HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-05-12, Page 1212 'fie 'G(t<derieh Signal -Star, Thut.544,. Nay '1966
Little D'Arcy Doak appears more interested
in the photographer than the fact he is one
of five generations of one family gathered in
Goderich recently. From left, are D'Arcy's
great grandfather Andrew Smith, grand -
mother Mrs. Elgin I -miler T (branding),
mother Mrs. Wayne Doak with D'Arcy on
knee, all of• Goderich, and great -great
grandfather, Andrew Smith, Sr., of Mani-
toulin Island. Hadden Studio Photo
Bean Seek Amalgarnationt- �ro s p
'The Ontario Bean Marketing
Board and Ontario Bean Grow-;
ers Ltd., have jointly announced;
the flollfywing; program of re- i
ApnliCetaon has been made
for supplementary letters patent
to reorganize Ontario Bean
Growers Ltd.. to a ,non -share
capita co-opei ative.
The compA.ny by=laws have
been approved by the board of
directors of the company and by
•the marketi,ri': bard.
Election, procedures t l elsc
a new marketing board which
will be known as the Ontario
Bean Producers' Marketing
Boars- haute--been--d-r-awn up And
.approved by the presently ,ap-
pointed marketing board.
The Marketing Board and On-
tario Bean Growers Ltd. will
jointly call meetings in the six
main bean producing counties
to: (a) N::min4ate and elect a dir- will be announced shortly
ester for Ontario Bean Growers The county m5
G seting- are tent
�- .), rative for eacii district;; atively scheduled for late May;
b► Nominate and elect Bean' and- it is hoped to have reorgan-j
' • •t'rs' Commifteernen To r' iZatiofn completed in June. -
,ach c' strict; (c) Nominate dir-; The reorganization of both the
ectors for the Ontario Bean Pro-'mariteting- board and the cam-
rroc rs' Marketing Board. pany has been fully discussed
1h' election for the Ontario; with . special committee of -the
3ean P>;9ducers' Marketing Ontario Federation of Agricul-
Board wi!1 be conducted by mail lure.
b 11
a �.
R(v-e*entatives of both the
)n ario Bean Marketing Board
and. On tario' Bean Growers ,Ltd.I
will attend alt-couirty° meetings -
to explain -election procedures
and ti answer questions.
Notices of meetings and in -I
rarmation regarding the revised'
bean marketing plan and the
reorganized company will be
mailed to bean growers.
Details of eloction procedures
and he revised representation
The chief thing to look for in
aluminum boats is loose rivets.
('heck, all the seams, and if a
loose rivet should be found,, it
ran- i'sually be tightened- effec-
tively by the use of a hammier,
with a piece o° `steel or an axe-
nead as backing. Household.
detergent and water makes an
efficient cleanser for -aluminum
boats if they a'e not badly dis-
colored. in this, case, use a
scouring •%pad or steel wool and
a gond laundry soap.'
SociaI Seas�n
Q.D.C.I.'s social life ended ,last
Friday night at a dance featur-
ing the Del -Rays. Although it
wr,s not a Sprpg Prom, a num-
ber .p0 girls splurged and got
dresses -:especially for it. ,..Right
-Granny dresses! Everybody
had 'a wonderful time.
So you're a boy and you want.
tie decide upon, a' career. Use
your Imagination, work, and you,
can do anything -within reason.
'The sky is your lin it! But I
suggest you forget about being
a prima donna or a belly dancer.
There isn't much .of a ' futur'
in these fields.
You're a 'girt (I can tell be-
cause 'you're wearing a skirt.)
Which would you rather be a
nurse or a teacher? (You don't
want to be a nurse or a teacher?,
Then how about a wife? This
isn't your line yet either? Then,
of course, now that you have
ruled out the greatest job secur-
ecurrities -the world, the sky is your
limit, too. But don't overlook
or scorn these jobs. They're
terrifi::, necessary and reward-
ing although common. Now
have fun finding a new and
different career. Magazines.
'.iterarles and guidances offices
are full of, informative booklets,
so go in and dig. I don't think
you'd enjoy ditchdigging though
because this is really hard work
and it del elopes muscles that
don't fit smoothly under modern
shoulder seams.
4: 4: 4.
,Two°.weeks ago the students
of G.I,C.I, filled out question-
naires put out by the Canadian
departilrent.of labour "in cahoots
with the, department of educa-
tion. They hope to , discbver
our modern views toward occup-
ations so that more satisfactory
guidance and career -opportun-
ities can be made in Canada.
Here's hoping these question=
naires will do same good.
Why are the G.D.C.I. teams
called "Vikipgs?. " . I always
thought ichatnplain not Eric the
Red same to the Goderich area
and that Tiger Dunlop •end John
Galt settled it. . The majority
of us 'are no1>_even direct de-
scendents of the Norsemen. So
why "Vikings"? It could be
because we live on a Jake and
the Vikings- .lriginally sailed as
Many of the seven seas as they
;r&itld. But we, as a school,
don't even sail on° Lake Huron,`
.But, then it could he because _ the
Vikings travelled 'and won great
territories. G.D.C.I. teams do
travel and do„ win but they de-
finitely do not leave devastation
behind them As the Vikings did
years ago. , -
Seriously, though, aren't our
teams ,called "Vikings," after
the great Nrsemen, in " the
hopes that we can live up -to the
mythological bravery and suc-
cess of the originals?.- Besides,
"Vikings" has only seven letters
and this makes it a terrific name
to wear on a sweatshirt since
it is relatively short and can
becentred -with the second "i".
And it does tit in cheers better
than "The Team of the Land
that Champlain Rested on and.
Tiger Dunlop and John Galt
'Settled." That . would be an
awful load for one sweatshirt,
tog. So "Vikings" we 'are.
* *
A reek ago the G.D.C.I. Vik-
ing Band hit the road for the,
first time. I think all of them
enjoy their well-deserved day
off (from school).
I wonder if the powers that4
were Could stand on 'their head
as long as they hung upside
Chapters al. a beginning to
fall snugly into place,, in their
set spots in the courses. It's
about time strive there are only
three more weeks of school for
13's and fouz for the rest.
Now more and more students
are 'kbeconung teachers. In
French grade la'ers are, teach-
ing 9's and 10's. 'They were
surprized and delighted et haw
easy, it is and how anxious the
kids are to learn and'co-operate.
Grade 10 civics is also being
taught by 13's. They're using
the Socratie system, 'a system of
teaching done by question and
answer. If they keep at it, the
real teachers can almost retire,
except that they are necessary.
Time is running out. The
rough-draf is of the June exams
is up -(Sun-bathing is not 'a
good reason' ,why you want it
Public School
We hope the grade eights re-
membered to .save their money
for the graduation trip to Niag-
ara Falls on 1V.lay 27th. Only
two wetlt;s front tomorrow!
Everyone cross their fingers and
hope for .nice weatifer.
Last Assembly
The last assembly of the year
wrili ee held . May 26 in the
V.L.P S. , gymnless the date
would have to `be changed for
certain reasons. "
It would rti. of interest to all
pupils and parents a,' several
basketball tabs will be given
away to the winning teams (girls
and boys).
First Aid Test
The written test for prelim-
inary first aid awards was taken
by all pupils on April 29. The
(practical test was taken last
Wednesday. ' It consisted ot do -
Saturday, May 14
at 8:30 p.m.
15 GAMES - $1.00
The prize for each regular game will be $12.00
4 Share -The -Wealth Jackpot Combined
JACKPOT . OF $90.00 IN 5'8 CALLS
Sponsored by Branch 109; ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION
No -One Under 16 Permitted To Play
ing bandages, . slings and an-
swering ora'1. questions.
Pupils who already had their
prelimihary certificate ,tried for
the Gold Star award.
Ttie 'certificates will be sent
throu# the mail to the people
^who \passed.
� 8
Editors Meet
Representatives of The Signal -
Star will join 40 weekly news,
paper editors from Western On-
tario and officials from Canada's
Expo -'67 pi ogram ,at a meeting
at the London City Press Grub
this Saturday. ' ,,
Philippe de Gaspe Bleaubien,
director of operations, and
Brace. CrolJ, chief of press ser-
vices, both from Montreal, will
present colored ,slides and dis-
cuss the progress, of this Can-
adian project with newsmen.
Hearing Aid.
Friday, May 13)
1 to a a.m.
Phone for FREE Home Appointment
Service to all makes of Hearing Aids.
Legislation approving' the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan-r-OMSIP for
short -was passed in ike Ontario Legislature on Feb. 18th of this year. Coverage
commenced April 1st for social assistance recipients. Coverage, wilt begin July 1st
for those who have already enrolled, or who -enroll now before May 16th.
Everyone 'Who has lived..
• itt Ontario for the past 3
months is eligible to join,
except those. who are.. enti-
tled to physicians' services '
under another' Act.
Members are free to
choose their own doctor. If
a member travels outside -
the Province, and requires
care, -OMSIP will still -pay°-
the doctors' bills up to
OM'SIP established rates.
' People who find they can-
not continue to -pay, for all
or part of their OMSIP con-
tract because of tinemploy
Ment, illness or disability,
may. apply for temporary
assistance in paying their
OMSIP has been estab-
lished to provide adequate
insurance coverage for the
payment -Tof doctors' bills,
and -to ,make this coverage
available to all Ontario resi-
dents regardlessof their age,
income or state of health.
- Enrollment in OMSIP is •
voluntary. -
The Plan is intended for
individuals and their fam-
ilies and does not provide
group coverage. (Group cov-
erage is where a number of
individuals collectively pur-
chase insurance through
their place of employment,
union, etc.)*
any qualify for full or
partial assistance
Since the aim of OMSIP leg- • The Disabled Personal.' Fully-paid,coverage 0M
islation is to provide adequate Allowances Acta_ppplication '
medical insurance for Ontario . tie General Welfare People resident in Ontario foe
residents, full. or partial pre- the past 12 months and who
Assistance Act
rnium assistance - is -available. - . _, had no, tale income in 196fii :
for those 'Who require it.. . ' • The`Mothers' Allowances get full assistance. .
This means if these people
Automatic fully, -paid ' , make ' out their application
coverage - • The Old Age Assistance Act form now, before May 16th,
Many residents and their • The Rehabilitation they will get OMSIP protec-
de pendants have automatic- Se ices Act tion, fully. paid for by the
ally received fully paid cover Automatic fully -paid government, starting this aid cover- July 1st. -
age under OMSIP. These are In, addition, many who have
age' is also provided for old
people who are already re- been resident in Ontario for
solving benefits under the lot-.
age security pensioners and the past 12 months will be
their dependants declared ell.- eligible for partial assistance,
• gible ,for coverage by the depending on their taxable
Ontario Department of Public income and number of de.
Welfare„ pendants. (See below). -
• The Blind Persons'
.Allowances Act
• b
_'yr , • ott are -a -single -person -
and: your • taxable income 'in
1965 was $500 or less. _
Complete cost $60.00
Government pays30.00
You pay . ;:i.30.00
($7.50 eye 3 �onths)
.4•. -. .m„t�
Yes, if -you have one-depen-
_ dant, and if together your
total taxable income in 1965
was $1,000 or less.
Complete cost ' $120.00
Government pays.. 60.00
You pay 60.00
($15.00 every 3 months)
. q
Yes, if you --have a family -o€
3 or more, and if your family's
total taxable income in 1965
was $1,300 or less.
Complete cost $150.00
Government pays . .90.00
You pay 60.00
($15.00 every 3 months)
What is taxable income?
Taxable income is the amount of your income upon which you pay tax after
exemptions for dependants and other allowances have been deducted.
.P h
Please use -BALL POiNT. PEN..COrout form carefully; Mail today!l
1, if you -have-aSocialinsurance -N.umber write -it in.ther
squares provided starting with the first number. in
,the first square. if you do not have a number, place
a v mark in the square marked NO. •
2. Print your last or Family Name in the box. (Example:
Smith, Jones, Brown, etc.).
3. Print your first and second Given Names in the boxes,
(Example:•"John, Harry, Mary, etc.). If you have a
nickname or are commonly known by another name
for mailing purposes, please indicate in the box
marked OTHER.
4. Print your address in the first box; your City, Town,
Village or Post Office in the next box; and your
County or District in the last box.
' 5. Write the number of the day on which you were born
1 in the box marked DAY. Print the name of the month
(or its abbrey)ation) in the box marked MONTH.
Write the number of the year in the box marked
YEAR (Example: 9 Feb. 1927).
6. Men should place a V mark in the box marked MALE.
Women should place a V mark in the box marked
7. 0 you are single place a 1,/ mark in the box marked
SINGLE. If you are married place a,/ mark in tide box
marked MARRIED: If your status isother than single
or married (Example: separated, divorced or widow-
ed) write your status on the line marked OTHER.
8. Write your occupation and the kind of business or
industry in which. you work (Example: Carpenter -
Building Trade; Farmer -Agriculture; salesman -
Bask in any one of the
• pretty styles from our new -for -summer
Collection. Easy -care fabrics of Arnel Jersey, Arnel
Seersucker, Terylene, Cotton; Dacron, Fortrel and
many other long wearing always good looking fabrics.
Choose from gay prints, colorful solids,
woilderful stripes and flower-pasteis.Juniors',
Misses', Women's sizes.
10.95, up
emw alma ii-V...um arm gam o •-4
9. Print the first names of your wife or husband (spouse) in the first box.
thiin print the first names of all your eligible_dependant
starting with the oldest, in the following 'boxes. 0 you have more than
five eligible dependant children continue your list in the section on this
side of theform. If you have more than 10 eligible dependant children,
list them separately and return with your application form.
Under BIRTH DATE, write the number of the day of birth, print the
month and write the number of the year of birth. (Example:18 Sept.1954).
Under SEX, write M if the ghild is male, F if the child Is female.
10. Sign your name on the line. marked SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT and
write in the date and yelp-.
Read this section very carefully and complete either the section marked
''A' or the one marked (not both).
'12. Remember, 0 you receive benefits under any of the Acts listed under
15(1) in the folder entitled"OMSte...WHATITMEANSANDWHATITCANOOFORYOU",
you shoo d not complete an application. form.: You will. be provided
automatiily with fully paid coverage.
Mot F
Cosi 10i diose edible Tor �•---_-
premium assistance ,
•(a) The single person $ 00,00 630.00 =30.00 ;
(covering only the member) alae 1
with a taxable Income in 1965 3 m"„i
of $500 or less '
(b) The family of twos 1120.00 110.00 se0.00
(covering the head of the family a+s.00
and one eligible dependant)tlOVINY
with a total taxable income in 1966
Complete -Government-_- you
• cost Pays Pay -
of $1,000 or less
(c) The family of three ot•more $150.00 00.00 1110.00.
(covering the head of the and all eligible d pendan s)mlly diem
with a total taxable Income in 1966 - a
of $1,300 or less --
Cost for those not eligible for premium assistance
(a)• The single person
(covering only the member)
$60.00 a year
($15.00 every 3 months)!
(b) The family of two , 9120.00•a year
(covering the head of th ) family ($3040 every 3 months)'
and one eligible. dependant) • i
(c) The family of three or more • 1160.00 a year
(covering the head of the family (537.50 every 3 months)(
and all eligible dependants) -
OMSIP, P.O. Box1700; Terminal A, TorontoerOntario. °
1. Do you have a
Soclal Insurance Number '
For Mike use only
Social Insurance [ If yes. Insert,
2. Your Name
Please print
test or Family Name
3. Given Names (First)
4. Your Address
Please print
RR it or P.O. Box or Street &-Number
City or Town or Village or ' • t Office
County 01' District
Birth Date
O. Sex'
Male Female
7. Marital Status.
f] ❑ •' .
I. Occupation £ Nature of business er Industry
+• ,
Single Married Other (specify)
9. LIST DEPENDANTS Some and/or children (children must be under and unmarried). Other depend.nta and fully employed children must apply for Wanda
Given Names`Only,,
Birth Date
M or F
Given, Names Only
Birth Date
Sex '
M or F
3rd child
4th child
5th child
10.InapplyingforcoverageunderTheOntarioMedicalServiceslnsurance List additional dependant children In spate provided abovie.
Act, 1965, 1 confirm -.that 1 have lived In Ontario for the past 90 days,
I am not covered'fpr total medical care by government and. that the
Information given by me Is correct. .
`..Dats.a,.. 19.....
For office use only
SIen.9ur. M Aoo4Ir M
11. I have lived in Ontario for the past 12 months, Imam
not covered for total medical care by government.
1 agree to allow the Medical Services Insurance
Division to verify all statements made by me On
this application.
1 hereby apply for lull premium assistance
I and my'eligible dependants had no taxable In-
come for the 12 Menthe ended December 31st last.
I state that the information given by me is correct.
Signature 6f Applicant .
Date • 19
1 hereby apply for partial premium assistance
My taxable income and the taxable income of my
eligible dependants was in total $ for'
the 12 months ended December 31st last.
I state thatthe information given by me is correct.
Stoniture of Applicant
19 .