HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-1-21, Page 111 • 111=13;4.11,Antnarr.4.,r-IIMCMIGWAretT711.1011.1 tra EXE.TET 5 P.. Only 1 frora n January - Lit 1s,113. (live it P6 trial. ,rmilrexamrsx,orr,..-yrot*grzir•Fe,r.rAilm...,.• nereeteressana • (?f. - I • t' 1 11 printing. A 33 • • 47,,,,,megrawn11.5.00,74.P.P.M19,..‘,......1...MIP.O.V1/01(111,0knisTrirynerary..volrmnragonvoec,ir*F4rvq,,,inmgpirlwwx.*stilr+ rrtrxrm.... ,Viaemptinow.r..1.0," VOL. IV. EXETER, ONTARIO,..TIM.RSDAY,..'tr. 1802.. NO 241 • • . : The Moiso s Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital , $2,000,000. Best Fund.... .... 13000,000, Head office Montreal. • F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq.,. Gees ERAL istANAC En. Money advanced to good Farmer's on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 por emit per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 10 a, m.to 3 p. ra., Saturdays 11.0 a.m. to 11. p. m A general banking business transacted Four per cent. per want= itllowerl for mon- ey on (./e posit Reeeipts. Savings Bank at 3 per con t. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Managcse. crgz.eter A,buicgraty4 Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Unice, +AIN -STREET, - EXETER, By the SANDERS' 3?LTi3LISHING COMPANY, 1TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ) One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. s6.11..3tli if not so paid. Mi8attso.o No paper eisoontinaea until all unrearages are paid. Advertisements without speuitle directions will be pablished till forbid and charged. accordingly. Liberal discount made for transeitrat advertisements inserted. for Long periods. Every deseription of JOB PRINTING turned out in the iineht style, and at moderate rateil. Cheques,money ord- ers, tee. for advertising, subscriptions, ole. to be made payable to Sanders a% Sweet PROPRIETORS Church Direct:01'y. TRIVITT Mkurnixa.r. Cnurten.--Rev. F. H Fa.tt. Rector. Sunday Services, 11 Et- m and 7.p. m. Sabbath Sell ool, 2.30 p. ra. METHODIST Cnunon-jaafaes-st , Rev. A.. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunda.y Services,10.30 a. m. d6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m. 1.I..arzi STREET -Rev. W. Mello n agb'Pas- tor. Sunaay Services, 11-00(1-. m. 31W1a ti.30 pan. Sabbath School 2.80 p. in. PRES111"fE1tIAN CHLTUCH.-ROV. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, la a, in. and 8.80 p. in. Sabbath So hool, 9.45 a.m. ...••••••••.,...r...ver...•,,..............,,,,,.."....••=•••••!.........,............. Vrafefisaonnl Cards. ............................INS1A ..................................................---.7. .1.1.}....6.N,L.D.S, Fanson s Block tWO doors north of Carling Store, milli STREET, EXETER, eatraets teeth. without 1m1n. Away at itenbail on ast Friday; Aalsi• Craig o(1 tind and 41h Tuesday; and. Zurich 031 131-331 .thursday 03 333(311 mouth. - ri H. /NGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal kJ. College Dental Surgeons successor to 44illi .. .b. Billings. Office ovur U''N ell's Bank, t. 1 :rotor., Out. A Safe anaesthetic geyen for huiennless extraution of teeth. .bille Gold .Rill.) igs as required. _. 12111ED. W. FARNOOMB, Provincial Land •Fr.: Surveyor an(1 "Civil Engiiieer. ()tics, Over Post Oilice, Main street, Hxeter, 011L. B WHITELY M., PHYSIC tC).64ner Sargecl 113.1.6t toria and ElgPncestraenet.s, Gotten= d resisieniLaN Ontario. 1-911..T. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and. North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. Dit. T. P. McLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF. the Colloge of Physi Clang and Surgeous Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aceouch- our. Office, .Uashwood, Uxtt - - 1-1.A.IVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinar.y College, rorouto, (Successor to Wm. Sweet, V. S ) Over 18 years practice. 011100 and residence one blook east of RiehardPickards • store., Opposite Skating Bink, Exeter, Ont. , . D11.. T. A. AMOS, M. Do C. at , member of . College of Physielans and Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of thu Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Edin burgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old stand. 1:111. J. H. MaLE- LLAN, EYE & EAR SURCIEWL Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital Eyes tested. and glasses supplied, , }Rice cor. Maple and. Talbot streets. •I LONDON, ' - ONTAItIO. . .....e.ovra,..imstwirrwewnrnms........mer.m................ ..,,i...6 • Legni. ...i• ........••••••••••”••••••••••••.......-•.........-,.............,..--.,,,-. la H. 8,19,1,Lro;'-•.;,,eBy 'i int.TVIrSiCitt VIT..' Otirc;- Over „Post Lam:, axeter, 3 Ontlarioe'. ltlonit...v,'to Loan. -I.- 1 H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 1-4. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyanaer, ComInassioner, Ste. • Money to loan Ofrice-Itanson's Dlock, 'Exeter. ... . ..--_.- -_... V LLIOT 'fit ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- XII itors, Conveyancers, &a. Mon.ey to loan at 8 per cent. . B. V. ELL LOT. W. ELLIOT .•------ -^"..."'"-."..."'-t-' ....."••=.!..".....•!..„Tr-"="''''*". ./Lttetionenrs. Of.11010011111•RIMZE•01•111.••••••*••••••10, immitsra.m. f BROWNWinchelsea. Licensed Auct- ., JL. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Ilsborne • Sales promptly attended 10 3331(1 tormsreason able.Sales arranged at Post ()glee., Winchelsa A S. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba,' Lioexis. ..M.,sed Auctioneer, for thrs cousities•of Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence: 1)21310 south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mailer other- wise promptly attended to at rettionable prices. ' • • Saul Dambton and the townships ofStephen and Hay Alf sujos promptly atiehded 10, Tit BOSSENBERRY, Hensel]: Ontario. Lie - X. -1 • ensed Auctioneer for the Clountys of Huron and. Perth.: Charges moderate and a tisfactirn guaranteed. • LHARDY, Licensed Auctioneer , for the . Conn fly of Huron. Sales 001aleated 033 ' reasonable terms. 1(333,03 311)31 Earm.Stock s pecial by. , Full arritngements can bo made at this office. li`AB:SIS FOR SALE, West half of lot 10,. Concession 6 in • the . township of iTsborno.tll the county of Huron ' containing therein 60 acres more or less. There is about 30 cares cleared and the hal- ance bash, beha g mixed with Wine: ash and ocular, A good wind -mill with a 'coed well • wittitr and well suited for stock raising, loor further particulars itmay.to GPO. Hunt - • 11 -14E0 to or to .Tolin Ilhater, 11. 11-3181330 P. O. esetsn SAWAIttl) Am a case. of Dyspepia EDLICAT.thatt minuet be eared. IN ature's Method. Home treatment Full particular9 anal sample treatment free. Sund. 10 cien 13 for mailing Tint ST, LAWRENCE 00, NOVA Seoti1-.-2t. AIENTION THIS EFUSE TO RENT. A fine Briek Cottage and one lot of lantli situated on C.iarting street.eontaining there- C1 -1.t Off the prinie of hit manhood, in 8 email) odiouProoms in first-olass order, W11011 all 1.113111 makes life dear is glad; nerd is lb good well of water, eistern, and a frame 1 arn on the premises. Terms rv wn. Oil ! 011 May 111.10 Dmion feel mournful, n1•AlHodgins or at this olliee.-239 N•M id malty a brave heart feel sad. ' ue. Tor further partrdart, applyieto Coo 'PRINCE. ALBERT VIOTOR Died January I4thl 1891, aged 28 years. NOTICE TO CII.E.EssE PATRONS. The 11.111131331. .111011"-0pti• of the :,..a.trons of Con tralia Clivest, Pactory, Will he held on Saturday, anaistry at 2 O'clock p.m , at the factory. Ceutraiiit, for the transaetion of gen vral busine.s. sT1103.• COATES, Pres. , NOlICE. Dm:10'141U his cold graspnn the metal, Ile flees both to, rieh and to peon: *id Royalty hewed in submission, Altd Prince Victor's life is now o'er. 'Receive then Royal father and mother This message from Canada's shore; • "Her people mourn with you in sorrow , And deeply your great loss deplore." Thu Council of the Corporation of tne . County of Huron will meet in tho 001106 . 3. fis'b1:il1100.m.lodurieh, 013 MoSu.y„1111113111ilth Teyou airrnces,8 bar°ted,' at 3 o'clock. pan. WILLIA.31 LA:N% Bowed dowo with sorrow and eerie, J anuary 8, '92, Co. CLirk,, WO pray C -ted may 11.211t. 11 the burden ileini ea =aka till A P a Of the Cross WhiCh He's eausts you to Written for the A deoccite. ' N. DYHR ETURDON, • • MIL DAVID .iNEWELL (Stratford P, 0) has been appointed Local Inspector for the Can- ada Company in tins plums of Mr. J11.0 Spaok- m an resigned. Parties having Canada CM-11.12am, business to transact will flud Mit. NETVEI:14.at HAVVIC.SHAW'S HOTEL, EX.ETE13,, .The first Thursday of eatth month, com- mencing February 41111. 1891. Rexflcal it AgE s IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU WANT TO • Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collect ions Make Call at Mr. In, Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transa.ctions strictly' con- fidential. Intending- purchasers will receive the best adyice in ielectines laud or Linen sites. , • . Also agent for Allan Line • • •eantl-StatiaLitie•SteekinsisiPs. - • • e Office- Main Street, Exeter, On& Address: -JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44. Olandeboye. Oetruerty.--Very general and • deep regret is expressed in this community at the death of Mrs. Sutton; beloved - and much esteemed wife of James Sm.' ton, M. D., Of this placenat the age of 49 years and 10 months. Deceased contracted a heavy cold about two weeks ago, which . transmuted to in liammatien of the lungs, causing Much intense suffering, and in spite of the best Medical skill she was claimed by tbe cold hand of death on Tuesday the 191-h inst. A cheerful, loving friend, kind aud true as she was intell- igent and good, she leaves behinti her the fragrance of a pure life thet will remain until memory lasts. We extend onr.heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved in this their irretrievable loss. The funeral took place yesterday, (Wedoes day), which was largely atteuded. Zurich. Mr. C. F. Wagner formally a resident of this village but now of Dakota is at present renewing old acquaintaaces here, It appears the climate of Dakota agrees well with Mr. Wagner as he is looking hale and, hearty. -Mr. •Horace Hardy who is attending the Godertch a. 8.. was home on a visit last Saturs day and Sunday but returned last MO71 day. -A load of our boys took a sleigh ride to Dashwood last. Sunday. -Miss Hoffman who has been employed at D. 8teinbach's of New Hamburg, who has been visiting in this vicinity for the last two or three week returned home last week •eniss Lizzie and Angeline Hess left for South Bend and Miss Bar bare Lippert and MissMary Wurm left for Detroit last week. -La Grippe the modern epedemic has of late taken hold of the majority of our citizens and some are having a severe attack of it. In some of our neighbouring towns it proved fatal but so far we have escap ed. -Last Menday Mr, Robt. Larmoue our genial stage driver tnetwith rat- her a painfulact:idea, by some means he slipped end fell with great force on his keee knocking it out of joint. We hope S0013 to pee. Bob around again as his musical voice calling "board" will be missed -We are a present having a good spell of sleighiug tvhich WC have not had fen: some years. The good sleighing puts, our village in •a lively state -Lest Mosiday eouncil meeting was held in the town•htill and the var bus Wilms vere elected.' This Was the first sitting of the new council, Our well known carriage matitfaetur- el' Min Pred HesS had quite a display.of mitten in front of his shop ,last week, We are sorry to My that Mr, Peter Wagner is: at present extremly ill with la grippe, but.hope to soon see him around agahis Staffa• • . Good sleighing has taken the place of muddy roads The Outgo is w'elcome one to the people of this place -We Are sorry to have to repert the death of Mr. William Chubb one t:f the oldest residents of this plea, wbie.h.sad event occurred on Saturday, the' 91.11. inet. Deceased had resided in Statia for about 39 years and was for many years the only blaelssm'ai in it. His death was a great surprise to the neighborhoed as it Was not generally known that he Ives .seriously ill. Mr. Chubb was. much respected for his many estimable alai amiable qualities and his bereaved friends have many sympathizers The funeral took place on Tuesday the 1211b inst., the Rey. Mr. Burwash conduating the funeral &try ices. -Mr. William Worrier' and Mr. Thos. Oliver are seriously ill and much anxiety is felt on their itecount,-.-The congregation of the English aural Strain met with a disappointmeut on Sunday evening. It has since been learned that their minister, the Rev. Mr. clermon, is ill with an attack of the grippe. Brucefield. , (To late 103, 1(3331 Week.) .Fnasoleai3.--aMr.Disnetin„,,Cameron NL Mtee agent; St': Jet Man; it home at present. -Rev. J. Higgins, of 11(min- tain, Ont, is visiting his mother who is ill with la grippe. He also conducted service iu Can Presbyterian church last Sabbath. -Miss Ray Jamteso.n returned tn Paris last week. -Football meeting of the Rovers will be held in Mr. Geo. Simpsoe's store Friday evening. A full attendance of the members, ree nested,- Mr. Wm. Graham, of Belmore. is home at present. -Mr. John Kaiser; black- smith, leaves for Varna this week, where he has opefled out a shop. -La Grippe is still with us. -Mr. R. Hothenn has taken a winter's job with the Dr.- We are sorry to state that Mr. John McDonald is very ill with la grippe.- Rev. Mr. Tully, of Mitehell, conducted. anniversary services in Union church last Sabbath. He also gave a splendid lecture on the Pyramids of Egypt, the following evening which was very int cresting. Mr, Tully is a very able and pleasing speaker. -Our town is' bloom- ing since sleighing arrived., Logs, wood, hogs and grain in abundance. The market has been crowded all week. -Mr. John Manson and family leave for'Brandon, Man, this week. -Rey. Mr. Winchester, .of Berlin; who has been a missionary in China for :•two - years will de,liver a lecture • here' , on Friday evening On ChiOase-•' We are again called on to announce the death.. Of Mrs. George pleWese which took plates Tuesday -of last week' The re - mains were interred in Bantes cetnete- rv.-We are sorry to record the death Of Mr. Duncan CamAll Cameron, tailor of is W place, who died ediresdtty evening! of last week. * Mr. Cameron had been in failing health for some tithe, ,but about a week before his death he took an attack of In grippkfrom which he never rallied. He was a member cf. the late john Rose congregation aristi a Sabbath School teacher for many; years. Ile was ail earnest Christian worker and oar loss is his gain to day. He leaves a wife arid four sons, all Of whom ale grown up and holding good positionsLin ManIto,ba. Duncan, the youngest, having come home to attend his father in his last illness. Deceased was 78 years of Age and one of our oldest pioneers and best citizens. • flensall, Saw-Lokt4 III'anted.-Highost prices paid for any quantity of good 901-311(1.1 ogsi-Maple Bassw o od , Elm , Ash ,0edar, Hemlock, deliveredn m iy.ya. rd ilensall or at mill on the 8rd coneessloni Hay. Custom sawing promptly attended to at bilth places. Retry. Bkr.,:r.; HensaiL. The funeral of the late Jennett Mor. risen will take place frdin her 131-113) rest , dence on Tieureffity the 21s11 inst., for MeTaggarts eetnetery. Deceased had been ailing a short time but was not coesiderser dengerous nntil la grippe seized her end ended her sufferings.' Her deinise is regretted by a large esambet of friends and relatives. The'skating rink is now Open and lete the iee is in splendid cotiditien. Mr. Sermon bee.e...,beern, y3.e.ry, illu_llate 1°"81) 1 11( distaret. 0131- the -D•r ' - L- LaBb om11,Bsucceeded in sgthaunte1 0TA withhigpp4eceamon has returned Brussells tie engage iu Piug far, and 110 1131(11313) 'vat' Are EarleeSt, Cleenfllif 0.1.1a acme. save a few ugly cuts,' which the' Ooii- bors received. It WIll be tame time befere it will be fit te drive health. -- r. 1fart Eitber 3133(1 wife at1.odcd the funeral of the tate Mrs, W. .11, Hoagies, Beesall OD Saturday last. -As Mr. Rich ielts of Centralia was dj1vi33gtbrolxgh town on :trembly Ian his horse 3Iii.:(1; 9.7d jurnraid, into the' ditch, upsettieg the cutter alai Jr Frieks in [ha 8110W Mi' Charles Zenker is on thst siels list !he ph otogra pith) busin ess, -e-Mr. John McMahon, or trey, sold a eolt last week to Mr. James Eilhen of Virden., Nitwit° ba; 2 years eld, for the sum of Sit0.00, It was a tine ,atilmal and this 18001)81(1 °red a 'good p r (g4 co 'side r t easy barites are at:Mag.-Mr: Ed. 'Bosses/berry. who was bittenby a stalliou last week is slowly recove..ring from the )iL13 - 0 Lir doctors have heen busily engaged during.the paet week looking after the &lent ! THE ENTRIES Rum IN informatio4 of Value to ThE, Tnterestod ! Uendeede heppy aed thrifee bouse here but what there is one homes la Canada, are Working eiteer• suffers oF grippesesThere is seareely Iand 313311,40111313"ar") oi! ftd13'.: 11- On Seeday last one of our village in);\ ;that mastAaterpmag contest, kerne" or secured a desere hors,: and rig' tO .go 10 Exeter aud aftengeeting nieely out of Exeter, On his return home, the horse ran away, lea'tug' A B to • return on foot, .YOung 311e11 should Ivey twee at. teethe) to their bor1131 and lees to their sweetheart then these Mishaps Would not happen, Usborne Council. Council met on the 18th inst puree - ant to the Statute, the following gentle mei! 11 ir 1)0011 d lib', elected, meth) el el sa bscri bed. the necessa rv &chola, boako, viz! _Thos Ka', Reeve; Mess - ion end took their seats at Cite,. (3(13311011 r's itts Kychn-lonatinte Shier Thos. Cameron, Councillors Shier - Halls that W. Kydd hc Deputy Reeve for 142. Carried. lin 11 -Shier the t G. W. Ho! men he (Aegis of the mu niel pa 1 i ty of Uestenete at same stalary as last year. Carried. Cameron -Revs -id. 13 ,k mold- niqtill that D. Hay be elerk at 3 Sa lary ef 565, Lost.' Slinie-Hails that W. Liwrs aeseeser:fhtnthe turrent year at a salary of $50, Caeried. Cameron It CY Set:DU& r that•the Treasurer 83311 001 lector for 1692 be the same pereon end that the salary fer shell crudes shall be tfpn: Curled. Shier.-Ca,noron that T Coate Ise Treaeurer forthe current yetit atee salary of $70 and that he furnish 'betas) the amount•of:512000 to the sett faetion of • this council. Carried Krici-=ideles that A. Duncan . be col- lectortfais the year.1892 at se salvor of 555.ands that he farnish satisfactory bowle'tost'ne•Qouncil in the nm 01 0000813111411. Kydd- Hs that the hy law appointing D. S. Campbell Erie - neer for this township under the ditch.. es andwater-tourses act be • repealed, and that A pew by law be. drafte(1 aps pointiune F. W. Earncombe tp engineer Carried. Sp:ere-Camerae that the, Board. of Heeltinfer.1892 he composed of, theelneeteesateasisesandliMetesesCr Hun 1.alieltietS114'fins1tt aild-0S•1146nteitla' at -a $1.50 pet day when on dhty, that Dr. Irving be Medical Health Officer at $3 per day when on duty, and that j. 0. Tufts be Sanitary Inspector at $1.50 when on duty. Carried. Hall-Sheir that M. Routly„ J. Hazelwood, R Ked dy, G. Rook sen, T. Passmore. S. Camp- bell, W. °Milian sou and R. Hunter be pound keepers for the current year Carried. Kydd-Shier 111011. 1.113) follow ing be appointed fence viewers for the curreut year yiz.-J. Copeland, A. -Cole P. Moir, R Delbridge, 0. Switzer, C. Coats. Carried. Ceme,ron-Kydd that G. Rutherford be appointed auditors meet to audit the accounts on the 22nd lust at 9 o'clock a. m The Reeve ap- pointed John Delhridge as the other Auditor. Sheir-LCameren that the of fel; of White & Son to do all the print- ing usually requested by the township for $89 be accepted. Carti±d 1.c ri 1 seconder in etnendment that the • offer of the Sanders Pub Co. per Sarninel Sweet to de the printing usually re quired by the township for $37 be ac. cepted. Hells-Kydd that Thos Veal be contractor of the hall at $5 per year Carried. Sheir-Cameron that the clerk ask for, tenders from Saw Mell oerners• to furnish cedar and rock elm lumber required for the municipality, said tenders to be laid before this coun ell at its next meeting% Carried. Kydd Halls that the tlaim of James Moir for damages for, sheep killect by dogs amounting to $16 being two thirds of l.a.luation, be paid. .Carried. Sheir- Cameron that .the expenses in.' connect- ion with holding, the late municipal election amounting to $24.50 be paid to the clerk and an order drawn on the treasurer for the same. Carried. Halls Kydd that the Treasurer refused the following $1 egch, being error in 'clog tax viz Tr Heywood, J. Shute, E. Hew- itt, and D.Richards. Carried. Shier -- Cameron that Jas. Halls get necessary improvement done to the township hall and 'grounds, Carried. Hells-Kydd 'that a by law be drafted eonfirming the appointment Of the' .municipal 'officers mat fixing their salaries. Carried, Oameron-Kydd that the collectors roll be reeeived his hoed delivered up and an order issued on the treasurer for the Collector's salary. Carried. Kydd--- Halle that 4 Duncan be refunded 50c. Meg error in return of taxes to the Treasurer. Carried. Halls--Kydd that the account of Hart & Co atnoneting to $4.41. for munieipal planke be paid. Carried. Carneron-Kydd that the Collector be refunded 52 uncollectable dOg tax. Carried. The. following. .or- ders were granted vis -Jas. Moir sheep killed by doess,,516; Ce W. Holman elee 011 expenSeS, 24,60; Hart 4. Co. mince - pial blank, 4,41; A. Duncan salary . as Collector, $55 ; A Duncan Rh col lec l3,1710 dog tax 52; A. Duncan error in return of taxes 50c; T. HeyWood• error in dog astessmeat $1; J. Shute do. $1; E.' How itt do, $1.; R, Richard do, $1.• On mot itm of W. Kydd-j, Halis the counell adjoarned tO meet on. Saturday Feb, Oth ttt 11 a, m, Gno. W. 110X -MAN. Clerk more cases in It • he ditease, is still spreadiug 31.3101111 111 coutintion there is uo telli ug where the result will be. The TefflaillS of Mra 'William 11. Hedgins were iriterredin the, thatuseille. ceme- tery 'on , Satin**, • afternere, by ,ole. Revs Peat, litinderann, awl Ifedgins, trent t ale rgelethering of se le t yoS aud Wends. Deceased had ikon in ill health for otly a short time, but la grippe seized her and 40011 shortened her days. The...funeral was the larg•est that has been seen la this section of Mentes. for sense time, whit+ goes to show that she wes held in MO esteem by her may e'equaintences. She leav- es n 8titall family and hueheird to mourn the loss. She Was a lady, hen- ored,lo ved and mantic ted iu. liFc,and sin- eerely tuourOed to (.1.•ath -Mr. Robert Bell will run arientable sew -mill in the. village duriug, thil cormug season and now 18 1)(1311y eugagert buying, 'a quantity of logs, '1 1113 Forreeters en- tertained their fieiends alal themselves to an oyster supper on Tnesday evere ing. S,peecnee, n atld Music enli vs ened the proceeding entire eveising un - 1113 all had become fatigued with joss, Whun all %VCildofb,heil say homeward. Ciediton. Quite a numbStrof our sporte took in the.play beld in Ilrew's Hall Monday night. Jack andeBob think they had a fiy time -MnfeeStahls had the mis fortune of beinittkieked by it horse. and Ind his arm broken in two places. He being an old malts doing as well .as can be expected ender the treatment of our village doetors-Eli King is busy getting the timber out for his barn. - A. Homier is mooing G-Clark'e imple ment shed to his place. We wish' him sincess as he is gbing to give it a lift on a wheelbarrota:en Our town is quite lively since thelttoy came with teams robe far nd erseestal teem: inns '01.eilt.ighlad and lumbere-sebarlie Taylor is home on a visit and by appearances he will take back more thanborses with him. -J. Pains is home .= a vacation.- Our li•very man,.Mr Brown, has been on the sick list for a time but we are glad to see his smiling laze mice more. Mrs. S. Eseery and family, who have been visiting friendandabout St. Marys; have returned' looking hale and hearty. -The Misses Abbett, of London are in the neighborhood on a visit to their many friends and the purpose go. to betrott next week- We wish them it safe journey. -The Ladies of the Methodist church gave a tea on behalf of the church on the 18th inst at which they made over $60. It was largely attended and we must congratulate the ladies on the sumptuous repast pro. sided.. After' haying done justice to the above the people repaired to the main body of the church where they listened to the very able discourses de- livered by the•Rev. Holmes, of. Grand Bend and Revs. McDonagh and Rus- sell, of Exeter. Brinsley String Band was in atteudance and greatly pleased the andienceby their music. The their , . rendered several selections; Owing to the amount of provisions left they held a social the next Wee -Revival Ser - •vices are being carried on in the Ger. Man church. -We were glad to see the smiling face of Miss Lampert and Mrs. Pack, their sister, of London, to which place they returned last Thuraday.-A very pleasant event took place at thg residence of Mr. W. Balms on the 12th inst, it being .themarriage of his daughter Sadie to Mr. Charlie Taylor, of Michigan. The happy couple soo1. intend going to their Irmo in Mieln gan and we wish them a safe und, pleasant journey. --We are sorry to say that Charley Zwiker is a Victim to Le Grippe. -Mr. Adair, Engineer of Mr.' Sweitzer's grist, rniBnhed the ntisfor time to seriously hurt his foot by let: tittle 6 stick of cord wood fall on it. - Mr. John •Sander8 while returning from hauling brick to St. gents and rating his team follow the sleigh in .which he was riding had the ill lank while asleep to let his team runaway. , We Weald aeylse the gent to sleep et keno ext time• .• .Me. Sam Lampert and wife 'petit Sunday last with Mr. Lampeet's parents in Dentield.-Sleighing IS good and our town has a lively appearance from the large number of brick, lumber and wood teams that pass through. --We wish to eorreet the error which appear, ed in our last correspondence with ref- erence to Mr, Feed knight organizieg singingeelass in oue town iti Which it read that he did not succeed in organ- izing a class. On the contrary Mt. Knight NI:as so scessful in his' endeavors and has a large class started which is progreesing nicely, and We hope his pupils may prefit tnueleby his teach ings.-One day lest week tts Dr. Steels ler was driving through two one of the holdback straps. on •thehtitiri0ne71 broke, alluwing the cutter' to rt Ma° 18 1-3 fair attendance. -The Itevthe horse'S Insole, causing it to run fut. saseenseeneeeiteste-' selee3 atki the "Dutinoild Dye Corn petitioue' times 'plisses, the interest, iticreasese and tilt, '.Ezitry Forms " .from intend- ing C0111 p .i t twit .t.ti'll' coming tit fast er ehti,1 eves -More. This hullers stersn te be fully aware of the utility NIA 31 I DO *Of Ois 'novel competition -the first of ite kied ette4. tried. in the Domiliton ..; and all are a'seureff of its complete tile - cess, owleg to the fact that le has been staeted aed backed up fluancially by (me of the wealthieet manufacturingeon- dents in Cada-the Wells nr. Richard, soli Connancefacturers of • the popular Diamond. Dyes, At this ettrticulaz . point we ceasider it. opportune ' to mark that.:t'On It Of our leading men- ufaceurers exhibit the.liberai and bread. bueitiess views such as are peunliar te the manufaeturers of Diamond Dvea. People, generally, appreciate liberali y when propetly directed, and whenti4., act is sponte peons and hearty. Tiiiil free distriii ism of $13500 to the ladives of sur cotustay, who have. bun using a phpul ar •11, taw sef ul• 1)00131(3 1)0111 a r tic tee hasnevertiten thought of before. The remarks rvently made by a promiewit JadvefairlS4Vsse jli expresses the feelii)sse' of th.c lidierAgarcling this " Diamm74. Dye Cemetetieion." Site .saidn ".11 seems to meeehat the manufacturers eT: Diamond Dyses ate paying us large premiums because we have been using 80 many v .0,, ft,,,,,,, ir beautiful dyes in our . .. . 'While we 4re allowed. to state that this is trild asisier as it goes, we are re- quested to 8.4.. thannne great objeet of the Competitiornis is:eget-her together al e,.a, •ettarters,of the Dornie- , vast collec,til oh the handiwork 'of the ladies fro- ion, so that tie:public may have an op- ptirtunilysof eudging 0111116 great pots- stbilities,aild'wonderful.elfects of m:laid Dyes. os • Let us tow pant the ladles to the dial of timeserspdstwaranthem. ellat -the ' ' dayn auxe ii•Yin et -TeOsketreolv de. theta sne,es- n--- --- deekle 'early, at,once, If they intend be- coming participants in this free contest They should, without delay, fill tip And. send in their form: elentry, which will be found on page 15 of the book of in- structions and rules. We may remiud all ladies who have not seen this book on the Diamond Dye Competition, that they obtain it from the druggist, or from the :Wells 81 -Id Richardson CO.. Montreal, who will send it post free to . any address. • We pie:same it is needless at t1.118 time to inform the ladies that this QOM petition is (tee and open to all. It does uot cost anything to exhibit your fancy work or other :roods; andewhether yoe are successful or fail to 1.811.6 31 prize for your wokk, millet -Am* it is still your property, and is returned te vou free 61 Cost. In this way the gain is all on your side, and 'tile entire coat and ex- penses fall on the manufacturers. - ' At the present time, we believe suf- ficient has boat said to the ladies as te the advisability ,of making early- appli- cation for a place in this grand contest. This is necessary, as special prepare- tionehave to te made for suitablenex- hibition space to properly display the vast number of articles that .will be sent in. 1311.BERS. Exe.ter, on the 161.11 inst., the wife of Mr. homes Daw, of a son.. Stinelen-in Exeter, on Jan. 201111, the wife Mr. Affeed 'Sheen of a dangles ter. ' MEAT tIS Hensall, on the 15elt inst., Phoeniali; beloved will of Mr. 'W. R. Hodgins, of the Commercial Hotel, aged 42 years, intirment tools place at the Faorisville cemetery on Saturday afternoon last. MoNeisn.-In St. Tnornas, on the 151k hist., James McNabb, , formerly of Exeter, aged 88 years. Aximetows.-In Clinton, on the 17th inst., Mrs. Andrews, relict of the late Silas Andrews, aged 71 years, A months and IB years. MOH R ISON.--I11 ROD 881 1, 011 the 19th inst., Jennett, beloved wife of Robert Morrison; aged 65 years, 6 months and 2,5 days. WHEN THE' BREATH Is tainted.by catarrh 111 18 an evidence that the disease has progressed to the throat, perhaps to the larynx, and the bronchial tabes. These are only stat- ions on the road to the lungs. When entarth hag progressel ttnd attacked the bnIgs, there on be only oue result --consumption teed death. Clark is Catarrh Cure will arrett the disettee at any point before the lungs 070 9040113- 1y :effected. It eoste 50 eats of leng• gists, om seht to Any address on reeetpt of price. Clark Chemical Co, Toronto., New York,