HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-05-26, Page 1010 et' Signal -Star., Th 1066 Tourists M� oil Executive An a .eettttite ' of Imperial '011 tilnited 8u eats that communi- ties: that halve difficulty attract- ing new industries might do bet- ter to channel Bonze of this ef- fort into) attracting g tourists Yt. Bubbs, Toronto, lin>- peial Qil's 'Ontario ' dnarketing nianager; ;'said. the tourist in- dotstary. ,pffezls advantages over ether. For one, it' doesn't re- quixe the bulding• of more sehoo'ls. • Mr. Btib•bs was one of, the ,Speakers at the Lake Erie Re- gioln Economic Council's con - f erenee at the *University of Western Ontario on the theme, "Your Municipality and the Visitor Industry•" About 30 dele- gates from 'Middlesex, Elgin, Oxford and Norfolk counties at - fended. Two major points emerged from,recent briefs submitted to: the iOntario Tourist Industry Report Committee of which Mr. Bulks is..a member: Ontario citizens, he said, are not tourist -conscious; and very s l.jttle tourist :esearch has been done. d His talk stressed the point d made by - other conference, speakers:. That tourism, is. im- t portant to the economy - to o of our histoaical heritage," he. said. And people' don't know the points of interest in their own communities. Visitors must be encouraged to Stay longer, he said, pointing out that most Americans are just passing throu h Oniario: Bell Nails Area Poles Over 5,000 pounds of numb- ered aluminum nails will be used by The Bell Telephone Co. Of Canada in tagging 295,000 telephone poles it maintains in this part of the country. 'A Bell Canada spokesman said the work has already begun and. will continue into December. •I "We're tagging our poles in ,rder to streamline .our import - int pole' inventory system,,' he aid. "We've contracted the ser- 'ices of Technical. Overload, a 'vision of office Overload, toI o the tagging for us." Each pole will be tagged with he date of its installation, some f which date back to 1924. The Virtually everybody these days is upset about our educa- tional system). The public schools are not teaching the ur- chins to read, _write and trigger. The high schools are massive, seething factories turning out illiterates. The colleges are sop - tic tanks of sex, marijuana and LSD. Most of thi , is pure poppy- cock, of coarse, but a critical so- ciety is a healthy one, according to Hugh, Dupnit, that great Welsh bard'atterbea'tnik afIthe eleventeenth c e n t u r y. This makes Canadians about the healthiest critters in the hemi- sphere. Coluninis:s aver that high schools are •r•un like military camps, producing lock:step con- formists who haven't learned to think. This 's patent baloney. They think one helluva lot more than did these same columnists, when they came out of Hayfork Centre with not much more every citizen - and that "a spokesman al: e said that in the t selling job" is required to cone` last • three years, ge.arly 50,000' ` vince them. ` • poles have be cn replaced with] "We haven't made enough under -ground facilitir,. Goderich Memorials Quality Service -' Cemetery Lettering Phone GODERICH 524-8981 or `))rite 130 BLAKE ST.. W. Office Location - HURON ROAD on HWY. 8 W. J. LEE -- GODERICH F Credit at HFC means .credit coast to coast "MOUNT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 0f 50 48 .JI .10 20 12 OA IN months twills s 'soakss months mods egos 1 t00, $ $ $6.12 $9.46 300 18.35 28.37 550 23.73 32.86 51.24 1000 41.45 58.11 91.56 1600 • 2500 ••.••' 30� 88.02 6000 • .7,35 101.01 117.37- 12626 146.71 57.72 90.18 '108.22 144.30 180.37 • Abort Ramon!, 4Ci,da principal and trternt and ars tread ' • N prompt rapaymant. bet do sot Isclsda the Oast of tit Iaasr,so& Credit in one Mit office gives you =at credit in every HFO office throughout •' Canada and the U,, A good reason to borrow from HFA, Ask about credit life Ipsnrartan es bass at low group rata HOUSEHOLD FINA$C iff,477* GODERICH .35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Stat') Ask about our gaining hours han a burning desire to get sway from said centre, a lousy basic education, and a shiny blue serge suit. it o It Lots of parents, and some eachers, are of the opposite pinion: that there is far too nuch freedom of speech, dress nd, action, toe many frills, not nough good hard work and good hard 'punishment. These) ;comments, -come-from parents who worked one-quarter as hard in school as" their kids do, and teachers who atrophied some I years ago. ° The kids themselves., depend - i ing on home background, 'their own pers;iiialil.es, and: their tial- .,- eflf ,r►` sank.' 1"` 1 )port on sc�l cool l as a jail or a hall. Smite think of, it rather like having a ball in a! S°cllool-boaids beef about the cost of everything, and the ad• ministration • beefs about the short:re of everything and 'the teachers beef about the paper jungle and tht custodians beef - about tie salaries and the !hours !and the teachc:-s and the admin- iistraticpn and ii,e .school hoard. ! You might think, frons all -this nagging, than there are sonic slight imperfections in, our high schools. And you might be right. But it's not a, bad as it sounds. Austin L. Parnell, award-winning cern grower of Drumbo, says ATRAZINE 65W "the best thing that has happened to the corn business!" "Atrazine is a good product•te•work.with because it is so safe,' according to Austin Parnall, who plants 6C0 acres of corn. "We've never had any damage with it. In '65, we used Atrazine with oil and sprayed around the( middle•.of June when the weeds were up'about an inch. If burned off the weeds pretty fast and gave good control through to harvest with no culti- vations." - Stressing the safety of Atrazine, Mr. Parnall reports: "We've never had, any problem from residues when following treated corn with soybeans. on my farm." Mr. Parnall ,goes on to say "In the future we will not use oil with the Atrazine because for the best results' I believe Atrazine should be used as soon after planting as possible (early May) for more moisture." Start using Atrazine this year -discover how profitable corn production can be. Ask your dealer for an instructional- leaflet. 'on Atrazine' 65W and place your order now. Gesaprim0 brand of Atrazine 65W is available in 5 Ib. bags and 50 lb. cartons from farm supply dealers. ®Rena! T.M. of Geigy FiDsons (Canada) Limited, 234 Eglinton. Avenue East,Torontol2,Ontario What' 1 'isn't understand is that 1 .haven't been approached for a definition of theerf. t high school, it's probably just an oversight, and because Fin not ' a pushy type. But who is better qualified? I've been to high school myself, I work in the blasted • factory every day, and I have a daughter who comes home 'every day as moans "Do I ever hate school! Well, here goes. Don't panic now. The changes would b Tight and inexpensive. 1 thin we'd all enjoy life more, stu ents, parents and teachers. First of alliN let's cut out the muttered, 'mumbled morning rayer. 1 believe in prayer and ractise it quite often (usually hen I'm in a jam). But it's al- ost sacrilege in the way it's elivered. The R.C.'s whizz rough it and leave out the last art. The Jews and atheists are lent. The teacher winds up ading - three or four .dogged rotestants w•no aren't always re of the w ords. Next, out goes The Queen. hile I am a royalist, and have e utmost i espect for Queen Freeze Proper Pork Portions When buylng pork for th freezer, have the nleatman cut and trim it so ohops and steaks will be of uniform thickness and roasts will be just the right size for the family. Save freezer pace by having roasts bond and rolled. ` )Ilan to- package and quick freeze all pork cuts the cloy they are !bought, Package pork chops, steaks and tenderloin in meal -size port:ons with a double thickness of paper between lay- ers of meat. Package pont roasts individually. To wrap meat for freezing, first pad bones to prevent punc- turing. Then, 'wrap the meat dI s eurely in, a single layer of I Ireezer paper using the "drug- s,: "e wrap," or place it in a 'lfreezor .bag. Exclude as much el kl e air as possible and - fasten securely with freezer tape, Label each package with the, date, eut of pork, and weight u or number o'f Servings. Quick freeze, a few packages at a time, as directedby freezer manufacturer. Keep frozen at zero degrees of less until ready to use, • ._ Smoked and cured pork suet as ham, picnic shouldgrs, cot- tage rolls and slab bacon can b.e- s d p w m th p si le su IW th Elizabeth, 1 sec no reason 30 -odd teenagers should be submitted every mgrnin, to a pompous f and bad pierce of music, the 1 words of which have no more stand at attention ,while' a tape- recorded 'band blares out one of these awful tunes, befoi•'e you bot down to serious 'business, like waiting for the ,, coffee break? In place of these ,I would sug- gest a warm-up period, We're all pretty dang doggy first thing in the morning. The class cut-up would be master of ceremonies. Witty sayings, announcements, brief weather report. Some Bea- tles and Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones. . An original poem on song from the students. If a girl has Go -Go boots, let her demonstrate a new dance. Prob- ably on the teacher's desk. By this time everybody is riendly, was ned•up.. The real ea`rriing atmosphere has' been :cited. But unfortunately, I ave run outof • space. Read ext week's column for a urther thrilling instalment on the Perfect High School. relation to their world than do the horse- and buggy. How wouldi n you like to •;o t' if the factory, or the office, and T i1 SAVE OUR LOW OVERHEAD LOCATION - SAVES YOU MONEY • END DISHWASHING DRUDGERY Dependable GE Dishwashers - HUTCHINSON RADIO 308 Huron Rd: v, The sun and warm weather have been 'a long time getting here but we should have nothing but warm weather ahead of us.. It's fun in the sun and we have the <•trmrncr fun wear to do everything and go everywhere. Cotton, TerMeae, Dacron, Sail- cloth, Arnel Sharkskin. Denim, Twills and stretch fabrics have been fashioned into wonderful styles. Buy now and go have some, fun in the sun. .Jamaica Bermuda SHORTS - 5.98 up .GOLFERS 6.98 up SURFERS - 6.98 up SLIMS 7.98 up SKIRTS 8.98 up r CULOTTES 8.98 up SHIRTS 3.98 up SHELLS 3.98 up TOPS ' '3.98 up Bathing Suits 3.98 up - TV - APPLIANCES Juniors Hold Joint Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Clinton Junior Farmers and Junior Institute were held in the Clinton town hall last Wednesday it! ,the form of a joint meeting. Fred Bissett showed slides on a trip in the United States. It viewed scencjry on nearly every state right td Mexico. Following this was, a business meeting with presidents Gordon Gross, Carol McIlwain and Secretary Marian lickey in the chairs. . Plans were made for a roller kating party and.a weirder roast nd entries for the field day were discussed. ' I s a Pawls Delivery Owned and Opel ated by Paul Sp,ain Local Delivery' Service Local Hauling ANYTIME For Information CALL 524-9469 or 524-8181 wrapped and fr izep as fresh pork. However, storage time is limited because freezing tends tointensify the flavor of salt and other seasonings. For best results, use frozen pork within the times recom. rnertdefi in the chart given be- low. Longer storage w.il1._-result in drying and loss ` xf flavor. As a general rule, the larger the cut, the longer it can be kept without loss of duality. Storage Times For Pork (Zero degrees 'or less) Roast; 4, to 5 months Chops and steaks 3 to 4 months Tenderloin ^ 2 to 3 months Minced lean pork 1 to„2 months Hams . 1 't 2 mnths Picnic shoulders 1 to 2 months Cottage rolls 1 to 2. months Slab bacon 1 to 2 months Sausages 2 to 3 weeks When ready to ' use, ' thaw frozen pork cuts in original wrappings, either in the re- fri eraior or at room tempera- ture.:}f time does not permit thawing before, use, Increase the cooking time by about one-half. Janis ;Richards�n & Sons Ltd, •-Servin9 The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario" PHONE 524e8388., GODERICH , SUN LIFE a Progressive ' company to a progressive, ' us try 41 GORDON T.WESTLAKE none 60R2, Bayfield SUN LIFE ASSURANCE •COMPANY OF CANADA TRAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departurd and return times For Information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office `,30 wy�r� FARE SAE .,� ONE WA y R 00 --- BLUE PARE 60 CANADIAN NATIONAL 40-d! 3 GREAT ENGINES P C[TO 31/2 WP, 20" 4 -CYCLE 524-7831 RECOIL START "Built-'. u " safety features! Dust T a -n d= m'bistureprbof ignjtfon, "T" -top handle, finger - tip throttle control. Touch-'n-start4 gas•- primer, Ieaf m tk l c h e r. Wheel height adjustment, 7" staggered wheels, front - side discharge. Chromed handle, red engine. 3,7,741 AS ABOVE, but with 3 H.P. Lau - son or Briggs & Stratton engine. 4 cycle, recoil start. ............... tj4���. EXTRA!anryBONU8 COUPONS The SHOPPE 187 LAWN- MA:STEP ELECTRIC MOWER '4'^2M^KP•>A lyvr 4 S� ..-..4....}-,.:..!'i.....r.5.NA r '� ,.:a c .. 7," ri yy� " .t•....::�c�.Yt.�ci;;.f ¢¢ � it �sl .95 ---- 18" ELECTRIC Powerful, 110-V., 8 -amp. G.11 motor. 18" blade, slip clutch. Twin discharge chutes. 7" wheels. Chrome plated swing - over handle for 2 - way. cutting. Heavy duty all - steel Bronze coloured deck, Off -White engine. The answer for "unheard of" Sunday morning lawn cutting. (Less cord). =CG.E. PORTABLE .95 Leas •W cord Quiet, - powerful 8 -amp. 110 -volt iinotor. Quiet push-but- ton starting and mowing. Swingver handle. .All -steel construction. Twin discharge chutes, single rotary blade. 6" disc wheels. Rubber cushioned drive unit. Slip clutch. Controls on 1`U" shaped handle.' White and Green. • LAWN -MASTER ROTARY MOWERS. INCORPORA'E SAFETY • FEATURES AS. RECOMMENDED BY THE LAWN MOWER INSTITUTE 11M, 7 3 7; ASSOCIATE STORE "NIP" ° WHETSTONE 36 NORTH STREET GODERICH - • DIAL 524.7394 e, •e ..e -•.tis,