The Exeter Advocate, 1892-1-7, Page 8KM ET
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unTIEw .Karl's Promise and an
Carrier SO will be on whospend considerable of their Mrs. Riebard Davis ori' 1'uescln,y,--••Miss .._...._
•venin Drew's Opera House ou Mou- time m ringing and ehimiug the bells Ida Divans, of Zurteh, was visiting soy-. 0 t I0
du:o� gl p T numerous friends in stile- _.___..._...
day, Tuesday, and Wednesday even- should be compensated for thtsfr labors, oral of her nu mere u
Special --Draw a line from the Lake
Shore directly cast to Kiltp:aa anis. then
by way of Skala anti Cromarty to Ful-
- lagton
larton an(1 itttsselda[e, then south to
Kirkton aud Woodham theft west again
to Clandoboye and terin[nating by way
• of 1VICGuire, Mount Caainel,Corbett and
Greenway at Grand Bend you have
the outside Boundary of the field which
elates to cover with its goods and cus•
tethers. To secure this we have to
-keep a large supply and certainly are
• not failing in this respect. Our store
• is literally crowded with goods and
Holiday Stock ready for seekers of Hol-
iday Gifts. Every desiroable thing we
could think of has been placed to meet
our customers wants and no .v we cor-
dially invite them and their friends tb
call and pass a pleasant half hour in
looking through. Wo wish to make
our store worthy of
Bolsi our Customers and Ourselves
and now with little fear ask for their
THE MART. Ezeteii.
Tho flighaktl t Rong
Mr.. E. Samwell of the Molson's Bank
Exeter the winner. The number of
buttons in. the jar was 865. Mr. Sam -
well registered the correct number on
the 7th Oct.
trigs next. week.
Karl's Promise and Carrier 39 are to
be given here shortly. Put off all ether
engagemonts'and eo'ue and see the
concert of the season. •
great a[d to internal medicine in the
treatment of scrofulous sores; ulcers
and abscesses of all kinds.
Tho old•matd-leap-year theory may
be all right, but some of the old girls
will find the youth as elusive a phan-
tom as in years that are not divisible
by four.
Remember the entertainment and
concert to be given under the auspices
of Defiance Fire Company, No. 2, in
Drew's Opera house on the 11th, 12th Russell Howard. To Sr 3rd --Willis
and 13th of January. • Yowefl, Delphy Evans, Freddie Hili,
.As the Irishman said; "To make a Wilbin- Cudrnore, Herbie Trevethiek,
cannon, take a long • hole and pour Via White, Eddie Eaerett,Rhode Hand
brass around it." So to make an av-
erage school trustee take an empty
brain cavity and put a thick skull
around it.
resorted to tints as a means of showilij
the esteem in whicti then sergices
were held, Music, singing and speech
making concluded ataother evening's
pleasure, and after each'. visitor had
thanked the happy couple ' for their
kindness, repaired to their homes well
satisfied with an exceedingly pleasant
The following pupils were promoted
at the regent promotion examinations
in the Exeter k'ublic School: `1'o Sr 4th
—Frank Sheet, Mabel Kemp, Charlotte
Peterson, Norman Fatison, Russell
Hicks, Edie Millar, Earnest Hill, Amel
is Oke, Frances Fiah, Gettie Hicks,
Isaac Bissett, Lizzie Nelson, Edna
Creech, Richard Elora, Tillie Balkwill,
For several days mon have been en-
gaged putting a drain across Main
Street for, the purpose of draining the
cellar of Wood Bros, butchers, now
building, which will bo erected during
the coming summer.
McNulty and Hart are coming with
their new plays and iirstclass comedy
company on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. January the 11th, 12th
and 13th. A rare treat is in store for
all. Don't miss seeing them.
We now settle down to solid hard work
stock taking, yes stock taking
means hard work for us.
We expect to com-
plete the big
tark by the end of
the mouth, Now while
we are stock taking
.Bargains will be the PASS
WORD at the big Bank-
rupt Store
Yes we say bargains for we will refuse
no reasonable offer for
Winter Goods. We are deterimed to
sell a big lot of goods during January.
The AnvoOATD carrier boy desires to
return thanks to those who remember-
ed him. ou his last visit -in 1891, for de• ;,gay Clarke, Herman Heiman, Frank
livering the paper during the year, Dennis, Garfield Sheere, Hilton Bissett,
ford, Charles Dennis, Jabez 'Dennis,
Rosin Harton, 1\icLartghton, id -
die Crocker, Eddie Christie, Nellie,
Quauce, Hattie Davis, Laura Lumley
Wilbur Jlandford, Eine Howard, Willie
Bawden. To Jr 3rd --lava Curling Ed-
ith Beer, Nina Kinsman, George San
ders, Gertio Kemp, Francis Bowtelitfe
Norma Bebter, Mabel ` Brooks, .Lille
Howard, Katie Fink, Jessie Willis,Mab
el rollick, Ida Willis, Russell Southcott
Jennie Handford. To Sr 2nd—Ettie
Sunallacombe, Maud Rollins, Lorraine
Hooper, Lorne Cann, Freddie Hawk-
shaw, Bartle Howard, Mary* Hiedeman,
Wesley Towey, Anna Martin. Lily leIc•
Innes, Ernest Towle, Dannie Rendle,
Herba Pickard, Flossie Snell, Bennie
Treble, Lena Frayne, Coleman Merkur
and eve feel thankful to our patrons for
contributing in such a generous man-
The new German plays to be Pro-
duced here by McNulty and Hart are
of such an impressing and touching
nature that they are highly spoken of
as being the best company travelling.
Don't fail to hear them on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday evening of
next week.
Fur Coats,
Fur Caps,
Fur Collars,
Fur Boas,
Dress Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Over Shoes,
All for
Half Price.
Come and see what a dollar will do
athe Big Bankrupt Store.
Remember our
�iuiu1 Slool TaKig
Sale is now on.
Ste -art,
Dealer in Bankrupt Steel:.
A clay pigeon shooting match took
place on New Year's day between two
chosen sides which resulted as follows
F. Collins. 10; E. Treble 7; Jas. Load.
man 5; F Anderson, 9; N. D. Hurdon,
10. Total 41..—D. Johns 6; J. Wood, 10;
J. Londman 10; J. Beer, 5; A. Loadman
7. Total 38. •
Let there be no mistake about this,
that the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco is
manufactured from the very fittest
Virginia leaf. No higher quality of
leaf can be purchased for any tobacco
made. It is selected with the very
greatest care, and treated with the
most approvecl.peecesses for preserving
the flavor of the tobacco.
The adjourned meeting of the East
Middlesex Conservatives was held on
Saturday afternoon in the banqueting
hall of the Masonic Temple, London,
for the purpose of choosing candidate
in the Liberal Conservative interests
in the forthcoming election for the
East Riding of Middlesex. and Mr. Jos.
H. Marshall was made the unanimous
choice of the convention.
The nomination and election of
school trustees took place last week in
the school hall, a large attendance of
ratepayers being present. The two
retiring trustees, Mesfrs. W. Treble
and H E. Hueaton, were re-elected, and
Mr. W. D. Weekes was elected in stead
of Mr. A. G. Dyer, `who declined re
election. The remaining trustees are
Dr. Lutz, Messrs. Thomas Fitton and
W. Hoskin. With such an efficient
board as this we may expect the inter-
ests of our school properly looked after
A social gathering of relatives and
friends took place at the residence of
Mr. George Davis on Monday evening.
The evening was occupied in singing
and other pleasures which are usually
indulged in to add merriment to all
congregated. The jevial company
continued to pass away the hears in
this manner until the hands of the
pointed rated o
ut that it a �o
time for seperation. After all had bid
the Host and Hostess adieu they wend•
ed their way to their several domiciles.
"Carrier 3:9."
For a fine black suit try J.H. Grieve
Merchant Tailor.
If you want a first class farm on easy
terms call on John Spackman, Exeter.
Don;i: forget to call and see J. H
Grievetks $10 overcoats before parches-
Bl'1RBOCK PILLS cure sick head
ache'by regulating the stomach, liver,
and bowels.
Karl's Piomiso will he given in the
Opera House on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday'next week.
The contract for the removal of the
market has been awarded to. William
Treble for the sunt of $60:
Monday night was the coldest of .the
season thus far. The official thermom-
eter :registed 2° above zero.
ADVOCATE MA ".11edieal
and "ram? Help". from now till 1893
for $1, See (dubbing rates.
Evelyn Gill, Aquilla Sheere, Mamie
Fanson, Bertie Ress, Allan Myers, Mer-
vyn Huston. Eddie Stewart, Willie
Russell, Lottie Hyndman. To Part 2-'
Thirza Welsh, Edith Glanville, Ruby
Davidson,Martha Whit[oek,Lette Jones
Maggie Heywood, Flossie Priskator,
Harman Gill, Percy Westaway, Fred
Bawden, Fred Hatter, Mary:.Treble. .
village on Tuesday: _Miss Bradley, of
London, was the guest of Mise Thorsa
Creech for several days last week. -Mr.
Harry Baker left on Medley morning
for Petrone, where he •will remain fora
few days, before•returning to •Howard
City Michigan,where ho hassteady ern
ployment in a furniture factory,—Mr.-
Matthew Ellwood, has gone to Luean
for a short vacation. --airs. Dulma 'e.of
Newbridge who has been visiting:l her
daughter at James St• parsonage for
the past three weeks, returned homes
yesterday morning.—Mrs,•Spericer and
Mrs. Barrett, of Petrolia are spending
a fear days with their friends at ,tames
st. Parsonage.
Ivlli)ortaat to Parente.
Some sort of explanation •is probably
due the parents and ratepayers of this
iueorporatien regarding the changes
in classification and promotion, at the
request of the Inspector during his last
visit. Formerly there were four -classes.
in the Third header and consequently
it required two years to complete it
providiug the pupil was promoted
every term. This we considered an
unwise arrangement and was nue of
the causes for the change. Formerly
the lower rooms were much crowded
and something had to be done to relieve
hem. The following table will prob
ably show more clearly what has been
done in this matter. You have. here
the attendance for each room for both
terms of 1891, the nmmber we began
this year with and the standard we
wish to adopt.
R'm 1 t'm 912 t'm 911 t'm 92 Standard
"Karl's Promise,"
Two rapers Tor s1.
The Exeter ADVOCATE and Medical
Adviser and "Farm. I1elp" for 'only $s
from now until Jan. 1st 1893..
Farms for Sale.
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms.
J. Seaman, Exeter.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need -repairing to
be left at the leading boot` and shoe
store next door to the post office. G.,.
er Salt Works Co. require fifteen hun-
dred cords of soft wood, dry and green.
Wild pay the highest price. For fur-
ther particulars ap ly to David Mill.-
. T.: Car also; See'y..
Exeter Fire Company No. 2 have en-
gaged a firstelass comedy company to
give three nights of amusement in the
Opera House next week. As the co
medians are highly spoken) of, and
coming under the auspices of the Fire
men, large crowds should greet the
gentlemen in their new • German plays.
Card, of Thanks.
GENTLEMEN,—Feeling desireous of
thanking you .for your support in
electing me to represent you at the
council board as Deputy -reeve for the
Village of Exeter for the year 1892, I
have taken this method of doing so. I
also wish to thank, the persons who
who nominated and seconded me, anti
ail those who took An interest in secur-
ing my election. Hoping that tlais will
meet your approval. T. remain, .respect-
fully yours, nucsn SPACE AN
Pleasant Gathering.
On the evening of the 28th ult., the
residence of Mr. Thotbas Rowe, London
Road, presented.a festive appear<•ance,
when all his family had gathered home
and spent an • enjoyable time. When
f rtably seated,
tomo b
had become
Mrs. Rowe .y
was pres;
ith lar a
plush roekingchair, valued -at. e14, o.t,
the children congregated, after which
wishingthat theymight all be spared
she responded iu a few wen chosen
to enjothe company of each other in words, expressing feing her sincere thanks
such festive gatherings, for the laud feeling of ber children, as-
suring them that as old age was
On Thursday evening last week the steadily advaneing it would be not
jar which hadbeen placed in the win- only an ornament to the home. but in
now of the Bent rupt Store was opened which she might pass away many
precisely at eight o'clock, end the
work of counting the buttons began.
The store was packed to its utmost
hours of comfort. Shortiy after this
the doors of the dining room were
thrown open, revealing long tables gar-
capacity with eager and anxious leo- tfstically decorated and fairly groan -
1 60 44 60 51
2 42 47 52 54
3 55 48 57 58
4 69 56 57 58
5 71 68 50 78
6 105 106 55 ' 78
1 o't 402 : 870 331 380
Front this it will be seen that some
rooms were much eve: crowded and a
change necessary. No pupils have
been put back but simply placed in
newly formed classes while a large
number have been promoted. Trust-
ing thatthis explanation may be satis-
factory to all and extending to all a
hearty invitation to visit us occasional
1y I am Yours Truly,
T. A, Brtowv. Prin.
pie who were waiting to hear who the ing under the weight of, and array of
lucky person was that .would get
Beauty. After the buttons had been
counted by .three individuals, which
occupied the space of about one hour,
it was announced that the number 865
was the lucky guees. On comparing
the number with the names in the
book, it Was found that the prize had
fallen to a Mr. Sai(nwell, clerk in the
IVlolson's Bauk here, he having guessed
the exact figures. There was also
another guess which compared with
the figures, but about one month later;
therefore the first name was declared
the winner. He has slime disposed of
it to Mr. R. Ii. Collins for the sum of
Friday evening last the ringers of
the Trivitt Memorial church were in-
cited to partdlce of a repast with Mr.
and Mrs. N. Dyer Hurdoli, after their
toil ringing the old year out end the
new year in. It is needless to say that
they partook heartily, because after
labor there must be a season for re-
freshmernts, and especially at such a
late hour of the night. Again on
Monday evening they were invited to
the rectory by the Rev. Mr, rat to
spend an evening of enjoyment with
him and his partner in life, and about
i,ineo'clock sat down to an oyster supe
per which had been provided. The
NATIONAL PILLS are a mild pur-
ga"ive, acting on the Stomach, Liver
and bowels, removing all obstructions:
SKIN DISEASES are most annoy.
big' because so noticeable. De. Low's
Sulphur Soap heals and cleanses the
A. humorous fact about Heed's Stir-
saparilla-it expels bad humor and
creates good humor. Be sure to get
choicedelicacies, the.'siglrt of which
would have called forth exclamations
of delight from an 'epicure. • When
.justice had been done to the eatables
and tropical frnits, merriment 'of ano.
ther source was resorted to until a late
hour, when all separated to their sev-
eral homes, much pleased with the
evening's pleasure they had had under
the parental roof.
�� ®0i i�Ffo)AS,
fi: II 00 . II I
: ; $
What are you going to want? No doubt there are many
things you need and a lot more you- will buy that you do not
need, we have thing' for the "N'flDY” and thing . for the
"NEEDLESS". We aro now
Doran.—In.Stephen, on January Gth.,
the wife sf Mr. Jirs. Doyle, of a son.
Personal Dben kion.
Mr and Mrs: George Manson left on
Thursday evening; last week to visit
relatives in Port Hope,returning again
ou Monday,—Mr. Allan McDonell• re-
turned on Thursday evening last week
from the Nertit, West, where he has
been for some timeee•Mrs. Robert N.
Rowe, who has been residing with her
parents in Clinton foci • the past two
weeks returned here o11• Monday. --Mr.
James Creech and wife returned to
New x
r •.s
w Dundee on Man lay i�Ir Thom.l
Creech loft here for his home in Ypsi-
lanti on Monday evening—Mr.Famuel:
Rowe and' his sister returned front
Michigan on Tuesday evening where
they had been visiting for a short time
T. A. Brown and wife have re-
turned after spending the Christmas
holidays tinder the parental roof.. Mrs
Davits Spicier was in the Forest City on
'!'.'Betide y. --Mr, acrd Mrs,, Robert Hushes
Reye. gentlemen feeling that these and family were the gltests of 11r, foul'
with a view to a big trade. Prosperity is over all the land
and the opinion is that a good season is coming. Trade is to
be lively, we think, and we have prepared to sleet a busy
period for the next two months. Do not take any stock in
any misleading statements of bargains "its throwing a spratt
to catch a macs;rel", sure as you live.
Mo> pArr—In Centralia, on the Gth inst
W. J. Moffatt, aged 72 years and
9 months.. ;uneral will take place
on. Friday January 8th. for St.
Mary's Cemetery.
We are told that our Poocls are FAR CHEAPER.
than toose that prate so much about their bargain making.
To bo convinced, see for 7oulsolves. '(
We would like to SEE YOU. COM , At
Highes price paid for produce, Butter 1Gc; Lard 11c; Eggs
1Gc; Dried Apples 5cts; Geese Gets; Turkeys 9cts; Ducks Gets;
Chickens 5 cts.
flus•rox'.—MitLDI.—At the residence
of the brides father by the Rev. Mr.
Hunter (Baptist) of Parkhill,on Wed-
nesday December 30th, Mr. W. C.
Hustoti, of .Centralia to .Miss Lou
Miller, of Claudeboye.
About 3 o'clock Monday morning
Mr. John Steep, shoemaker, heard some
noise in a room back of his workshop,
and on.invcstigation found • the place
all on fire. IIB tried to put it out with
a pail of water, but had to give an
alarm and save his stock and tools.
The fire engine was promptly on hand
and drowned the • fire out. A large
erowd collected in a short space of/time
and some anxiety was felt as the fire
was in the heart of a lot of frame
buildings, but.again our' good steam
fire engine, well manned, and a pleuti-
ful supply of rater, ha
s saved
ands of dollars. Mr. Steep's insurance
will fully cover his loss,
$UQOi WI1flL
For Saler
4desirable residence in 7;xeterNorth ,new
framohouse, one -fifths acre of land. The
house was erected in 1888. Good terms to
purchaser. Apply at this office. 1.15-t
If, you want a
Child's, Boys or Man's Suit
Overcoat and Pants, &c,, call
and see our big stook.
Lot in SRI to
onoosr, mom.
—All persons who want—
at 51e 6 and 6} PER CENT should call
—a5 the—
Office of R. 11. COLLINS
Has been appointed sole agent
• for the
Cheap, compact and a splen-
did arrangement for a bed-
room. 'A want in every house-
hold- supplied at small cost.
Call at once and see it.
Sia N. Rowe.
E if
When I say I cure I do not mean, merely to stop than
in I mean a
maims and then have them return o again,
•cmade the life-long
o u 9
radical cote. I hmti
FALLING to a Se Me oro a lies -long study. t rs rrant
my remeno re cora the of nrec. Bacause e. Send at
once is n. reason for not now eece vingBottle
a owe. Bead at
onto form treatise and m Free Rett a or my infallible
remedy. Oleo EXPRESS and POST•omm10E.
H. G. 1300T, M. C. 186 ADELAIDE ST.
yp ism us us
from which this paper is printed
was supplied by the
RO infi y mom
Dealers in. type,
Presses, and Printers' Supplies..
}i11sPalace Bakery
a11 •
D, W, Foss Proprietor of
the Palace Bakery, Hensall, wishes to
;. inform the citizens of
that he visits the village
Every Wednesday & Saturday Afternoon
with a supply of
orders left with Gnouan SAND-
ERS will be promptly attended to, and
from whom bread can be had at alt
times. Your patronage is solicited and
satisfaction ,guaran teed.
D.W. FOSS Faber„
Hense ll.
80 & 82'Wellington St. west
Exeter Roller Mills,
WHEAT 0.90 TO 0;95 per bush
Somal. Prices.
Flour, strong
akers', $3.00
0 pe
r 100
. best family, �. Ot.
"O grade,
2.00 a.t
70 u u.
90 " "
100 " t1 •
Chop, 1.10 to 1,25 c. tt
Chop stone running coeryy day.
Tgn,MS 04511.
The Exeter Milling Co
And if you don't believe it call at
Ross & Taylor's
and you will be convinced that they
have the Largest and Best Stock of all
kinds of Building Materials in this see- ,
tion of country,and at the lowest prices.
Shingles a Specialty,
having a large stock on hand we are
prepared to meet the keenest competit-
ion as to price or quality. We havese-
cured the right to Manufacture and
Sell Merriams celebrated Baking Cab-
inets. Call and see them and be con-
vinced of their merit. '
Main St., Exeter
A Tit1 nqia
The Summer holidays are now about ,
over and the Fall Fairs being close at
hand, I wish. to inform my manly cus-
tomers that I am still int my
(F. J. Knight's Grocery Store.)
And am prepared
to clo work. in latest style and
best of workmanship. ,>
Il x II _ II x II ÷ II X
iia wailil iJIi11IITE1I
X II= II XII :- u x 11 = it x
Give me a calls
and leave your measure and
I Will give you a
neat fit.
• Over F. J. Knight's Grocer
Store. •
rier day.
J.& J It'Ic1IARTIN,Proprietors.