The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-06-09, Page 2Gnderich Signal -Star, Thursday, June 0, 1000 Ii:tor.aIs: PREPARE NOW FOR RAILWAY , HEARING. C.axi'adian National Railways in for retention of „ the passenger ;eneally sweeping revision of many trains, then -it cannot in food faith of its operating, procedures and ser- to the people who appointed it allow vices wants to discontinue passeng- the CNR to proceed with its plans. er service on > he Goderich-Stratford Mayor Walkom's suggestion at line. the last council meeting that im- • It is an indication that the auto- Mediate steps be taken to prepare mobile has won .the same victory Go•derieh's arguments to take to the over the locomotive that the steam; hearing should be heeded. engine did overs he horse. • As some one else at the same If the municipalities which will meeting remarked, it is certain that be affected by discontinuance of the railway will. be, even at this passenger service between here and point, well prepared in the substance the classic city can produce cogent of its case. • reasons showing that this victory Regional government is becom- is not complete the CNR may be ing a greater talking point among required to change its mind. Ontario municipalities, and it ' is. Indications that a public hear- understandable that many munici- ing on the matter will be held here p411 authorities looking at it are dis- or in some other „nearby location mayed by the mechanics of making A total of 18 were heard at the last' meeting of such a change. took part in ,the The argument over the pas- livestock judgin town council. g in ,5eaforth Nlay It was also suggested that sucr senger service from Goderich to a hearingbeforethe Board. Stratford could be miniaturetest R0s' veitch, R ' ofa and Bob Mcg; ell, Transport ,Commissioners would be in regional co-operation. - rich, 'tied in th a single opportunity for all parties • If Goderich, _Clinton, Seaforth, each taking 631 700. rlowever, lI involved to present their sides of the Mitchell, and several other smaller the c,ass on reap • discussion. h . communities involved,, want this -Bob McNaughton, el Many persons in ,A -,position to service then let them draw together Paul Buchanan know say, however, that the rail- to defend it. A united front might deescomi5oro, ionteen tiandt ,, way's decision is a foregone con- do what individual effort cannot fordped .Feeds T.td. t elusion. That if the railway wants afford. ? _ est -score in the • , ,_ • ,' . ` � tion. viane Picks - .---to.. -ease— passemge1 service .:i.t, will There no body ----to -which-these- ton was second i do so and hearings can be held from municipalities can turn. to give classes. now until hell is ice capped and some cohesion to• their organization Ker McAdam nothing will change. • other than the Midwestern Ontario Adan'' both R.R were first and . This may be so, but it would .Development Association., junior class, and seem hardly likely that the Board of . Asking. MODA's good offices to ' Transport Commissioners would bring together the -repres.entatives waste two or three days in hearings of,the municipalities involved -in this if the CTR had absolute say in what situation could be a test and demon - it wants to do. . V stration of its value. It should have i This. board, like 'many other economic information now on file; boards in Canada, is.estalili-sh-ed as that would be •of value in the pre an extension:of parliament, yet free 1iaration of an effective 'brief. •as- possible from political persua- . One central Ontario city oper sion, to act as an unpartial arbiter ares a bus Service that takes in all ' in .matters of this 'sort. • ` sections within its expanding bord- Deer Ann _ It is a guarantee that the rights cl's at an annual deficit of about 11-year-o:t I,..r and arguments of small municipali- 70,000, which is paid out of tax''giumn b,..-..a..,tie-g--will-be- >5, a,.a_ t -1 -will' -fie - 1 Ontario Hydro marked its 60th birthday this Tuesday. Reflecting the tremendous changes which have taken place in the electrical industry, helicopters and other mechanical equipment have replaced the pike poles, strong backs and derby -wearing foremen involved in the construction in the early days of the century. Ontario Hydro now - operates 68,000 miles of line—nearly enough to circle the earth three times. Judging Competitions SETTER TO THE EDITOR 7 competitors R.R. 1, Lucknow. to the n wise Huron County,class. Doug Henry. R R. 1. Por: Sir. ,� 11be: t and Nsney� \\�.:::len R R. It :tis come to our attention competitions ' 28.. m 2. Lucknow, ted r �r see'-..,- ::t ::t:tt B. R. Robinson; a local the navie c.=_ h;isi•:es.ssnan, wrote ..a letter to .R. 2, Brussels,, Dennis -o the C\ R i~.:��.d �, cl ods rich $:tsinessmen's As • R.R. 6, Gale- and Doug ane Nan t::: rust ;,t`ia:ion. This letter was in e senior strias, n.ers_up. the- form oi' a' motion to the points out of The CIL Trophy .ti *11:':': e-ffec, that the association mane r. veitch won McK,� . RR. 1. s,...„.. zmd 'a at;,ie_:t donation_ to the wet ons Third was e•,^^d O ,.,- ` Rs fare of the men on strike against Down Memory's Lane 55 Years Ago -4911 Prospeet44ef., the re-establish- ing of the salt industry in Geode• rich on a large- scale have ad, vanced substantially this weds, with the presence in town: of representatives of the Salt King eq. of London, England, ” who have been carrying on negotia- tions 'fpr some time with a vieW to locating their Canadian plant here. Assessor Campbell has con; pleted his roll for the year 1911 and from it 'the following figures have been compiled. It is a matter •M much gratifica- tion 'to note the increase of 185 in population over last year •and also the increase in total assessment by ' $234,529. The population to date is 4,630. A local „ resident brought a sheet from 'a 1869 paper into The Signal -Star office last week. It was a 1869 calendar plus the follovring information about the papC1 t� "The Huron Signal" ,is pub- lished" send -weekly on each Tuesday and Friday. It is the largest sheet of the kind in On- tario and is unrivalled as an advertising medium for the town of Goderich. Price $2.50 per year. "The Weekly" is published on ThursdayOf each week, Is pript- ed orci double royal sheet, and .has by star thee largest circula- tion of any paper in Huron or Bruce. This fact is : fully attest- ed by the hundreds, who use its columns for advertising pur- poses.' Subscription °iprice $1.50 in advance. Our "0D -department is complete .in every respect as regards fast presses, and in- finite variety of types, fine paper find inks and first-class workmen. 15 Years 'Ago --1951 The Groderich Public School and St. Peter's Separate School held a joint field day on the afternoon of May 30. This an- nual event had formerly been held in October but weather conditions in the fall have not been found satisfactory, 'hence the change to May. This. year:the weather was perfect. , Only one grain freighter ar- rived at the Goderich elevator this week, the Starbu'ek, - on Monday with 102,000 bus. oats. It promises, however, to be a btt�sy weekend at the elevator, CENTENNIAL CALLING Sek Pfeasure SpoI,. By Mrs. Walter Rathburn . It :s- .a shame- that - so - few people get off the pavement any r;iore. There' is so much to R.R. 3, K.igpe - 4; R':^gi:.ana. C,� �; a:: a� _ L;4,. ,e be seen—and some dandy "rol- Baochler -Company. Mr. ler-coaster" roads are.still in R.R. 1, Len- :r.:r y v,e.: :,T K '_,:c_ dam..R also enclosed twenty existence. These- ,are a real e interined:a:e and S4.c,-. ia.rn R :• as his personal contribu- thrill..There is always a dandy also the BPs:ch ha_W. s as se;c n•d.. -A seconder could not be stream at the bottom of the hill rophti for high' €.`- - ti __ __.. ::•.4 a: -d f ,, , , ff;,r the motion and so •--but seldom a place to park! whole compe:: ,.en. :e there Some •of these spots should rd. R.R. 4. C .`-ayr:_ r : R B = and zc'd _,'_ .,� .C�.;3ti lahor_in this, area be..x:xiiemb.ered so that:w.e n the ;afire . , ._� R _ 4 .� - .�.:-:- ;^�:.�; :Trost of its earnings In invite our tourists to enjoy ' c � ='r..17:7:7: -�' ~y 3:ed ::ch. Therefore, the mem- them- -most of us take these and ter s L cal 682 (Sflv Salt beauty spots for granted—you've 2• \in=bane ^ei feel that they have the no idea how wonderful :they. second in h_ -c express their displeasure look to city folk—they love it! Dennis Schu: . C_-:= ,:-. RP ?r._ _ _.. _. :::s , action on the part of The tourists are beginning to ca: bustnessi len. They be- show up; are we _ready for :hat, a relatively small them': This year, especially, we _ s i.'e such as this Would have must let them know' we would awed ,a large. measure of good like them to eltjoy our -country the businessmen of and come again next year. Our booklet of .events, which goes F. anis A. Pettus, - to- press this month, will tell cordon' Secretary, of the many plan's we have L -_ca, 682. Iittternational made to entertain- them and c ':c:n ical Workers' Union, make them realize that centen- nials are few and far. between. We , will have a bang-up time during "Old Home Week" so start talking about it. Make them remember to come back for the first week in July, '67. Write those letters you've been c:,r.:r:: of accidents in neglecting and start thinking _ ""`._ "=- . t�m:7 3" "�'as" iqT i i at ti, 'longenreriliiaT."" ..- - • . F:.;:r1 Safety \\'eek to° e For this `July, 1, I hope the - - .:.cr:,sa the nation be- industries and , merchants and ^1 and 30. all the different groups and w:11 be promot- clubs are thinking about a float Safety League for the parade We are .pra :�c- the c -operation rising for '67, so get your. think- `:, Ii:hway Safety ing caps'on and get working on G:. I pr -.v :racial safety that flo,:it. There's not much e—i=eVel - _ – 4 tHe ns, ' are rf:a. pis those of such a mighty organiza- Another, - sollie\vhat 1 a r g e r, ai„�,• s • tion as the CNR, which is -well- western Ontario city has a trans- La.: portation system that does not serve up t:, ':• - Lill its parts, but pays its own way. The argument remains: should a-ha.ne not a tax supported transit system ,uff: 'Serve all those who contribute to it,a+i} ir. : r/.�' and not just those who live along"hen- h c art~ .. . : its Blain revenue-producing lines?' he: t•, r" •1 . She . -a:d. q..` 'practised in this art, dealing as it does 'in similar situations across the breadth of the Ddminion. If Goderich and its neighbors. can place before the hearing --,-and no date has been set -yet ----what the board .feels are cogent -arguments ikiy-ce that Established, Safety Week 4 1.7 }J`' put an a each day: moral *tn the opening time left, and I'm sure one of the service clubs will dig in and pet it going They may need some' het to �a for . `_ : p pay a band Can a , ,n Dear paster: Parents who are not members your c a- °yuun-; u r:n , a`r. a.. ..° ngr” tion�'should m .ke a c'ontrQbution WILL CHINA COME TO FREE ENTERPRISE?'a f t. nal f _ .: 1,• :�ti•. ----- ,. ., if they send '.he,ir children to • I' uricu:. tne,e day. and I_ School_ It is unfair w,ole burden on ?�+ Ir'arr. hf• an�-,�c•:, b,.. Your Sunday �ti'an' In what it calls its Quote'of the and more towards the admission to impose tr.. T ,., fore the trout,,! comes up• the members Month a magazine called Industry, that personal, individual gain swill! l�lea,t pm my letter 'and published by the Canadian Manu- produce results . " ' - ; help me so my ma .�ti'i•1.1-- quit tion. � Siroisbuggincf me.—:'1. LU\C•.1I. READ- , facturers Association, reports com- What Mr. Ssays is true to ER do MATTER \\'IIAT. ment by M. Jean Sirois, a Quebec the extent that Russia is moving Dear Loyal: My column is fit. businessman: illo1'e towards a consumer economy' reading for anyone who is old "Our system is'built around and. and a less militant attitude on pro- i enou'h to • read. It appears in functions entirely on the psycho- duction gdverned by policy. the finest newspapers in the United States—and in some. logical fact that a human being will But there is little evidence thatforeign countries, too. consistently produce more ,and better goods and services if he can see personal gain of payment as a reward. ' In then, course of serving himself he serves society. by his effort, his production. s `I know of vary few people in our business- and economic world wl -20 can honestly say that they work only for love or devotion, Yet many people work with enthusiasm simply because of the reward, or personal profit. In doing so they serve society. "Labor unions ...are geared to this principle. Their frank objective is gain. Even Communist countries including Russiaare moving more this is the situation in China. Re- ports coming out of that country indicate that the communal way of life established by` the Communists continues to.flouri`sh, • It could'hardly be anything else in a country that is emerging from feudal decay, groping bare handed towards twentieth-century ways of life. • China may reach a point when - 'its industrial production will " be established on personal gain, but this is far in a future which is shadowed by China's military, lead- ers' mushroom -shaped ambition to move quickly to a position as a full nuclear power. Established ahp (finittrim' ignatIar il9th' Year i -D— The County Town Newspaper of Huron —0— Published at Goderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by Signal -Star Publishing Limited ROBERT G. SI Ri1111 " R. W. KEARN'S President and Publisher Managing Editor S. F. HILLS, Plant Supt. Member of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A. and A.B,C. 1848 rI'R 1 A Subscription Rates $5 ,a Year -,-To U.S.A. $6 (in advance) A-uthorized as Second Class Mail, Dost Ofilee Dept., . Ottawa, and for Payment of Postage in Cash. w 0 of Publication Information never hurt any- body, 'Ignorance has hurt a lot of people: for the price %f this 'newspaper, a reader can get- advice etadvice that has been cleared with psychiatrists, lawyer s,, clergymen and experts in every', appropriate field.' Where else can you get a bargain like this? pear Ann handers: I am a widower (age 65 who is going with an attractive widow. Ruth and' I get along well, but her husbandless friends are a pain in the neck. She is always press- ing me to fix them'up with dates and I just can't find anyone who wants to take them out. A few months ago 1 sandbagged my bachelor brother!in-law and it nearly broke up a. 30 -year-old friendship. .' am tired of Meeting Ruth's friends and Their . relatives at airports and .L-'ain stations, driv- ing them to the doctors and hair- dressers, and doing their er- rands.. ,- 'Yesterday Ruthaskedme to telephone two of the old turkeys just to talk. "They are so hungry to hear a man's voice," she pleaded. I told hgr I was fed up on her pressuring me to pay attention to these worften and that if she didn't stop 1 was calling it off with her. She seemed hurt, but the , nagging continues, -*What shall 1 'do? --»A1., Dear Al: Ruth. sounds like an extremely generous person but she is clearly taking • advantage of you. Don't - chll her for a week, I'II bet 'she will be so • d,. of your congrega- „-",�u • home safety, or two and the kids expect ,to c•?;-micals, falls, compete for prizes with their : T E and res bikes, etc. , < If you woul'd like to help, or hayeeany ideas, please write P.O. Box 1967, a,nd we will see days. -. ..ever al man - u. pointed out r.. Saf _ Week will .n the .home and mac7.n-r;-, two -top WAVE A WILL HAT WILL WORK Don't attempt to draw your own . will. It is a formal legal docu- ment and should be drawn in legal tern s► Plan your will care- fully and HAVE YOUR LAWYER PREPARE IT FOR YOU. Be sure your executor has the knowledge and experience necessary' for the best adminis- tration. The' long experience of Victoria and Grey Trust in the admirijstration of estates can be of real value to you. • „ NAME VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST ° TO SERVE AS YOUR.EXECUTOR that they get 'to the right people. Let's get one; rolling.- You know you have enjoyed them, and we haver:'t had a fancy one in years. Do you remember that one of the plumbers, with their old- time plumbing, complete with catalogue and burdocks? It was a riot! And one of the ladies' groups had a beautiful one and there were many others who ' r ceixte _ ,prizes- but --d.• served them. One year the sorority' girls made up their minds the, night before to have a float and after getting soaked, picking daisies real early in the morning, and some more rushing around, they won the first prize! This sort of "change of pace" is good for evervoody; something to get you out of your• shell and make you feel wonderful. — Let' -s try i; again -I'm game! Martha. 'Exams Occupy GDCI Students By' Susan B411 You shouldn't be- looking -for my column; you should be study- ing! So get with it: Only 1 more ay 6f exams o 12's and undet's; more than that for the 13's. (If you were exempted, count your blessings). This is a short break, but in. the -middle of exams we. can't afford a longer one. hunk! Fittest Stone the Superior, HoWard Hindman and Starbuck all being due with- in ffew ys, he At the thene mteetingdaef. tGode- rich District collegiate institute Board hell' on Eridaq last, was reported that gall me i ersit of the teaching staff . 'were re- maining for next year. The resignation of Miss. Noreen NicKay was accepted with re- gret. Miss Jean Fuller was en- gaged for the office work, APout 350 attended on Thursday rii'ght at the arena, the first. of a series of monster bingos, sponsored by ,r�s . 10LioYears Ago -1956 Rev. tl-pH. A. DickiClubnson, minister of North Street United Church since the sumMer. of 1951, an- nounced at a congregational meeting following the Sunday morning service that he had ac- cepted a call to Glenwood Unit- ed Church, Windsor. He will go to his new charge on October 1. Work is to begin next Monday on the paving of Highway 8 from Walnut Street to the Square—a three-day job which will cost $16,000. Half• of this amount will be repaid to the town by the Province of Ontario. The first court was held in the richly -appointed court room of the, new coltnty court -house on the square Iasi Thursday. It was inaugurated by Magistrate D. E. I-Iolnmes, grandson of the anan who .i:as instrumental in saving the original court house when it was threatened with destruc- tien-by opponents- shortly, after it opened in 1856. Minters of town council plan to make an inspection tour along the north shore roasts bank, which residents fear may be - dete: iorating with consequent dange'- to their properties. The decisem to,,visit the area in a body was made after council_. heard -a letter from Dr:-A—Harold — - Taylor, who owns one 'of the properties, on the • bank above the road. 1Year Ago -1965 Goderich Councilor Walter Sheardown has demanded an in- vestigation into the stopping and searching of cars by local polio ,officers. "I have received numerous reports of the un- rteceary stopping of cars, par- ticularly in the dock• area. Councillor Sheardown said. •"1:. fec1 our young chaps are being subjected to this. lar too much - by our local police officess." Little red flags flutter -in the breeze from markers on land surveyed between the Sheaffer Pen plant on the Huron road and 'ere C.N.R. line. They have a meaning. One this site by Feb. 1, 1b-66, will have, risen an 800,- 000 transfernier station of the Hydro Electric Power Co'. of Ontario,, . The department of municipal affairs has approved Goderich's . three-point centennial project at a total • cost in excess of $20,000. ' M ti¢E & SON Memorials -*- - and Experienced Workmanship Frank A A - DISTRICT" Franik iv cllwaln REPRESENTATIVE • 5247861 or 200 Gibbons St. — 524,9465 - " 5btr MEAT SPECIALS. SAVE 20c - LB. — FRE Hcirn '0'. Po-ik LB. 6 �C WHY• PAY RETAIL PRICES — BUY FROM US AT WHOLESALE F�JLLY COOKED 1. SMOKED - BONELESS LOINS PORK SOMETHING .NEW — TRY ONE MADE 'FRESH DAILY — COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGES SAVE 15c LB. — HOMEMADE HEADCHEESE 2is.95c �B. 59c OPEN WED. AFTERNOON — THURS.•FRL 'TIL 9 P.M. FEATURING Home Dressed Inspected Meats 524-8551- 4 r