs. Mary ills, J. J. Nephew of Goderich �'is::or, with Mrs. Dave 1Iar :he ;raditation exercises on June Mr. Norman Marsh of Min- Redmond and the late -Wm. Red - Vi -it . in Brlintford recently at- tin and family were Mr.- and 1 «ten her grandson, Ryan, ntapolis visited last week with mond was honored by friends ;tending a Sunday school -cla.s, Mrs. Ivan Grigg and Miss Bessie. Kid- was one of the cla,s i : Airs. 'Minnie Jones and Melvin,. and neighbors at a miscellan- reunion .of 45 years ago. Mrs. corni�h, Mr. and Mrs. Earl' --- Mr and Mrs. Jerry Wilbur`�eous shower at St. Augustine Nephew was the .teacher at the Mart i n and David, Mr. andsr and Bradley 6f Toronto, visited 1 Parish Hall' Friday prior to her Shenstone °'Memorial Bapti-.t' mi., Loh I', .wylert, Linda and Dealer's friends here 'at the-Wet,kend. approaching marriage June llth 'Church in that city. Following, Barb ra. all of London, Mrs.. Mr. Mel Reid of Goose Bay, to William Pieco, a dinner party ,a corsage and Mary Yung of Goderich. and Importance Labrador, is spending a week at A snort `program included., a piano selection by Marie Boyle, ,r DUNGANNON # DUNE ANNO : . l rs, Dave tceiving bis. B.A.' Mrs. Ryan re- turned on Sunday accompadied Eby m . and Mrs. Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Caesar and, fancily, Mr. and. Mrs. Norman StebvcrLand. Mrirlt* of. Lambeth,. Richard Stewart and Leslee Ilar- ris,on o+ Sault Ste. Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton were guest..; of Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Alton of Lucknow on Sunday evening at a barbecue dinner. Mr. aac Mrs. Irvine Eedy PO®T A LB E RT visited on Sunday in Brantford I� RRey.'�. S. Juy of Luelcno�v, will with Airs. I�:t'dy's aunt, MissMae the addre: rhur'ow who is a patient in PORT ALBERT --Mr. and Mrs. Mrs: Melena Ryan spent last hospital there. Clarence Hoy, `1'erry and ,Jima ,<<,.►, in Port Credit . with ]ler Mrs Clara,McKay has return - Martin oi Port Albert entertain- ed about 6Q friends and rela- tives on Jim 4 at a nriseellan• eous shower for Leslee Harri.ston and Richard Stewart of .Sault Ste. Marie, monose Marriage takes lace this month. Many Y ldvel Y gifts were received and the balance of the evening was spent playing cards, followed by lunch • The etinetcry •board has plan• md :o have their annual me- morial service July 3 at 4 p.m. Bean Producers Gather Zurich Charles Rau, R.R. 2, Zurich, .chairman of the Ontario Bean Company operating in London, was. chosen ra ori Clinton by bean growers of Idiiron, as director for the new Ontario Bean Grow- ers Co-operative H onoredk At Shower gift were; presented to Mrs. 1Iis. Wm. Stewart of Aubpitn. his 'ionic here Mr. Reid has Nephew. 'There were 11 inert-, '1',�. cc' kis leads of people in ',laity 'new c r buyers lois Been transferred to Chatham, sing sang - conducted by Mrs. bers present from 'Fort Erie, eluding S.S. No. 6 school chil-11 i enly think that all new cars N.B., wli, rc Airs. Reid and family. Murray Wilson, clothes -pin von- , Burlinp,'ton Waterloo, Dund.1 , dren ar. 1 teaeh �r and parents are alike when they Conte iron) will jciin Mtn there on his return. test ,von bY Mrs. Jerry Van Ont.,. and 4lount Clemens Mich. gent i�c ''`.a:'t�ra Fans oil Friday.; the factory and that the dealer Mr and Airs. Wilbur Brown Oaken and a piano solo by • Jahn McGraw- of Goderieh - , is only a kind of storekeeper l ;tient the weekend with Mr. and Genevieve Kinahan. Mrs. Cyril and Herman Yount; of Kin-, Ili,' locust, of the • plarucs for the manufacturer's product.'11rs. Joe Petrie .of Vienna. -Boyle read the address- to the cardine and Jim Young of Lon- are also called shorthorn grass -.1 In Actual fact no t«a Iie1ti'I \'‘-eekend guests with Mr. and bride to -be. Eileen Foran, Mar- don attended the reunion of hoppers. cars;are identical in all re Mrs,' Arthur Stewart were Mr, Lan - Hickey and Sigberta De spects. They; have a difference;•and Mrs Norman Stewart and Bruyn assi§ted Gwendolyn open- ` in rine, driving "feel" and over. r Mark 't:f Lambeth and Miss. ing the many beautiful and use- • all performance. Automatic) Leslee Ilarriston and Mr. Rich- ' ful rifts. Gwendoyn fittingly tra•nsniisisuns, b: akes and steer-! and Stewart of Sault Ste. Marie. I replied and extended an invita- ing ,often - vai y and have to be ;ylr. and Mrs. Wesley Plunkett :tion +▪ .o her trousseau tea, 2 to adjusted, in the dealer's garage. of Saskatoon! 'who visited the �5 p.m. Saturday; This. adjustment. from. car.,to -past week ---with Mr. and. Mr -s„ - - car is the purpose of "pre -de- Lorne Ivers`and relatives in this An adult • 90 -ton blue whale livery'' service—the work the area, left on Monday for their eats more than a ton of shrimp dealer perforins on the new car- home. each day. After it arrives from the factory. The cost to the dealer varies with the make of, car but aver- ages about $70. - Thc're is no easier way for a dealer interested in saving. this expense than to just plain - skip most eabe all of these items. Sa esm a n . eq.ui re The .results -ear, a riz�t� Z3r that .. . becomes a' "lemon" after the buyer has taken possession. Lack of front wheel alignment, for instance, could wear a new set' of tires into scrap in a matter of a few weeks. An - autoniobilr, is an assem- blage of 20,000 pieces. If put• together with . an accuracy of 99.9 per cent, it would be de- livered to the•oustomer with 20 thins wrong. . Your ownership satisfaction ,will depend 00 how your dealer rights these wrongs. Adv't. DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CHURCH? 1. What's wrong with today's Christianity? 2. Why are Christians persecuted? 3. How can you tell false doctrine? - 4. How has, Christianity changed since Christ? 5. What about the future of the -Church? These And .All Your Other Questions Will Be Answered At . 2ND ANNUAL BIBLE AND PROPHECY CONFERENCE . June 8th - 12th— 8:00 p.m. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH DR, G. DOLLAR., ,rh,D. Speaking on Great Bible and Prophetic Themes (See ad on page. -.3 for time and subject) Agricultural. For "Progressive Aviation Company. Must have car. Excellent earnings in Goderich area for hard worker. PROVOST AVIATION • CHEMICALS LAMBETH, ONTARIO - Phone 652-5152 Mon Elected To New He is one q seven directors Durand, R.R. 2, Zurich, Harold, chosen on Monday by Ontario Elder, llensall; Elgin Hendick, ,growers to serve on the board. R.R. 1, Dashwood; Alec Mc- Othets are one each from -the Beatii, Ktppen Bob *Gregor,' counties of Kent, Elgin,. Mid- Kippen; Mr. Rau: George .l ,.obertt- dlesex, Lambton and Perth, plus sten, A.R. b, Goderich; Harvey one chosen at large (on June Taylor, Brumfield and Fergus 20 at Strathroy). Turnbull, R.R. 1. Dashwood. At Huron's meeting in Central Huron Secondary School audi- ttiriuin in Clinton, there were 125 growers present. Chairman Douglas II. Miles noted that of the 1,267 bean growers in Huron,, less than ten per cent had attended this meet- ing. He also pointed out that I Greb Asiisted by the staff mein - bean berg ' of the agriculture office, producers. Mr. Miles allowed each candi- Elected were 12 committee- date one Minute to talk. Rules men xor Huron: _Robert Allan, were adhered to strictly. Brucefield (chairman ' of the Ian McAllister, Zurich and former bean board); Alec Chess Malcolm Davidson,, Brucefield, ney, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Mark I)al- were scrutineers. ton, R.R. 3, Goderich;, Philip Po: director on the co-opt:r• For these seats, 23 -curare nom- inated. One xuar, Ian McAllister. withdrew, and the others were Gordon Hill; Harvey A'r'ts, Wil- liam Rowcliffe, Merton keys, Ivan McClymoii , Murray Daw- son; Harold Campbell, Peter Oud, John Beane and Leonard Huron growers made up 37.8 per ce.nt of the- total of Ontario Co -Operative ative. the system of noaaaina- 'tions. normally used in co-oper- atives was; used. On eaelt•_ nom inati „a paper, growers named two persons. .Then these were Studied, and .the names of the two .ien who were most often menttoned,'were pint .in for elec- tion. 'l'll,ese were Robert Allan, and , Charles Il,.au. Allan refused to .stand, since he Was planning to: run for a seat on the bean board. Third name w.ati that of William Row - 01111e Hensall. Between the two, growers chose Rau. Nominations for four direc- tors on the. bean board, result- ed in 13 naines'being placed. Of these Verne Alderdice , and Har- old Elder withdrew, leaving 11 men to run foz the four seats available. These are; Robert McGregor, Robert Allan, Fergus Turnbull, Philip Durand, Alec 1VIcBeath, Leonard Greb,, 1V/ark Daltt u, Wiiliani Rowcliffe, Ross Love, Gordon Ill and Malcolm Dav- idson. voting for the board mem- bers is to be done by mail. Bal- lots will be sent out' from the agriculture office on June 10 to all growers.' 'hese must be marked, and mailed back to the office, postmarked on or before June 2b. Then Cn June 21 the vote wily be counted. Harvey Coleman was appointed scruti- neer, to sit in on this ,count. . Besides 'Huron's four mem- bers on the board, there will be three' from Kent; one each from Elgin, Middlesex, Lambton and Perth. In closln the meeting; Doug- las Miles Toted that, "Your problems will not be solv.ed with the eleet,io'r, of this board, but 'we're hoping things will run ;.•monthly." GODERICH FROSTED FOODS LEAN STEAKETTES 4La 55c 65 HAMILTON STREET • MEAT SCHNEIDERS ASSORTED COL:' MEATS .' 4 PKGS. BLADE STEAKS LB. 5- 64 -OZ. — FREE" WATER SAFETY - JAVEX: 4 '43c 15 -OZ. LIBBY -© PAGH TTI -2 FOR 33c 20 -OZ. - CULVERHOUSE CHOICE GREEN PEAS 2 FOR 39 14.OZ. —G REEN GIANT CORN NIBLETS 2F0R39c BUY 4 —GET 1 FREE CHUM DQG FQOD 49c 20.OZ: —HEINZ . CATSUP . .IFOR85C • PRODUCE • raa�E .CANTi4LOPE 29c .NEW POTATOES 10 LBS. 69c OPEN EVERY PAY UNTIL G P.M. OPEN VIZI-DAYS TIL 9 P.M. Yes, we're moving our. furniture stock to new• locations all,.over town and the nicest people are helping us do it.' • Actually, ' in a roundabout way we are telling you that ,our furniture sale is suc- cessful because people are realizing a big saving on all the -furniture in our store. I guess we must 'apologize for using a trick heading to get your attention. We wItnted to get ;your attention long enough to tell you about the money -saving buys that you will find throughout our store and come in to see for yourself. It would take, a couple ofppages of ad- vertising (which we can't afford) to tell you about all the articles and about how much money you can save on each one of them, so .we took the easy way out (and the least expensive)` to just inform you we are hav- ing a sale and to, come in and browse around. We aren't really moving to a new loca- tion but we are sure we have something here for you that you would like to move into one of the rooms in your house. Remember, at Lodge Furniture there is no pushing, no shoving, no fast talking deals, just dark good value. See you this weekend? LODGE FURNITURE WEST ,STREET 0 , As of Monday night we still need $19,714.00, to reach ou-r goal. This is going to be the hardest amount to get. This figure looms big but our canvassers are working hard at the Ontario Hospital, Sheaf- fer Pen, Dearborn Steel Tubing and your friends at the federal, county and -town .offices -should soon be in. The labor organizations started t rei -onclay-=at- th-e-- Domtar plants and Dominion Road A'Iachinery plus Upper .Lakes and Goderich Elevator, They are sup- porting the drive to the, -utmost and at their organization meeting on Sunday they were most optimistic. • Everyone in Goderich will be given the opportunity to help. Our house to house canvass will beheld on -Julie 23, 24;- 25 and 26th., The ladies of the town have volunteered to take on this big j'ob of callingAon over 1,300 homes, not already cover- ed. It ispa tremendous ,task to get this all organized and since we don't want to miss anyone we moved back the start for one week. We are desperately trying to go over the top. If you have a mortgage on your house, and who' -doesn't, you • • know that in twenty years the total cost is nearly double. Every $10,000 we go .over the top makes nearly $20,000';available over 20 years for new equipment not yet perfected such as the heart machine that a doctor in Houston,' Texas is working on. Don't forget, though, that your hospital is completely equipped and furnished when it is _opened. It is the new inventions .we want to be able to buy. If only one life. is saved, it will be worth it. Your hospital construction is under way and running on schedule. We must succeed. since our hospi- talization plans are not much good to us without a modern hospital., 'Please remember that .95 of the revenue of your hospital comes froin some hospitalization or ;medical plan and only 5 from the individ- -- ual. Be --generous- ---we hope that you - never have to use your hospital but it •goad.. to know that when you do, it's there to help you? This 'advertisement is the eighth in a series that is designed to keep you informed. If you need any in- formation, please call the fund- raising headquarters in the Federal Building—phone 524-7641. Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Building Fund Federal Building, Goderich, Ontario