HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-06-02, Page 8Goderi S 4 a, `L11 d .7 , J 1;e 2e 9 GREATEST POLLUTER Junior League bowlers" held their year-end banquet in St. George's parish hall Saturday. Receiving awards for their bowling in the past season were front, from left, Janice Kinahan, junior girls high average; Judy Beattie, bantam girls high average; Debby Mero, most improved bowler; rear, from left, Don Glen, senior 'boys high average; Laura Mero, captain of the league winning team Pink Finks; Linda Moore, senior girls high average; Don Dickson, ,junior boys high ,average; Philip • Petrie, bantam boys high average. Sixty attended the banquet. Signal -Star Photo Teachers Elect 'Wm. Courtney William Courtney of Cana- dian Forces Base, • Centralia; was elected 'Huron branch president of the Ontario Pub- lic School Men Teachers' Federation in Seaforth Tues ' Mr..A Courtney ,macceeds Ralph Smith of Goderich. Other officers elected are: vice•president, • Philip Main, Goderich, secretary - treas- urer, James Pearie, CFB Cen •traha; education chairman; Hugh Shmamon, Wingham; insurance chairman, Ronald Jewitt, Clinton; assembly rep- resentative,. Mi-. Smith; alter- nate, Stewart Beatty, Wing ham. ' . PENNY SALE PRI'ZES AT DENOMME'S. The .f-elie re--onrong--the prizes to be drawn at the Hos- pital flea June. 9th: China Pen Set by Sheaffer Electric Steam Iron Electric Kettle Blanket Portable Hair Dryer Picnic Food Coo_ ler Ottoman, Garden Chair Hand -carved Salad Servers Subscription to Signal -Star Lace Table Cloth Pillow Cases Electric Wall Clock /4m Dutch Lamp Flower Holder Hamper of Groceries Scatter Rug - Cream, Sugar and Tray Bait Box Cannister Sets Cosmetics Thermometer .Pen Set Hams' Vouchers for Milk, Meat and Groceries Doll and Toys Celery and Bun Tray Fire Extinguisher 111111111111111111111111111111.111.011111.1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Detroit Cleans Up Detroit, the largest polluter of the d!rtrest of the Great Fakes (Erie) has agre$ to clean up. More them 50. per cent of the sludge that , ollutes . Lake Erie oozes out of the motor cit down the Detroit R.ver in the lake. Pdiasphates from this untreat- ed sewage overfertilize the lake. That makes', the algae prosper. And prosperous, algae gobble up the oxyj:en so fish can't brea the. After months of.. sharp attack from federal and state water - pollution agencies 'Detroit has agreed to treat its sewage (re- move the phosphates), by 1971. About 35 other Michigan towns and* industries have agreed to meet: the, same deadline. Renioving phosphate is not Sons graduate At Waterloo A rally for Zone CI of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion 'was held in Seaforth last week. From left are Peg Coombs, president of Seaforth auxiliary; —Mrs,-HarokLCar-rnll . of _Godericii, Zone_ CI Commander; and Mrs. Rose Manning of Coldwater, vice -pr si`dent' of the provincial command, who is ,lacing a 'wreath at the cenotaph. Mr. and Mi s. C. E. Kalbfleisch attended the 12th convocation of the University, of Waterloo where degrees were conferred upon their two elder sons on Friday. Jack, a graduate of ,Goderich District Collegiate' Institute re- ceived a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics. Jack ranked first in a class of 18 in his final year: 'He was 'awarded - a grant by the National Research. Council and will continue studies toward a master's degree at the University of Waterloo next year. James, a graduate in mathe mates • from. the University of Toronto, received his Master of Arts degree at the University of Waterloo two years ago. At this. year's.. eonvocation,.;. he a`e- ceived the degree of Doctor of Philsuphy in mathematics. He has beer appointed assistant pro- fessor .at the University . of Waterloo. Japan Sees Beef Cattle It is expbeted Japan will buy large numbers of foreign breed- ing cattle this year, probably from Canada, The purchases will help build up domestic beef cattle herds as part of a drive to meet the food demands of an increasingly af- fluent , population. • 1. What's wrong with today's Christianity? The first step, reported by the 2. Why are Christians persecuted? pa -n --Mea- -•-Counoi-1,._would he • to -import some 50 Hereford, Shorthorn, Aherdeen-Angus and Galloway bulls. The Japanese ministry Of Agriculture is said o be prepared to pay about. cheap. It will probably cost Detroit 0100,000,000. The city will conduct z esearch for ,a year. Then"' it must use the best method available to get on with the job, Rabies Clinics Continuing' s .A series of rabies Clinics conducted by the health of animals branch of the Can- ada department of agriculture are being continued in Huron County. The clinics are ,principally for dogs and eats. The vaccine is provided by the department of agriculture. A total of 71 cases of rabies were reported by the Huron County Health ljnit last year, 24 foxes, 27 cattle, 12 skunks, four cats, twp dogs and two horses. To date this year there have been 22 cases reported by the health- unit,. most of them in skunks, several cattle and foxes. The department of . agri- culture has asked animal own- ers to bring their pets to the clinics. The clinic in Goderich will be next Wednesday, 1 to 4:30 p,m. in the fire hall. Other clinics:. June 2—Auburn, 10 a.m. to noon; St. Augustine, 2 to 4 p.m.; June 3—St. Helens, 10 a.m. to noon; Dungannon, 2 to 4 p.m.; June 6•—Lochalsh, 10 a.m. tb noon; Kingsbridge, 2 to 4 p.m.; June 7—Part . Al- bert,.10 a.m. to noon; Carlow, 2 to 4 p.ni.; June 8-.eBen- miller, 10 a.m. to noon; Gode- rich, 1 to 4:30 p.ni.; June 9— Holmcsville, 1•0r-a.m.' to --noon; Clinton, 1 to 4:30 p.m.; June 15—Bayfield, 10 a.m. to noon.: When in a .boat, passengers should wear approved' life jackets• and the craft should be equipped with a baling bucket or pump, anchor and line, fire extinguisher and navigation lights. Keep Rural Schools Urges Huron body County Historiel Society wants Ontario's one - room rural schools preserve. d 'with furilisliings as historical. sitee. The society's annual in;eet, ing 'in Londesboro last Friday approved a resolution to that effedt. It is to be forwarded to the department of tourisn°i, the department of highways and the Ontario Historical Society. Mrs. , Wilfred Mack of Crediton, was elected, presi- dent, and honorarypresidents are Edward Jenkins of .Lon- don and W, E. Elliott of Goderich. Qfher officers are vice- presidents J. W. McLaren, and Ralph Jewell, both of R.R. 4, Goderich; secretary-trea- surez Mrs. Otto Popp of Gode- rieh. Mrs. Robert Simpson of Hensall is public relations director and auditor is B. Q, Hanly, Goaerich; chairman and, personnel, Sheriff Harry Sturdy, Goderich; editorial, Stuart Forties, Goderich; mem- bership, Mrs. Leroy Poth, Bay- field; projects, Mrs. Tait ST. HELENS ST. HELENS..- Mrs. Keith Gar'F er (Nancy Dorscht) was guestof honer at a homecoming party in. St. .Helen's .hall .on. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner and little son returned to Calgary on Friday. Mr. and MTs. David Gilmour, Jefferay and Steven *Montreal, spent a few days with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods spent the weekend in Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hawley and Leslie Ann. Syj athy nsf'. the community goes to Mr. and Mrs. John Pritchard and family in the loss of her mother Mrs. Winterstein. Rev A. E. Willis is attending the London conference of the United Church this week. Mrs. Willis is visiting with her daugh= ter, Mrs. Den Chapman, Mr. Chapman and family in London this week. DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CHURCH ? STRAWBERRY BOSTON Like Strawberry Shorteake Only. Better • PICNIC SUGGESTIONS TARTS . SQUARES LONG HOT DOG ROLLS ' HAMBURG BUNS CULBERT'S ,BAKERY l'h• Homo Of Tasty Pastry Skims 107" Capillayy Worm "Capillary woriris can cause considerable poultry loss before they're brought under control," states Dreg., R. Doidge, Ontario 'department of agriculture 6vet- "Many species of roundworms exist, but Capilliarsis is 'the most prevalent among fiaCks,". -he relates. "These parasites are Microscopic burrowing deep into the' intestinal inner wall and causing inflammation. En- tire sections of an intestine can be ruined by these , worms. Their eggs, of course, are laid in great numbers by the female capillary worm and are present in the droppings of infected birds. After a period of six to eight days, thoy reach the 'in- fective ntage.' When these -eggs are consumed by other birds, HORSE SHOES Goderich horse shoe court of Branch 109 of the Royal Cana- dian Legion has been opened.. Free shoes are available, al the Legion and at the booth. Insidious they develop into adult worms in the intestines.' It is through the intestinal walls that nutrients are -absorb- ed into a bird's body. Since these capillary worms damage the intestines, their victims are naturally unable to make the best use of food ngtrients. Even. though' they maY—h—gie plenty a feed, the birds - therefore starve and develop into thin, weak flocks. . Abnormalities can't be seen until the birds become com- pletely infested with these worms. Even if the birds are starving they first deplete their own body reserves of nutrients. When symptOrns do make their appearance, diagnosis is impos- sible unless a post mortem ex- aminstion is made. The signs are however, diarrhea, skinny appearance, and a drop in egg production. "To control this worm in- festation, several drugs are on the market,",Dr. Doidge relates. "However, to be assured of the proper drug and dosage, it is ad- visable to consult a veterinar LAkEVIEW CASINO- , GAANID BEND Saturday, June 4th "THE CHOSEN FEW" Young and Versatile! KEN HOLLIS With Songs Such as, "My Prayer" New and Talented The Big Crowd Band! Coming June Illth • "THE FABLES OF FATE" ian. Since capillary wornis are so deeply imbedded in the lin- ing of the in4.estine, they seem to ,require larger dosages than the norinal amount,"„ he ex - "Any animal needs more vitamins when it's stricken with an intestinal. disease, so, of course, more vitamins should be added -to the ration during this period. It is especially wise to increase the amount of vita- min A in a ration. This will improver the health of a bird's intestine aria. hasten healing." it$255,000 or the antinals. Ministry seerces say that Canada, whose- Cattle salesmen have had mafor successes in Latin America and Europe aver the past year, is a most likely supplier, along with Australia and Argentina. No decision has yet been taken. Em9fIkloyers and workers are both,reminded of the advantages of starting and ending vaca- tions in mid-weekefor those who are taking theii .cars out of town. That trip to the cottage is plea- santer and safer on a weekday. TO RENT ONE -BEDROOM APARTMENT' AVAILABLE JULY 1st Suitable to school teacher or stenographer; single fully Jurnished, stove and refrigerator., TV, hydro. APPLY IN PERSON TO Mrs. Florence CuMmipgs 111 Anglesea, St. WE'RE BUYING • SEED OATS Registered or Certified Catfida No. 1 ,.• -SEED BARLEY °*Ii.EYS.TONE and IIER;TA BUCKWHEAT HIGHEST PRI(E,S PAID GIVE 'US A CALL W. G_. 2.THOMPSON & SONS LTD. 3. Hew can you tell false doctrine? 4. How has Christianity, changed since Christ? 5. What about the future of the Church? These And All Your Other Questions Will Be Answered At ... 2ND ANNUAL BIBLE AND PROPHECY CALVARY -BAPTIST CHURCH Clark, KR. 8, Goderich; „fi- nance' Mr �'ewell; constitution and bylaws, Magistrate Gle iu gays, Goderich; historian, Mrs. Popp Couneillorr are Mrs: - Poth; Abs. Elva Metea Lie, Bayfield; Mrs. Simpson; A. Y. McLean,, Seaforithi Mrs. Frank Fing- land, Clinton; Bert G,hibbings, R.R. 4, Clinton; Ephraim Snell, R.R. 1, Clinton; Mrs. Howard Harris, R.R. 1, $'ord- wich, Merrill Centelon, Wing - ham; Mrs, Clark;. Mrs. Sen' Homan, Goderich;' 'Sheriff Sturdy; 1VIagistrate Hays; Mrs. Cliff Dunbar, Ethel; Brown Smyth, Dungannon. WALLEYE SPOTS Some of Ontario's mast popu- lar walleye fishing „spots are the Moon Beer, Point au Baril, Byng Inlet `and French River areas of Georgian Bay; Lake Nipissing and ,Several inland lakes in the Pickerel and Ma'g- netawan, Rhher watersheds. Open House In QE School. The annual Open' House of the Queen Elizabeth school was held May 18 in conjunction with the adult workshop for retarded. adults at MnN:ay Hall. William airmen,' president of the local aesociatkm tire- sented a series of slides,. "Jour- ney to a Job," at both, afternoon and evening sessions. Activities of the Queen Eliza- beth school were on display with. emphasise on the "Story of a Days Worl," Dttring their craft periods of the school year, the adult group• had made pet holders, table• decorations, match: box holders,. tallies, decorated soap, etc. - These articles were displayed for sale. Mrs. Bruce Bartliff ,of Clinton,. ,was the winner of the rug hook- ed by Linda Lou Finley of the Queen Elizabeth school. Ronald Imbeau of Goderich; won the rug hooked by the work- shop girls. Konettes served refreshments to all the guests. • DR. G. DOLLAR, Ph.D. — Speaking on Great Bible and Prophetic Themes (See ad on page 5 for time and subject) POWER LAWN- MOWERS 59.95 UP Look at your lawn, it probably nbeds cutting. Now is the time purchase. We have several brands in steak and they. are ready for delivery. GARPEN TOOLS We have a complete lirie of garden tools for every lob.' These are quality tools at reasonable prices. Come in and see our stock. SERVICE ELEtTRIC Vittoria St. (Gode rich' Limited) TAKE A BREAK .. SEE THE NEW EA ERICA\ NOW,•you can be proud of .youi home and its floors Ekt a price that won't disrupt the budget! IMAGINATIVE colors woven -beautiful] y , comfort into any'room. REVERSIBLE. Simply i'u,„ vse the opPosite side. Vinyl clad on both sur- faces for additional wear. Shields against spills and stains., 6' x 8' ONLY 24.95 Come in' tOday arid take home an Early American Fringed' Oval Rug. Get twice the value . . . at half the cost of comparable 9'x12' IN OTHER STYLES 32.95 McArthur -& LIMITED WEST STREET •