HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-04-28, Page 5OODERIGH UNITED SOCCER wish To-.. �_..•- THANK THEIR SPONSORS ,SOUTH END BODY SHOP BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH RESTAURANT • 42 WEST ST. GODERICH BLDG. CENTRE ANGLESEA ST. .. CORD'S SPORTS & CYCLE 211 BAYFIELD RD. McGEE'S -- Goderich 37. HAMILTON RD. GODERICH SPORTS ASSOCIATION" SPROUL'S B.P. SERVICE WEST & WATERLOO ST. MacDONALD ELECTRIC. CO LTD. 133 BRITANNIA RD. GODERICH ELECTRIC 189 SOUTH ST. . CONKLIN LUMBER 295 BAYFIELD' RD, WORSELL BROS. 122 SQUARE ' JOHN JEFFERY & SON ift 163 ELGIN ST. E. PLEASE PATRON1ZE OUR SPONSORS Keep Your. Cost of Livding DOWN SHOP AT AMPBEL ALL BRANDS C IGkRETTES WITH PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE3 r c. . CARTON 5% Prov. Sales Tax Included REG. .79 VASELINE .64 CONTROLS DANDRUFF - TUBE -- REG. 1.29 HEAD & SHOULDERS - ' 1.14 Especially For. Little Girls' Fair - REG. 1:85 • TONETTE , 1.29 VGILLETTE - REG. .79 HAIR CREAM • 41 REG. 1.29 BAN' DEODORANT , 1 12 IT'S NEW .. IT'S GREAT - REG. 1.79 SCORE AFTER SHAVE ..............1.59 NOXZEMA DOUBLE SIZE QUANTITY - REG. 1.25.. ROLL-ON DEODORANT . . .99 REG. 1.19 CREST TOOTHPASTE 1.07 REGULAR OR MINT FLAVORED PHILLIPS -REG. 1.29 MILK OF MAGNESIA LI °UID , .99 REG. 1.25 EXCEDRIN 109 REG. '1.86 CONFIDETS 1.59 , SUNGLASSES ' .69 to 4.98 ALL COLORS -JUST SHAMPOOS IN -REG. 1.95 POLYCOLOR 169 Regular aneHard to Hold -Free Bikini Comb -REG. 1.89 ADQRN HAIR SPRAY . , 159 CLAIROL - REG. 2.25• NICE 'N' EASY HAIR COLOR. 1.99 REG. .35 RIT FABRIC DYES , v .29 100 SIZE - REG: .99 BAYER ASPIRIN .77 REG..78 ALFA -SELTZER , .66 REG..98 DR. CHASES, NERVE FOOD .88 REG. .69 DR. WEST TOOTH BRUSHES 44 REG. 1.09 BRYLCREEM TUBE .92 WITH. FREE EXTRA RIGHT HAND GLOVE -REG. 1.49 PLAYTEX 'RUBBER GLOVES 129 5 LBS. -• REG. 449 BATH EPSOM SALTS 39 • WE DELIVER • CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUARE GDCI Newsfront verers In Lower on The student -teach -student me- thod of .teaahing is taking hold G D.0 - It's _ ter.. at .��. � xific•seI.inder this system you can argue the teacher down since he's yglur equel--a mere student. - And to do this properly you've got ' to know, just a little bit more than the teacher. There- fore, there is method in the tea- chers' (the real ones) madness, Even a re arrangement of classfurniturehelps to develop free thought, in respect to our courses 'by eliminating the mili- tary rows of Yes-men. Now . that . school is almost over all •classes are reviewing as well as taking the remaining chapters in .the texts. Doesn't it feel marvelleus to.get a ques- tion dating back to before Christ- mas night? Things like this make ` that frightening month- long cram session seem more hopeful and less killing. •. On Monday, Mr. Stringer, one of the 13'er's most .enthusiastic cheer leaders, gave the 13's a ",peep talk.►, It was a combination of the popular cheeeeeaders' grind and the dutch uncle act. He ex- plained to us that the depart- mentais were highly competi- tive, that they test our' know- ledge relatiye to that of all the other 13'ers in Ontario, that no matter what, 20% have to fail ('as according to the Bell curve, whieh; when applied -to such a large . number of students, is as of now, foolproof) and that if •each, of us works- harder than 20% of the studenhs in this pro- visite, we, will succeed,. He described a big sty school where tlieytsdo 13 work all year round without games, shortened periods or assemblies. He de- scribed other tough opponents as doing .three hours of home - Work a night, By this time most of us felt terrible -.-even to the point of sweating blood,but this "would have been messy and absolutely no help in ous present predic- ament If has been said that GDCI has been classed by some as part of that "20%" because all. we seem to do here is play in bands, on Hondas, and make money after school to pay for these hobbies. ' But if we economize (studying is cheap) for the remaining five weeks of school we will be able to up our averages considerably (relateie to the amount of study- ing we ao.) So_ let's study hard and get, out of that 20% bracket. Those that think we're the 20% will probably have stopped studying hard • because tley `Teel they're safe. We .-can °trade laces( Sneak - y f•1uh! This studying hard bit is ra- ther like the "e_xtra,diaper ,the- ory" so well known to this° civil ization. (It afro is... called the "take your raincoat theory" or the "yes you need another sand- wich theory"), If you remem- ber the extra diaper the baby won't need it; if, you forget it he'll need half u dozen! So crawl into a ,hole and study., You can see everybody in June when everybody else. crawls out of theirs. (Studying outside is Nan• ideal way to get a tan --that's just a suggestion for the ultra- construetive.) ("Best wishes' have been sent to the grade 13ers on our final exams from an old timer. Thank you'!) It's all right, grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. The above wasn't "re- stricted" to those of grke 13 and osier. In fact, it's a good thing you read . it. At least you'll 'be .nore prepared when. you get there. You could even start practising no+w-youknow; Practice makes perfect! Check Mate Call -The last chess tournament held in Clinton last Friday re- sulted in a tic with one game Kinsmen Trade Fair Goderich - July ° 7-8-9 Booth Space Now Available. Contact: ROBERT BAECHLER, 524-782f MICIAEL CARNEY, 524-7543 .. PROCEEDS FOR .COMMUNITY' BETTERMENT still unfinished. They plan to play this one by telephone. _ 1 ,guess it ua i bedone; D jn't Paladin play chess by pony ex- press with the high shieks of Sajid! Arabia? • • Top Math GDCI placed nintf' in the Dns• triot. 1Q Junior rdl th contest. Glen Falkner, Gord `Stoll, Wil- liam Robinson, (the top three in GDCI) will be treated to a day at . the University ;of 'Waterloo bo leok at the computer$, col- leges, etc. Clean Net " The Open Net is having their final Hootenany (at the Lake- view) on Sunday, May 1 at 2:00. Lindsey and Leslie o Lennon, along with the Droman Trio of Goderich will be the guests of honor. True Martyr? For the Grade 13ers Just who is the true martyr in the Grade 13 English course? ) OBITUARY MRS. AMY-LAVINA HOMAR A member of North Street United Churcn, Mrs, Amy La- vine limner died at her home at 246 Huron roach on April 25 at the age of 60. Born in London, Ontario, she was the daughter of Manville Newans and Levine Peterman. She lived in London for three' years, Buffalo for three years, Belmore unti: 1940 and then Goderich. Surviving are her husband, Carman H. Hamar; and two daughters, Mrs. Donald (Marg- aret), Hildebrand and Mrs. Al- bert (Jean) McGuire, both of Goderich, and a brother, Nor- man Newans, Belsnore.,. .. She was predeceased by one son, Charle uee• jr9552, _ The fund `l service was held at the Stile Funeral home on 'April 27 withele Rev: Js Donald MacDonald,, North Street '(united Church, officiating._Intet tent -folowed in' Wroxeter fiemeter ,. fie,,,-• � g g f�}� get G•oder Si .al' !4 buraday, Tows Critic:: 'Aidss BAYFIELD.-The old world char,,.,of •.the Albion Bote1was enhanced on" Wednesday even- ing by the many oil paintings displayed by Vie- ClIf•; relight school Art +Mass.'.• • The *ow, comprising "Still life, seascape.,, portraits and ;landscapes' was admired by the large crowd in attendance; The Art Class members, un- der the direction of Mrs, Boss Middleton are Mrs. W. B. Olde, Mrs. 1L G. Mc(%ani'i, Mrs. C. 11. Magee, Mrs.. G. Harland, Mrs. 11. Young" Kelvin Jervis,, Sandy Welland and Art Aiken, all of Clinton; Nina Talbot, Kathleen Sally IHainilton and Myr tje Robinson, -;all of BayAeld;, J'.essie Keyes, Varna; Nary Gingerich, Zurich, and Eleanor Henderson 045%0th,. � Mrs Harry Johnson of Gude, rich, who is director of Solith- ampton Summero Sehool" of Fine Arts, offered• constructive, crltie- ism and words of :praise to the exhibitors and said that their paintings showed that, they had graduated from: "Amateur Stand- ing" and commented on their professional finish. ,Mrs. William Metcalf spoke on behalf of Bayfield Historical Society, and extended an invit- osiruARY .. JOHN LEWIS GQVIER A f Irmer ICr.ox Church officer, Jobe Lewis Govier, died in Alex- andra Hospital on April 21 at the age of -74 following a long "illness." Born in Hullett Township, he was: the son of John Govier and Margaret Maii. After completing his educe - Art. Club Set For Mart The Goderich Art .Club held its April meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Fester with main dis- cussior`i for the evetfing. The 'Art Mart" to be held in July. This year craftsmen and .:hab byists wish to aid to the show and the • club plans to make Court House Park come alive with displays. Town merchants are also to display items of interest around Wee,' Stere= ae==theii' ' "Setrefiisalk Shopping Days" co-incide *ith the Art Mart. Mrs W. Rehburn is project convener and will be glad to hear from craftsme•n and hobby- ists interested in taking part• FEEDS E HENSALL SALES ARENA SAT., APRIL 306, 1:30 P.M. 11V GODERICH .. MAITLAND COUNTRY CLUB COURSE IN EXCELLENT CO:VDITIGV • Watered Fairways • ANNUAL DUES P YABLE BY MAY 15th MALE FEMALE JUVENILE (uNDEa ") JUNIORS (1721) SHAREHOLDER NOh-SHAREHOLDERS 55. 6.5. .35. • 4 45• 15. 20. S pecial Rates For Man -Wife Or Family DRASTIC/ILLY " REDUCED RATES FORNEW GOLFERS • 'CLUB HOUSE PRIVILEGES ! RENTAL CLUBS AVAILABLE LESSONS BY PROFESSIONAL At Low - Rates GREEN FEES -- Weekdays 1.50 -- Weekends 2.00 PHONE 524-9641 . E\ERYONE WELCOME CONSISTING OF CALVES, COWS, HEIFERS AND STEERS FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT 'THE MANAGEMENT VICTOR HARGREAV'ES JACK MORRISSEY , 482-7511 • 234-6200 AUCTIONEERS: HECTOR Mcl'd'EIL, HAROLD' JACKSON There's A J A:C�BSE N 4 -BLADE TURBOCONE ROTARY tion in Hullett, he operated a livery stable b Dungannon be- fore coming to Goderich 45 years ago. His first wife, the former Ella Craviston, died in 1944. The former Margaret Evans, his secand wife, survives. Also surviving is one sister, Mrs. Lily Webster, Londesboro, and a brother, William K. Gov- ier, Londesboro. A former Knox Church min ister, the Rev. R. G. MacMillan of "Oakville assisted Rev. G. L. Royal with the funer service 9t April 23. Mr. Govier retired as church" officer .in 1962. Interment was in Ball's ceme- tery, Hullett 1ownship. Pallbears were: Charles Mc- Cabe, Goderic-'i.» •Harold Adams, Clinton; Dr. ' W. ° N. Watters, Goderich; Jack Hamilton, Lon- don; Spence Hann, Waterloo; Stewart Knight, Goderich. Relatives and friends attend- ed frpm Port Colborne, Toronto, Waterloo, Guelph, London, De- troit end 'Chesley. EXCLUSIVE BeautyLounge PRODUCTS Amino "'on Shampoo Especially compounded f or u.ndernouris'heti hair. • Crystalite 'Conditioning wave jel. , Non ^lacy, m Climatress . Hair Spray High -humidity formula. Formu- lated especially for our climate. Non stickey and gummy. . Otlica Nail Conditioner Guaranteed to harden naiis,-.pro- mote, growth and eliminates Witting, • Phynal Phase This is a multi purpose • cream with many, many uses •in the home as well as a. hair dressing. CMX An antiseptic additive for con- trol and inhibition of dandruff and prevention dermal in- fection.. • ' n BEGINNINt; NEXT WEEK WE WILL GIVE YOU COMPLETE DETAILS ON, THESE INDIVI- DUAL ON,, These items are for sale to the public as well' as our regular patrons. Beauty Lounge 81 EAST ST. Jacobsen presents America's newest line of quality rotary power mowers. For 1964, •these six exclusive 4 -blade Turbocone models feature new lightweight magneslun .decks, new quieter Jacobsen 321 and popular 4 -cycle en'gines with, quipker, easier starting, and .Ilhe improved patented Turboeone cutter for the smoothest, cleanest, safest rotary grass cutting. Jacobsen Turbocone mowers reflect the modern trend toward ease, convenience, and speed In outdoor power equipment. Choose -from this line of six safety engineered mowers -the one ideally suited to your needs. ROTC) TILLERS 3 H.P 22" 4 -CYCLE R.D'S SPORTS '6L.• CYCLE 'BAYFIELD RD. .• 524.9016 ation to the Art Class,to: p ticipate., in the'Society'► Veit. tennial gxhilatio0 which is to be on `display in the Town ,in,. 1967. .. r Mrs, L. hill also; extended invitation on behalf of the Agri cultural :society, to exhibit I4 the Poster C 1 40tition which open to all resldehts of :Duron County, . • fir s, Johnson was thanked by Ars. McCann and.. , presented with' a gift in token of appreei- a'tion. Mrs. rung, en behalf of the class, also, expressed thanks to Mrs., Middleton and presented her with a gift, Guests were present frotn Clintpn,, Sea - forth, Zurich, Goderich and Bayfield. animmoomimplian. LR09l� 19 POINT NE -UP `r Here's What We' Do: 1. Clean or replace spark plugs. 2. Check. compression. . 3. Tightenintake manifold bolt4s. ` 4. Adjust tension of all drive belts.. 5. Clean battery terminals and Cable*, apply -petroleum jelly to - .temrnals " a%d tighten c i6I clamps. 6. .Oheck generator- output, 7. Check distributor points and condenser. 8, •Adjust breaker arm spring tension. .� 9. Lubricate dstributor cams 10. Oil • distributor lubricating wiei-' • 11. Lubricate distributor bush- ing through- ail cup. 12. Check distr.,ibutor advance. 13. 'Clean cap and rotor. 14. Check fuel pump pressure and capacity. . . 15. Adjuet ignition timing, en- gine idle speed sante fuel mixture. 16. Adjust valve lash (if appli- cable). 17. Inspect all hose connections -- -and radiator for -leaks-. 18. Oheck all lights. 19. Test ' battery's charge. Plus Parts ALL FOR 15.60 We Specialize In Canadian and . Foreign Makes , ;Insured Pick-up' and Delivery DON'S White Rose Service 318 Huron Rd. - 524-9441 WIN a trip overseas or - money when you purchase gas 17-18 y {� ' QNTARIO THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Cordially Invite You To Visit The Ontario Hospital GODERICH, ONTARIO It is the belief of your Department of Health that illn,eas of any kind is a community affair that every citizen has a basic itsterest; a basic desire, to understand and assist. To help you become fully aware of the prdps°sional help available to the people of this province we welcome the opportunity to show you our facilities and how they are being used. Yo-• are invited to visit the hospital at the following times and dates during Mental -Health Week: . • OPEN HOUSEand TOURS SUNDAY, AY 1 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, MAY Y 4 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. .Any 'grpup may visit at other times during hie week by appointment • MENTAL„ HEALTH WEEK MAY I - MAY 7 ONTARIO HOSPITAL, GODERICH, -' Hon. Matthew Dymond, M.D., Minister