HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-05-12, Page 14k Vit, Gederickhr eigna'1-Star, 'phursday, May. 12, 1966 44"!H MINISTER DYMOND'S FINGERS CROSSED xpects TwoMono Residents to Join eStian i ted 2,000,000.......Onrio residan'ts could be covered ()a tario Medical Services nsB ee Plan 'by next July Je rd'illg to Wealth Minister 1 ►r. Matthew R. Dymond. ' rhe planknown as OMSIPfor sire/Its-4was established.. byrheOntario Government ae .a guarantee th+ t adequatemedical care insurance is available to all ci'izens 'Rf the`�Provirhx re- gardless oftheir age, state of •'h,eaith or financial means. ()MTovers a comprehensive tinge of benefits comparable to any private or public medical insurance plan in Canada tpday. I't will .help pay the cost of --practically'a1' physicians' services wherever they are provid- ed—in the doctor's office, in the borne. or in the hospital. Persons in receipt of social assistance, „and others in the low in'ton'e brackets; will have their OMSIP premiums paid, either whollIv or in part, by the Ontario Government.'Th;s plans will provide ser= vices which we believe large numbers of our Reaple need," ,,gaid lb Dymond. , OMSIP has the advantage of being easily adaptable to any future medical care insuranceprogram that may .be proposed on a r.ational basis. The new program is being launched in two stages. \ On- April .1; OMSII--cover'egf'was 'xtended to some 300,000 person, consisting of those in receipt' of social assistance to- gether with their eligible de- +pendaets. This group includes those who receive assistance under the• Blind Persons' Allowances Aet, the Disabied Persons' Allow- ances Act, the Mothers' Allow- ances •Act, the Old Age Assistance Ad' and the lith IT tion Services Act. In addition, Ontario resident, MiiIion • who 412T on municipal welfere for a single person, $120 a year for a family of two and $150 .year fair, the ` eentiiy Of three or More, The principal purpose of es- tablishing the :far-reaching med- ical care insurance plan is to make sure .that no resident of the Province who wishes to in- sure himself against the cost of doctors' services may be re- fused such coverage. The growth of medical care insurance in Ontario has been °tf lTy astounding, In 1950, some 26 per cent of the residents of the Province carried some sort of medical insurance coverage. By 1965, n ore than 85 per cent were insured. But the remaining few fre- quen+ly found they could not afford to pay for such insurance. Others 'hither because of ad - varying age o, the existing state of their health, found it imnos• Bible to purchase medical insur- ance. OMSTP, which will be admin- istered by the Medical Services rolls and who receive assistance under the: amoral - Welfare .. ,s• sistance Act were also covere 1 by a1tISIP starting April 1. •'1he full cost of providing coverage for these persons i being borne by the Ontario Gov- ernment. The -second stage of the plan will e rurnence, July 1 when all other Ontario residents who ap- ply fox ' enrolment in OMSIP before May 1—the deadline fom,. the initial two-month open en- rolment period = MIT become eligible for insurance benefits. Persons in this group who paid no income tax in 1965 will get their OMSIP coverage at no cost to themselves. Others on low intames will receive ,partial assistance towards the cost of their premiums. For instance, a single person whose taxable income least year was $500 or less will have to pay only $30 a. year for cover- age. The Government will pay the remaining $30. A family of two with a taxable income of $1,000 pr less will pay $60 a year with the Government paying the other $60. And a family of three or more with a taxable income of $1,300 or less will pay $60 a year with the Ontario Government paying the remaining $90. Taxable interne, of course, is not a person's total earnings but merely that part for which he has to pay income -tax. A married man with five „children, for example, could earn a total of $4.800 a year and after ex- emptions his taxable income would be less -than $1,300. He would therefore be able to in- sure his entire family with OMSIP for $60 a year. •Oni'ario.residents who are not eligible for assistance With ,their premiums may obtain QMSIP coverage at rates of $60 a year WE'RE BUYING • SEED OATS . GARRY, RUSSELL and RODNEY Registered or Certified Canada No./1 SEED BARLEY 'KEYSTONE and HERTA BUCKWHEA T HIGHEST PRICES PAID GIVE US A 'CALL • W. G. THOMPSON & SONS LTD. HENSALL Phone 262-2527 7tf Insurance Division of 'the On tarie Depaztmenit of Health, will provide coverage for these ;per- sons. - OMSIP is for individuals and their_ fainilies .only. Group cov- erage --and some 60 per cent of 0gtario residents, are in group insurance plans today- will c )ntinue to be provided by private and doctor - sponsored schemes. Health Minister Dr. Matthew B. Dymond, in speaking to the 'measure in the Ontario Legis- lature on February 10, 1966, de- clared: "There will be freedom of choice for patient, and d.c- tors. The. patient is, freef 4 choose his awn doctor and th same freedom is observed for the doctor within the ethics of his own profession." Under OMSIP, doctors will be paid for their services ale rate of 90 per cent• of the Ontario Medical Association's current schedule of fres. "This takes into account cur- rent practice in doctor-sponsoi- io GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 3, 4 or 5 Year Term INTEREST IS ,PAYABLE % YEARLY OR MAY BE LEFT TO ACCUMULATE ' AND COMPOUND Y2 YEARLY.. L when interest is left to acz cumulate, your investment in- creases over er 34% in 5 years. V1CTORLAand GREY TRUST 25 O//ices To Serve You Beilevl le ' Brampton Canningtons... - -Hanover Kingston Lindsay Listowel Orfllia Owen Sound Peterborough Richmond Hill St. Marys Stratford Exeter Goderich Meaford .Newmarket 'Port Credit Renfrew Toronto (5) ' WWtby 0 El@ 6the modem way9 Footloose and fancy free... . and Honda to complete your fun. 14 model.5 all told, engineered for comfort and safety plus all the advantages of 200 miles to the gallon. See your Honda dealer today. • you meet 1I1e.nicest people on a Argyle .Marine �& Small Engines *RITANNIA 'ROAD - — GODERICH Today's ultra smart Superior Propane ranges feature recessed tops to give your • kitchen "built -in -beauty". Your Superior range is designed to stay more beautiful with exclusive chip resistant porcelain protection. Now cooking and baking can be fun. Superior auto - magic controls cook, bake, simmer or broil foods' perfectly ... the dean, economical propane way. This month your Superiordealeris featuring an Exciting Trade-in plan. Hewill give you Up to $50 for your old worn out stove—(no matter what condition) on the purchase of a gleaming new propane range. Remember there's no money down.... just $2.•a week and you can start cooking the modern way. FOR HEATING, COOKING, DRYING TOO... SUPERIOR IS AUTOMAGICALLY BEST FOR YOU! 66-3 'superior PROPANE LTD. Superior Propane Ltd. MONTIETH ST. Stratford 271-0810 • ed plans and the increased level of payments which the physician will ;no)w receive from tow in-- come groups," declared Dr. Dy- mond. ."It is in keeping with what `ohtaus in certain otic.:• provinces t d juirisdiction.s." In 'being reimbursed for the services he provides OMSIP sub- serbers, a doctor may either bill OMSIP directly, or bill his pa' ient. In the ,latter case the pat- ient would sumbit the bill to OMSIP for payment and would then, in turn, pay his doctor. The estie ated cost of prov 1. - in ; OlsIS'P is $70.000,090 during a full year's operation. But cost is indeed a secondary c� n sideration to the need; of.,malt- _ng sure that the health requ;ire- m.ents of tne people o(- Ontari are met. "This plan is tailored aird de- signed to suit the needs of aur peep ;a in this Province," said Prizm Minister John Roberts "bt takes into aceeunt these 4.6 milli„ri people in thasq 16.09'' private plans that are presently looking after - themselves. It will provide assistance for 'those Who need it slid we, i: 'taking this stee, will develop the ad- rninistrative machinery which ging to' be r.eeded to admir- is_er a p''an of this: size." Goderich .Memorials Quality„ -- Service -- Cemetery Lettering - Phone GODERICH 524-89$1 or Write -130 BLAKE ST.. W. Office Location — HURON ROAD on HWY. 8 W. J. LEE -- .GODERICH TF Ifyour beneficiary dies first, what will happen. to ° your life insurance benefits? When the unexpected happens, as itr sometimes doe it's important ato know what steps to take. That's why the competent advice of your Manufacturers Life representative is.so valuable, Here Are.scme of the practical points he'll cover. 1. Unless you originally named an alternative or contingent beneficiary, the money from yourpolicy would be payable to your estate. This may tie up the money and subject it to creditors claims and unnecessary estate costs. In the end, it'mightnbt even go to the person you would have chosen unless your will is up to date. 2. If young children were also originally named as beneficiaries, and they are still under age, another problem arises. Unless you make special provision, the policy proceeds at your death would have to be paid into court and held until they reach their majority. But don't wait until something like this happens. Call your Manufacturers Life representative to -day. He will review your bepeficiary arrangements—and sug- gest changes if they are necessary. He is experienced in matters of this kind, and he offers you the kind of counsel you can rely on. W. E. Williams Representative GODERICH Tel: J.AA. 4-7665 e. ba c• -M 0 MANUFACTURERSLIFE- INSURANCE Audit Report — Town of Goderich, 1966. THE CORPORATION 'OF THE TOWN OF -GODERICH The Municipal Act, Section 223A, requires the publication of certain portions of the audited financial statemerst• of the municipality and the report of the auditor. The enactment of this legislation is to inform the raltepayers of the financial position of the municipality and to create an interest on the part of the ratepayers in the activities,` the problems and the accomplishments of the municipality. • Any portion of the audited financial statement not required to be 'published herewith may be inspected at the office of the Town Treasurer. W. FRANK WALKOM, Mayor. S.. H. BLAKE, Treasurer. - AUDITOR'S REPORT die Mayor, Members of Council and Ratepa vers, The Corporation of the Town of Goderich, Goderich, Ontario. Gen+tlemen: - • 1 have- audited the accounts and . records o the Town oa • Goderich for the year ended Decenlbert 31st, -1965, and have prepared therefrom the statements listed in the Index accompanying this report. AUDITOR'S OPINION ' (I) The •financial, transactions which have come under my notice have been within the poWers of the municipality. (II) Th'e audit has been conducted in accerdartee with the instruc- tions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. • , (1.11) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Municipality as 'et December 31st, 1965, and the results of these opertions for the year ended • on that date. • s (Sgd.) A. M. HARPER, Date of filing, March 23, 1966. Licence Number 3034. STATEMENT OF REVENUE SAND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1965 March 16, 1966. REVENUE Total l ,evenue fir}m Taxation (Schedule 3) Long -Term Debt charges Recoverable (Schedule Oontributions, Grants and Subsidies • Governments: Canada Ontario— Welfare Assistance Highway Improvement „•Y Payments in lieu of • municipal taxes Payments to mining xnunicipalities Police and Fire Share of Liquor License Fees Unconditional per Capita Geernts Recreation Meat Inspector Housing Centennial .. . Actual 620,122.68 12):102,462.32 17,474.09 77,590.55 3,501.01 47,348.41 444.01 1,613.61 20,804.25 1,643.55 1,200.00 1,463.20 876.00 Other Municipalities — .County of • Huron Licenses and Permits (including dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. Other Revenues— Rents, Concessions 'and Franchises; Fines Service charges Recreation and Community Services Miscellaneous— Retell Sales tax refund Disecunt on County rates Portion of taxes- written off Relief recoveries Gross Total Revenue Surplus from prior years used to reduce ,levy t<` Total Revenue Section , '1,284.15 2,935.75 7,04719 4,029:2!, 245.49 3,418.27 1,470,50 -1,437.55 EXPENDITURES General Governm'e'nt Execietive--sand Legislative Administrative Other Protection to Persons and Property - Fire Police Street Lighting Protective Inspection 5,687.66 26,258.23 12;395.01 • 16,858.67 46,003.32 14,895.32- 1,377.28 Public Works—Roads, Highways and Streets, etc. Sanitation and Waste Removal. Conservation of Ilealth Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Welfare Assistance 23,141.48 Education, including debt charges (Schedule- 9) Recreation and Community Services Debt Charges Long-term debt charges (Schedule 11) 230,610.99. Less, own share of school debt eh'ges 79,796.60 Short-term interest and other ch'ges Discount for Taxes Taxes written off .. Capital Expenditure out of Revenue (Schedule 13) Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates Miscellaneous Provision for deferred Invoine Gross Total Expenditure Surplus for the year ... Total Expenditure Section 150,812.39 1,390.28 119,157.13 2,009.89 5,932.00 • Budget 611,43100 104,052.00 8,200.00 173,958.68 238800.00 30,997.88. 31,000.00 3,337.50 4,500.00 7,432.25 8,000.00 21,296.38 21,000.00• 6,57181' 3,500.00 972,111.50 1,030,483.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 99 7,111.50 1.055,483.00 997,' 11.50 1.055,483.00 Actual Budget , 44,340.40 43;000.00 79,134.59 155,552.43 20,123.04 2'618.17 23,141.48 293,240.20" 67,535.56„ • 81,500.00 223,000.00 21,000.00 2,700.00 20,000.00 291,182.00 72,900.00 152,202.67 157,601.00 2,917.96 2,600.00 2,345.61 2,000.00 19,5.15.56 19,509.00 119,157.13 118, 590.00 2,009.89 ' 983,834.69 '11,055,483.00 983,834.69 1,055,483.00 13,276.81 997,111.50 1.055,483.00 CAPITAL :AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1965 ASSETS General Fixed (as' per Schedule 18) Due from School Ratepayers (for Debentures) Public and Continuation Collegiate and High Due from Utilities and other Municipal En.erprises ._ . _. {for- Debentures) Water Supply System • Electric Light and Power System 48,500.00 Sewerage plant under construction' 13,727.77• 291,751.53 305,006:00 250,631.80 , -555,631..80 18,000:00 Debentures Assumed by dule 2) Other• Tangible Assets Alexandra Marine and Gener. Hospital ..... Water Supply System Less: Debt retirement reserve cipalities (Sche- LIABILITIES Debenture Debit Issued and Unmatured Hospitals _ Arena, Town Clock, Fire Hall and Industrial Park Ldcal Im,p'rovements Municipality's Share ) Schools • Public and Continuation Collegiate and High Public Utilities and Viler Municipal Enterprises 'Water Supply System .. ............... Electric Light and .Power 695,573.63 46,015.34 649,558.29 8047.77 198,368.20 90,000.06 m Total , Other Long Term Debt Due to O.W.R.C. rye Water Supply System Less: Debt retirement fund ...... .... •. Due to other Funds—Revenue funds Inveetment in Capital Assets . Cash on hand Cash• in bank 1,865,537.59 90,000.00 43,600.00 133,600.00 e102998.76 103,998.76 305,000.00 449,00(100 '754,000.00 48,000.00 48,500..0 66,500.00 695,5 73.63 46,015.34 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1965, ASSETS . Accbun+ts Receivable Sundry • Province of Ontario Dominion of Caneda Other .Municipalities Commi,ssion•se---Goderich Housing Authority Other tFunds—Due from Capital Funds. Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) Other . Assets—MacKay Hall Building Total Assets .o LIABILITIES Temporary. Loans (Schedule 6) Accounts payable Debentures and Coupons Due •Principal Interest Other Municipalities School Boards Deferred Revenue (Sched,ule 8) Reserves (Schedule 8) Surplus (Form C) . Total Liabilities and Surplus 697.76 4,120.32- 1,058,098.76' 649.558.29 29,067.56 128,812.98 1,865,531.59 4,818.08 6,296.95 6,296.95 3,479.40 71,720.63 5,333.00 306.25 3,479.40 29,067.56 29,067.56 79,408.41 79,408.41 3,900.00 3,900.00 204,330.28 60,000.00 ° 54,678.56 1,000.00 1,454.66 2,454.66 • 796.28 2,012.95' ° 3,735.16 ' 3,735.16 50,000.00 30,652.67 REVENUE FUND SURPLUS ACCOUNT December 31, 1965 Balance at January 1, 1965 . .: _...• . Surplus or deficit included in Current Budget ' 1 Ail jiffs merits affecting operations of pre- ious years: Over-estimate 1964 road subsidy 753.26 Balance after above adjustments .... Debit 25,000.00 Surplus for the year (Form D) ...:. . . Totals of Debit and Credit columns 25,753:26 56,405 93 B'alhnee of Surplus 'at Deeernber 31, 1905 (Form B) 204,330.28- REVENUE 04,330.28 Credit Balance 43,129.12 13,2,76.81 18,129.12 17,3'75.86 30,652.67