HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-05-05, Page 10f:O „ The Crocerich Signal -Star, T arsciay, May 6, 1966 Arthur nircIe 1 Karts Sale . r `T(nox Arthur ur Circle gathered tri the parlour .for the April meeting with the executive in charge, President Georgia Seha.e. fer welcomed :members of tit W. LS. and other guests. £ = Winnie Walter read -the Scrip- ture; ChristeYna Hyde 'offered a .prayer.--J3etty Coulter presided at the piano for the singing. Of hyimfs. A short business meeting fol- lowed. Arummagg sale will. be held in..,Knox auditoriu'inr May 7th, at 1.30, pant, All KnoX members are .i;tvited jo donate articles and clothing. - Edna Pollock introduced the guest speaker,,Mrs. Don Robert - ,son (nee Tiny Macdonald). Mrs. Robertson tools, as her subject,'. "Choices." She. said, in part, that "In a free world the power of choice is man's greatest gift," and that "choices are the hinges of destiny.' Jean Ainslie thanked Mrs. Robertson and presented a gift. Mrs. Enright thanked Mrs. Rob- ertso•p on behalf of the W.M.S. A social half hour followed. Betty Dyke and her helpers serv- ed lunch. Madeleine Edward and her group wilt' be responsible for the May meeting. Elderly. Warned Of Bank Inspector WHITE COLAR CRIME BANK INSPECTOR FRAUDS During the past two, years, thousands of dollars have 'been taken from trusting . and un- suspecting elderly P e r s o„n s throughout Ontario by a scheme ,commonly referred to as "Bank Inspector Frauds." Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner, E. H. Silk, Q.C., wishes to stimulate an aware- ness wareness in the ,mind of the public to -be -on guard _.agab st these fast talking unscrupulous, con- fidence people, and he attaches some urgency to this message. The_Q,P.P. Anti -Racket's of an elderly widow. Th.' male caller, • in a very husinetis like and authoritative nrannor, will identify himself as either a "bank. ;'bil'icial" or a member , of the police depart- ment, presently investigating a dishonest bank employee sus- pected. of tampering. with the -customer's account. The caller will then, in a very persuasive lone, obtain from the vi'ctini information , concerning the amount of money on deposit in her -act i'rt: ' • .-,-.. Ile will -then request that she go .to the bank and withdraw a substantial sum of 'money from her :i: count: As hart- o scheme, the victim is advised that in making this withdrawal, she. will assist in trapping the dishonest employee; she will also be advised not to tell any- one, and to wear gloves in order that she will not leave her fing- erprints on the money. The caller will likely tell the Branch, under the direction, Chief Inspector J. L. Erskine, relpor`s that an increase of ac- tivity can be expected in "Bank Inspector Frauds" with the ap- proach, of the summer• months. Any- time during banking hours of a week -day, the tele- phone may •ring in an ,average m 4 iddle class home.' -us ally that a victim that he will sena a taxi around to take her to the bank and back home. If she exfresses doubt that the caller is a police officer, he will tell her to hang up and call the police departments how- ever, he will, keep her line open by not hangi.!g up and when he dials, -he woll answer "Police De'partment." In a very short time, a taxi will a.rive at the victim's home and take her to her bank, where she -,-makes --the w-i-tl d-mwa-1--u-s-- wally refusing.. any` advice from the teller or .accountant, that she take a certified cheque. ,. The victim is returned to her, home in the taxi and the tele-. phone rings almost immediate- ly; it is the original caller ad- vising her that one of his men will be •around to her house, and she is to give the money to him, in `order that it can be checked 'and returned to her. account. • Frauds At about' this time, a At about' time, a man usually does come to he vie- tim's door and the money is handed over to trim. - - There are variations of the scheme, far example, thevictim will be advised. that when she made a recelt-t withdrawal at the bank, she probably ' received some countepfeit money and tilat she is to give it to a plain- clothes police officer who will be sent -to her home. This scheme has been used with Increasing regularity. in cities and -towns across Canada and the United- States. Thousands of . dollars have been taken from trusting and unsuspecting • eTderly peopre-, which they can ill aflrord to lose; in some cases their life savings, and perhaps 'Money they have put aide- for their own funeral expenses. 41,45' Relatives and friends of eld- erly people should impress up- on them that they should never — under any circumstances — withdraw money from their -bank accounts, when approach- ed in the manner outlined in this article They should always consult the police, ;!or ,their bank hearin `A� y�,++�pp� ,�c.Kv,ON,,.K�z. 5 S ��Ksh+a3a• � .. • It's a quiet sensation. Come try one yourse1f! Every year, cars change and improve. It's a fact of life. But one car, the Ford, has improved so remarkably, you keep hearing about it. When you drive one you'll realize why. First thing you'll notice is the quiet ride. Owners of the world's finest cars are amazed by it. In the new Ford you travel in a world of quiet quality. You travel luxuriously. These new Fords are lavishly appointed. All lite new Fords are lively. The newest 345 hp 7 -Litre V-8 will please every performance -minded driver and the economical 150 hp Big Six is the answer for any 'driver who wants responsive power with economy. ager—personally. You're ahead in a all the way!, 4 To Buy Ford, Fairlane, Falcon, Mustang, Thunderbird, Anglia, rand Cortins ...<SEE YOUR FORD DEALER Goderich Motors Ltd., 35 South St., 524-7308 man- Goderich Highland Dancing Association held its second annual open indoor competition in the GDCI auditorium recently. (Above) Joe MacDonald receives the Club Grill trophy which his quartette won in the "A" class competi-` tions. Other members of the quartette looking on are: George Turland, Bryan Young and Ian MacKenzie. Goderich number one quartette, who placed second in- the competi- tion, are shown on the right with association president. MorrisYoung.- Runner-up in the "A" class` was Clan Mac- Farland of St. Catharines. ROBIN HOOD . 25 Ib.' ALL PURPOSE FLOUR ' Bag 2.39- 'oRK-SMOOTH---- - PEANUT BUTTER YORK FANCY FRENCH' STYLE -VV-AX- -OR- GREEN BEANS A' HEINZ TOMATO 1 � � KETCHUP .. .. .. 4 11.Oz 99 AYLMER CHOICE PEAS & CARROTS 21 t;°5 -oz. 39. 2 -Ib: 79' r 13 -oz. tins 69' AYLMER FANCY, 15 -oz, 39° CREAM STYLE CORA 2 tins TOP VALU 20 -oz. FRUIT COCKTAIL.- 69° .. s s s s tins TOP VALU• 4225-oz4.130 'DOG FOOD FAB DETERGENT . MACLEANS TOOTHPASTE Giant Size Pkg. • • 6 • ► w 4 . ..a . 7 Family Size 99 Tube' fresh '1NG GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GRADE A 21/2-3.1b. AVERAGE - FRESH, OVEN READY , 3ss-4wLs. AVERAGE 1OASTIN�.tHICKENN CHICKEN TM. BASKET.: 450 FRYERS ii „ :* . 47c �NICXI'N IW'N.W. ►-\. - CJM.r NECKS or -BACKS 3 39d BEST.OF FRYERS 490 till b, 61Q ►ACItte1 LEGS or BREAST . 59c SIRE BACON ' COTTCAGE ROLLS 65a 11X(K CAU SAGE s N ESSEX PACKERS CH�- (CHlCKH WIENERS) 1.Ib. Cello Pkg.., 101 INNIODUIIT OLD FISIIONID TIICCSI ,.; U.S. N0. 1 NAVEL G . . ORANGES ,ur 2 -Deng 99 UH.SEADN0LETTUCE12,4E0 .Infnch APPLES. a., CUCUMBERS .. 2ro3-3 Ont. Grown Fancy Grade-- °.•Groyn. Holhoure Controlled At,no.phere 5 Lb E� U u4t) dt SO. GLADIOLI JULBSfront tiollond No. 1 Grade Sc • ALL eaPURPOSE eVIGORO 3 "25 fOR MOTHER'S DAY _. ' CANADA'S CENTENNIAL TREE . • . Lo ALMEY FLOWERING CRAB s�• - 4" POTTED MUM PLANTS x1.39 GERANIUMALL POPULAR SLOUR'« 4P Wide Varidiy df Coles Pel FROZEN FOOD & DAIRY FEATURES POTATO PUFFS 6 FISH &CHIPS ... TULIP PARCHMENT MARGARINE. • • L 8-4 z. 0 0 SASHRUSI&MP PKG. • - COCKTAIL YORK SLIM RRO '1402. Sc YORcaK MIXETsD PKG. -VEGETABLES PROD*JCIR .RAND .A.Y CHEESE ^1,L,. � GOUDA KRAFT PKGS. CHEESE WHIZ Pitt Gleam 1•00 2 -IL. Pray., 47A 24b. .,�... 490 so.,E. Fit,• 1.39 690` REMINGTON'S IGA c ,LB. TOP VALU seerted Flavours SOFT DRINK TOP VALU SALAD. DRESSING '� �` CLOVER LEAF' .SOLID WHITE - 7-ot. Tin • • TUNA SHIRLEY GAY (Plaid,,. Sugar or Cinnamon) DONUTS SHIRLEY GAY CHERRY PIE SHIRLEY GAY HYLOHS PACKAGE OF 12 Nf�N, q 24 -ox. Family Size Pio 3 19 49 Sizes pair1 00 ° 81/2.-H