HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-04-14, Page 4rich 5.444.---S,tarii sday,"Apal 14, Ma iuiGUE DIRECTORS ri)res'e4C15, r 41.7e a ej 'MEET 'ani• L47147 1 • 14:,a1 Owe za .SMnd; .4?rank Gazate oi XaUtiee AraaaVang p-e-ident'12ea.?eidtI Roth 4i A ". • , of the Ontario Niator 11atea.Eanaaea aal William Oa MiiTa Windsor, Met With_ the manapr,a1 'Graderieb. nd newly-appainted direeter, Cl4g 45nalle,° general ni- ttlie Ofl,. Bine 'Water Club at araleta, ePolie larie:97 to 'the diree- A, dinner zneeting at the Down- tors,. Dar Me -Milieu, a OWQ1a tboainer Hotel. ,Sannel laeal ma5e5er. , 0 The Blue Thu By G. MectIOD ROSS, DIRTY WATER ' *clalimp Cleating over Times Squ-i the worid. centre"of sophistica- Potable Water is becoming are with ila Ih.ge black, and redjfera--plemaraing! pzate,em the world ever, but sur,Iposter: "Save- 1,Vaterr for 196Of. the 1250 railliou gallonsaisaa iail-theeaaaaaaagatc-adisi.aavas.athea.yearawhenaii a..-T9plaataeathq..-Qiigataa.%jlKealcak4" i' 'play of feFeght iii some ale -dried up. It was mil-cenly die- habitants, it was found that 400 aert traeta' than in many West- covered that this vast IA would million were running to waste. ern cities and towns whi& liehave to pay for its ears ellfA new game: "Find the Leaks" on Nast belies of -water. IpOlitical chicanery- an cornap-i wee, inatituted, One competiter Take New York city for ea-, tion. Ancient leaky reservoirsfound he could ' paddle in a ample. Perhavs you saw the and ancient leaky plumbing; in!streara gushing &ova a Central . - :AVOID THE SPRNG.RUS °Rapt -HtifOW! • Credit at HFC limns credit coast to coast • 'MIWKL MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS ,,,O.F. 19 0 :6 :a i' 18 12 ""‘" wars maths. Iswaths coariss'acooths, stair* i 100 $ 1-- $ s.... $6.12 30 18.35 28.37 50 23.73 32.86 51.24 100 41.45 58.11 91.56 1100 57.72 2510 73.35 90.18 3001 88.02 108.22 4000 101.01 117.37 144.30 5000 126.213 146.71 180.37 , Mon parcirts Wads pdx.tul a:4 latarat sal am Wed , go prorayrtfaVarratat, but do act Lade..i to unto( Its tasarsaci Credit in 0110 office gives you cask credit in every NM office throughout Canaq and the 17.11 A good reason to borro* from HIPINI Ask about credit fits twit: co Ices it tars um HOUSEHOLD FINN" . GODERICH • 35A WesiStreet-Telephone 524.7383 (above the Signal Star) Ask aboilt our evening hours GET YOUR REqUIRPIENTS OF BAGGED OR BULK FERTILIZER 'HARRISTON FERTILIZERS LIMITED' CLINTON - PHONE 482-9133 hosapital, a 'city ,administered ater- resetvonr. At bellevue 39 year old refrigerating plant was pouring two million gallons to waste a day. "Don't flush for- everything" the sigma read. Nvery time you pull the plug five to eight gallons, go down �tef thaen,sezieir.qu..aAtednd., sulaspepvil;cleanycee. tema 400 hurts in -trte-Vairis per annum. Yet in October 4964,• Armand d'Aagelo„ the $9000 a year water commission- er, Banat:meth "1 -der not at pre- sent see any danger of a water shortage." People screamed: "Meterl, I; will take five years and $84 Million to meter New York and unless every fiat" is metered, who is to determine what each tenant alien pay? NOW, with rain and all the skimping, the reservoirs tm , little mare than half full. Mean - I while the Hudson river pours past the city with a .flow of 13040 gallons per second -and into the Atlantic Ocean. What a ,dilemma for a city official in. '6which to find himself. He could have had all the filtered water tthe city needed with the exer- cise of, foresight. Goderich Water Supply One cannot but help equat- ing this awful example cif nem- esis catching up with apathy, to our own situaLon here in Gode- rich. For here, we too, have what is. for our sma/1 popula- tion,, a limitless source of fresh CUSTOM MIXING OLT SPECIALTY izr7 FO6D IS A BARGAIN DURING IGA's water lapping at our doorstep. Find TA Hoven! World Problems Facing .The . Here, we too have an antiquated diatributior system. Here we are forced te conserve water annually. But stay! A few years .ago the town fathers re- sponded to the strietttrea of the Oretaricl, Water Resources Com- mission (0 Wit..) and invoked their assistance. They and we, et -reason to believe -that' would obtaip from the 0.W.R.C. the beat technical advice and $o to the OMAR. Vas entrust- ed the job of -designing, build- ing and, maintaining a ,system of .punips and Altera to 'ensure us of an adequatupply of clean water. , , What ia the result Of our faith.in the omniscience of the QaW.R.C.? The result is that in the period of the year when demand is at its lowest, the win- ter, , we are served with some of the dirties . water we have ever experienced. Many ?claim they got cleaner water, on av- erage, before the filters were installed. It may be of com- parative interest to note that in teeming Calcutta they have two supply systems. One for drinking and dne for gardens. The latter is drawn straight from the Hoogly river. It would be bard to distinguish it from Goderich water. In Tientsin, in Hong Kong, in Quetta, Bannu, Fort Sandemaii, Miranshah, Raz - mak even, all with poor supply sources the water was clear. TAKING OFF YOUR SNOW'S BUY NEW REPLACEMENTS During B.F. GOODRICR TIRE LE ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 13-16 INCLUSVE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT qUANTMES.. , Without going into (Ions, vveknow we pdasess a panwIng system about twice the capacity of the Altars. This knowledge is supported by the existence of the notorious bypass valve, in- stalled so as to bypass the Alt- ers if and when an abnormal demand occurs and so permit rawawater-to--beaptunpedai the mains. But remember, this is the low demand season; our dirty water cannot surely!, he laid at the valve of the. bapaas. No we. oust look further for the negress in the woodpile. , We know the distribution system is ancient; that it 'may have dead end a which are not flushed out regularly and so inhibit silt. But dirty water is' found all over the system, so we can hardly blame the decrepit distribution mains. There remains the elevated supply tank, up by the C.N.R. station, into which all water must be pumped before it can be distributed to users. Sup- pose a temporary demand a- xing which empties this elevat- ed tank at such %a rate that the pumps are:forced to refill it at a rate in excess of that di- gestible by the filters.' That is, at a rate which precludes ade- quate filtration time.. The re- sult will be dirty water. Now we can tie the more pro- bable causes of dirty water down to one or more of the following possibilities: 1. The elevated supply tank is too smallojn relation to a probable maximum demand. 2. filters are too small in relation to the existing sup: ply tan& and the possible maximum demand. 3. ne filters are net efficient. 4. The alltep are not op lerated efficientlY: We have elected a body of astute men to manage the local P.U.C. and Connell has the right to be advised by these men, chosen feta their apecialist knowledge. If these do not wamtereathe trouble- lies, there is the obvious recourse tb the OV.R.C. for an opinion. Ita is d"course quite inempre. handl* that the 0.W.R.C.,- when it orlginally surveyed the problem of Goderich water sup- ply, did. net obtain all relevant data as to 'what was necessary to enable a balanced filtration and supply system to result from their recommendations. So far we have seen no publish- ed explanation, still _less apol- ogy, for the unsatisfactory re- turn we'll'aVe received for our money. And the money was found, let us not forget; at the goading of the 0.W.R,C. It seems clear therefore that the onus is now oa the 0.W.R.C. to say what is faulty. To admit, if necessaiy, some oversight and finally for Council to con. rider how to implement the, remedy proposed by the prime instigators of this supply scheme. Regrettably an attitude of timidity is far too prevalent when it comes to approaching a provincial body. In the present case it is clear, that if the Com- mission is to retain its position as technical mentor for Ontario municipalities, it cannot afford to ignore shortcomings of our present water supply system of Which it ika's the engineer. WE'RE BUYING • SEED OATS • FOR THE PRICE OF GARRY, RUSSELL and RODNEY Registered or Certified Canada No. 1 --- • Nylon Tubeless • •' All Popular Sizes • Better Than, Original Equipment • All Whitewalls • -SEED, ,BARLEY KEYSTONE and HERTA' BUCKWHEAT. are HICtIEST PRICES PAID GIVE US k CALL WA R D S W. G THOMPSON SONS LtD. HENSALL Phone 2.45,527 SHELL 'SERVICE 51 KINGSTON ST. .524-7752 7t.f • ULIFL LARGE HEADS CLARK FANCY . TOMATO JUICE... • CLARIS'. o •.(;, . 8 S oil PS. vIgL.T.:A_E OR 10 -ox. • I WESTINGHOUSE EYE SAVER 40, 60, LIGHT BULBS" .... Watt 100. • U.S. NO. i WHITE Ai 4m, U.S. NO. 1 GRAPEFRUIT Vrsq -4,ib(4 HEAD LETTUCE 2 \if,:ragd; 39 t CANADA'S FINEST, PERSONALLY SELECTED • RED BRAND BEEF!! • • Tin$ TOP VALU CCE PEACHES......... TOP VALU. CHOICE CREAM CORN .... 4 • Tins 15Io' z. Tins 5, Sc BLADE or SHORT RIB Shoulder Roast PONE '49c lb. TOP VALU CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 15 -oz. Tins 88 TOP VALU EVAPORATED MILK 3 1-6Z. OW SNOWCROP' FROZEN GREEN PEAS 5 12 -oz. 88C Pkr. INGERSOLL BABY ROLL CHEDDAR 9 rin,„ CHEESE SPREAD. SHIRLEY GAY CHERRY PIE... lb: PORK LOIN ROAST Iv lb LEAN & MEATY, COUt,ITPY STYLE SPARE RIBS' ' lb. 69 TABLE TRIMMED, CENTRE CUT ..PORK CHOPS lb. 79C 24 -oz. Family Size Pie 49C WIN CASH DAILY ON IGA'S. EXCITING NEW QUIZ SHOW MATCH ANYTHING "I GIVE AWAY" Doily on CFPL-RADIO, London; CKWW-Rodio, Windsor; CKNX-TV, Wirighom TO ENTER: JUST PAINT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS & TELE- PHONE NO. ON THE BACK OF AN IGA CASH REGISTER TAPE OR FACSIMILE AND MAIL IT TO- ANY OF THE ABOVE RADIO OR TV STATIONS. , Raging Orange? Whimsical White? Every day someone creates a new color. 'Can you imagine what it's like Na trying to please everyone? Crown Diamond can with their decoratone coloration system. Think of any color and your Crown Diamond Dealer will match it on the spot in any finish. Crown Diamond Decoratone-the ultimate in paint - protection on the inside or the outside of your home. Buy colorful drown Diamond-Decoratone now. and you save $3.00 on a gallon; 750 on a quart! Offer expires June 30th, 1966. REMINGT John Jeffrey & Son THE CROWN DIAMOND PAINT COMPANY LIMITED CROWN DIAMOND PRODUCTS ARE SOLD BY: 163 Elgin St. W., Goderichy Ont. S24-8171 igh wws o ,