HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-1-14, Page 1F.RH.W.V.O.V8g.t.8trr48'Slrd.rP,VPI'M Snbserthe tor • The EXETER hDYOCATE. Only tFt frern now till January' jet nitt3h ilive it IsalrommTamtaamMaxagssem.,341;apOlargyx.#1. ,11,41,11.3..yomrg,ent, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14. 1892,, 0 2a, • 1,sn ti.e.)...r• -,.. tti,..ii,iy*,......ex..4 b ll."./i. '-',,"l4;,';',1•7,6-;.7l';' Jib' • Bilis, Itn.',.ii•it'l , (1,,,,t,,t• ;, • ,' • - :,....1:9;i;,•:t -in nv;i1 it all 1; itol,),,i; prii,till, 4, • potoo,..,...p..„,......,4 ..,..........44.,. ,....,!,',..,-R,',.!...e. ' VOL. IV. APTi.4.8,!5,81.M.F s Th e Dees'. Agasnst the e'i,o vial and good. natured fellees he The i['sons an k. TO RENT, about once a week. It is rumored he was not pressed because the barn burn I A it -gxev fine Brick Cobta—ge-iTnil one lot of land, is seeking for a partner in life. mg ate ti hg• been sheern to liayo. been situated on Carliag street.eolatitining there- w s,ey w as aiseossost of the reettlt of an accident, he haying In 8 emit odious fiVrit.O100 Order, e (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) thrown a match carelessly oaths. floor Paid up Capital $2,000,000. 'morels good- well of evateeeetstern, and a his imported atallion, 'Mild Lang Syne' IRest Fund . 1,000,000, frPa ame pan on the premises. Terms reason. able. For further particulars apply to Geo .o l, Lang of Manitoba, Where he when removing the horse and • Head office Afontreal, F. ViTOLFERSTAN THOMAS., Esq., Goetionien MA.NAGDR. Money advanced to good Farmer's on their ow notes with one or mnd ore eorsers at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every day•from IV na. to 3 p. m., Saturdays '10 a, m. to p. m A generalbauking business transacted Four per cont. per an.num allowed for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 3 per cent. , N..DYER.HURDON Exeter, Jan 26, '88. Sub Manager. - THE ezeter 2tpbxto cate, Is published every Thursday. Morning, at the Mee, - MAINsSTREET, - EXETER. By the eAresneitS, lett MASHING COMPA.NY, tioagins or a b this oilice.,--239-2 will be taken shortly' . • . A gathering of re,latives took place on Thursday last week a e of Mr. Jas. Frayue, it being the (losing up of &solace friendly reuniens. Dashtood. TO FA.R ME:RS , • Having all the necessary: m inery for cutting straw; crush tog grain 41). threehing elover, I bog respeetfully to inform the farm- ers Of this vicinity that I am prepared to do work in thee() btanchee with satisfibetion, and rektionable rates, For farther par- tioula rs apoly to WALT HILL, Lot a, eon, 2, Sterlien ITEt On. paid his in my friends a visit here midst now, the followitig ere ffected Lesson XIII The Bells of Shendon. •at the. residence 4. Oentralio„ , Miss Mitchell, of Chieelhurst who has been visiting friends here returned home on Saturday last, Miss E Fried cif Parkhill is visiting. Messrs Jas. McFalls and Thos Boyle Panin will be missed by hlOrti than one of 4de, ." XXVI From the Des need, Mane friends.•-flr. Tionnp8ou,lias• ree lags, 14 XXXV Resignation " XL Ring Out, Wild P. Ils. ' XLII Lady Lfl Jacques Cartier XCI Robert Burns. %CH ledinbarg after Fled len XCVIII National Morality. C Shakespeare: was visiting 'friends in Biddtilph on • CH The Merchant of Venice, Sunday last, Second reading, 01es Pon MDMOR I zsereoet. friends here. ---Mr. John Fried, of Bad- 'The la GriPPe is v ere' NI (.1 our sm'ocjil last weels.-We are glad to state that withet.--Mr. & Mrs Chas Fairhall, Sam 4, XXXX To Mary in HeaVen. uel BaskervM ille, rs. Chris' Bahserville, 44 XL Ring Out Wild Belle. Mr. Steinha seer and Mr. W itzel are re- • " Lady coveriege4fr. John bert is. laid 'UP pseph Anderson, Win. Moffatt LILA. nes In NEB trfl,t 01 I, ) With a CU LU T. See e u on IrQ ) g a ate. Company in the place of Mr. Jno Spacdi.- Monday to attend the Clinton College- took place on &thirties/ last aS fgolloaw(sil • • • 44 " XLVE Iscad Kindly Light. f •1 P 1 ' ' 11 I f T1 Weekl .1 ss ehbotin m t 1 iVV. OIL. been appointed Local Inspenter for the Cai maxi resigned. late Institute. --Mr, Spene.r takes his Ralph Handford, 1 0 -1 1 1-4 Parties having Canada Conlarty busineis to transmit will find MR. NEN' place in the Bleckbush sehool,-Mr. S.- HAWKSHAW'S HOTEL, EXETER, The first Thursday of each month co M. Rauch, who has been spending his Christmas holidays at home, re6.1ened last Week to resume his ditties as tea. cher Of our school. -Revival meetings rti- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. mhave Cpmmenced in the Evangelical encing February 4th, 1891. &wee. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. 6 J.53 if not so ease. ,.131.pF15.cs.- t5.oa:). No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advurtisomewbs without speeitio directions will be published till forbid and charged. accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for long per I.•. :Every .description of JOB ;PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and. at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- ers, Sic. for advertising, subscriptions) etc. to be made payable to Sanders Sz Sweet PROPRIETORS Church /Directory.' TaiviTT MititOarAt. Ontliton.--Itev. F. II Putt. Rector. Sunday Services, it a. in and 7 j.). m. sabbata school, 2.130 p.m. METnonisT Caulicii-James-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, tu.30 a. ru. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m. MAIN STREET -30Y. W.McDonagh'Pas- tor. Sanday Services,11.00 a. m. and 8.30 Sabbath School 2.80 7). m. PRESBYTERIANCEURCIL—EOV. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, D. a. in. and 6.30 p. So . cares. H. ;KINSMAN, S, Fan so n' s Block .. two door north of Carling Store, MAIN STREET, EXETER, OR tt acts teeth wit -Iota pain. Away at kiensall on 1st Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nd and ;Ith Tuesday; and Zurich on last -Thursday of each. month. et H. INGRAM) DENTIST, Member Royal 1. College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Unice over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Out. A safe anaesthetic given, for G the painless extraction of teeth. Fine old . killings as requirud. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and. Civil Engineer. Office, uver•Post 0Itiee, Main street, Exeter, Out. .....10,12*.maraslom..aria*OboimpoilMileunesmazi0100.1Mierm B WHITELY, M. D. C. M., PHYSICIAN . and. Surgeon. Obfice and. residence- orner Victoria and Elgin streets, Godorich, Ontario. rstR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and. N orth Streets, Exeter, Ontario. -1111. T. P. awe, AUG nLIN,M.BAIBIllt al? .1../ the College of .PhYsiciitns anti Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acenuch- eur. 051cc, Dashwood., Out. - DAIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinar,y College, Toronto, (Successor to Wm. Sweet, V. S) Over 18 years practice. Otlitio and residence one 'block oast of Richard Piekards store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont. , 1)B.. TA. A.MOS, M. D., C. M ,Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of Physiehyris and Surgeons Edinburgh; heen, tiate of the Faculty of Physicians mind Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Offiee-Dr. Cowen's old - stand... ItiR. U. McLELLANI EYE & EAR MEN. Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital Eyes tested and, glasses sitppliecl. Ofilee 001. Maple and Talbot streets. LONDON, ONTARIO. Irsowrommrtrumarnew.rma:•*•••••wn..................asaware• ;begat. 8PLY.r.iheN'Ll.',.T,TIoturikCbi.ic-.. Office- Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. I H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR U. of Supreme Court, Notary. Public, Con- ve yanoer, Commissioner, Sic. Money to loan Office-loanson's Block, Exeter. LTAOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, Ste. Money to loan at 0 per cent. B. V. BLL COT. j. ELLIOT 111M1.111.,,•011101MOMMOMMI.INIPPOON0111009••••••••••MIMINIra01%.* Auctioneers. woragamproono.• amamonsepooloonmeam, Ter BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- _Le.. ioneer for the.Connties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne ..Sales promptly attended to and term sreason able:a-ales arranged at Post oilice, Winehelsa A X. nomnis, late of Manitoba, Lieens- Xl.eied Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and. Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Out. Salo Orders by inalLor'''other- wise promptly attended: to at reasonable prices. ear HOLT, ethlvaeOnteriet Licensed aucb- V V . ioneer for the Counties (if Middlesex and Larnbten, and the townships of Stephen and Hay All sales promptly attended to. 1.-11 BOSSENTERRY, HensallOntarie. 1,11 ensed Auctioneer for the dountys of leuvon and Perth. Charges moderate anti. s tistactie n guaranteed. • EARD, Licensed,Atletioneer for the County of Baron. Sales Oenduoted on reasonable terms, Farm and Parin Stuck a 8 neeialty. Pull arrangements can be made at this offloo. FARMS FOR SALE. • , 1 Westiltatf of lot 10,, Concession rt in the township of Usbornean (lie nonnty *flint on containing therein 60 EC;POS mere 02 les. There is about SD acres cleared and the bat, aline hush, being piked, with black ash and eedar. A good with a good well of water and, well waited for stock ra (Sin g, Pot Thrther.par tinnier:4 artily t Geo, Pluat- .idgutown or to Join' Hunter, jr. bxetee P. O. NOTICE TO CHEEnE PATRONS.: ' The annual meeting of the:patrons of Centralia Cheese Factory will bp.' held on Saturday, jam:airy 231d, at 2 o'clock p.m the factory. Centralia, for the transaction of general business. Taos. COATES, Pres. NOTICE. The Council of the Corporation of the County ot Huron will meet in the ceteet Rouse. Goderich, on Tuesday, anuary 56th at 3 o'clock, p.m. WILLIAM LANE, January 8, '92, Co. Clerk. YOU CAN RELY Upon Hood's Sarsaparilla as a- positive remedy for every form of scrofula, salt sheutn, boils, pimples and all other di seases caused by impure blood. It eradicates every impurity and at the same •itime tones and vitalizes the whole system. Constipation, and all troubles with the digestive organs and the liver, are cured by Hood's Pills. Unequalled as a dinner pill. The annual Sunday school anniyers ary given in the Cavell Presbyterian church last week was heartily enjoyed by all in attendance. A good program was rendered and it hearty tea was partaken of by the children. • Read. . 'To the c‘tizens of Exeter and farm- ers of the surrounding country we wish to str6 that . having purchased the hardware Steele Of J. N. Howaed will be 'Opq11 on Satintley for business. when we will be islet& give you hardware and tinwareut prices never before known in Exeter. COBBLDDICK & FOLLAND Departed. Durtug the past week death visited the residence of Mr. William Bissett and the vital spark lett, the body of Mrs. (Rev) William I:, per .on Tuesday afternoon about two o'clock. She bad passel the allotted three score and ten and for some time had been in feeble health, but was not considered danger- ous. Mrs. lioopet has teen a resident of Exieter for a number of years, hay - leg lived the latter part of her life with her daughter. Mrs. W. G. Bissett. In her younger days she was an active member of the Methodist church, and was st: sincere, conscientious woman. Few have lived a more pure and blame less life. aud in her own quiet and un- ostentatious way never missed an op- portunity to serve her Master, whom she loved in life and is now gone to meet ia death. The remains will leaye the house for the James Street Metho- dist church on Tnuesday afternoon (to- day) at 1,30 o'clock, when a sermon will be preached by the Rev, Mr. Pas, coc,of Ste Thomas,formerly of this place aster which the corteage -will reforin and proceed to the Exeter Cemetery, where the remains will be interred. A son and a. dau'ghter survive her. She. was esteemed and beloved by all who had made her acquaintence. Brewster. Mr. W. 0. Brien is at present visiting friends in Michigan. ' Mr. Q. Taylor, of Mitchell -who ',spent a few weeks in these parts has return- ed home; Mr.J: Harris and wife, of Huron, Co. Mich are at present the guest of his sipter Mrs. R. B. Bailey. The late fall of snow has Made good sleighing and the farmers are very busy hauling all kinds of material: Bethesda. • Triumph Association No. 653 I): of I. held ,theirstegielai 'quarterly election on Tuesday and the following Ofileets were eleeted:-Walter Reddy, Pres; Henry Strang V. P.; S. Qudmore See, J. Oke, Trcas; A, Onclinore Sent; C, Harvey. A :chasege has been made with regards to meeting night which will be held on Fridey instead of Tuee. ds -Mi''Wnhi Keddy was in Clinton on Wednesday for transaction- of busi, nese. Ebeneaer, Mist Martha Butts, of Ripped and Miss Fannie Bissett of Exeter, Were the guests of Mrs. George Fisher last week, A. gentletnad from near Elimville ni vadese our neighborhood after dark Elimville Sam Davie 0 0 0 10-1 't J. C. Shetu•down 0 1 1. 1 1--4 Thomas Boyle LXVI Before Sedan. LXIII XCIX iTehreoTrsharie,eenFispieeli:Islial). " CITE To a Skylark, 1 1 1 0 1-4 " CoViirtEralhe.fayrNdI.tritten in a Country 18 Total Wm Parsons James Sands Mike Bpyle' S..B. Windsor Sleighing is good in this vicinity • Total and farmers are making es'ood use of 1 0 1 1 1-4 1 1 1 0 0-3 0 1 1 1 1-4 0001.1-2 it. -Whether luck or brains is the more County Council. potent is still ti debatable question, but the combination is leregistable, because- The members of the County Council On Wednesday eveliing amidst. a large for 1899, are as follows, the names null The Pnblie School Act of 1891 and the curricula for the public school leav sing teed the high school entrance ete.- aininations have not yet been jested by the Education De Artment As soon as printed they willbe eent to the .13 public school inepectoes, vim Will at ouce distribute there 'to the schools. gathering of relatives and friends, one cated by a star being new members:- • Brucefield. (To fate for laot week.) more of Usborne's fair ladies Was led MUNICIPALITY REBVD DEPUTY The sleighing here is a vast im- . to hymen's altar. At the residence of Ashfield .....:. Griffin Guamprevenient on business ----0-rip 114 quite Mr. John Andrews, by the Rev. John Chambers* common here, nearly all out citizens Russell, his daughter; Maggie, was Hitmilton beleg laid up with it, Dr. Elliott 'With given to Mr. Daniel Iloddisoti, of Bid- &nth .• Brussultie • McIntosh* the rest, but we are glad to see the, Di. dulph, to be a partner through life Baa.tiod . woods, around again, as he is at in Ott -Int re* . r, °truing Kennedy busy. -Mr. Geo. 11.1cCartnez and John When all had eaten of a bountiful Clinton ' . al ' , spreiad other innocent amusement was Colhornet:Beek Malloy Moffatt, from Moose Jew, N. WeT., are indulged in until nearly the dawn of Exeter s., .. Bowden* Spatkinan* at present spending a'feW 'days here. the morn. Presents were given to the happ1'n.1` :. " swn,n't oliver They report the weather much Colder y couple of a useful and costly '3' " • •'• "' ' • Bryan there than here, and have great crop nature. Your correspondent, together Proudfoot Holt this season; both oats and wheat. They with the surrounding' neighbors, -wish , .. 1 ,T., , . GOderich ksopelic i a p ...Lox Beacom. are located near ButraleLake 15 miles, them a life Of happiness in their earthly -Remick Kaine* Johnston fie:en Moose Jaw, which is their mark - path of life, and may joys of measure ''-w-.' , ,I et,--A.Ir - Duncan. Cameron is very less depths crown the two which have poorly at present. 'His son Dunean been made ones has arrived froth. Manibba. Ile is .....nee.—...,_ agent at Si:. James station Northern Hullett Ray Jaques* ..Britton McDonald* .111eEwan* Kalbfieisch Schnell* ' Morris .... ....Mooney Howe i lion newells Manley Stanley. Torrance Erratt Stephen Ratz Eilber ' Sherritt Scforth McLean Coleman Tum McPherson Cruikshank .Tnekersmith McLean Sheppard* Ueborne .Kay Kydd Wawanosh E .. Taylor Anderson Wawa risesh . Stuart . Bowers - Wingsham .....Hanna* Sperling. Wroxeter ...... Saunders Sodom. Pacific Railway, and has been in the — . West for five years back. -Mr. Harry The Sodbmites intend ha \ ing a soc- Mason, who went west and took ALP ial gathering. ep Friday evenhig, loth land near Moosomin, N.W.T.; last, fall, inst., for mutual. entertainmeot. All took suddenly 41,117with la gsippe and the Sodomites are requested to be pies died. , He had just sold his farm and ent, both male and f male. The enter- also his stock and. Was straiebteniess tainment will consist of readings, sing- thingsenp to get ready . to Move te ing. etc. The most attractive feature Moosomin. Re leaves a wife and five will be Inc wielding of the clubs hi small children. He Was' a FOrrester Miss Scott, accompanied by music. Any and insured in that Crder.-Rev, Gras person who has never seen such exer- hani, of Egthandellle, has been unable vises should not miss this opportunity. to be with ne for two Sabbaths had on Admission free te all. Any person is account of sickaess„ We hope he will welcome. --Communication from Sodom soon be, with us again. -Mr. Wm. and re last Friday evening's meeting will John Kaiser, our blacksmiths, haves appear next week. , opened a branch shop to the city of The Sodomites are vi illihg to discuss Varna and will can oe both shopa- the Poor House question with any par. A disasttbus fire occurred in Seaforth ty or parties that may desire to do so on Friday night. It started in John either on general grounds, or in the Beattie's dry goods and millinery stere line of economy as contained in Huron's and completely destroyed his stock; al Commi -tee report for 1887-8. To be so the adjoining store occupied by from to font speakers on a side, as May Jackson Bros. Mr. Beattie's back door be agreed on. • To be i friendly discus was open and the safe wasalso open. anon not so much to vie as to gave. an The goods, we are told, were . -.yell in opportunity of hearing fully, the Pro aura The:fire °averred about . 2.30 and Consa.Mand had a good headway before the firemen were aronsed.-Mr. W. H. Usborne, OBITUARY. -It is our duty this week to chronicle the death from Pneumonia of one of the,oldest residents of Usborne in the peneon of William Wynn, who died at his residence, lot 9, con. 11, on the 11th inst.; at the age of 62 years and 4 months, Deceased was a native of Donegal, Ireland, but emigrated to Canada over forty years ago, and has ever Since made Usborue his home. He married Jane Cathcart, a native of his 3wn county, who proved a loving and Willing helpmeet° in o vercem in g, the difficulties peculiar to our early settlers in making a comfortable home for themselves and family. Mr. Wynn was a staunch methodist and always - entered heartily into anything tending to advance the interests of his beloved church. He performed the several duties of claps teaches and Sunday School. Superintendent very acceptably and was for some years a trustee of Winchelsea public school. Siete ad vancing years had made it impossible to follow his usual labors he has con- stantly occupied his leisure in improv - proving his mind and reading the good old book, out of whose pages he drew great consolation, and died'as he lived, full of hope in a glorious rem rection. His remains were interred on Wednesday last in Kirkton beside those of his beloved wife Who preceded him thither some nineteen years ago. Re leaves a lenge family to emulate his good example and lay to heart the simple truths, his life was spent in teaching. Public School Work, Pollawing is the ilk of literature se, lections for the higtOchool entrance ex amination of 1992.:') Lesson IV. The Little Midshipman: " VII. Boadicea. " XIV. Lament of the Irish Em • igrant, " XVI. The Rumble Bee. " Oft in the Stilly Night. " • XXII. sfis the Last Rose of Summer. • Li XXXIV. Death of Little Nell. XXXVII. The Bell of Atri. XLI Making Maple Sugar. " XLIX The Mound Builders, " L. The Praries. ' " LXX1X The Capture of Que bee. '.LXXX Waterloo. LXXXITI The Influence of Beauty. " LXXXV Moulton and Douglas XC Mercy. 1893 V. Pictures of Mernery, X The Barefoot 13oy', XIX The Death of the FlOwere. .Stephen, There will be a public examination held in S. S. No. 3 on Friday, Jan. 15th, to which all are cordially invited. The teacher, Me. Jno. W. Harrison, has spared neither time nor pains to make it a success, as an excellent program has been provided„ the whole affair promises to bewail walking e few miles to enjoy. -,-Me. S. J. Hogarth rep- resented Providence Association P. of I. at their county convention assemb- led at Clinton on Wednesday 13th The "AdvOc'ate" deserves. credit for a tasty calendar of 1892, presented to their :subscribers.. The residence of Mr. Thomas Shapton beamed forth --in brilliance on Tuesday evening.beckjse a dumber of young People hadtaken pOssession of the premises and were: enjoying themselves in jovial eonver sation and innocent games of amuse Mont. The early part of the night having passed quickly away, refreshe merits were partaken of arid the mirth - continued until the luster of departure had arrived when a parting scene closedthe social 'gathering. - ArQupd About Vs. The sparrow =itch in McGillivray was.a grand success. The captains 'and men met at Mack's hotel, MeGilli •vtay, the other day to count theie,spar rows, and the east end men • were de- -Oared winners by about 1,000 sparrows when after partaking of a bounteous supper provided for the occassion, all went time metres Another sparrow match will take place at .1kAnte shortly Supper to he served at Pat Curtin' Albert Weaver the 16 year Of Listowel, who upon being arrested at Preston for ineendiarism • and horse stealing attempted suicide by cutting his throat ehae aftived at the 'jail, hav. mug ben collimated on the horse steel-' Ing Charge; by. the Listowel Polite Mt: gistrate. He will likely elect to be •tried summarily by the County Judge Ile is stud the led is partially demented. Until this eharge Wee brought home to hit ri he is eaid to --have -borne geed eheeacter. 'The charge of iheendiarism. It Lesson it it Rattenbury has been busy breaking his colts in. He has some that will leave as good a record as Royal Re. vedge we are told. -Mr. Robt. Smith has purchased W. Scott's celebrated trotter Tom and will put him to hard training on Brock's track next Spring. As Rob is a good horseman no doubt you will hear hie record later on. -Mrs. Geo. Plewis took suddenly -ill and died with la grippe test night. -Mr. R Beat tie, formerly of this place, has been bedfast at Dorrance Farmrtn, Seaforth, for some days. Hesis at present spend- ing a few days here. -Messrs. Wm. and Andrew Scott are very busy buying and shipping grain, hogs, cordwood &e. --Andrew. Davidson, frontFriarton Brae, was in town, this week on busi- ness. La Grippe has seized a number of our citizens during the past week but nothing serious has resulted from the disease. -Mise Horn, of :Exeter, :spent Sunday visiting friends in the village. e --Messrs. Ike Luker and James Ander aon have -returned home from Dakota but only to remain on a shout vacation. —40. Walter Hughes left last week for Weep, to agaiti engage in the 'labees of this life. -Mr, R Patterson, .je., has rented his fine new two storey dwelling' to Mr. George MelrevSen.-We are faV, ored with excellent sleighing and our little burg is all of beistles-Mies Age gie Hunter has returned to Braiitford. S --The following pupils received prizes for the recent competition examination in the yeee's lessons of Camel Preshy terian Sabbath &hook -1st, Amy itiur. dock; 2tn” Jennie Buchanan; fird, Maggie B. McLean -Mr. Thomas 13till- antyne 15 ;still convaleseeet,--'Muss Simpson, of Walton, lute entered 'upon her duties in the publin school, She comes highly reeonieriended 'ted doubt will give .great SiitiSffietiOB.- gt JOhil Chepraen and his sistee, Miss Carrie Cha.pman, have rettotived after visiting relatives and friends iii Haini. iltme and Ctiledemia for the past month -Mr. 'William Hughesreturned to . St Louis on Wednesday mot:deg. Being turned. 4,t ter s pe n die g ti e hoe t vaeatien with friends in Gelt,-SeThe election has mu out subsided endthc villagers have again settled ..doWu. lee .business, being' well satisfica vith results end especiall„y V0 aavei tbellanere of having' the reeve of the township on. their miclit. Being a p Tukte man and having good .basinees Metes, there', no question about him b•,..ieg highly capable of lilting the office. ---0e: twee" Veterinary Surgeon, Mr. Cheney, hale. established himself and is anxiously - awaiting a call from puttee io'nited'et his services --The contract for the' erection of a tiandSteme i•esideece for Mr, James .TaA mit, Of Rifle Green, been let -Mr. Robert Ferguson, foirra-'1 orly of this place, has eeettred a,Selecteel at Rayneev 11 le, Waterloo county excellent sermon was preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, Otte- led"prossieg the Rnbicou" to a largo Tethering, many being. peeseet fteent. neighboring vi 11 age a HWeeter W'dlie Elder loft lest week for Toronto where he ihteeda.preiecuting his stud -let the Uni yersity.-eA few months ago the Rev. J. S. Ileuderson, of Carmel Wen, byterian church, addeneeed to the Sabbath School that he would ioia canonations in the catechism d tui pee the lest of December and would giVe • three prizes- to those correctly repeats ing from, memory, the whole pf the shorter cateehisra,7 and reepensc there were no fewer than 14. who en: Lettered ito repeat et.:.E,lo,ven oy. those diet'eeti suceessfully.: eine first Wise was wen by MisS Jennie Buchanan, tIve 2nd by Miss Lizzie Reith, while Nellie Shirray, Vine Kerr, Aggie Buchanan' and Maggie Smillie wereequally geode each obtained a third prie.=-A. very interesting debate was recently in conned -tion with the Young People -et Mutual Improvement Society. The subject was, "Resolved s that motalW has not kept' pace with The affirmative was sustained by liken srs. J. Stoneman and W. Hughes, wait the negative by Messrs Wm, Bueitesi an and G. Sutherland.. The judgee gave their decisitin in favor of the, affirmative. • COLL Stephen, on 12ti, last ; the wife Of Wm: Collingwoodel, • a son.'$. -- HODDISON-AxDREWS.-At the reside elms of the brides parents, on the 15th hist., by the Rev. John. Rause% of Elimville, Mr, Daniel Hoddiscri, er El.:Mull-An to Magele, daughter of Men Johh Andrews, or Usherne. ' 11.1.ND0001C-TREBLE1.--41 the resid- ence of the bride's pareete, on 13th inst., by the Rev. A. L. Russell, Mm. Wm. Handcock, of Emerado, Dak, te Miss Mary E. eldest daughter of Mr - John Treble, Exeter. 1)111ALTIIIS 1100PER.-In Exeter. on the 11th intot Rebecca, beloved. -wife of the late Rey. William Hooper, aged 77 years. WYNN.-In Usborne, on the 11th William Wynn, aged 82 years and 4 months. MeLnien-In Godertch, on January .9 1862, Wm. McLean, aged 51 yrs.anek. limos. • OSBORNE,- In Clinton, on January 9th, Calvin Osborne, aied 49 years and • months. The Bone Of Contention; How strange -and delusive are the thieve; That do the minds of men employ, Like butterflies with painted wings That affords them so much joy. Especially when jealousies do arise To see other men in the race. Competing with them for the prize They will try to shorten their pace. We will not suffer thiething to be For we were first in the. race, Move the market can't poi" see Far away to some other place, We are bound to take a stand, We will see what we can do, Now let us join as one man And shove the thing right through. The first thing we will have to do Is to send a petition around, And this will bring the eettua.,100, Then to act they will be bound. How they laughed when it came an One hundred and fifty names or more; Didn't we lay a clever scheme, Of victoi7 we ate almost sure. As quickly as they knew hew With petition to the council flye We have our enemies vanquished' men Anti soon they will have to die. Nineteenstwentiethis belong to we Of the inteeests of the town, We are bound to let them 'see That we caulking the market diva., lot the farmers aceOmmodation, What, we leave, the market there, That is not Our eoneideration, Their interests are iteet our cere, 0 self deluded mail ariise, Pray do not be quite se bolds Foe if the fat mat leave yotn You must be left out in the'edld. Thanking von Mr. Editor fOr space 1 remain, yo•ura &e., It B.'