HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-05-05, Page 1212 Tb 'Gederioh Signal -Star, ihturrday, , May 6, 1969' Area newsmen had an oppar- tunity, to view the site u the 4966 plowing Match near Sea - forth recently as well as meet ing with the local committee which has ` nearly completed their plans for the October ' 11, 12, 13, 14 mateh. ,Officials who have, attended Most of these matches indicated this is the first time they have not been crowded for space for the tented pity area. Approximately 100 acnes is available for the displays, Last -year there were over -350 ex- hibitors at the four .clay match. F. A. Lashley, secretary -treas- urer of the Ontario Plowman's Assoeiation outlined some of the ways which the match will be publicized. Posters and bumper stickers will bb distributed and it is ex- pected that the site of the match will be mentioned" in the prize lists of most of the 240 fall fairs in the province. The department of tourism will carry the listing in their coming event column and ad- vertismg is included in the OPA budget. Mr. Lash1ey told members that the farm improvement competi- tion which is being carried out on abautt 3,500 farms in Ontari in egnjunction with the centen. nial will greatly improve the appearance of area farins. He suggested that this is go- ing on in .•a quiet way but it will greatly' improve the looks of area -farms for the match. He also predicted a large ten tent city this year_. In regards to the plowing match he stated that there are • . maes hat list hasnyentribeen revisedandtthis yearprize. In ad• -ition to this there will be assistance offered_ to getthe low: me to the match. There will be many more things to see than plowing this year according to commjbtee members. For the ladies there willbe.cooking demonstrations; a fashion show and there will also be some top Television cele- brities. , An agricultural . tent at the match- will 'feature all, types of products .grown in' Huron Co- unty including beans; ;corn, fruit, etc. 'Huron -Warden ite Prowl:ming With Warden Ken Stewart is look- ing after the livestock display He stated Friday his committee is as fpraup to date as possible and all types of livestock will la be :shown. these displays will be in a 120. foot building on the grounds, " p The manager of the Mid -Wes- tern Ontario Development As- sociatton is looking after a cara- van which wi!l start at Guelph, and travel over most of the route which was known as the Huron Trail, This will feature horse drawn vehicles and is expected to stim- ulate interest from area com- munities.' Tractors and wagons will be used to transport visitars from the parking lots to the tented city area. About 1'0 acres have been leased for parking lots, 100 acres for the tented city and landing strip, 150 acres for stub- ble plowing and 81 acres for. sod plowing. All afea farmers have 6b- oper5ied tor this- event and more land is available if need- ed. Land has been leased from 10 farmers. A meeting is scheduled early lin June. at which time the of- ficial sod turning ceremony will bei-he:d. Elston Cardiff, secretary of the Huron County Plowing Match committee for the last 42 years had some encouraging news :n regards to weather. .He indicated the match has only been rained out twice dur- ing that period of time. ' The first .gay of thelatch will- be local Jay with plowmen from five counties participating. There. will be a touch of his- tory at the match as' well. Mr, Cardin stated- a number• of ar- ticles have been loaned from the museum at Goderich and others have been offered from the Eisenbach museum at • Grand Bends These articles must be watched day and night. In addition to this there will be a d:splay featuring the evolu- tion of the plow from the- old' wooden plow 'to the _modern ; miilti-furrow type. •Officials are; still looking for a two -furrow exhibit - There will be "bands and a'! parade each day of the match WE SERVICE EVERYTHING IN TU and STEREO LEN AL Al and Len are fully trained in all phases of TV and Stereo - Radio rep -air. Two tar vehicles mean fast service. RIVETtS TV & STEREO. The Square SALES • — SERVICE ,524-9432 10tf -r•' � MONTHLY PAYMENTS 9 of $14:Z9 { BUY $1,000.00 IN. FIVE YEARS Monthly instalment certificates earn interest at the rate of 6% which is calculated monthly and compounded half -yearly VICTORIA and GREY TRUST 25 Offices To Serve You Belleville Rramvtoii Cannington Hanover Kingston Lindsay Listowel Orilla Owen Sound Peterborough Richmond Hill, St. Marys Stratford ah Exeter Goderlch Meaford Newmarket Port Credit Renfrew Toronto (5) _ Whitby More ;Space and ail towns and villages lade, been asked to put a doat in the parade. Some other attractions will include large steam tractors, an old' fashioned grain separator, tractor pulling, Boniest, corn land trials including fertilizer and weed spray, and horse shoe pitching contest. The Queen of the furrow con- test will ,be held October 12. A plibwirtg competition for farm writers is scheduled for October 13 and a contest for mayors and reeves slated for October 11. Billeting has been arranged for 100 Ontario Provincial Po- lice officers at CFB Clinton. These will look after traffic con- trol in the area during the match. Goderich and Clinton Kins- men and the Exeter Lions Clubs will took after parking and sell- ing tickets . ' Orve'Wassman of Grand Bend, chairman in charge of billeting,, contradicted a rumor that there may be a shortage ,of accom- modation, . He said his committee . have handled 108 requests during the past five weeks and could still handle another 1,000 requests. He said the committee have hardly touched the accommoda- tion in Seaforth and area. Area conservation authorities will also have a display at the match. The Maitland authority, assisted by the Ausable• author- ity will have a hillside trickle demonstration. °-r DUNGANNON i DUNGANNON.—Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth McAllister of Sudbury were weekend guests with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Mason Mc- Allister and also visited Mr: and Mrs. Robt. McAllister, conces- sion 6, West Wawanosh. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Weever were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Weaver and Mr. and Mrs. Joe, Van DeLogan of Ridge - town. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Ruden, Alan and Betty of, Elmira and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Helesic of Goderich were" Sunday guests of the, ladies`- iother,`Mrs. Lulu Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Art Roulston, who have resided in the village, for the past two 'years' moved on Saturday to' north of Luck - now. Miss Sheila Kidd of. Islington, visited her grandmother; Mrs. Helena:Ryan for the weekend. Miss Lynda Blake of Scarboro. was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake. - Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. McGee of Clinton spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irvin and Betty. Wayne Brown of Montreal visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur .Brown for a weeks vacation. Patricia Eedy of Strathroy was 'it her home here for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and family visited • on Sunday with her parentis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ashton of Goderich. BRIDGE There were five tables in play at the Goderich Duplicate Bridge Club on Monday night. Winners and their scores were as follows: Mrs. R, McDonald and Mrs. K. Shrier, 48; Mrs. B. Erskine and Mrs. F. Reid, 44; Mrs. I. Papernick and Mrs. R. Sprouse, 42; Mrs. J. Wheeler and -Mrs. W. G. MacEwan, 362. Four club members travelled t6'Sarnia 'last 'weekend- to -play -in the Polymer tournament there. In the qualifying round, Mrs. L Papernicx and Mrs. R. Sproule placed third and Mrs. R: ,,Mg- Donald and Mrs. R. Shrier were eighth, which.. qualified both pairs for the championship game. oderich Memorials k Quality Service — Cemetery Lettering -Phone GODERICH 524-8981 or'Vrite 130 BLAKE ST.. W. ' Office Location •— HURON ROAD on HWY. 8 - W. J. LEE — GODERICH TF Book Describes Pestkide Safety A Safety Handbook, on Presti- cides was released to the gen- eral public following a directors' meeting of the Canadian Agri- cultural Chemicals Association. Twoyears inpreparation as a co-operative pfolect of industry scientists, it is a comprehensive 'manual afr safe'.praegee for AU' one .using pesticides' around the home or farm, "In view of, the controversy that has raged over the use of pest controlp'roduets and haz- ard that may, arise from incor- rect use, this°lactua•1 pesticide safety handbook fills a crying need," said A: L. Bayard, presi- dent of the association. "We wrote this practical in- struction manual not only for farmers and gardeners bit also for agriculturalists, extension workers and schools. Conrpa-n' fes mil supply it to their deal- ers," he continued. Personal Mrs. Robert Cook, Goderich; Mrs. Tom Deeves, Clinton; Mrs. Emmerson Heard, Bayfield, and Mrs. Melinda Nivins, Clinton, ac-. eampariied Mrs. Clayton Hod- gins, Clinton, Worthy Mistress of the Clinton Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association to the 4'7th annual session of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge. of On`.,ario West in Hamil- ton, last week. It describes pesticide formul- ation and agtton,. IYa4ards,, safety rules and safety equipment, how to prepare a milt ' and use, a pray in orehard, garden, field, greenhouse, poultry house and barn. It 000vers aircraft spray- ing and Rist aid. Whether spraying seeds, plants or animals there are five LOCHALSH LOCHALSH.-•--•Mrs, D. A. Mac- Lennan has learned, of the sud- den passing of her sister. Miss Margaret MacLeod spent the weekerd with her brother here. • Miss Florence MacLennan spent the weekend in Palfner- ston with ,her sisters. Mrs. George Blue is hospitaliz- ed with a broken back. Mr. Finlay MacLennan of Kit- chener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacLennan. Mrs. Donald R. MacKenzie spent a few days with her bro- ther, George Carter at Landes- boro. Miss Viola_ Cook of Chatham spent a few days with her sister, Mies. Henry MacKenzie. Modern research has made great progress in the diagnosis and treatment of inborn heart defects your Ontario Heart Foundation points out. RIVE QUT- ND SAVE OUR LOW OVERHEAT) LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY END -.DISHWASHING DRUDGERY " ependable GEDishwashers UTCHINSON RADIO, — TV — APPLIANCES 308 Huron Rd. 5247831 + Business DirectOry Sky Harbour Aire Services Ltd. For Charter Flights _.-,F1yinglnstrudion--Y New & Used AircraT1 Sales Adrian D. Swanton Mutual Investment Funds keys to safe pesticide use says the haudboolt. These are: • Read the label -' • Use as instructed • Re, glean • Store safely ' • Dispose of the 'container. Users should- observe the cau- tions on the label. They should keep' a separate spray for weed killers because. -traces left in- side can injure • susceptible plants. ' One should wear washable clothing and wash face and hands after spraying. Keep your farm or garden dusts in their original contain- ers in a rocked cabinet or room out of reach of children. Do not re -use containers. Bury them. • OBITUARY ERNEST W. PAT CN , A funeral service was ' held Monday in the Stiles funeral home for Ernest W. Patterson, '10, off 594 Kingston St., who died Thursday in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. A retired. farmer, Mr. Patter- son had been ill for six years: Mr. Patterson was born in }Iullett Township, the son -' of - the late William Patterson and Jane MaryJoao 1Vf ri n r- es He mar- ried the former' Jean Beadle in 1921. Mr, and Mrs. Patterson moved to Auburn in 1950 and. to Gode- rich in 1954. Ie was a member of Victoria. Stre&i:United Church and Victoria LOL 182. Besides .his wife, Mr. Patter- son is survived 'by sons Glenn and Rpss, both of Gpderich; daughter, Mrs. Grant (Elsie) McDonald, London.; sister, Mrs., f ralii (Bled el( Splrung, M - wood; brother, Nelson, Auburn,,. and two grandchildren, A dau- ghter, Kathleen, died in 1941. Burial was in Ball's cemetery and ,pallbearers were 'aephews, Bill, and-' Jack Manning, Bill and Ken Patterson, Donald and Jade Sprung. Rev. H C Wilson of Victoria Street Vatted Church officiated In children, innocent or harm- less heart murmurs are by far the most common type, your Heart Foundation points out. The Ontarno Heart Founda- tion reminds parents that , a heart murmur in a child is not necessarily a cause for worry. 01111011141..F,T pR0 AT � REAS KONGSKILDE CROP DRYER Maintain protein values, eliminate storage losses. The Kongskilde Cr Dryer -is prove as The money -making -way •to store dry crops OR high -moisture feed grains. No condensation problems, complete aeration through -full-lengthaluminum ventilators. Available in 28 sizes and can be enlarged after installation. Get the facts, and then decide. ,Find out how the- Kongskilde Crop Dryer can make all your stored crops worth mope when you use or sell them. Calf your Dealer orwrite for folder: • KONG$KI IDE . LTD Farm Implement Deals p r R. R. 3, Auburn RON DELBERG.UE PRICES -GOOD UNTIL MAY 7 524=9088 23 Wellington St. North, Goderich SUPER ESPECIAL it) HOW-TO FEATHER YOUR - BANK ACCOUNT Feed your young flock your own home-grown grains fresh -mixed with profit -proven National Poultry Developer Concentrate! It's rich in ,meat meat protein, so it forms a perfect balance with the. vegetable nutrients in the grains you supply. Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy—right here at the mill—using National Concentrate; of course. (? 5. Ask about National's. profit -proven "Poultry Grower, b, complete feed, plain oar medicated.) NATIONAL POULTRY DEVELOPER CONCENTRATE t J OD' A PRODUCT OF eMIAD1AN *INDUSTRIES LIMITED Auburn ,.kneed Mill' G. RYAN & SON AUBURN GODERICH R. W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST Th. Square 524-7661 REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SER V' CE All makes -- All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Souaro Pholhe 5t48434 "The Store That Service _ Built", . Alexander and Chapman'. GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPbR'ry MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 5249662 G. C. WHITE Accredited . - Pubiic Accountant - 88 Elgin Ave. W. "5248797 Goderich Ontario Ronald L. ) McDonald Chartered Accountant 39 St. David St., 524-6253 GODERICH, ONTARIO r tow 1 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55-57 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE GODERICH; ONTARIO 524-7562 -- ROWG:N-DEGDORANT,, SUGG: ;L -1 -ST 1.29- MOTH .29- MOTH PROOFER BOMB BROMO. SELTZER HANKSCRAFT BOTTLEWARMER KODACOLOU,R CX127 CX620 KOOAPACK . CARTRIDGE 126 a LUSTRE CREME ''LOTION OR LIQUID Q.T. TAN$ IN 3 TO 5 HOURS,, 2.OZ. 24 OZ. , SOFTIQUE`' BATH- O1L SOMINEX 20'S --- 159 VALUE 99c SUGG. LIST 1..,.9 3.c SUGG. LIST .3.45 2.99 SPECIAL '1.39 SPECIAL 1.49 SUGG. LIST 1.29 1.09 SUGG., LIST 1.85 .1.5 3 SUGG., LIST- 1.69 1.47 • SUGG: LIST 1.50 1.33 10HNSQN H &JONSON. -BAB�I P�1MDER BABY '011 Eliew SUGG.. LIST 75c59 C SUGG. LIST 79c 63 DUSTING POWDER 4.OZ. AND SPARKLING COLOGNE DESERT FLO'dER SYLVANIA .FLASHBULBS AG1 OR AG1B 12's M OR M2B 12's /AWE 1"7''5 I 49 SUGG. LIST 1.80 1.49 SUGG LIST 1.92 1, 59 • WE DELIVER • A, EMERSON'S DRUG STORE CORNER WEST STREET & SQUARE 524-921 eee es