HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-1-14, Page 84i
^emRbpWin,.AMAIWT.Tr ',1f1 .
Speeietl Draw a line fr en the Lake
'Shoal directly east to 1'U ioerr aucl thou
by way of St iffy and Crunmerty to l''ul-
larton and Russeidale, th ut south to
Kirk ten and Woodham then west again
to Claudeboye and torrtnating by way
of McGuire, Mount Oaatnel,Corbett anti
Greenway at. Grand Bend you have
the outside Boundary of the field which
aims to cover with its goods and cus
tourers, TO secure this we have to
Jeep. a large supply and certainly are
not failing in this respect. Our store
is literally crowded with goods and
Holiday Stock ready for seekers of Hol-
iday Gifts, Every desireablc thing we
could think of has been placed to meet
our customers wants and no v we cor-
dially invite them and their friends to
call and pass a plcasaut half hour in
looking through. We wish to make
our store worthy of
Both our Customers and Ourselves
and now with little fear ask for their
verdict, r: r
�m �'(ra�i�tr%Cui •9
THE MART. Exeter.
Stock taking sale on at the �, Big
Bankrupt Store.
For a fine black suit try J.H. Grieve
Merchant Tailor.
There are several cases of scarlet
fever In the village.
Reeve Bawden is confined to the
house with la grippe.
If you wane a first class farm on easy
terms call on John Spackman, Exeter.
Don't forget to call and see J. H
Grieve's $10 overcoats before purchas-
Great stock taking sale now on at
the Big Bankrupt Store. Unheard of
BURDOCK PILLS cure sick head-
acne by regulating the stomach, 1iyer,
and bowels.
You can buy overcoats for less than
cost at the Big Bankrupt Store, during
stock taking sale.
The old council will meet on Monday
evening to wind up. the business affairs
of the past year.
Silks, satins, sealettes, and dress
goods, all at stock taking prices at the
Big Bankrupt Store.
AnvocATE and "Medical Adviser"
and "Farm Help" from now till 1893
for $1. See clubbiurr rates.
SKIN DISEASES are most annoy-
ing because se noticeable. Dr, Low's
Sulphur Soap heals and - cleanses the
Rheumatism is- like sand in the
bearings of machinery. Hooch's Sarsa-
parilla is the great lubricator which
cures the disease.
The Exeter District Methodist Sun-
day school convention will be held in
the Parkhill Methodist church on the
llth of February.
Holy Communion will be administer-
ed in the Trivitt Memorial churca by
the Rev. F. H. Fatt on Sunday evening
after the evening. service.
Large quantities of b:ick and other
building material passes through the
village for the Townships of Tucker -
smith, Hibbert and Fullartou.
Tenders are open for the erection of
a new bridge crossing the Aux Sauble
at Creditou and for the'repairing. of
Stanlake's bridge on the Lake Road:
One day last week a number of our
sportsmen. started out in pursuit of a
twenty-year old fox, better known as
silver grey. After getting on track
they ran it for miles through fields,
bush, and even barnyards, but it was
all of no avail, reynard escaped.
A speeial shipment of black dress
b just at
the Big
A public school examination will be
I oneand
held the school house a one
<i t
, t
quarter miles hest of the village on
Friday aflornoon next.
Blacksmiths and carriage builders
will find it to their interest to call on
Cobblediek and Fatted before purchas-
ing' their Spring supplies.
The Busy Bees of the Trivitt Memor-
sal church intend holding their annual
benne and entertainment on Tuesday,.
February 2nd, Fuller particulars lat-
Marshal Atkinson, of Siddulpb,came
to town yesterday, (Wednesday), and
was seized with a very severe -illness.
Re was compelled to take a bed at the
Mansion House, where medical aid.
was summoned.
Locks, hinges, &c., in endless quant-
ity at Cobbledick and Folland's. Part-
ies contemplating building the coming
summer can purchase this class of
goods at greatly reduced prices. Give
us a call and we will give you satis-
The annual inesting•of the Stephen
S Usborue Agricultural Society will be
Wald in the Town Hall Thursday to-
day) at two o'clock p. in. for the pur
pose of electing officers for the year
1892. A full attendance of all inter
e: sted parties is requested.
Mr. 3. Enright, of Dundas, has been
in the village during' the past • week
purchasing horses, and shipped .from
the Exeter station on Wednesday,thirty
six of the finest horses that hive left
this section for some time. They were
all in first-class condition and are in-
tended for street -car purposes.
The following. article appeared in the
Blyth Standard of last week, uudoubt'
edly clipped from an exchange: -"While
working in the woods at Elmstead the
other day Mr. Jas. Walters, of Exeter,
was struck by the limb of a falling tree.
which instantly killed him." The above
is`eutirely without foundation as Mr.
`halters still lives and is enjoying the
best of health. st,
An old smoker declares that he ehas
been using' "Myrtle Navy" tobacco
ever since the second year of its reran
ufacture and that during that time he
has never suffered from a blistered
tongue or parched tonsils or any other
of the unpleasant effects which most
tobaccos wilt leave behind them. His
experience, he says, is that no other
tobacco which he has ever tried is
quite its equal and that in value for
the money "no other conies anywhere
near it,"
The annual District Meeting of Bid-
dulph Loyal Orange Lodge was held
in the Oddfellows Hall on Tuesday,Jan
nary 12th, when alarge number of
brethren from different places were
present. The officers were all re-elect-
ed and are as follows:—John Neil,D.M;
James Denniston, D. D. •M.; W. 3. Wil-
son, Rec.-Sec.; Grieve, Fin. -Sec; N.
Grieve, Treas•;F. Davis, D. of 0., Bros.
F. Davis and W. Portice, Lecturers; W.
Miner, Chap. After the business had
been completed the lodge was closed in
due form deciding to hold their next
annual meeting at Crediton.
We notice by the results of the re
cent Christmas examinations at the
Ontario Agricultural College at Guel
ph, that Messrs. Kirk and J. Burns, of
Kirkton, passed very creditable exam-
inations. This being Mr. H. Kirks
first year he was successful in obtain-
btain-ing honors in four branches, which
speaks well for his future success An
other attending the institution was Air,
G. Connor, Chiselhurst, who made a
very favorable showing. Mr. W. H.
Harvey,son of Richard Harvey,Thames
Road, received honors 'in four subjects
out of seyen; .and according to standing
ranked 15th in general proficiency.
An exchange says that Bayham
township, in Elgin county, has carried
off the honors of the year in municipal
matters by electing. a full patron coun-
cil by acclamation. A full ticket was
put in the field by the patrons, the old
councillors ail retired, and the patron
men walked over the course.
On Friday last Messrs. Robert Sand
ers and Freci Farncombe started out
after dinner and succeeded in bagging'
three fine foxes, in as many hours. A
remarkable feature of the hunt was
the starting of two of the animals at
once part of the pack taking' after
each, both being killed at the same
place after an exciting chase of half
an hour.
Ben MacKenzie, well known to
the people of this vicinity, who has
been serving a term in the Kingston
penitentiary for the past three years
and three months for being connected
with a gang of eountefeiters will be
liberated to morrow,. (Friday). Ho was
sentenced for four years, but good con-
duct gained him his liberty before that
time expired.
The; Masonic Temple of Chicago, 800
feet high, will contain twenty stories
and will have cost $3,500,000 eivlien
toady. next April. The rents will ex
coed $400,000, A large number of
.people have a Inlaid in the owieelship.
It Will be seen that the investlrient is a
profitable one yielding; probably 10 per
cent. or more on the cost after easement.
of all expenses.
The following •graceful lie comes
from an. enterprising Montana flews•
paper: --"A farmer in Gallatin county
raised 1,000 bushels of 'popcorn and
stored it in his baric, The barn caught
thecorn began' to pop and filled a
tdn•aere 'field Al) old mare in the
neighboring h$id defective eye
sight,saw the corn thought it was sneer
and laid down and froze to death."
a?IThM4ay4w/R.AAS11.A xW •.�WiN+ Al.YuF.W..0.qF1 fJ%VCIr �i:iYevm.G
+ 9X
have achieval ,great success They
are both Artists of acknowledged and
fine attuiurnents,and in the ptayswhite),
were produced mauy of tlteir best pow
erswerein abe semi
to action. TheSe
, ,
c:erts are tsscutltill�T a play for.. the
T l as r
masses, being replete with situations
that thrill, Interspersed with plenty of
German comedy, could be soon by the
expreosious of the audience which,
greeted the performiuicos. Aline son
sational fire scene is introduced by,
"Tire Burniug of the Old Den". The
company on the whole are eouipesed of
eyerything that is needed to give an
evening's enjoyment • and should he
well patronized wherever they may ail-
Having sold out my premises to Me
Joseph Cobledick & Follend, I the un-
dersigned will be in the office to • settle
all accounts until the 20th of this
mouth. After Whicir they will be hand
eel over for collection.
J. N. licrwARD.
Two Papers roe sou
The Exeter AnvoUAT. and Medical
Adviser•and "learnt Help" for only $1
from how until Jan, 1st 1898.
]amus for sale.
The undersigned has several Furst
class farms for sale on easy terms;
J. Bracilcitart, Exeter.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoos that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post office. G.
WOOD! WOOD! WOOD!,The Ltiat-
er Salt Works Co. require fifteen hun-
dred cords of soft wood, dry and.green.
Will pay the highest price. For far-
ther particulars apply to David Mill..
T. B. C AI:tLnTG, Sec's'.
Missionary sermons were preached
in the James st, church on Sunday last
by the Rev. Mr. Ford in the morning
and in the evening by the Rev W.
McDonough: Also, on Sunday- last the
Rev. F. 1:I. Fatt delivered lengthy ad
dresses to his hearers an behalf of mis-
sionaries in heathen lands.
change oe Business.
Messrs: Joseph Cobbledick and Wnr.
M'Follend purchased the hardware and
rocery''stock of Mr. J. N. Haward on
Friday last week. They haye been
busily engaged taking, stock since
then and have it now about completed.
It was purchased for 60c. on the $1, the
the former proprietor realizing 5 0/. on
his investment. We welcome our new
businessman, Mr. Joseph Cobblediek,
to our midst and wish him prosperity
in his new field of labor.
Mr. EdwardBissett has been off work
for several days owing to an attack of
la grippe..His condition has somewhat
improved and he paid a yisit to the
shop on Tuesday.—Mi. Richard Gorald
has been suffering during the past'
week with a severe Bold, but he isnow
slowly improving.—Oiir old friend, Mr.
Thos. Shute, is, we are sorry to learn
on the sick list and unable to leave the
house, We hope to scan hear of his
recovery --It was currently reported
yesterday, (Wednesday), that Mr. John
Grant was dead, but such is not the
case, although very sick he is some-
what on thst mend. Mrs. Grant and
baby are also very ill.
A team belonging to Mr. A. Q. Bob-`
ler ran away Monday on Station street
At the time of the accident they Were
at the station and suddenly shied and
becoming unmanageable made a live-
ly run on the street towards elm mark-
et. As they were proceeding the toug-
ue of the sleigh slipped through the.
ncckyoke, which allowed the vehicle
to come in contaee with their heels
when they suceeeded in gaining their
freedom. The driver, Mr. A. Spicer.
was thrown into the ditch but only re-
ceived a slight injury in the back be-
sides seyeral,other ibrulies. The ani-
mals Were captured at the market and
escaped without any injury.
Be -mews Auer.
At tine residence of Mr. John Treble,
an eVednesday afternoon, his daughter,
Mary E., joined hands with William
Handcock and said I do, the Rev. A. L.
Russell performing the ceremony. As
Miss Treble is'a.rnost clever and esti
mable young lady, Mr. Handcock is to
be congratulated on his choice, •• They
intend taking a trip to Wingham fora.
few days, returning here they will re-
main for a short time and afterwards
return to Famerado,. Dak., . where Mr:
Handcock is engaged in the hardware
teiginess. The 'teeny friends of the
Lurnis, who Nies been visiting leis uncle
Mr.Ihoxrtets dP'ittotx, returned to. his
home in Hamilton on. Saturday,—Miss
Sarah herd, in response to word re-
ceived of the illness of her sister, 14'lzs.
Jahn Fisher, left foe Toronto en Friday.,
--=illiss Susie Weekes, of Norwich, is
visiting friends and relatives here.-
1t2r, D It Pierce, of Windsor, was in
the village during; the week in con-
nection .with
on-nection.with business pertaining to the
Windsor Plow Works --Mr, W. T. liol-
lowey, of Clinton, is at present' the
guest; of his, sister, Mrs, R. N, Rowe,—
mt.. George Bawden, f Lueetu,is speed -
tag g a vacation, iurrdet' the parental
roof. --Mr. Herbert Elliott is visiting in
the village. Mr. Richard Harrison has
returned after visiting his sons in the
IT. S, ----Mrs. Phoebe Sweet who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. George
Easterbroek, Burlington, Ont,, for the
past three weeks returned home on
Monday evening; last --Mrs. Christopher
Balsdon, of this place, is visiting her,
parents in Seaforth,—Mr, Spencer Rim
mington, of the Megson Bank, Clinton,
spent Sunday last in this place. --The
Misses Baird and Schram, of Parkhill,
spent Sunday last the guest of Miss
Lottie Dennis in this place,—Mrs. R.
Seldon, formercy of Exeter but now of
Ingersoll, presented her husband with
twins, a on and a daughter, one day
last week.—Mrs. Wharton Hodgson, of
Toronto, is visiting in this place, --Mr.
J. N. Hooper leaves for Toronto on
Monday ne.:t, where he intends resid-
ing in the''', future. --Mrs. Chris West•
tett, of Deadwood, South Dakota, is
yisiting her sister, Mrs. Wm, Tapp.
We notice by the Chicago Tierces that
Dr, H. M. Cowen, of Chicago formerly
of this place, emphatically dendtineas
the bichloride of Gold cure for alcholism
and ehallanges Dr. Leslie E. Keeley to
meet him at the Auditorium, in' that
city on Friday evening. Dr, Cowen
claims to have issued his challenge to
Dr. Keeley in good faith, although, as
he was forced to admit last evening.
Dr. Kelley has all to lose and nothing
to win in accepting it. Dr. Keeley's
cure is a mineral preparation, while Dr
Cowan champions the use of vegetable
remedies. Moreover Dr. Cowan says
the minerals used by Dr. Beeley are
poisons, and he quotes the United.
States dispensatory to prove his asser-
tions. The whole entertainment will
be under one canvas and for one price
of admission and no double ring ex 1 fair young bride, will unite with us in
hibition is contemplated or desired, eeehing herself and husband' many
years of prosperity and happiness.
May Exeter's son gain the battle.
Yesterday we received °the most
handsome catalogue of seeds, bulbs,
plants, etc., ever sent out in. .America,
frons the well-known Canadian firm of
The Steele Bros; Co.; Toronto. The
immense business success of enter•
prising house is wonderful. They at
tribute it to the high grade of seeds
they supply -coupled with business
energy antt care. For '92 they offer
Campbell's white ehaff wheat, a great
yielder, Early Goth land, and Golden
Giant oats, three new potatoes, and the
wonderful Prizetaker onion, beside an
ondiess array of, novelties • in flowers,
Stanley's Wash Tub, Spider Lilies, Air
Plans, Sword Fern, etc, They make a
special office to mail two ChineseSaered
Lilies (to plant in water now), value
40c„ and their grand new catalogue,
with 477 illnstrations, value 20c., a.11
for only 255c. Fanners, gardeners and
ematucrs should all send for them at
A comedy company who common"sad
considerable itttactiort have been giv-
ing. ea,tcrtaiemeirts here during' the
beginning of the week under the {tus-
picc;s of Fire, Company. No. 2. The
managers are Messrs McNolt,3= & Haaat,
appearing in their new pla+s I%arl's
Promise and Carrier 80, in which they
Illicits on A.ds•eriisi tg
The first essoiutial in writing an acl-
vertisement is to have something to
say Form of expression is onlv an ac-
cessory. .People do not r•eitd books be-
cause of the beauty of the, language
used. They road for the ideas, and a
graceful diction is only an agreeable
ornament.' The most important thing
about an alvertisement is that it shall
offer a distinct acrd attractive induce,
ment. After this feature is assured 'it
will be in order to make the language
as clear and transparent as possible.
Assume that the attitude of the public
is: Why should I deal with yon instead
of John Jones? If your eau„ ;answer
that question satisfactorily, you advei•
tisemer,ts are bound to strike home,
Personal etenntioh.
Mr, L. H Diclaou, •v, -ho has' 'been
visiting; his horde in Pembroke ream-
ed !Some an Tuest'lay even ing•---Miss
C. Frice, of St• Marys, is the guest of
Miss Manic Sanders:—Alts. Windsor, Of
Brown City, Mheh, who has heti the
guest of,Mrs John Farmer for, same
time, left on Thursday for her home-
rutty, Mr. Pascoe, of St Thomas, former
ly pastor of Janos street church litre,
will eonduet the funeral of Alis;, Hoop
er to day,.Thursday.—Master Joseph.
Of the best known Blood Remedy will.
not work such achange in a case of
Catarrh as one package of Clark's Cat-
arrh Cure. All the wise talk about
Catarrh being a constitutional or blood
disease depends entirely upon what
the advertiser has to sell. If you have
Catarrh in any, try Clark's Catarrh
Cure, and you deed not take a cartload
of it before any benefit is, derived.
Druggists keep it and reccommend it.
Price 50 cents. Sent to any address
by Clark Chemical Co, Toronto, New
83,00.00 WOIITIL
If you wart a
Child's, Boys or Man's Suit
Overcoat and Pants, &c., call
and see our big stock.
E. J. SPA.CKMA.N'8c-00.
AS m mai .�
4>t '•1' $�
11 t t II t III II.
Alf slOP1,40
What are you going to want? No doubt there are many
thingsou need and a lot more you will buy that you do not
need, we have thing for the "NEEDY" anthing for the
"NEDLESS". We are now
with a view to a big trade. Prosperity is over all the land
and the opinion is that'a good season is coming. Trade is to
be lively, we think, and we have prepared to meet a busy
peri1bd for the next two months, Do not take any stock in )
any misleading' statements of bargains "its throwing a spratt
to catch a maclrel", sure as you live.
We are told that our goods etre FAR CHEAPER
than toose that' prate so much about their bargain making.
To be convinced, gee for youz eehreo.
We would like to SEE YOU. COME,
Highes price paid for produce, Butter Mc; Lard llc; Eggs
16c; Dried Apples ecus; Geese Gets; Turkeys Jcts• Dl
eks G
Chickens 5 cts.
For Sale. ' 'email Palace Baker
A desirabl eresidenco in Exeter North, new
framehouso, one -fifths acre of land- Thepurchaser. Apply at this 145-t
house was erected in 1888. Good terms to D. W. P098 Proprietor of
the Palace Bakery, Hensali, wishes to
inform the citizens of
—All persons who want—
5?,, 6 and 6�, PER CENT should call
—at the—
Office of R. IL COLLINS
IIas beeli appoi
Cheap, comp
did arrangem
room.. A want
field supplied
'Call at once al:
ited sole agent
,ct and a splen-
�nt for a bed -
in every house -
at small cost.
d see it.
R. N.Iao e.
ri XE 1 T\H
that he visits the village
Every Wednesday & Saturday Afternoon
with a supply of
orders left with Guorexu SAND-
Axn-Etta will be promptly attended to, aracl
from Munn, bread can be had at alt
times. Your patronage is solicited and
satisfaction guaranteed.
D.W. JPOSS Baker.,
Hensall. ',
And if you don't believe it call at
Ross & Taylor's'
and you will be convinced that they
have the Largest and Best Stock of all
kinds of Building Materials in this sec-
tion of country,and at the lowest prices.
Shingles a Specialty,
having a large stock on hand we are
prepared to meet the keenest competit-
ion as to price or quality. 'We have se-
cured the eight to Manufacture and
Sell Merriams celebrated Baking Cab-
inets. Call and see them and be con-
vinced of their merit.
Main St.. Exeter
Difficulty of Breathing
Tightness of the Chest
Wasting Away of Flesh
Throat Troubles
'ronchitis, Weak Lu
Asthma, Coughs
Catarrh, Colds
nasion of Pure
. r,