HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-1-14, Page 4.. .M..+..+.1n...0..0r.w1961/ a 11 %',do . S.A.NDERS Se SIA Ec1T, Props. THURSDAY, ban, I4th, 1E9 2, RIX C TIOAr ECHOES. Since the splendid victory of North *mark, , iu the return of Mr. Bennett Rosamond by a majority of 01, there 1 hen a lively movement in the Conservative ranks both in Ontario Pend Quebec. In the latter province such has been the effect of the revelat• ns of wholesale corruption, on the past of the late Mercier administration, Meet numbers of prominent Liberals am withdrawing their sympathy and support from the party of boodlers, and l ra,.nsferring their allegiance to the newly formed DeBoucherville govern- ment. Men who have always been all'e.td with the Liberal party are so gusted with. the late regime, that they have openly broken faith with !Herder altogether and are now work- ifeig actively for the return of the new enlaistry. A most enthusiastic demon- o•nstrietion was given Iast ween: in rant,eat to favor of the new Attorney �s,,�'ene; al, Hon. Mi. Pelletier; who stated ell t such was the extent of peculation avid political favoritism exercised in Mie disposal of the public feuds for the ease five years, that a change of minis was absolutely necessary- for the national regeneration. The prospects The. several constituencies opened fbsre election of Cabinet Ministers— =eh as Montreal, Quebec, Three Rip- =e, and other important points —were of the most encouraging character. The outlook in Ontario, where several lee e.eleetions are shortly to take place, f equally encouraging. In fact, the reireeping majority in North Lanark— vhexe it was the farriers, and not the ss,^,nufacturers of Alinonte, that footed up -the hundreds—has told seriously on et.a. Grit contention, plainly proving dee strong hold that 'the. Abbott admin. eet,uatioli has upon the bulk of the pee - vale; and that the intelligent electors mine are not politically hide bound fatly r .tderstand and appreciate the policy ofadhering; to British connection, the eneourageinent of native industries, the opening up of new markets for our farmers, and the maintenance of a fis- cal policy which will protect our mal: ufaetures and give ample employmeut ",u^r artisans and laborers without he risk of a heavy taxation to compen ante for the certain loss of revenue ve-eder unrestricted reciprocity. A neesparative statement of esnsnditure hetween the period of the McKenzie regime ime artd Sir John 3lacdonald's ad- ministration—a period of thirteen „years—reveals the fact that although ra total of $127,173,000 has been ex- -Iended on canals, railways, and other znblic works throughout the entire Re -Anion, yet the increase 'if taxes per .mad of population is scarcely percept' Retie Many of the products raised by iW1?r farmers are protected for revenue purposes, thus givi g them a market at home and abroad; while the free list hovering a large amount of imported goods that enter into daily consumpt- . ka—such as tea, sugar; coffee, &c.,— ll-eve made Canada a cheap country to live in, and is especially encouraging on Those of our' people who are engaged ins industria;] pursuits. Over twenty ndllioa dollars worth of goods were ;.iaported last year on the free list, By sue stroke of the pen the government at Ottawa last session struck off $3,- '"s+c: ,1300, from the article of sugar — *ate fbllowing up a policy begun in ',WO, on the return of the Conservativ- es to power, which admitted tea and entree free of sugar, and giving to our nple a free breakfast. This could -,and not have been done unless a sur e ins. had been created by the imposit- - ate et a; moderate protective tariff for 3evenite purposes. It has been decided,to hold a num- :e'er-of Ontario election on the same day as that already selected for Lincoln eiriinty, viz. polling Thursday Jan. 28 en that day the electors of -Kingston, :Prince Edward, Linnox, East Stmeoe', T taeola, East Middlesex. Peel and Hal- vr will choose their representatives, . Nomination day will be Thursday Jan. 1l'14e writes for these different ca11•, •styt-slonefes has been issued. ;Mr R. 1?, M,Lonnab, of Alexanderia.. vwarragainnominated as standard bear net: the Conservative party, and A. ',°t.I;;,c•.rtthttr, lumber merchant, Reform . lexandcria on the 7th Inst to re - p .4t 'nt the County of Glengarry. GR.rrP1'. eke:cording to latest desnatches. Heft ehs>si*izt typeof influenza ppse ailsov- vel two etniti.nents of Elie -ape and rnice, carrying off thouisancis of Teeple. Itis not dotifined to one'Cl'ass n+rum,.,w.-rv.vneu•.ww..•Fr.sn..,..era..wmur,e,rn.w...,.n,Mnaw„v+.nu,.awmy,....nm+..,aw+!.n.w.ry,lsrew�N.,.�.!.nvvr...wi,.a. M�rwnrw,m!wn1 SPANISH NERVINE TEE GR/ULT S1ANTSIREEMED'w, easily, quick) and permanently restores Weakness, Nervousness and I,ostKau/toad. A GUARANTEED specific for Tits and Neuralgia, Hysteria, Dizziness, Convlsions, Nervous Prostration caused by the use o f Tobacco or Alcohol, Loss of Power in either Sex, Involuntary Losses caused by over -indulgence. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case or refund the money. $r a box, 6 boxes for $5. Address U. S, Agents Span` Introits AND *rots usu. bah liredielne Co.. Detroit, Mich. Sold by druggists. For kale its 1!rxeter by J. W, rsrowiepeg, but rich arid poor, beggar and prince suffer alike from this serious epidemic. The impression has been general both; among medical men and others that the prevalence of influenza is largely owing to exposure to wet aiid cold, to sudden changes in the temperature, and is specially pre valent in damp, low property, and is returned to you free of cost, in this way the -gain is all on your side, and the entire cost and ex- penses fall on the manufacturers. At the present time, we believe suf- ficient has been said to the ladies as to the advisability of making early appli- cation for a place in thiss grand contest. This is necessary, as special prepara- tions have to be made for suitableilSex- lnarshy places. But the fact that it llibitioa space to properly display the hasroved fatal in a number of in- vast number of articles that will be p sent stances where people are 10 comfort- able eueumstauees, not specially ex. posed to malarial influences or e]irnatic ehanges, goes to prove that the infiueu za microbe must be is the air, and is particularly active in its insidious work during: that period of early win terwhen the atmosphere is charged with damp and fog. This is specially so in England and the low countries. It is contended that the microbe which ceases la grippe has been discovered by men of science, and that it has been d ragged from its favorite haunts and been subjected to chemical analysis. If so, we may hope to hear of its ravages being stayed, and the life of millions of human beings saved from its destruct- ive influence. The assertion has been recently made that the discovery of the influenza microbe is due to the still of a relative of the celebrated German physician.Dr Koch,who,it was thought, discovered ttie bacillus which caused consumption and found a remedy. But the dread disease of consumption still claims its victims, while la grippe is hurrying thousands tb their grate, The means of prevention in the latter case have been suggested by many skilful physicians; and it recommended to all, as a preparative against the fat- alities of la grippe, to wear warm flan- nels next the body, to keep the feet dry and warm, to avoid draughts of cold, and sudden changes of temperature, and, as far es possil.le, to keep 'indoors at night and strictly to avoid all large gatherings where impure air is apt to be engendered. THE LABIES Are Earnest, Cheerful, and Oon- fident THE ENTRIES RUSH H IN ! in, 0redlton, Messrs Fred and Bert Knight, of Ex- eter, were in town on Thursday last The former endeavoring to organize a singing school here: We learn he did nog succeed,—Mr. John Hall of Dash- wood, was in town of Friday last, Wm, and Wesley Winer, who left bore for the lutn.ber woods last fall returned home an Friday last, They report times as being very dull in Uncle Sam's do- mains and employment scarce—Mrs. Wharton Hodgson, of Toronto, spent a few days in town last week visiting friends.—Mrs. Fife of London, widow of the Prey. Mr, Fife a former pastor of this place, is visitsng friends in town.— 1 Miss. P. , Hollins of Exeter, is spending. x P „ her holidays with Miss' Bert Trevethick here.—Miss Libbie Young, of this vil- lage is lying, dangeronly ill at the Lnn don Hospital from the effects of indi- gestion of the stomach. PAINFUL eusronxtran.—Mr. David Stahl, who resides about about half a toile south of here, met with a painful accident a few days ago while leading a horse to water. 1t appears the ani- mal became frisky,and having to much halter shank wheeled around and kick. eel Mr. Stahl iu the arm, breaking it in. three places. Information of Value to The Interested 1 Hundreds of ladies in happy and thrifty homes in Canada are working cheer fully and confidently, preparing for that most interesting. contest, known as the "Diamond Dye Competition." As times passes, the interest increases ; and the 1. Entry Forms " from intend- ing competitors are coming in faster than ever before. The ladies seem to be fully aware of the utility and value of this novel competition --the first of its kind ever tried in the Dominion and all are aseured of its complete suc- cess, owing to the fact that it has been started and backed up financially by on of the wealthiest manufacturing con- cerns in Canada—the Wells & Richard- son Co,manufacturers of the popular Diamond Dyes. At this nee: ieular point we consider it opportune to re- mark that too few of our leading man- ufacturers exhibit the liberal and brad business views such as are peculiar to the manufacturers of Diamond Dyes. People, generally, appreciate liberali-y when properly directed, and when the act is spontaneous and hearty. This free distribution of $1,500 to the ladies of bur country, who have been using a popular and useful household article, has never been thought of before. The remarks recently made by a prominent lady, fairly well expresses the feelings of the ladies regarding this " Diamond Dye Competition." She said: "It seems to me that the manufacturers of Diamond Dyes are paying us large premiums because we have been using so many of their beautiful dyes in our homes." While we are allowed to state that this is true as far as it goes, we are re- quested to say that one great object of the Competition is to gather to;•ether a vast collection of the handiwork of the ladies from all quarters of the Domin- ion, so that the public may have an op- portunity of ,judging of the great pos- sibilities and wonderful effects of Dia, mond Dyes. . Let us now point the ladles to the Glial of time, and warn them that the days are flying, It behooves them te. decide early, et once, if they intend be coming participants in this free contest 'l'hey should, without delay, fill up and send in their form oo44entry, which will be found on page 15 of the book of in. structions and rules, We may remind all lathes who have' not, seen this book on the Diamond Dye Competition, that they obtain it from the druggist, or Mutt the Wells and Richardson Co., Montteai,who will send it post free to any address. We presume it is needless at this tithe to inform: the ladies that this Corn petition is free and: Oen to all. It does not cost anything to exhibit your fancy wont or other goods; and, whetheryou are successful or fail to take a prifo for your work, remember it is still your WHEN '1'HE BREATH Is tainted by catarrh it is an evidence that the disease has progressed to the throat, perhaps to the larynx, and the bronchial tubes. These are only stat- ions on the road to the lungs. When catarrh has progresses and attacked the lungs, there can be may one result —consumption and death. Clark's Catarrh Cure will arrest the disease at any point before the lungs are serious- ly affected. It costs 50 cents of drug gists, or sent to any address•ou receipt 'of price. Ctark Chemical Co, Toronto, New York. et_E T w linen I say I c,ue I do not mean merely to stop them n, for time and t1eu have thereturn again, T mean a radical care. I have made the disease of. PITS; EPILEP- SY or PALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant myy remedy to•cerr the ,worst eases. Ilecause others have once is no reason Lor net now recehing a euro. Send at coca fora treatise and'a Prco Mottle of my rotatable reined' Giro EXP]05SS and POST -OFFICE. H. G. ROOT, M. C., !36 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, 1 ORONTO, ONT. TUE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT Mg WM Ell YPE:�®� from which this paper is printed was supplied by the Toa oTYPEFONRY Dealers in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON In order to introduce the MciDT- CAL ADVISER, we will send it and any of the following papers to the end of 1892 for 161.00. reroute Globe, News, Mail er Empire; Montreal Star or .Vitness, or in fact almost any weekly paper published. \IEDICAL ADVISER, Bowmanville, SO & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO. ONT. r DOES PAY-- -..ADVERI"f5E And it also pays to get your clothing made by a first•class tailor. When in need of such call on x it +1 x 1 II X II -= 11 x BERT. KNIGHT, 0H1tIi If yon will send us 1'6the names of one or two persons troubled wit i Cancer, we will send yon 1 of the best monthly journals publish- ed to she end of 1892, free. Address STOTT & JURY, Bowmanvil;o, Ont x Ii 1 x 11 -- 1 x II S t x Who is prepared to give you a neat fit and the latest style. The beat and cheapest spot in town for ordered clothing. Farmers will find it to their advantage to give me a Call. Over' F. J. Knight's Grocer Store, ....ERT KNIGHT. CITYt l r OPEL LONDON, q. ONTARIO. r,days, X11 & IIIiYIARTIN,Proprictors. Mention this paper, and send Stott and Jury, Bowmanville, Ont, The names of one or two persons troubled with cancer, and they will make you a present of a year's subscription to the MEn8CAT. ADVISER :AND Faint HELP, which is one of the best Slonthly Jour nals pubfished. ,¢It j try and getus 2 S y � � subscribers, `. be- sides Your own), for any of the following papers—Tor- onto Globe, Mail, Empire or News; Montreal Star or Witness? If you send us 131.80 we will send any two of the above papers and the Medical Adviser to the end 02 1892 to any address in U. S. or Canada. Address, MEDICAL ADVISER, Bow nianville, Ont. 131.00 to 132.00 a day, at light, easy work, can be made by seudiu ; 29c in stamps for three samples, which will be sent posta"•e paid. Address Stott & Jttry, Bowneanville, Ont. Mention this paper. -EL= rIM-27.= Ciotilillg 'onse are the latestygoods in --- FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS and overcoatings, just arrived. All will be made up in the Latest Style and a Good fit Every Time or, no Sale. AT PRICES AWAY DOWN. Remember the Stand one Door North of E. II, Fish's Barber Shop. • Tire.Globe, the Mail, the Empire, the Montreal Star, or Witness. We will send the above papers free for one year, to any one sending us foursub seriptions to our journal. Price 50c. a, year. Samples 50, Mention this pap. er. It'IEDICAL AoyISIua, BO�vnralnvtilei 0111;' • we me a call r o G,t .I v`. E. retbvinfo .14a)'s 'lid *0l5t# WAX, t:d 1 "S•w It will pay you to call On us if you wallt 'anythin g in Hard- ware such as Nails, Hinges, Locks, Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils. Send 29e. in stamps, to Stott & Jury 13owmanvilie, Ont„ and you will re, ceive some samples by return of mail,. which enables you to earn from g5O to $1.00 every evening after working hours. Mention this papaw Re .`tEU 'JitE's goisinieg Llijiii NEW COLORS. Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black 84 Galvanized. wires away C1OVIl for oath,. TINWARE STOCK IS COMPLETE,�v qi • EA ETROUG - HNG A SPECIALTY„ a iiEW RAY OND MACHINES MID NEEDLES. CALL NEN IN TOWN. -$SETTROS. E MARKETS. S. Wheatper bushel. ... 80.85 to O.SS Spring Barley Oats Peas 85 to SS 40 to 45 2e to 30 55 to 80 Butter .................. 15 to 16 Eggs - ... 18 to 15 Potatoes per bus . 30 to 35 Hay per ton ..8.00 to 10.00 Wool -18 to 19 Clover Se •d 134.50 to 5.25 Timoth e :4t„ d $1.25 to 1.50 Exeter Roller Ills. ARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 0.90 To 0.95 per bush Our Selling Prices. Flour, strong bakers', .133.00 per 100 •1 best family, 2.50 11 " it low grade, '2.00 it ti Bran, 70 11 Middlings, 90 " Screenings, 100 1/ Chop, 1,10 to 1.25 Chop stone running euery day. 11 15 11 r, of1' DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS aWE'ETAS SYRUP AND CANNOT HARM THE': MCJ 5 - a-f]Ei-.LCATit CH ILO Extr r� e VIPORHJM. PERKINS & MEM PROM. TERMS CASH. . We cary the most complete stock of • Musical instruments in the county. The Exeter Milling Co e PIANOS, ORGANS. 18 I have a pos'tivo remedy for the above disease; by its use thousands of cases of the worst kin1 and of long standing have been cured. Indeed so strong 10 ray faith in its onicaey, that I will send' TWO nOrTLES PILE, with a VALUABLTi1'TREATISE on this dispose to any fingerer who will send me their EXPRESS and 1?.0. address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C. 186 ADELAIDE ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. , VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &o. The above instruments always on hand: Terms to slit Purchasers. GIVE US A GALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN. PERKINS & MARTIN. TR KEY TO HEALTH,. "A STITCH IN. TIME SAVES NINE," SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN MALTOPEPSYN [an artificial gastrin juke --formula on every label] SAVE 99 DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach troubles,es- pecially if taken at the first symptom of Indigesion, which is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes attended' by slight pain, aril may follow either a wholesome or a heavy ]Heal. At first, this feeling soon passes away, and to only remembered as a Mae n,ajleriaolt, which, when repeated, gradually be- comes more pronounced. '1'o the average person is now suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that Will clear mit the bowels. Such treatment is worse than useless;; It is positively harm- ful. The trouble is in the Stopnaeh, the I1 a cls ere not responsible, and relief will Only come through an intelligent treatment of the disorder within tl,a stomach. MAL TOPEPSVNis the remedy for all stomach trou1les. 1t,i0lilrscd by the best physicians of England and Canada. Send a cts, in postage for vafaablle pamphlet 50 HAZE N 1(011015, iliTanIigr1DNAl. I0RIDGN 'JN1•r1R10. Iinlocks all Ilia clogged avenues of the oBffowelsgradu,aKllyidwithneyout ws and eaLiver, koncarrying. fng - tem, all the imparities and foul humors of the secretions; ee the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach,, poring Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaehes, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dc yndss of the Skin, Dropsy, Dirn;nes of Vision, Jain- dice, Salt Rheum, Frysi etas, Sero- of the ,leer- lP1.i�0., Fluttering , s VOusness and &eneral Debility •:alit ' theta and many etliot similar Comply nta yield to tit° happy infiuenes 01 BU Ii3ahiJiiC LOOD BITTERS.. ,pri �t�jt ,}�,{ Po e7S/"ao�9 beee�f`eat ,neetj;e, Toren tS 1�113ILiWUItN 1h. V V e .1 &� r! tor'}�r Toroiit•Ja i Il