HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-05-12, Page 13:i Ashfield ASHFIELD. — Mabel Macdon- ald of Windscr was honme�•f4x, the weekend Mr and Mrs, George . Foster , and Donna of Rodney visited with Sandy Macdonald on Sun- day. A student from Westminster Co11e a will preach in Ashfield Preslavterian Church next .Sun". day when Rev. Neil MacCornble admin:iters Communion • in Dluev+ale and Belmore churches. The Young People's Society was in charge of tibe service here. Nancy MacLennan read the Scripture and Jean Maeden- ald . prayed. 'samara L. Mac- Kenzie and Jan Simpson gave addresses. The choir was as- sisted 'by a number' of young people from Ripley and Flor- ence MacLennan was soloist. Mrs. ,David MaeMurc-hy who was ill with branchial pneumon- ia at her daughter's in Elihira, is home -again. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Rogation Sunday, May 15 8:30 a.m.--Holy Communion' 11:00, a.m.—Holy Communion Sermon by the Rector (Nursery for Pre -School Children) Sunday School at 1.0 and 11 • Rector: REV. G, G. RUSSELL., B.A., B.D. ,Mr. B. Kempster, Organist and Choirmaster THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street . United Church SUNDAY, MAY 15 10:00 a.m. Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten — Primary Dept. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship ;; • Nursery Provided WELCOME The Rev. J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D.—Minister Mr. Lance Reed, Organist and Choir Director Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A.•,'Minister William Cameron, Director of Praise SUNDAY, MAY 15th 10:00 a.m. Church School 10:10 a.m.. Bible Class 11:00 a.•m. Divine Worship Sermons from the Parables (3) "Publicans and Sinners (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7:30 p.m. Young People's Society ENTERTO WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE THE UNITED ' CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria 'Street United Church. ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY 11:00 a.m.—The Rev. Stanley Moote, B.A., B.D. A Grateful Gracious „Church 8:00 p.m.—An Evening of Music 7:45 p.m.—Organ Recital, Mr. Dotterer—The Harbouraires, d: Ensemble Violins, Organ, Piano: REV.. "HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist -` FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Montreal Street Near The • Square 10:00 a.m. — Sunday. School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Everyone Welcome Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 FREE__. METH -ODS IST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streets 9:50 a.m.' Sunday School Rev. H. W. Hobbs, Conference Superintendant, of Ham- ilton in charge. Wed.,•7.30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study THE SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Family Worship 7:00 p.m. Salvation Meeting 'EVERYONE WELCOME Bethel' Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 15th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages, 1.1:00 a.m. Morning Worship 70 p.m. Evangelistic Service Fri. 8:00 p.m. -- Young People's, Service E6ch Sunday, S:30 p.m. Hear Jack West over station C-H•L-O, St. Thomas CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH . BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET , SUNDAY,, MAY 15th SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00-a.m. Sunday School Ride the Bus --- 524.7622 11:00 a.m. MORNING SERVICE 7:30 p.m. EVENJNG SERVICE Wed., 7:30 p.m. Romans verse by verse Pastor: REV. 'l': LESLIE HOBBINS, B.A. "A Warm'Walcome To All" — - 1' Dungannon And DUNGANNON. ,-- "Canada, past and present" visasthe theme whet&the pupils o£ Dungannon w public senool presented their spring concert on May 4. The junior cher of North Street, United Church, Goderich, was presentnnd. took part in the grogram, singing several choruses under the direction `Of banes Reed, who also acted as Mastnr of Cerernohies for' the program. In keep:nig with the theme, Wanda Hunter of Lucknow 'Dis- trict Uigh School, .gave her ad- dress, "Why 1 am glad to be a Ca,r adian." Wanda has won several 0)the speaking co test s in the area and finished second in the semi-final&. The program was prepared by the teachers, Mrs. Lance Reed. and .Mrs. T. M,. Durnin with Mrs.' Rognx s as music "supervisor, and. at the close of the evening, Mrs. Rodgers was presented with a floral arrangement in appreci- ation for her Assistance. Ladies' Guild District Tho Ladies Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Chureh held Mehr May. meeting tt the home of Mrs Root. Mole with the president Mrs. Paoli Caesar opening the meeting, with the guild prayer, followed by repeating the Lord's pryer in unison and Scripture reading - by Mrs. Thos, Young. 'The rt 1f call was answered . by repeating one of the Beatitudes•. Mrs: Elmer Black reported for the flower fund and thank you notes were read for cards and Rowers sent to siclr, and } • •.. ♦.:.. �•:v5f:......•!,.\Zn.h•\.:.\Z.,.W}A!i\:fYGSl...4..r .t .:._vjyw...:\•\..,/..�yi„r.ihiY�+Ti�Y••�•A"{f �'��'•�• •••idIY�,AYy�.•.�ti5LW1AWA11 �1iJi!fA Y;4:<iiiG�'�ra -May 'We suggest a -._,_ ry Save4or-the-Little-Things' y; ou-might-otherwise-never-buy Account? � rt CANAID0A1`M DIn�PEIRU���L BANK OF COMMERCE on! rie heat r can offer you 11 these. vantages unmatched cleanliness. Electric heating is flameless. There is no combustion to create dirt, dust, film, or soot. Windows, drapes, and walls all stay clean longer in electrically heated homes. tnniatched comfort Electric heating offers room -by -room or zone temperature control. It is quiet, creates no„draughts, no chilly, spots --just gentle even, constant warmth unmatched value Electric heating is maintenance -free; it offers extra living space and -� can have a significant effect on the re -sale value of your home. Yet, with all its ,pdvaages, electric heating "costs farless than you may think. For more information about electric heating, consult a qualified electric heating contractor,•or your Hydro, your hydro GODERICH P.U.C. 64 WEST STREET 524-7721 MacDONALD ELECTRIC CO. LTD. 133 BRITANNIA ROAD WEST 524-7851 GQDERICH ELECTRIC 189 SOUTH 524.9512 .•h News .shut-ins at 1lastar, Plans were discussed for open house for the :mothers of the Junio Auxiliary girls later in. May. Personals • Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Rieve were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. David Kyte. of Wabash; Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. EldonCulbert, Carol and Bon- nie on Sunday . were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Crawford and Susan of Exeter and Mrs., Annie Dere, Visitorsat theweekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllister were •Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tay- lor bf Galt and Mr,'Inkd Mrs. Dougl'ts Baynard of Zion. Harry and agar 'Carr and ltiiss Iva Carr we re• dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins of Port Albert. Visitor's with Mrs. 1Viinnie ,Tones and Melvin on Saturday were Mrs. Jas. M°eFadzen of guelph; Mr. - Wm. Marsh o Goderich; Mr., and Mrs. Bert Marsh of Auburn, and Miss Bet; ty Marsh of Burlington. W. A. Culbert who has been a 'patient in Wingham hospital'' for the past five months, is now at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Leonard Crawford of Wing - ham. Mrs. Clara McKay, is visiting in London with her daughters, Mrs. Blair and Mrs. Van Horne, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradley and girls of Goderich were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy, Bob and Martha' and Patricia Eedy of Strathroy, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Blair of London and with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eedy of Stratnroy on Sunday. Mid' Melvin Beed and Garvin were. Sunday -guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eadie of Winghanr•. 'racer- Si i $tav'a *maw,May 124 M The closet pals around fhe household of_ Mr. and Mrs. Mervin McAllister, of Goderich are their bulldog Peter, and the racoon Ringo. The four-year-old dog and the year- old female racoon romp and play. The racoon was found by Arnold Doak of Gode- • rich, when it was about a month .old and given to the McAllisters. Signal -Star Photo OPEN H QUEEN ELIZABETH SCHOOL FOR RETARDED CHILDREN Wednesday, May 18th, 196 2 -A In The Afternoon' 7 - 9 In The Evening A ,series of slides "Journey to, a job” tracing retardee's progress through school, workshop and, to gainful em= plbyment Wil'F*.be shown at 3:30 in the 'afternoon and 8:00 in the evening. - Refreshments will be served. by _the.._Kinettes. VISIT CONK11N'S' C: O M P L E T E CENTER IALS PLASTIC LAMINATE This, material is ideal for counter. tops, bathroom walls and vanities. Shop early for best selection. SPECIAL 4x8 ONLY 14.40 SHEET KEYS We can make you any number of keys while you wait. Get a duplicate made for your cai;"home or place of business. CARPEX CARPETING Made of expensive carpet remnants cul into squares. Comes in 'a multitude of mixed colors. When placed together hey form an extraordinary and unique wall-to-wall ,carpet with `years of durability. ' FREE 15x15 EACH 42C MAY 12-18 A FREE supply of the necessary ad- hesive will be yours withevery order of Carper Carpeting. WATCH FOR CONKLIN'S SPRING. -• Almanac Of VaIues 5 Weeks Of Exciting Giveaways NO DOWN PAYMENT ON CONKLIN CUSTOM CREDIT BAYFIELD ROAD 524-8321 + OBITUARY + MRS. E. .C. CALVERT active in the W.A. and U.C.W. Mrs. Edward C. Calvert, - a' od the church as --we/I- as Van- neckresident of Huronview, died United C-iurch, Ilderton. there last Wednesday. Mrs:. Calvert is survived by a Mrs, Calvert was the farmer adughter, «Mrs. -A:� P. (Isobel) Holmes of Goderich. Edith Scott,, and •was" born in London Township a daughter of The funeral was•'lnei�d Friday in the Stiles funeral hoine with the late Mr. and Mrs. George Rev. J. Donald 1VIacDonald of - Scott Her husband died in fici'atirg. Burial was in Telfer 1927. cemetery, • Ilderton. Mrs Calvert has lived in Ilder- Pallbearers were Walter Doug - tan, ° Goderich Township and Las, Clarke McNair, Batie Me - came to .Goderich in 1951, air, Harry. Shiple i, Andrew She wasa member of North bharlton, all of Ilderton, and Street United. Church, and was Harold :Wise, Clinton. DRIVE • UT ND SAVE OUR LOW OVERHEAD, LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY END DISHWASHING DRUDGERY' Dependable GE Dishwashers HUTCHINSON RADIO TV — APPLIANCES 308 Huron Rd. ° ' 524-7831 Austin L. Parnell, award-winning corn orower of Drumbo. says ATRAZINE65W "the best thing - that has. Sapp tined to the cors .bu mess! "' --t'Atrazin'e is a good product to work with because itis so safe." according to Austin Parnell.. who plants 600 acres of corn. "We've never had any damage with it. In '65, we used Atrazine with oil and prayed around the middle of June when.the weeds were up about an inch. It burned off the weeds pretty fast and gave,good control through to harvest•with no culti- vations." • .Stressing the safety of Atrazine, Mr. Parnell reports: "We've never had any problem from residues when following treated corn with soybeans on my farm." Mr. Parnell goes on to say "In the future wewill not use oil with the Atrazine because for the best results t believe Atrazine should be used as soon after planting as possible (early May) formore Moisture." , Start using Atrazine this year—discover how profitable corn production can be. Ask your dealer for an instru ationalleaflet on Atrazine 65W and place your order now. Gesaprimq' brand of Atrazine 65W is available in J Ib. bags and 50 Ib. ca?tons from farm supply dealers. @Regd.T.M.ofGeigy F Fisons (Canada) Limited, 234 Eglinton Avenue E'ast,Toronto 12,Ontario