HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-05-05, Page 3CAR RADIOS 'Bisifprop Of Geo! ia Bay on irms St. George s Coderielt Si al< aw , 1066 Figiican Chu Members aa.e.w. 4,1, . CUS COM UNDER DASH RADIOS FOR ALL MAKES Hutchinson 308 Huron Rd., 524.7831 • STUDIO , MASTERPIECES by e &e, (AY, co (the*/ z dam, M4 Ake ed welogom West St. MISSIONARY RESPONSIBILITY • Clare Statton, District Super- remarks to the 345 delegates visor and principal speaker at the Goderich conference of Je- hova,h's Witnesses last weekend posed a question in his _opening ERICH FIRST RUN FILMS — IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT: ENTE,RTAINMENT IS OUR BUSiNESS a No IN Ea Ng as No um NI am ma No assembled at the Goderich Col- fegiate Institute. - "Does the modernrday Christ- ian have a resopopsibility to be a missionary?" he itSked. In his address "Make Disciples of People of Alf the 'Nations," M•risStatiton kindled the interest of the delegates. , - Saturday afternoon saw one new Jehovah's Witn.ess baptized. For Jehovah's Witnesges the aot of water baptism Constitutes their ceremony. of ordination as m;nisters. 4Saturday evening the dble- gates reassembled for a detailed analysis of the Witnesges' chief mimiterial function: helping people to study their own Bibles in their own homes. The even- ing's program used skit:4-410W- jug Workable study methods. . On Sunday afternoon' 552' per- sons lisitenecl as Mr. Statton gave the public lecture entitled "Does God Have An. Influence In This Twentieth Century?" Mr. Statton pointed attention • SOPHIA LOREN GEORGE PEPPARD MEVOR HOWARD JOHN MILLS RICIUMOJOHNBON TOM COURTENAY "A BEAUTY THAT N07.5-AdION. MYSTERY-SPYMOVIE FAN SHOULD MISS ." N.Y. TIMES MONDAY, -TUESDAY ONLY — MAY 9-10 0 LOBRIGiDk EoliMe115-131-Vfn • a) • • ADINITIANCt RESTRICTED TO PIDISCNS THE YEAR'S MOST LUXURIOUS LOW STORY( METRO GOLDWYN MAYER mos AN ANATOLE DE GRUNWALD PRODUCTION smog 'QUESTIONED to the fact that, because we' live in such a materialistie world and the people. do not see Jilin aculous things at the hand of God, they reason that God has no influence in ' this 20th cen- Among °local delegates attend- ing were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goderich. • Pals Meet The Tiger Dunlop Pals', held their 4th meeting at carlOw Hall re,cently with 14 members pre, sent. The meeting opened `with the 4-H pledge Shirley Fisher read the minutes 'of- the last meeting, Achievement Day is to be held in Auburn, June 25, arid , all booka should be in by May 31. Members were shown how to make true bias and how to stretch the-rinbon for the bands of hats. G -ail Fisher closed with Drive -lin Theatre Goderich CHILDREN IN CARS; 12 AND UNCiER FREE • color Cartoons At Every Performance THURSDAY - FRIDAY 1-2.- MAY- 5-6 Beach' Blanket Bingo. In Color Stars Frankie Avalon and Deborah Walley PLUS ACTION AT ITS BEST - War Gocit Of The Deep SATURDAY ONLY , MAY 7 FOR. THE ACTION A GO-GO CROWD THE LIVELY 'SET . . In Color Starring James Darrin and Pamela Tiffin ' ALSO IN ZOOMING COLOR JOHNNY DARK • With Tony Curtis , SUNDAY LATE SHOW , RAtING FEVER , In Color A SPRED BOAT RACING THRILLER . Plus GUN HAWK Adult Entertainment . A ROMANTIC HrP-SWINGING COMEDY! MADE IN PARIS . . In Color Starrihg Ann Margaret ,and Louis Jordan Adult- Entertainment Plus Rock Audson In ,BATTLE HYMN , Maitland Greens Winter Well,. Club Activities Get Underway The golfing seasen is now Country Clueand most (.4 the old faces as well as some new have been noted. -the greens and fairw:ays have_ wintered -well and Charhe Mathers is doing his u3iial-'!good job in whipping them into mid-season shape. Club Professional Bob Deork-,, sen has scheduled a large num- ber of events for the year. with the firsttheing "Cieen-up Day" on May 14. ' The furi gets under way around 8:30 a.m. so RAS have 7ots of hands to give the course a spring cleaning. Re- freshments will be served at noon. A schedule of events in- cluding the various tournaments Nyill be fOun,d in the men's' golf bullet.n' being forvviird.ed to members this week. Non-anems bers ean obtain a copy at the Men's Opening 'Day Tourna- Freedom Means ResOonsibility ment is set for May 23 with breakfast served at around 8:30 am. and special events being carried on throughout the day and evening. Don't miss- this The regular Monday men's night starts May 30 with The women the following Tuesday. There is only a nominal charge for each event to offer prizes so members and guests, -lets turn. out in force. • Again this -Year irob Deorksen will be giving three, free group lessons to anY interested young golfers (under 21) with the first set for May 11 at the club: Girls. be on hand at 6:30 p.m. and boys at 7:36 p.m. This is for anv junior or juvenile golfer whether a men,ther or non-mem- ber, so if any parents would like to' interest, their children in a -elean, healthy sport, take them te the club on Wednesday. VISIT -CONKLIN'S • LS PLASTIC L MINATE This material is ideal for counter tops, bathroom and vanities. Shop early for best selection. SPECIAL 4x8 ONLY •40 SHEET Bishop Confirms Thirty-six members of St. George's Church), Goderioh, and one meinber of ChriSt Church, LiStoWel-WZre confirmed on Sun- day eVening by the Rt. Rev. H. F. Appleyard; Bishop of In his sermon to the candid- ates the Bishop emphasized that "freedom is not getting (int of responsibility, but having the right to make our own decis, ions responsibly for ourselves." He said that in the midst of a univensal desire for freedom and cnange which ,characterizes our age it„ is_ too easy to drift with the crowd rather than to struggle to maintain the free- dom decide responsibly. Thirty-S.bc Bishop Appleyaid urged the ca•nd-idates to. go through- life - loyally with Jesus Christ. "To, go through life without purpose He urged that Anglicans aet responsibly "in the liberty in which Chnst has made us free." The class was presented by the Rector of St. George's, Rev. G. G. Russell and the Rev. C. Black, reotor of •Listowel. The Rev. Wm. Craven perforrned the duties. of Bishop's Chaplain% Refreshments were served to the class and members of the congregation in, the parish hall by members of the Evening • Those confirmed were: Ronald • • ST. PETER'S CWL REVIEWS PAST YEARS ACTIVITIES The annual meeting and in-, stalation of officers for 1966-67 of ,51- Peter's Council of the C.W.L. was held in -the Palish Hall fast 'week. - The meetine was chaired by Mrs. Lang, the retiring presi- dent. Mrs. J. J. Murphy read the minutes of the last meeting and gave s report of the past year's achievement. Mrs. B. Chisholm gave the treasurer's report. - -There were seven_ regUlar meetings held in the past year, and three executive meetings. During the past month the lea- gue sponsored a Girl Guides' Communion breakfast, .and a skating party for the young people Mr5. A. Wisser reported 176 paid up members for'the year. Miss R. M. McGuire and Miss Helen McCarthy visited the hos- pital:in the month of April. Twso community concert tick- ets were, purchased and given to Sister St. Charles to be don- ated to two pupils.in the coming year. A donation of $10.00 was KEYS We can make you any number of keys while you wait. Get a duplicate made for yOur car, home or place of business.' FREE PAINT We will supply you with enough white paint for any order of fencing of 100 feet or more. Noil is the time to 'put up that new fence and get FREE PAINT to boot. WATCH FoR CONKLIN'S SPRING . 'Almanac Of Vplues 5 Weeks Of Exciting' Giveaways NNW made to the Cancer Society. • A letter from Father Hennes- sey, the Dioresan Director, was read nceptinv. the league's in- vitation, to hold the annual Stratfnrcl Deanery meeting in Goderich in September. Mrs. J. J. Murphy gave the name of the- winners of the pos- ter cvitest held in March. They were: Grade 5, Mary,A.pn :Red- mond, Mary Stimson, Catherine Howez; Grade 6, Michael Red- mond, Debbie Howes, Larry Seinion, Grade 7; David—Selin- Grade 8, Michael Sudik, Betty Bedard, Lynda Corbett, New Officers Mrs Lec Chisholm brought down the late of officers for the comini, year and presided at'the The new executive are': Past, presidynt, Mrs. A. Lang; presi- dent, Mrs. Clem Steffier; first Ivice-president, Mrs. Harold Led- !cly: Ft:cond -Wee-president, Mrs. ,Richard Buchanan; third vice- ipresident, Mrs, Larry Plouffe; !secretary, Mrs. John BuChanan; !treasurer, Mrs. James Sherratt. Allen Brown, Frank Edward Craig, John Edward Durnin,_ John. Gordon Harrison, Alric David .MeGratten, Larry John gahring, William George lifoh- ring, Richard Michael Prest, Donald Clare Sager, BriaA Doug- las Smith, Paul David Smith, Stephen Charles Snell, Richard • John Sowerby, Hugh Sutherland, John Thomas Wain, William Howard White,,Melbern Willard Cox, Susan Bellinger, Lesley Ann Blacker, Margaret Faye Bradky, Beverley" June Cox, Nancy Eliza:beth Hills, Mary Elizabeth Hills, Shirley Ann Mohring, Minnie Joan Naegele, Katherine Joyce Naegele, Cath- erine Jean Russell, Penny Jean Sheardown, Karen Wendy Stith,. Phyllis Wain. -Laura Elizabeth White, Helen Ailine White, -Pat- James Huber, Gail Paitridialiu- ber, all of G•oderich, and Donald Elmer Fletcher of Listowel. BINGO at LEGION HALL Saturday' May at 8:30 p.m. 15 GAMES — $1.00 The prize for .each regular game will be $12.00 4 Share -The -Wealth Jackpot- Combined JACKPOT OF $85.00 IN 57 CALLS Sponsored by Branch4109, ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION No One Under 16 -PerMitted To Play Brownies Theatre — Clinton With Double Featuregrrieli Feature Shown Once. The Main Feature Its Shown Last. First Show Starts at Dusk THURSDAY rand FRIDAY May 5-6 — DOUBLE FEATURE — CIRCUS WORLD JOHN WAYNE CLAUDA CARDINALE Color "LIVING IT UP" DEAN MARTIN JERRY LEWIS Colar .Cartoon atakaut SATURDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY May 779-10" "VON RYAN'S EXPRESS" FRANK SINATRA TREVOR HOWARD Color Cartoon 145 ESSEX STREET GoDERIcH, ONTARIO EVERY WEEK SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY THIS WEEK MAY17 ."THE DEL-REYS" Dancing For Everyone — -Minimum 16 Years WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 11-1243 DOUBLE FEATURt "HELP" THE BEATLES Color "A HARD DAY'S NIGHT" NO DOWN PAYMENT ON CONKLIN CUSTOM CREDIT , BAYFIELD ROAD THE BEATLES Cartoon • • 524-8321 Lions Bingo Next Wednesday COMPLETE CATERING SERVICE WEDDINGS—LUNCHEONS—BANQUETS, ETC. . PHONE 524.9371 OR 9264 STARTING SATURDAY and MONDAY — May 14-16 "McHale's Navy Joins • The Air Force" and