HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-04-07, Page 16Goderichu 4Signal-Star, '` htl 'day April `d, 1906 ,. tl GDCI NEW$FRQNT Grade 13 "H By Susan Bell The following students have chosen for the e Heaven is i view! In 1963, been r h conference team: Betty � ,E`ue; Bonnie Web er, Norma Walter, Jane Fisher, 1ViarY Jayne- McManus,, Bill =Wil ) inson, John Pirie, Ian ,Welters, John Gottschalk, - Andy Pirie, Brian Smith, Blob Marion, Gord Stoll, Anne MacRae, Rosemary Students con go � �. d s orade 13 and can, learn: without -the, fear ti 'Mose cldiiar1inentals, Hence the 13'ers latest motto, 4,`Why leave it 'til .next year, do it now,-�=•ar wait 'til ;'68!" • Therefore, all -the .,students Basler, Peggy Stoddard, Theresa who'started grade nine, in 1964 Awrphy, Carolyn McEwan, Lin- wij lbe Vhe first ones to enjoy da Sheardown. the luxury (if all goes well). On Monday our chess team Those who startedin '63 can ca'pre back and defeated the enjoy this . new I Clinton team. flunk. But there .!mist be a Our chess tram defeated Ex- eter in it "somewhere so ,don't eter three games out of five. .try .to flunk fe' it, lint anyway}The winners were, Brian Lin, 1 think we should send a daily field, Ken and Jim Hunter. dozen of red roses to William Tonight, at 3:00 they are'spon- Davies, Ontario Minister of Ed- soring a dance at GDCI. The ucation to draw our approval Win Jammers are playing so it and gratitude. ought to be a great night. The Last week grade 13 students, chess club intends to buy chess interested in teaching, were ,in- board with the profits of this terv'jewed by u teachers', college dance They say that its aw- representative. They ail seem gully embarrassing to iipvite to be . looking forward to next tither schools here and then year's stint at teachers' college have to ask them to bring the and the three years of teaching. Badminton season is in full swing. Everybody (or at least, as many a-; the auditorium cant Bold) is batting birds between 3:32 to 4:00 (with thea gown rackets). LQCHALSH i'boaiils. It sounds like inviting Fame for dinner and then ask- ing her to bringthe entire meal. On April, two students t.sfr om P 2, eaich room ,-Went- =to- all store; etc. to stick on the' hospitals "Full" and "Push" stickers. The school' figured that, since 'most .of us have already or will have made use of the hospital, we should help support the build- ing, of the new addijtton. GDCI has -found .fifty more dollars which they are going to send to support crippled chidren through Bunny Bundle. 'We are free for a week. What are -your., plans? - sleep 'til Doomsday, study (so I'm crazy), help your parents, catch up on, your work and day dreams? If you run out of things to do look cor signs around town ad• vertising dances, shows and fun. Here's a tip -the Win Jammers are playing Monday, April 11 at North Street Church between 9 and 12. Happy Easter! New Grader For. Towns i► IIOLMESVILL.E. - Miss Sa dra Williams 'leave: by air o Friday for Antique, West Indie for the Easter vacation. Miss Barbaran Ball, Clinto spent the Weekend with Mi Lucille Bond, u, Mrs: t16yd bond vvas ilii W in ham on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week' as n Presbyterial delegate to the, London Confer- ence. U.C.W, 'annual meeting., Those attending the Tuesdays evening .session from 'Holmes- vi11e�U.C.W. were,• -Mrs. R. Grigg, Mrs. Wm. Norman, Mrs. I . Har- ris; Mrs. Orville Blake and Mrs. Carman Tcbbtit t. Goderich Township has pur- chased a new grader in prepar- ation for a busy summer ahead. Mr. and Mrs. Stitn Vanderwal left en Wednesday by plane for Amsterdam, Holland for a three week vacation among relatives there. gri,cuural . Group e -Elects Officers By Mrs, Wilbur Brown DUNG NNUN.:-.The Dungan-. non Ag rieultural Society held its annual meeting on Maih 30 wikh a good attendance. Stanley MoGratten of Gode- Ticlz< was chairman for the meet- ing ing with the "same slate of of - flew -Si acting for this year. The executive for 1966 will be: President, Chester Finnigan; first vice-president, Roderick McKenzie; second. vice-presid- ent, Theodore' Redmond; secre tary-treasurer, T. "M. Durnin: This is Mr, Durnins 24th year in office. The society had a' suc- cessful year, with a substantial balance on ' hand, it was re- ported. It was decided to have bleach- ers erected this year with Ross, Eedy, Melvin Dickson, Stanley McGratten and Theodore Red- mond named as the committee lu • charge. Chester Finnigan and Rode- rick McKenzie plan bo have the water system - completed this year. Entertainment 'concessions #'or the. children have been se- cured for the next fair off Sep- tep ber 27. Every two years, the new pre- sident, has a special project on the grounds, the most recent being a new barn; water on the grounds and hleaehers. Plans are being maae fore thiS year's fair with the races as usual.. Tthe fair' board- is de- serving a Congratulations nn their interest in . keeping the event in opera:ton. The society also sponsors the 4-1-1 clubs, and the beef, dairy and grain clubs. During the past year the club membership was 45. a 51 Ws. W. Zinn Named President W.I. Group Elects By, Mrs. Wilbur Brown U a DBJIYGANN. lV Me March meeting of the Dungannon Wo- men's Institute was Gheld at the home off: MrS. jc. K. Dawson.n. The roll_ call "tips on: storing clothing was answered by 21 members. . An invitation, to visit Londes- boro Women's Institute fox their May -meeting was accepted.. • .Mrs. L. Ivers, 1Vlrs. C. Crozier and Miss Iva Garr offered to be a committee to prepare gift boxes for shut-ins at Easter. iVIrs. W. Rutledge read • a paper prepared by the home economist, Miss D. Liddiard, who was unable to attend, on "The; Storing of Clothing." She also read an article on "The Old spinning Wheel." The . motto, "Make Good of Time, it" is God Given," presented by Mrs. Marry Girvin, An apron, made by Mrs., G. McNee, on. Gwli,'iela each member a utographed her naive in liquid embroidery, was sold by Chin- ese auction,and anot d apher don- ated- ren r . aT, r sold-. , sold-. The- annual reports of the standing committee conveners was given. Mrs. W. Zinn read, the slate of officers foe 'the nominating Committee and Mrs. K. K. Daw- son conducted the election of. officers for the coming year'. Past president, Mrs. C. Croz- ier; president, Mrs. W. Zinn; .first vice-preuident, Mrs. 11, stir ilia, _.second vice-president, Mrs. W. Rutledge; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. H. Alton; district director, Mrs. C. ''Crozrier; alter - Use nate, Mrs. L. Ivers.• Officersqpir 1•iV,hinney, Mrs. J. Dauphan, Mrs. Q. Finnigan. Pianists, Mrs. F. Jones, Mrs. W. Brown; auditors, Mrs..' B. Stewart, a'Vdrs it M o Whi nney. Standing cmnmittee conven- ers) Agrlcultlirr Rivett, Canadian industries, ' Mrs. ,F. Young; citizenship,,Mrs, L. (vers; education, Mrs.• G. • Errington; historical' research, Mrs. C. Blake; name econOh11 cs, Mrs. C. McNee; health; Mrs. R. Finni- gan; current events, Miff B. MVlcConnel; public relationS, Mrs. G. McNee; curator, Mrs. 0. Popp; resolutions, Mrs. C. Fin- nigan; press reporter, Mrs. W, Stewart. A program prepared by Mrs. Falls on hes trip to ,England was read by Mrs. F, Young. After singing the Institute Grace and the Queen, lunch was served was Branch directors, Mrs. H. Me- by the hostesses in charge. LOCHALSH -Mr. and Mrs. • Olive McCharles arrived home on S�inday after three ‘cee'ks holidays in Fiorida. • Mrs. Dan Wi yld,. is a patient in AV -Ingham. and District Hos- pital. , T'hc William Ross farm has been :old to- Jacob Verhulst of • Alma. ' • Recent visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Gorden hinaysori «•ere Mr. • and Mrs. 1311' Rodgerson and. Jitirtinie. nd- fininie. and Mr: and Mrs. Paul Envberlin of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Donald F, Mac, i Kenzie have, 'returned toy their Lochalsh home • after spending the venter in Win•gham. • Symtpathy • • is extended the brother and sisters of Mr. Hind- ers B'arkwell win') passed away in hospital 'in London. „ I Re -cent visitor with Mr. and ( Mrs. D. 4." MacLennan was Mr.. Finlay MacLe'hnan of Kitchener. i .. ' Mr. Fred Ritchie aperit the' ' - past three weeks with John McCharles. Do your remodeling now. Ehls, it with an HEC,Householder's:Loan. AMOUNT OF" LOAN -- $ 100 300. 550 1000 1600 2500 3000 4800 • 5000' MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 60 1 48 I 36 I. 30 I 10. I 11 rnu thsimonlhs-monlhs•Emonths,maaths.mon,h$ $6.12 $9.46 ._j,. 18,35 28.37 ,, 23.73 32.86 51.24 41,45 58.11 91.56 $ $ $ 101.01 126.26 57.72 73.35, 90.18 88.02 108.22 117:37 144:3e 146.71 180.37 Above payments include principal and *Interest and ere based on prompt repayment, but do not Include the cost of Ills Insurance. HFC's Householder's Loan provides .up to $5000 to do whatever needs doing around your home or apart.--" ment. Gives you up to 60 months to repa Ask about credit lite insurance. on loans at low group rates HOUSEHOLDFINANC GODERICH 35A West Street -Telephone 5247383 - (above t he -Signal Star) Ask about our evening hour Vei• g� bo we have Easter fashis ns°? Do r we have everything exciting, entrancing .-.. feminine, flattering? Do we have all the latest, loveliest silhouettes . . . all the. pale and pretty, glamorous and glowing colors . . all the fine fabrics from smooth and -sophisticated to beautiful and bubbly? Yes, indeed We •do . .. and you'll want to choose and choose again, for a most enhancing Easter. i SUITS COATS • - - COSTUMES DRESSES SKIRTS• - SLIMS , SHIRTS and BLOUSES HATS 'from $29.95 from $29.95 "'froth $16.95. From $10.95 • from $10.98 from $8.98 from , a $3.98 • from $6.98. 127 -or- '620 - LIST • 65c EA.-• Verichrome Pan ifor99,C DENTAL CREAM - COLGATE Sugg. List 1.19 9 7c SUGG: LIST 78c. Atka -Seltzer 25's 127- or 620 FILM �[ 'Kodacolor Sugg. List 1.551, 3.3 67c WITH. BIKINI COMB ADORN Sugg, List 1.89 1.3 3 SPECIAL 1.75 VALUE FOR 1.49 heck Shampop 1.29 REG. 89c Instantine TABLET 69c NO WORRY - Reg. 1.25 Deodorant 2 for 1.2 5 COLOR SHAMPOO - Sugg. List 2.25 New Dawn 1,88 WITH FREE BRUSH AND COMB SET DOVE a BARS 88c KODACHROME II 8MM - Sugg. List 5.25'' MOVIE FILM 4.29 R9 AGI ORAGIB-12.-M2ORMZB Sylvania Flashbulbs Sugg. List . 1.80 1.49 Sugg. List 1.92 1.59. REG, 93c Bayer Aspirin 100's, V '°J OUAEIII.D.A. COUPON• ; .. A $2.00 or more purchase at I.D.A., plus this coupon, entitles you to receive FREE, bither: 1 pr. "Lovely Lady" Nylon Hosiery (Nutvvood shade)._ • or hade)•wor 13 Wilkinson Sword Stainless Steel Razor Blades 144 qL Iiti6/lY drat w, LECV MA;ge.IN.vgit t+'F1 Customer's •Sr0'nature. Check your choice of free item here: (Coupon valid only when signed) •(1 Coupon expires on April '9, 1966 laiRje"Maitaikait WE DELIVER • -ERSON'SDRUG STORE - •I�f f'i: 5i1 A ,. iw � ,). _.. 14 , i_'i._YS....�`4F'��{....�. 1 i� ; '4' �(11�'}i a��'tKS"�.-.....: c..a5:$�R°�I'.:i•7:_ _c , 1r 1319 "CORNER WEST STREET & SQUARE ". ° 524.9212 y�. THE _•SQUARE SHOPPE n •