HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-06-02, Page 9CAS Director Miss Clare McGowan With Teddy Clerk J. G. Berry (seated) And Deputy. B. G. Hanly ,119th Year ••--. No. 22 obertctj THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 2/1966 Second Section Pages 9-16 Probation �icer Rev. William Craven County heriff Harry Sturdy In Uniform Dr. R. M. Aldis, `Mecfi�cal Health Officer * * * Contributor to Economy Huron 'Court House: A Small Industry At one time or another citizens of Goderieh have .driven obliviously around and ..around one -of tbe-vtow&s-•most • stable small industries. Huron County court house houses activities that for the, county alone reipresent a $3,000,000 operation, • and in- clude a 'number of ancillary activities that -would probably add another million to that amount. County clerk -treasurer John G. Berry said it would, be dif- ficult td calculate to the last dollar just hew much money the court house brings into Goderieh. It would involve a" major portion of the county's pay- roll which approaches half a million dollars. In the court house itself the counly has 45 ernployeeF. io,_connr f .c.Q. moil .meets in Goderich Eve times a.year, and eabh week the council's committees •hold .three to .fou;• meetin;s. The councillors eat and drink here and often bring their wives and families to shop.. "Few people realize that the 20,000 people a year com- ing to the county museum and others comink to court and county council -bring quite -a bit ,,f money into town," Mr. Berry said. r. , In addition to the county offices in the court house there are those of the pro- vincial , government offices whose employees have an esti- mated total income of $150,000 a year. • Aside froom individual pur-' chasing, power. county and as we can in the county," said Mr. ,Berry. "We can't get everything here, but we get ghat we can , The county presently has a population of about 50,000 'personrs, equal 'to a city the size of Bran -fiord. Its current budget is $3;151,263. Warden 'Kenneth , Stewart, R.R. 5, Seaforth, Reeve of Me- Killop Township, presides over a council composed of 37, . reeves anddeputy-reeves from the county's 26 municipalities. Surpassing. most cities, the county maintains a road sys- tem that has a total of 400 miles and during its regular employment period has one employee ir, its road depart- ment, headed . by engineer James Britnell, • for each 10 miles The purity, ho,ine Huron - view, Where construction , is now under way on a $622,852 ddiiticm -emptoys--1-00-.per-sons,_.--....._ - Sonl,e idea of the multipli- city of operations that are Connected with .the court house can be gained from'a list of the various departments. There are the offices of County Court Judge R. S. Hetherington, Sheriff Harry Sturdy, registrar of the On- tario Supreme Court Mrs. W. L. Clements, Magistrate and Juvenile Court" Judge Glenn Hays, Crown Attorney W. G. Cochrane, Probation officer Rev. William Craven •Huron County Health Unit and Medi . cal__ Dff'ce o.E Health Dr. R. WARDEN STEWART provincial offices in Goderich arid other parts of the county also spend money here. "ye try to, buy as much Story and .Photos B-y- ffiltKarns County Librarian Mrs. Thomas Huffman Ten -year-old Coda House, Seat Of Huron County Goverrnent M. Aldis, County clerk -trea- surer Mr. Berry, County road department, and -Engineer Britnell, County assessor A. A. Alexander, county library co-operative headed by Mrs.o• Thomas Huffman, and the Huron County Children's Aid Society directed by Miss Clare - McGowan. In other l•ications around the town work the county emergency measures To -or- dinator Stuart 'Forbes and the registrar of deeds Harry Ford. The pleasant council cham- bers in the court house are far different than the quarters - occupied by the county coun- cil when it met in the county gaol more than a centuky ago. The gaol was erected in .$ 1841, and w�a's the centre of county businr. s• until a curt - house was built in the centre of the square in 1856. It was demolished .iy fire on heb. 24, 1954. The new $701,000 court house was opened 10 years ago last Sunday. It remains ahive of Indus- __try,and more thanaone person_ who works there believes it needs more space. Photos Depict Only Portion The -phonographs on This page are by 'no means a com- prehensive ialustratibn of the scope of . the activities at Huron County Court House. They represent some of the operations which are purely a county function; others' that are a jeinf venture of the county and province, those that are entirely a provincial respone'ibiiity, and indepen. dent orgenitations working in and for the county.