HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-05-12, Page 7UN.V°%mv� NES Helps Both Worker And Employer Are y u looking for work? Jutras, Goderich NES manager. the kind of job you are best suit- or are you thinking of making a change in your jib? asks : the National Employment Service- On the other hand, if you are an employer, are yeti having troub'e finding the right person to till a vacancy in ,your orgafl izalion? or are you; planning some chaargee; and -wondering where to find the wwrkers you are going to ,need? Whichever yeu are --worker or emphiyereethere is a nation- wide service at your disposal, which is equipped to find jobs for people, and'people for jobs, in more than 40,000 different oc- cupatiens. The NES . has a total of 250 offices acro* Canada, It does not matter what kind of work you are looking for, om what, kind of workers you need —the Goderich NES office is geared to help. "Every person living in Can- ada, is free to make use of these job -finding facilities," said C. M. Trate Service �_ b Whether lookingforyour first 'job,or whether y y� u are an :job, citizen---perhaps' retired from one life-long occupation, and seeking some other part- time, or full-time, employment =the NES is ready to help find suitable work. Whether you are married or single. mar or woman, young.. or old, the NES has, trained and efficient people ready to he in your seaih for reemployment: Int makes no, difference whether you are looking for work, or whether you are looking for a• change of job, these people are at your disopsal• There are, noo restrictions gov- erning who may avail themsel- ves of the NES. Everyone is entitled to the same free help in finding work, -regardless of color, race, creed or National origin. If Sou are having difficulty in your own community, finding the national convention would ed foe' If you are an. employer, and (Aire trouble finding the workers you need: the Goderich National Employment OMee, lo- cated at 35 East street, , can put you in touch with job opportun- ities, or with worlcersr in all other parts of Canada, through its°nationwide clearance sl. Every man and woman, young and old, fzi ,Caliada, has free vine of the NES, whose aim and - "jest is• to place the right man in the right j 'b, wherever they may be, Convention Date Set ' e Ahmeck Chapter, IADE heldits regular needing'at .the hone of Mrs. W.' G. MacEwan, Albert street, on Monday after- noon, The regent, Mrs. G ' Hender- son, 'presided. The flag was presented by the standard bear- er, Mrs. C. Ruffelfe The secre- tary's report of the previous meeting was given by Mrs. H. Tichborne. The treasurer, Mrs. C. Gibbons gave the financial sta tement. The regent announced that be hold at Montreal, May 28 .to June 1. • Mrs; Tichborne and Mitis. Em- erson completed the detail, of arrangements for the May luncheon. 4, In the absence of the Com- monwealth and worid ,affairs conveners the regent asked the members to relate some inter- esting event width had happen- ed to. • each personally. This audience participation prog1am brought forth some humorous stories. Lunch was served by • Mrs. Crooke and Mil. Tichborne. Newspaper reports appearing in the last few days quoting the . Minister of Health, Mr. Dymond, on ' the future of hospital fund raising campaigns, have done our drive a - serlo i 1.1Ake. We. have inter- ... r. ..;.- �5... , .��,. , .....�_. ., ........w- �.., : • . ....-._....� preted hiso statement and have endeavoured to confirmthis, at all levels and have concluded that the only imminent change in `govern- ment policy is the ability to borrow more money but with no increase in grants. We have already horroW d the limit allowed by the Ontario Hos pital Services Commission based on our'. ability to repay. What we think Mr. Dymond was attempting to convey was that if municipal coun- cils will assume responsibility for one-third of the- share of the hos- pital construction; public subscrip- tion campaigns would be made un- necessary. We felt that we 'had -made it abundantly clear that- our muni, cipal councils could not stand ad- ditional capital debt and impressed this in all our statements. - ,• Therefore; in spite of a release that should have spelled good news, there is no basic change in the neces- sity to raise our share. In fact, it imperative that we go over the top _to to .bane sufficient funds avail- able ' to reduce the huge loan of $190,000 from the Ontario Hospital - Services Commission. When your hospital is° completed late this year, itwill be as modern and as ' well- equipped as any hospital in Ontario. However, with future innovations in' the medical field, your hospital must be i% a position to keep up to date with the latest equipment: This will be nearly impossible if we can- not repay the Ontario. Hospital Services .'Commission loan in less than 20 years. r The new -addition -to yon, pital is under construction: We' can- not stop now. Here is your weekly report; The rural committee is coming along fine but the good weather 1,st week put our friends in' the fields but they should -complete their can- vass this week. The local businessmen will corn- pletettheir campaign within. the next ten days. Preliminary returns are good. The 50 canvassers to cover special groups met last week and are now calling on their friends. Former residents and o 1 d fttends from, outof town are still sending in their donations. Meetings are" being held this week with federal, county and town groups plus; other special groups. We stile are trying to call on all of you -by the -end of May or earl;?. in June. . Remember that our hospitaliza- tion and medical plans are not much goad to us if we do not have a good modern hospital. Please welcome the canvasser and be as generous' as - 'you Can. This advertisement is the fourth in a series that is designed to keep you informed. If you need aiay ' information; please call the fund raising headquarters in the Federal -Building—phone 524-7641. A " Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Building Fund Federal Building, Goderich, Ontario 0 p T SALE. DeaconServes IrFWtnni e a Edward Timothy Sale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sale of Goderich was ordained a deacon of the Anglican Church in Toronto on Snuday by Most Rev. Howard Clark, Primate of Canada. Mr. Sale will serve at St. Paul'., Anglican Church, Win- nipeg. He received his Bachelor of Theology degree at Trinity College in Toronto in April and had previously received a Bachelor of Science degree from the Universtiy of Tor- onto in 1963 Mr. Sale is married to the former Irene MacKay, of Tor - .onto. Attending the ordination from Goderich were Mr& Sale's parents, sister Susan, and grandmother, Mrs. G. Watson. ,African Boy Gets PM's Name: A child beeezed in Cameroon, West Africa, a few days a o was g'ven the name Lester E b- jneo Shone() Tamufor. The °Eboego and Sibongo are family names but the "Lester" :was• t1 -honor, of, Lester.. Pearson Prime Ministei of Canada. Thr choice Was made by Abra- ham Taniufor of Cameroon, a student in 'a business • adminis- tration prognen at Waterloo L.titiheran University. Mt Tamufor said he selected the name to honor Canada and its prime minister .for enabling him to take the -business course. Mr. Tamufor is a director. of a large furpture° manufacturing company. TIOLMES IL.' E, Mr. and Mil's, ' Drams Loll'$ andMichaelleft on Thursdayto visit rela- tives in England. iVir. and Mrs. Gurdon Steepe visited Saturday with Mrs. Steep's- mother, Mrs, 'McGee, who is in hospital at Flint, Meeh. Mr. and Mrs; Elver Potter and Cathy vent San ay wi th Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ashton and Donald, London. 'Mr. and ,iVIrs.• Frank Lilvson and family aid Mr. and Mrs. ,Nelson Broin,, Detroit, spent the weekend at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. D.' Glidden. Mrs. Francis Hunted and.Ktm are visiting milli Mr. arld Mgrs. Frank McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Norman, and Shirley visited with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Frank Nor- man, at New Hamburg on Sun- day.. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Hau- ghton, Terry and Wayae, Col- lingwood, visited on Saturday Obituary ROY M. S,PARLING k'ormer CNR agent in Gode- rich. Roy M. Sparling, 72, of 121 Nelson street,. E., died Monday at his home. . Mr. Sperling had been re- tired since 1958. He was born in Cargill, son of the late Henry Sparling and Elizabeth Mono- han. ' He came to Goderich in 1912 and later lived in Durham, Port Elginand'Glinteee returning to Goderich In 1.952. He was a' member of North Street Untied-, Church and the Goderich Lawn Bowling Club. . He married the former Iris Warnock in April, 1916. Be: sides his. wife he is' survived by daughters,' Mrs. Victor (Marg- aret) Kinnaird, 11/lountain View, Cali.; Mrs. Joseph (Carol) Mas- terson. London; sons, Philip, tendon,.... and... David,.,..Goderiche brothers, James, -Tavistock; Wes- ley and Walter, Weikel -ton; Mor- ris, Bradner, B.C.; Edgar, Tor- onto. or onto..' A funeral service •was held ,yesterday •at .the Stiles funeral home with Revel Donald Mac- Donald officiating. Burial was In Maitland cemetery. Theebest wo•odlot Is made up of trees of -all ages and a var- iety of species. . GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET • WE. DELIVER 524-967.2 - ' b. e FROZEN 'FOODS 2`LBS. FROZEN' -'PEA IN 'BUTTER - SAUCE — YELLOW CQRN NIBLETS,-PKG. PKG. 1N BUTTER SAUCE • MUSHROOMS PKG. 0 IN BUTTER ' SAUCE LIMA. BEANS (1 Ott Goderlehr Signal=Star, 'k i , 1WaY 12, 1 " with M. and Mrs. Lloyd Bond. and family,. , Fa ally ` Day , Christian Family Day service was observed in lRolancsville United Church on Sunday after- noon with the Sunday -school superintendent Jim Lobb assist- ing the ,Rev. Park in the con- d_..v__ ret" ng of the service._ Leonard. Lobb did thg Scripture reading and the unison reading of the Psalm vas done by Marlene '°Seo, Carol Steepe, Connie: 1fa7 - ris, Laurie Ginn and Tom Lebb. The children's -story was given by Mrs. Doug Norman and ' a duet, "If . the Christ should come" was sung by Mrs. E. Grigg and Mrs. Wm. Norman. Rev. C. Par\ chose as his ser- mon subject "flow God Mothers Us." The sacrament of 'bap- tism was ,administered to Wil- iiam Scott, sea of Mive'andeMrs. Wm. Harris. Next Sunday the church service will start ' at 9.4.5 a.m. for the summer months. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT.— Mrs. Earl Teschki, Valerie, Gerald, Mary, Glen and Elaine of Desboro, visited Sueday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kavan- augh of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Truanbley. Ron Fritzley of Burford visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Draper over the weekend. Lady's Guild The Lady's Guild of Christ Anglican -Church met at the homeeof . Rev. Jay .in_ Lucknew.- There cytene 12 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Torii r'hiljs read the Scripture. Mrs. A. Foster gave an interesting reading. Plans for a , bazaar were arrapged, it is to be held the latter part of July. Mrs. Foster closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Jay. Paul and Lavern Bowden vis- ited evi ..Mr._..and..__Mrs Bob. Bowden in London. last week and returned' with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bowden. Linda and Bar- bara visited with Mrs. Dave Martin and -family over the weekend, Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gregg of Lon- don; Mrs. Will Stewart of Au- burn, and. Mrs: Will Drap, r of God extol'. Wayne Draper of Goderich visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Draper and Brian. Mr. and Mi G. Albert McGee, Mr. and Mrs, Robert" Hoy and Debbie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hill and Dennis of London visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Taylor of Wiegham -on Sunday. LCCHU " Mrs. Thomas Ferrell. spent a few days in Godetch with Mr, and. Mrs. Murray McGili and familly dur- ing the 'past week. Bradley MacIenzieentertain- ed friends to a birthdayparty on Saturday afternoon Con., _ a la i oils'order n,g`r iu t o . are in for Sharon West, daughter of Mr. �aa�d Mrs. ,spick West who. graduated as a nurse et , St. Jose's- Hospital, London, on Frida". "'Mr. and Mrs. Dick. West 'attended the graduation exercises, The Young People had charge of the servi:ee at Ashfield Pres- byter:an Church on Sunday. Barbara L. MacKenzie, Nancy MacLennan and Jean MacDon- ald all took part. Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul„ Em'berlin of Tottnto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fin- layson. Mr. Angus MacLean a former resident of this area was buried in Kincardine on Wednesday. Sympathy is extended to rela- tives. Mr. and 1‘1,-s. Warren Wylds were in St. Marys on Sunday visiting, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stone. Recent visitors' in Itidietriavir were Mc,. aird`11,1ra, Lorne Luther,. Mi', andNfrs, Oliver eChawle* and John were Sunday v s tar* with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Ite► ]tiarles aha Aptt +af $,rantf'wrd, Mr and Mrs, ]'rank Rarkwell of Toronto were weekend visits ors- x . �, tSie. ;coYumunity, NILE NILE,—Mr. -and Mrs. Allan McNee of Scarborough apex the weekend with their ' parents, Mr, and Mrs Frank•MoA7rthur - of Goderidk were dinner .guests on Sunday with 41r. and Mrs.:N Ross McNee. Mr, and Mrs. George Ribey and family. Seaforth wen Sunday visitors with Mr..and • Mrs. Wsn. Wiggins. Mx. and Mrs. Alfred Tilinger of Rexdale and Mr. and Mrs, Norris Peever of Goderieli were Sunday visitors with Mr. .and Mrs.' Hugh McWhinney and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Graham MeNee were guests at the AldhaneDere wedding on Saturday in Gude- . rich. , OF CANADA LTD. - STRATFORD Manufacturers of"engiine and -compressors for the Natural Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical, Petroleum, Public Utility ' and Maritime Industries NEEDS: MACHINISTS -WELDERS- ASSEMBLYMEN WELD -RS ASSEMBLYMEN MACHIN E=�ORERATORS A progressive and expanding 'company with .above average fates, attractive fringe benefits and good working condi' tons is seeking journeymen, or persons with experience, who can be trained to journeyman status. APPLY TO: Okl - MANAGER INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Cooper -Bessemer OF CANADA .LTD: 105 St. Patrick St., Stratford Interviews Arranged To Suit Applicants' Convenience CALL STRATFORD 271-1760 • r • 19 27c 37c PKG. 32c BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES 16 -OZ. JAR ROSE BRAND 5 FOR 1 SWEET RELISH 29c 20-0Z LEE BRAND . PINEAPPLE 4 FOR 89c LiBBTs Pork Be 4roa$gc 4A6t LD DRESSING 59c 0 MEAT • CANNED HAMS, 1.59 PICNIC HAMS ''HOMEMADE .LB. 41a Farmer -Style Sausage 39c BY THE PIECE • BOLOGNA 3 LB5.1.00 OPEN EVERY.DAY UNTIL 6 P.M. OPEN FRIDAY'S TIL 9 P.M. t IVIG NORTH STREET UNITED CHURCH HALL Vi/EQ.. on MAY 18 2 to 5:301 P.M. and 7 to 9 P.M. Persoits who have not given blood previously -are asked to register now at DE-NOMME'S FLOWER SHOP - The Square CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY.