HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-05-12, Page 6• •st , oderrel Si a -Star, 'lbut day, May .12, 1930 � a r HORTICULTURAL OBSERVANCE JcanU.pWeek Coincides iertieu1turaw Week, May 14 JO 21, is. ,e0ineidingwith Clean - ,gyp We % stay -10 to 20, in Gode• 41 4. • Huth events are intended to `eep Goderich the prettiest town `in Canada." tocierieh Horticultural Soc- iety this.ye has purchased cen- tennial `^ arra l -cram trees and loyalty roses which ' are being planted lu the proposed centennial park areas along 1 l ng .G oucester and Cale- iaziia Terraces. Officials of the, society said the planting is being done this year so the trees and roses will be 141aourin for 1967. Plans are being made for a bed of Royalty rases at the 109 . o ae for senior citizens on South street. The society is also 'attempt- ing to have Goderieli `residents acquire the crab treed and roses for planting- aro nd heir own p g •u � o. properties. , One of the society's annual protects . is the nature study tour. of Pinery . Park arranged for .all Grade 4 students in Gode- rich' schools, Six Municipalities To Get Huron Water Lake Huron water will 'be siphoned off for five other com- munit:es in addition to the City of London the• Ontario Water Resources Commission reports. The OWRC has authorized the extension of the Lake Huron water pipeline facilities to the villages of Grand Bend, Park- . hill, Ailsa Craig and the town- ships of Stephen and London. The Lake Huron water supply system involving a 31 -mile pipe- line from "Grand Bend on Lake Huror, to Arva, in the Township of London, primarily is being constra,cted to serve. the City of London, just south of Arva.l Secondary 'facilities from- the pipelinewere offered to muni- cipalities along the line's route. The system is being develop- ed and built by the OWRC with financing supplied by the On- tario government. Meanwhile,construction of the multi -million -dollar system continues: The advent of the spring season marked an in- -crease' in activity in - this rega Following .the return of fav- orable weather, barges are again at work on tate installation of the last half of the 72 -inch con- crete pipe intake, which, when 'Completed, will stretch over 11•� miles into Lake Huron. Excavation has been complet- ed inside the perimeter of the coffer dam at the site of the low lift pumping station, which will oush water from',the intake to the filtration plant, approx- imately 70 feet above. Pouring of concret. for the .gall's and slabs continues in the treatment plant area and at the high 'lift pumping station, Placement "of prefabricated steel pipes has begun there also. Laying of the 48 -inch diam- eter, Steel -reinforced concrete pipeline is continuing also, and about 49,000 feet, or- 32 per cent of the total length, is now in the ground. At Arva, just north of Lon- don, workers are pouring the concrete roof slab, columns, and valve chamber walls for the ystem's 12;000;000-ga'llon reser- voir. The spciety also attempts to have the residents of Goderich take pride in their property and Istep theta attraetive - through the planting, of trees, shrubs and flowers. Last year the society had about 220 members: It operates on a budget of about $400 a Year which ismade up thrpugh $1 nlernbership subscriptions and a matching grant from the department of agriculture. Councillor Bert Such, chair- man of council's parks commit- tee, has asked citizens to make a special effort during clean-up week to tidy their properties. During the week special pick ups of material gathered by those raking their lawns and trimming their shrubs will be made Guild Planning Garden Party Decision wasinade at the May meeting of St. George's After- noon Guild to have the annual garden party in July find to serve lunch at the W.A. Mission- ary Tea Saturday. Members of- fered to bring either sandwiches or cookies : and help serve. Mrs. Frank Bowra presided. Scripture was read by Mrs. G. G. Russell. Tne secretary's re- port was given by Mrs. H. Dodd who., also_ read a prayer • for those growing eider. Mrs. A. Palmer dealt with correspondence and read a list of sick and shut-ins remembered during the 'month. IIrs G. G. Russell took charge 'of the .program, reading an ar- ticle on Halfway House, •particu'1, arty St. Leopards, Windsor.' She conducted a contest, the winners were Mrs. F. Bowra and Mrs. A. Bassett. " Hostesses were Mrs. Russell, TIrsw.'l odI_and Mrs. R. Bridle. Proclamation HORTICUL.Tl1RAL .WEE MAY 14toMAY21 The week of May 14th to May 21st is proclaimed -as Horticultural Week to remind all citizens that a well kept garden means a well kept town. It is the hallmark of good citizenship and a lively com4 munity apirt. ^ SUPPORT ° YOUR HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY eaa FRANK WALKOM Mayor R. Horticulturglists Vi�w Traveller's. Au USN., ---toy Bennett of „Wingham spoke at the Auburn Horticultural meeting held last week in the Community Memor- ial 7H[all. Tho president, Mrs. Frank R.aithby, was in char1e Of the meeting.. Mrs. Norman Me elv- ell, the treasurer, presented the financial st,at,coent showing .33 memn'bershad joined fog. this year, A vote of thanks was ex- tended to Mr-. and Mrs. William J. Craig fpr watering the .flower boxes in front of the half last year arid Mrs. Craig agreed to look after tnem this coming summer. Mrs .Arthur Grange, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor and Mrs. Albert McFarlane are to plant them. It was agreed that the Auburn letters atthe endof the east es villa.ge would be placed nearer the highway. Mrs. Arthur Grange reported on the junior competition and the new flowering centennial crab was planted by Mr. William Straughan and Mr. Ed. Davies on the county lawn. The secre- tary was instructed to send for the fall bulb forms for orders this simmer to Holland. Miss. Nancy Anderson played a piano solo, and Mrs. Donald Sprung gave humorous readings, "Besslc:s,., ,Bein-.•and...:" ilingl Out the Candle." Mr. Bennett showed his pic- tures of his trip to Europe which included the British Isles, Hol- land, Germany and France. He gave interesting comments on the pictures which included many flowers of these- countries: Mrs. Sprung gave a reading, "Just a Passing Phase," and Mrs. Russel Brindley. thanked her and presented her with a gift. The prize winners 'were Miss Margaret R. Jackson and Mrs, Bert Craig. Lunch was served by .Mrs. Russel Brindley, Mrs. Graham McNee and Mrs. Charles McNee. 4-H A -Go -Go ' Th Auburn Hatters -A -GO-GO 4-H Club held their seventh meeting with the president, Bar- bara Sanderson in charge. The meeting was opened with- the re °bJillroll y Bennett. The cal'1 waa answered by each anem- ber telling one point they had learned in this project about caring far accessories. Mrs. Ed. Davies tad how to are for' belts and how to select them and Mrs. Frank Rarthby gild; about. the setaettn ; of jewelt'y and how to care for it. Mrs. Bradnoek sum- marized' the wearing of acces- sories. The girls worked on their hats. and' scarves. farewell Party Neighbors ancjc former neigh- bors me at the homepf".Mr. and Mrs."`-Efliott Lapp last Friday evening for a farewell party to Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Snyders and fa nily and .'1VIr. Percy Vincent. Euchre and cr`pkinole- were play- ed and the winners were: high crokin01e Mr.:.a ,and Vrs.S. a n ley Ball `and the,, high eutchre was Mr. William Wagner and Mrs. John Snyders. Mr. and Mrs. Snyders are moving to their new farm hoarse on the Auburn to Goderich rbad and Mr. Vin- cent will live -with members of his family. w C.G.I.T. Meet The president, Betty Moss was in charge of the C.Q:I,T. meet- ing held in the Sunday school room of In:ox Presbyterian Chprcii last " week. After the call -to Wtibrship, the hymn, 4The Church's • One Foundation" was sung and the Scripture lesson, Psalm 23 was read by Joyce Leatherlazld. The offering was received by Nan Lapp and dedic- ated. The minutes were accept- ed as read. by Ruth Bere and she -,ea -sled -the roll. The Bible quiz on Adventure • was led by Jane Doran. The study on call- ed toe be revolutionaries was taken by Mrs. W. Bradnoek. A discussion period followed. Judy Arthur was the pianist. The The forests of tomorrow are the seedlings of today. The establishment of forest crops through forest management will assure ` Car adfians ' or fi res ' fel' the future. These will • provide raw materials for -the wood_us- ing industries, _jobs, fish and game, and recreation—all es - pledge followed by the minutes sential to a healthy Canada. • meeting as'ct s e Taps. Honor Bride -Elect Miss ° Patricia You agblut of Kitchener was guest of honor last week at the home of Mrs. Alvin Le - erland when neigh- bors andfrlcnds gathered to honor her on the occasion of her cZming;3narriager The Town was attractively decorated with pink and white streamers, wed- ding hells and balloons and Mrs. Donald Plunkett and Mrs. Keith Good were co -hostesses.. Mrs. Good-conuucted a contest on Flowers and i his was won by Mrs. Herbert Glousher. The pie contest given by Mrs, DonaldPlunkett had tied win„ ners, Mrs. Ross Daer and Mrs. Edgar Daer. Mrs. Plunkett con- ducted a bingo on articles taken on your honeymoon and Mrs. Kenneth Scott was the winner. Mist Younghlut was escorted to the decorated chair by Mrs. Leatherland and she .read an address of congratulations to the bide -to -be The gifts were carried in by Mrs. Harold Mc- C1inchey, Mrs. Edgar Daer, Mrs. bonal.d Plunkett and Mrs, Keith Good. Baptismal Service Rev. John Wheeler held a bapti ramal service at Knox Unit- ed Church last Sunday. Thos baptised were Janice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Daer; Larry, son of Mr. and MTs. Keith Good; Mary, s m of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Gross; Ronald, and of Mr. and MA's. Ronald McCartney, and` `'Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson. 6 y• Personals Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Gor- don Dobie, Mrs. Rd: Davies, rs, Bert Craig and Mrs. Frank R ith- by wont on', the ehartere bus from Goderieh to Guelp last Thursday ursrl y to hear the F.W.I:C. presicent, Mrs. Philip Matheson of P E.L, speak: Sunday g, nests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Philips were Mr. and Mrs. Russel O'Brien of Wayne, Michigian, and Mrs. Mel Bell of Gock rich, It was 61 years ago that' Mrs. Lockhart visited here With her cousin, the late Mrs. Chas. Hewson. "Mr. _.and. Mrs. William Strain ghan spent the weekend in Wingham with their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Jardin, Mr. Jardin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Redmond of Calgary and his uncle, Mr. Ray- mond Redmond of Goderich, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips: Good prizes arebeing receiv- ed for the Women's Institute cooking school: to be held in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall on May 26. Several car- loads of W 1. members attended" WE SERVICE EVERYTHING IN TV and STEREO LEN_ AL Al and Len are fully trained in all phases of , TV and Stereo - Radio repair. Two Vehicles mean fast service. MANY TABLES OF CLEAR -OUTS MERCHANDISE: SLASHED ABUT 5O5 ROSEBUSHES 88c 1 . Take pride in our coriimunity by joining in this town -wide clean-up 'cam- paign. Through this 'week we ask Goderich residents to make a special effort to tidy up this lovely community. PICK UP OF REFUSE Goderich residents are asked to note special arrangements to assist them in the' disposal of spring clean-up refuse. If you. have all refuse set out by noon of the same "ay as your normal garbage collection, trucks will pick it up ,for you. Thi:. only applies dur- ing the week of May 16 to '20. Keep Goderich The Prettiest Town In Canada ti THE TOWN OF GODERICH 4 H. B. SUCH - . Chairman of Parks & Recreation Color Slides the Londesboro W.$. rneetin'g and saw Mr. Jewett's" pictures of his trip to Europe, Mr, and Mrs- Roy Finnigan of Goderich visited, with ' Mr. ,and Mrs. Robert Jr. Phillips on Saturday ,evening. Betty 1Mkar,sn of - Hamilton spent the weekend -with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh. Mr and Mrs. Rod Singh and daughter, Kristin:' and Mr, and ;Mrs. Tom Mcrrxs`' of London spent the • weekend, with Mrs: Arthur Grange, Jennifer and Margo, c.) Mr and Mrs. Ron McCartney and son of Gueliph spent the 11 weekend with r. and Mrs. A. Spiegelberg and family. Mr. and Mrs., Harold Carter and family attended the funeral last week of her another, Mrs. John.Aitchcson of Stratford. A 'former resident of this,commun- ity, she was in her 79th year. She passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. W. (Irene) Dodds, R.R. 5, Stratford. ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p,m. Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The Esquire - Restaurant "524.9941" Besides Mrs..Dodds she is sur- vived by three sons, Thomas, Stratford; Howard and Ralph of Niagara Falls; and two datI - ters, Mrs. - Herbert (Muriel) Fletcher, Ottawa, and Mrs. Har- old (Margaret) Carter, RA., 2, Auburn, and one sister, Mrs. .Roy Davies of Stratford. D SIGNAL- PICTURES If youwanta print of a picture that appeared in the Signal -Star you may now 'get it. Prints of any picture within the last three months or prints of pictures that • appear in any issue may be obtained by order- ing through our office. 5 x 7 =- 2.00, Each 8 x 10 - 2.50, Each ONE WEEK DELIVERY Call-` The Signal- Star 524-8331 THE GODERICH HORTICULTURAL _ _ .SOEIfTY has for its • 41 •. OBJECTS • The promotion of Gardening knowledge and interest among. citizens, of all ages. The support of all projects to beautify Gode- rich and to increase its spaces. • The fostering of a body of opinion inthe com- Enunity which is Conservation minded. to further these objects it OFFERS A SERIES OF SIX MEETINGS in St. George's Parish Hall at 8 p.m. March—Instruction on starting a garden from seed to flower - April -Landscaping 'a new home. ' May— Auction of Members' perennials. Sept. --How to prepare a garden for winter:Nov.—ChIIist- mas"flower arrangements. Jan. -Annual meet- ing. Election: of Officers. Refreshments are served at all these meetings free. THREE FLOWER SHOWS in North Street , United Church Hall.-June—Roses and Peren- nials. Aug.—.Annuals and Perennials. Sept.— Chrysanthemums, Dahliaso and roses. Money prizes for ,1st, 2nd and 3rd in each class and several trophies for the best rose,' etc. A- DISCOUNT varying from 15% to 25% on ,bulk orders from Sheridan and Cruickshank. The comfortable feeling of being a good citi- zen, possessed of the community spirit. ALL TI -HS FOR $1 MEMBERSHIPS FROM: PER YEAR Mrs. Bert Worrell 107 Victoria St. N. Worsell Bros: Hardware � s" rz,7 .> ti R. W. Bell, Optometrist The Square The Square tl� Help Make Goderich Even More /tttracfive HORTICULTURAL WEEK May 14 to May 21