HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-04-28, Page 8r •'a 0. • Tit" Goderieh" Signal, -Star, Thursday, April 23, 1966 '66 Budget Brought -Down Here Schedule 4'A" Summary -IN 1 aK-R4tosr -1966, r Estimated Revenue from tax- t ation for General Municipal Pur- i oseS `(not. -diminished ,by Un -j eondii Tonal Grant), $282;330,01 °1 Total Assesarient for Geperall Purposes, $7,67.3,70.0,00. 'vim rate equivalent, (Commer- cial rl!iill rate), 36.79 mills. Unconditional Grant, 320,800.- 00, - Assessment Residential and farm, $4,712,500.00. llfill rate equivalent (Reduc- tion Afforded res. and farm pro-. gerties), 4:41' mills:` ' The residential and farm rate being No. 3 less No. 6 Will be, 32.38 mills. The residentiwl and farm rate of 32.38 mills on an assessment of $4,712,500 will produce, $152,- animmusnummi BANANA PRALINE CAKES - • A New • Taste;- Treat ICED RAISIN LOAVES • Homemade BREAD FRENCH STICKS BUTTERMILK? LAAVBS. BRICK LOAVES SESAME 'LOAVES . I • • CULBERT'S . _._BA.KERY a.- _ _-....rt "The Home Of Tasty Pastry Since 1877" 11111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111 5 9;0.75, Tirrs commercial rate of 36.79 mills on an assessment o. $2,- 961,200 will produce $108,942.55. Public Sehogl requisition, $121,387.59: Commercial assessment pigs 901, residential assessment, $6,598,340.00. Commercial mill .i,ate equival- ent, 13.40 mills. Residential mill rate being 90% of commercial rate, 16.56 mills. Separate School requisition, $11,115.00. Commercial assessment plus 905 residential " assessment, $604,110.00. Commercial mill rate equival- ent, 18.40 mills. Residential mill rate being 90%, of commercial rate, 16.56 mills. High School requisition, $131,- 548.57. Commercial assessment plus 90% residential assessment, $7,- 202,450.00. Commercial mill rate' equiv.: alent, 18.26 mills. Residential mill - rate being 905. of •commercial rate, 16.44 mills. Couhty i equisition, $127,233.- 46.. • Assessment for County pur- poses, $7,673,700.00. Tax rate -County purposes, 16.58 mills 0. -H. Doctor - Honored' Here Hoitnesville HOLMESVILLE. Mr. and Mrs: Tarn Copky ant Itobert, Sault Ste. Marie, Were recent visitors with lIr. and Mrs. pldon Yeo and l:�niii�•. lVirs. '(Sydney Kaastra and rchildren spent a week with rola- . ,tiv )31 B.10111,0911.• Robert Norman attended a enurse in Industrial Radiology in Ogawa last .week. Gordon. and Mrs. M. Stock attended the 25th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams, Goderich. Mrs. Sybil Palmer leaves on Friday by air for Herne, Switzer- land to visit tier son-in-law and daughter, fir. and Mrs. Rolland Gerjig. Mrs. Chas. Houghton was host- ess at a shower on Tuesday even- ing, April -19, for 'Miss Beryl Steve'i"s, a bride of this month. The guest of honor Was the re- cipient of many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Ewan Ross and Jahn have meved to their new borne at Nairn Drive, east of Goderich. A presentation ceremony was held at, the. Ontario Hospital "recently VO:T. lienor- Hagar, medical superintendent, an the eve of his departure to • William Henry McClinchey of become director the psYehiat- R.R. 1,; _Auburn, died . Friday ric clinic at Brantford General morning after• a short illness at Hospital.; ° " 0the age of 77. The psychiatrist received gifts Survivors: sisters, Mrs. Char - from: Mrs. N. Enzensberger on les (Kate) Robinson, Wingham; behalf 'of the Hospital Welfare Mrs Charles (Esther) Patter. Fund, Mrs. William Kreps and Parkhill; Mrs. Charles (Iona) Miss S.°Chisholm, from- the staff, Jefferson,,Donr..ybrook; brothers, and Dr. T. Boylan, representing Gordon and Sydney, both of the hospital. Auburn. Mrs. H. Pearson presented a . Funeral service was held Sun - bouquet of a dozen red roses day at 2.30 p:m. in the Arthur to Mrs. Hagan. .. •- funeral home. Rev. John Wheel; Hospital administrator Boss er, ,Auburn, and Rev. Harold McDaniel acted as master 'of Snell, Londpn, conducted the cerem )vies and Dr. W. Watters service. thanked Dr. Hagan on behalf Pall anis were six neghews:. of the hospital. Har and John 1\ eClinchey, Dr. Hagan's friends. and as- Gor n and Edward Rubinson, sociates were present from On-, Jim Potter and Wesley Jeffer- tairio-Hospitals in _Toronto, Ham- soh,. Flower. bearers, were- ne- ilton, London, Owen Sound; Pal- phews; Ga•-th and Lloyd" -Mc: merstcn and the C.P.R.I. insti- Clinehey: Interment followed tute in Byron. , , in Blyth, Union cemetery. • 0'g and the meditation and prayer John Gelling has purchased the Chas. Houghton farm. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Houghton have moved to their new 'home west. of the village, formerly owned by Ewan Ross. Mrs Frank McCullough has returned home from Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. .Hank Gelling (nee Beryl Stevens) were mar- ried on Saturday, April 23, at the Chapel „of $.t. Luke, West- minster Hospital, London. On their return from their honey- moon they twill take up resid- ence at the Lavis Apartments. Messengers Meet The Messengers met Friday afternoon at 4 p.ni. in the Sun- day school rooms. The Scrip- ture Was read . by Mary Heard DONNYBROOK by Mrs. R. Potter. • The offering was received by Cindy Rapson and Patricia Har- ris and dedicated by Laurelanne Bond. Sharon Potter read a poem. The story was given by 1' Mrs. G.li Blake The prc ra.a committee for' May will be Wendy Miller and Marlene Yeo. The craft pro - feet for Mothcr's`Day was under the direction of Mrs. -.F. Cante-r lon. World .Friends were dis= tributed by Marlene Yeo. School History H and S'Topic History ,Was the topic chosen by T R. Hunter, former reeve and school trustee of Colborne Township, for the annual meet- ing ,of the Colborne ..Township Home and School Association Tuesdayr April 19th at Zion school. Banquet Honors By Dave Smith The Goderich Siftos were hon- ored at a banquet held at the Arena last Saturday night. •The team was ,presented with' rings bearing the")iced. Wing insignia. Special guests were present along with several of the par- lce ,e,nts of #.lie. stat � WAxiac , Y players, Guest speaker wasp Dr. K: Lambert who spoke on "In- uividuality." Standing in ler-Booster Club president Larry Aldham, • Jim gave out rspecial thanks to the Booster Club and anyone who helped with the team this year. Mr. 'Wilkinson commented that these boys were in his opinion, as fine a group of young men as you would find in any com- rrunity and apart from "break- �n ; coutile--bf beds' never -gave him pne bit of trouble. Councillor Jewell spoke to the guests and said he hoped that the excellent relations between the Booster Club and the . town From a humble beginning in a one -room log school to . the formation of the - school area and a modern central school, the guest speaker included humor- ous incidents, happenings of his: torieal significance, and former well-known teachers and pion- eer families who attended the various school, sections. Histor- ical items were on display. M-rs. L. Harrison conducted the installation ceremonies and the following offieers were sworn in: President, Mrs. G. Chamney; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Verdon Vanstone; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. J. Scdtt; 3rd vice- president, Mrs. R. Kernighan; treasurer, Mrs. Feagan; re- cording and corresponding -sec- retary, Mrs .F. McMichael; fin- ance convener, Mrs. W. Reid; membership convener, Mrs. M. Montgomery; program conven- er and press secretary, Mrs. A. Durst; social convener, Mrs,' E. William. Henry. -_M C:lihGh r: Rea urn:.f s e-ara-1 convener, --Mrs: C. Allen; council representa- tive, Mrs. B. Homan, The incoming president, Mrs. G. Chamney, thanked the past president and her executive and expressed the wish for contin- ued support for the newexecu- tive. •' 4.. ¶J{arding does 6Beautiful Thiigs; ‘44: with Du Tont Nylon Y.. BRIDGE There were five tables in play at the Goderich °' Duplicate Bridge Club -.iii Monday° -night.. Winners aad their" .scores were as follows: MrspF. Reid and Mrs. B. Erskine, 48%; .Mrs. 11 Sproule and Mrs. I. Papernick, .421f!; Mrs. J. Cook and Mrs. J. Chisholm, 39; Mrs. A.' Galbraith and Dr. I. Waimbera, 371/•_x. Now let's be practical. A thing of beauty islot a jdy forever unless it wears and wears. That's - why we don't use.ordinary nylon in our carpets. We use Du Pont 100', heavy carpet nylon. And w .,,make our carpets td Du Pont '501'" quality standards. This makes a big dif- ference. Du Pont continuous filament carpet nylon yarn is made of strong, unbroken filamentswhich run the length of the carpet. This means the pile resists pilling, fuzzing and shedding. It's the toughest, strongest, longest - wearing carpet fibre known. And i• thember a Harding Carpet is pretty. Visit us soon and ask to see a Harding Carpet bearing the Du Pont '501' certification mark. McART.HiJR & REILLY WEST STREET Goderich Siftos would continue in `future years as it had in the past. Coach W. Horner introduced the guest speaker and gave a brief talk on D:. Lambert's back-' ground. in his -speech . Dr. Lambert commented on the "importance a take will v 0 1 tl h of a person stand of his own in all th things that he does. He also, stated that a person should not go to school becausehe feels. that he has to but that a person: whofeels thi$ way should be out 11 the world working in a lumber yard or at any job and realize for what he or she is Suited for best. After the rings' had been pre- sented the boys presented Mr. Horner and Mr. Wilkinson with. gifts. It was a ,ne conclusion to a wonderful year for the $ode-, rich Siftos who made it to the league finals for the first time since a Junior 'TO team was started here. CLEARANCE. SALE PW PAINTS REV GLO RF 1s a. QT Z.00 REV SATIN REG. 2.90 Qt. QT. 1.75 DISCONTINUED COLORS QT, 1.00 HOUSE PAINT GAL -475 - SERVICE ELECTRIC Victoria St. (Goderich Limited) 524-8581 SHOP AT. THE MODERN VARIETY 'STORE FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP • And COFFEE BAR OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY • SATURDAY TIL 11 P.M. AND SUNDAYS FROM 10 A.M. • 8 P.M. • RECORDS Excellent Selection Of L.P.'s By Such. Original Artists ,As allln Nancy Sinatra Sonny and Cher The Supremes MEN'S BILLFOLDS 30% OFF Genuine Leather and Morocco • 1 -LB. TINS REGULAR GRIND ood maoodnicister Open Nitel �'y Until 10 p.m. H SitNORTH VICTORIA T ` GODERICH NABOB COFFEE SAVE l lc --- YORK. CHOICE 15.0,Z: GREEN BEANS 6 S,AV 14c-.24•.OZ. RASPBERRY AND STRAWBERRY' AYLMER JAM 2 SAVE 20c -- lOc SIZE Chocolate . -Bars SAVE 23c - 48.OZ. LIBBYS FANCY Tomato Juice SAVE 24c - WHITE OR COLORED Delsey Tissue FOR li-for 3 -for 8 Rolls MIX OR MATCH THEM ARROW BRAND - 20 -OZ. Peas or Corn 6 for BLACK KNIGHT -Ws Cohoe Salmon 2 FOR SAVE 475 - WESTONS SUPREME APPLE & RAISIN PIES SAVE 11c -- CARNATION TALL TINS Evaporated MiIk SAVE 16c - WESTONS SUPREME DONUTS SAVE 16c -- WESTONS - 3 for 6 for 4 for Hamburg or Wiener Buns 4 for SAVE 14c - 20 -OZ. FRUIT BELT CHOICE Dessert Pears 4 for SAVE 29c °- ROBIN HOOD CELEBRATION CAICE MIXES SAVE 17c - ALLENS • APPLE JUICE SAVE 8c - SAICOMANDARIN -I1-OZ. Orange Slices 3 for - o . SAVE 18c -- JELLO Whip'N Chill 4 for SAVE 29c - SUPREME PURE 4 -OZ. Black Peper 3 SAVE 23c - AYLMER 20 -OZ. Beanswith Pork 5 SAVE 22c --- CLARKS 10 OZ. Tomato Soup. SAVE 20c - WESTONS AUNT-MARYS The Mamas and Papas Pet Clark 'Simon and - GarfunkeI And Many More LEGO JUNIOR BUILDING SETS from 1.00 1/2 BISSET'S CREAM 79c ICE; g6l. ea. OFFER ENDS THIS SUNDAY AT 8 P.M. KIST GINGERALE 4 quarts 78C Plus ,Deposit, CARLTQN GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS - COME IN AND SEE SOUR WIDE SELECTION OF, Mother's _ Day Cards TV Trouble? CHECK YOUR TUBES FREE ANY NIGHT TIL 11 PQM: ON OUR IJ -Test -M TUBE TESTER �.c t£, • EA'D VV L. • 9 for 5 for h 5.00 Order - Aluminum CHAIR 3.99 CALIFORr IA"163's CHOICE ORANGES SIZE 96's I T • 3 DOZEN 1.00 --11 for 1.00 BLADE BONE REMOVED q BLADE; ROASTS lb. SHORT RIB OR •CHUCK CROSS RIB OR BONELESS TWO WAY ROASTS - I 59e ROASTS lb. 69c BONELESS CUBED STEWING ALL BEEF BEEF OR GROUNDCHUCK fb. 69c '.Stea kettes lb. 69c IDEAL FOR HAMBURGERS OR MEAT LOAF FRESH GROUND BEEF 2lbs. 1:00 Kitchener Packers Wieners 2 lbs. 1 ,00 CORNEDBEEF HASH - SPAGHETTI^MEAT BALLS MACARONI &CHEESE' ---- WIENERS -AND BEANS - SWANSONS V DINNERS 1085