HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-04-07, Page 150 County council at its March Session approved grants to the _-....-,,---Iiniversity--of-WesteriVIOntatt0- ' totalling $.2,200, including $1,0°0 for its building fund. The University of Waterloo 14itheran University 4200 in bursaries was approved. Gue-, 1pir University will 'get $300 for scholarships and, Western Ontario Agricultural College r a Grants Approved • a $100 ,scholarshipo "The time haS. comet." said 'IteeVe'VrBOYIGTiaresir7,11air- ' Mau of the legislative and educational -committee, "when we have tel: take a! look .'at" these unlveroity: - grants, cause every, year more are trying to get on the gravy train. - "We have to determine sora car-safcty you need to buy?' 004\ NIAGARA • KNOWS HOW •ff'.; (;.4 now ... for new Ores, complete overhaul, any good reason. A Niagara counsellor will talk over t amount and repayment'schedule ... and • tailor it to lit your budget. We beliRve. -money and helpful planning go together. I,,,ans from $50 to $2500 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 29 KINGSTON ST. Phone Member of. the- _ Gor:oPmpanlos. By Huron County Council which is our hone university, •, and_ th nlOheogencensits.- IlaTnaority elite committee was that the University of Western .Ontario and the versity of Waterloo, will serve this county fully in all phases of education—engineering at Waterloo, „law and medical schools at Western. We did not give Waterloo Lutheran or . Guelph. University any. building fund money, because we feel this is aboutas far , as tills minty can go." The finance and executive committee obtained approval' for eight grants and listed six requests for support which were refused. One of the lat. ter was from Bluewater Rest Home at Zur.ch, for which a . grant had been sought,. un- successfully, befere. The committee recommend- ed that "in view of the extent to which we are committed the-teld of-varrffiVirrefi or citizens at Huronview, no grant be made to the Iihiewater Hoine." "We feel we have been over. looked again,' protested de- puty reeve Delbert Geiger, of Ilay. "Yon: must realize what this Bluewater Rest Home is going ,t� mean ,tp Hurbn. coun- ty. "When it was first mention- ed' about the additiot to Hu- ronview we had plannedI00 to 125 rooms. This was brought down to. what they are building now, and I feel .we should remember that ,whatever we spend at Huron- -view is entirely ,the taxpayers' money. (In our district we are trying to avoid that. We have been asking for some help, and I gather from this report there is no help forthcoming. 4ouneil to ta e another look at this bui1d- ing, still under way, when completed will be entirely out of -the taimayers' hands. "The founders of this home deserve a 'lot of 'credit for their courage in -starting it, and 1 would IjIte to suggest to council, it would not be any more than fair' if the county would make a gift over five years, or however .they see fit. I would not like to 'sec it go entirely without assistance. "We have so. many people of an age now, with fii,ted in- comes, who are going to And it more difficult to carry on their own housekeeping, that. we are going to need many .mor4 of these homes through- out the county. r suggest a donation of $10,000 to this home, spread over three to five years." • •• • T *AIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times , For Informalion, phone -the-local CN Passenger Sales Office a0DERiefi wHirepAR —CNEet4141' RE° FARE 4.00 EILUS p.40 4.60 'Reeve 3 N. Cintett of IlaY, supporting M (4.eiger's vi* said: "We are giving lots of money and grants outside the county which comes from our taxpayers. Don't you feel we are entitled to some Of it in our own cktlity. By the time this home is finished, will there not be enough to All it? "The .con4ittee has 'done 'a lot of work to get this (holm We are ging to need it, and I would like to go along with Geiger's sugges- tion, rather than have one or two members of council de- cide it." Deeply Disturbed Reeve Leroy Thiel, Zurich: "1 feel deeply disturbed about the reconntendation of the finance committee. Although this home does not he within the bounds of Zurich, we are closely connected with it. , "When we look at it on a dollars -and -cents basis it won't take long to figure out it is a great thing for the' county. I -was wondering when the finance ,COiwnittoe--really got down and talked this thing out. Did they ever go out d.• -anti ask questions, to Anti if it is really a saving to the county, and this is what we are after. ",The brief elearly stated the conniiitte `131-, aSkillg for gift, pot a grant. They :were talking in terms of 150 rooms when fist plans were 'presented (for Huronview) and the 1,005 council turned ,it down as too much of a fin-, anciai burden on the county. Here we have a chance to take up that .very thing they were trying to do at Huronview, aod at real saving. Mindy reeve Philip Gan- dop, Exeter, t member of fin- ance committee: "We dwelt at conside-able length on this request and had; more than one meeting. The' fact we recommended a grant to CIB for capital expense does not seem to be in the same cate- gob,. We are not, as a county .,council, doing anything for the blind, and although the building is outside the county we have 75 blind people, or some sucn number from Hu- ron benefitting by this. -Itis misleading .to say the money CANADIAN NATIONAL 40-65 GOVERNMENT INSPECTED, FRESH WE'REBUYING • SEED OATS, • GARRY, RUSSELL and RODNEY Registered or Certified Canada No. 1 • SEED BARLEY • KEYSTONE and HERTA BUCKWHEAT HIGHEST PRICES PAID - -GIVE US A CALL - • GRADE "A" BROKERS ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE A APRIL 6-4 INCLUSIVE • G. THOMPSO & SONS LTD., .HENSALL - Phone 262 2527 . • The Goderich Thutscito, 15 arch e sion is going outside the county. The 'finance committee feels that any work we do for Sen. !or Salmi,' must be done as Weounty, and a were going ,to make a grant or Igift: to this home there is no reason then why a similar home 'On. not be built. in Wingharn, Se. forth or Goderich, and they would he:entitled to the same gliant or gift", and as a county council we would have; no 'control ,over the mushrooming of these faeilities." Reeve Qorbett: "lf Exeter had got this home, would they ask for this grant, or would they not?" Mr. Gandon: "If the county home had been decentralized, I for one would certainly have supported that,; but I would, not have supported a grant of public funds te this kind ef rest home. If we vere net 'involved in a county home it would be a ,iifferent matter, and would be on the same basis as the grant to the blind." Reeve Corbett: "I don't think these homes are going to mushroom in every town.7' Deputy Reeve W. J. Cuthill, Seaforth: "A lady has pur- chased the old hospital in Sea- edforth and has not askfor assistance. think if she found out we were giving money to the Bluewater Home, she would.".. -At suggestion of Reeve -Ern-. est Snell, East Wawanesh, the report waz considered clause by clause in committee, with Reeve A. D. Smith, Turnberry, in the chair. Upon the yeas and nays being recorded, 26 voted for adoption' of the re - pert, 11 to delete the Blue - water Home (rejection) clause.. The - 1,1 were Boyle, Corbett, Etherington, Geiger, Jfm Hayfer,. Hendrick; Mc- Fuden McKenzie,Stewart Stirling -and Budget Statement In his budget statement Clerk-Treaeurer Berry .report- -cd -7$62,775 irr-the-r. allocated for hospital ur- poses, which with $50,000 due from the county in 1966 makes $112,775. Owing to Wingliam hospital is $85,000, and to Goderich hospital $62,000, so it will be necessary to allocate $14,225, less interest earned, in the 1067 budget. In 1967," Mr. lierry f*id, Pm/0 Will he laced„ with 'addj.. tional debenture tots relative to the new addition at noon - view. Itis Iri)ed that a Pt- tion set°f thaesidreeseolere fund plzasGi few years can now. be turne4 ' towardsthsnewassItgpug tainiethisewcoe,..st: although I do Fee in the paver' that an addition, to Clinton hOspital is planned." • • ' Sham Saiesinen • Cause Concern An $80 a week factory work- er 43aust pay $64 a -month for five years for goods he was told 'were free. .Woinan trieked into signing 60 promissory notes by sales- man runs up $3,840 unaware. It couldn't happen to you? It is happening to people all over Canada, who are being tricked by sham salesmen. These men are exsperts. They. often represent •themselves as vice-presidents or sales mang- ers cef reputable firms whose lit- erature they are carrying. They will assure you that your signature is just a formal- ity. It is not. Every time you sign one of tneir bogus doeu-, ments you may be signing your savings away. When a salesman tails on you talee-ffiere-STeps: „ Ask for identifitation. Phone office of, firm he says herepresents or wait and write if this. is impracticable. If you are a woman chedk. with your husband. Tell the salesman you are checking and ask him to call back in 21 hours. If he is not genuine this may put him off. Traffic problems existed -long before the antWablitIt., the., - -.- Ontario 'Safety -League. Here's a quote from the London 'Ob- server an 281)3: “Whilep itupr�yernemts -are in the rnak- - -- ing in our highways, it might. not be amiss to adopt some plan of making them passable in safety. Between the careless- ness of drivers and the too -good 14okout of robbers, the 'chances, at present, are considerably a- gainst one's getting securely to the end of a journey." re afjt. a, ° 1, . '.**11 6.9 lb AGE FRESH -TURKEY TOP YALU, WHITE. 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