HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-04-07, Page 110 A MILLIGRAM OF PREVENTIQN Why are artifically bred herds less subject to diseases of, the reproduction system? There-are`two 'reasons. First and most important, because no herd sire is present to carry these conditions through the herd. The second reason,— - because every cow that is serviced by WCBA automatically receives minute quantities of drugs, that attack reproduc- tion' diseases and prevent most of them from occurring..... MBA service can help, has helped meny herd owners to cure reproduction problems. It has helped many many more to prevent them. You can expect this as one of''the "fringe benefits" you get while breeding your herd to the quality sires of— " Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For service or, information phone the brahch office, . 'listed in yor local directory week days before 9:30 a.m. For Sunday service phone Saturday 6-8 p.m. Canvass o Here ' This Month. Cancer Campaign Theme -'Hope "Hope" is the theme of this the winter of 1958-9 when he year's campaign of the_ Can- slowly began to realize that he• adian Canner could be the victim of cancer. During 4pril volunteers will Frank had no pain and felt be canvassing the area to raise generally well. The ,gradual Ahare-of the f~anadialx--goa1 Werease n�the. Size of one 'test- Of tStof nearly 41k million dollars. isle worried • nim increasingly Of this amount, $3,081,565 Will during the weeks that passed be used on research into the without seeking professional .ad - causes of cancer and into im- vice. He kept ,telling himself proved methods of treatment that he shouldn't worry his wife and control, It is from the by mentioning cancer and that work being done on cancer re- he was probably exaggerating search that the society takes the significance of this symptoni: its theme of "Elope. If cancer Reluctantly, he became convinc- is to be conquered, •research ed ,that he had cancer. Having will forge the weapon that will accepted this' fact, he felt he overcome it. had nothing to lose by learning It• is impossible for Frank the truth. In early „April, he Linsley to reau any news item to seek advice from his about cancer without living family physician. again the .dreadful * moi}this of ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN • Chinese Food Our" Specialty.' ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS. OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The Esquire Restaurant " "524-9941" From that visit, events, hap- pened quickly. It was a Wed- nesday evening when he visited the doctor's office, He made arrangezhents for a urological examination the next morning. The next afternoon Frank was admitted to Humber Memorial Hospital and an operation was scheduled for the following morning, Friday.' The operation was really no more difficult, he felt, than an appendectomy would have been. Before a week was up he was hobbling . around the hospital visiting 'with .bed -ridden men inoother . rooms, - trying to make himself useful; trying, frankly, to pass the week's time until the doctors could give him' some indication of just_ how success- ful the operation had been. Throughout, he felt sure that his wife suffered more acutely than he did. .his decay in going to his doctor, did not, in. the finial- analysia; Save_ her worry at all. On the contrary, -it now gave her greater cause for con- cern about his ch:aute of-esuc cessful recovery. When the doctors told 'him a week later that they felt the operation, had. been successful, he felt he had been very lucky, though five weeks of Cobalt 60. radiation treatments lay ahead. However, by the, second week• of treatments he was back at his desk, and although he tired easily he Was able to drive daily to Princess, Margaret Hospital after office hours. The treat- ments caused some depression and nausea, but his morale was helped during these weeks by several frank discussions that he had with he doctor at the Princess Margaret Hospital. As soon as the treatments ended his spirits rose .consider- ably. Linsley realized that, not only did he feel really well, but he could also face the days free from the nagging fear that had haunted him during the many months of indecision. By the.,eod of July Frank was golfing in the eighties again! By the end of the summer his full strength had returned, and now he is down to only one check-up a year. What he_ v:,lues_.most_ is that_ a diamond is forever, ^2h1t (t4 2Lir1+: 3Ate:.:7.$ • 1 Ort0 tt;tri}9 ti1:4 L) +jAi How To Buy A Diamond—Your ring -stone may be modest in size, but it should be chosen with care. A trusted jewel- ler is your best adviser. Ask about color, clarity and cut ting these * determine quality', contribute to beauty . and value. Choose a fine stone and ou'll always be proud of it., Diamondsizes are measured, n points - and carats --.X00 points to .the carat. (Exact r eights shown are seldom found). Note that prices vary.' dely according to qualities. 0 N. T., ORMANDY JEWELLER The Square ee 03. YOUR , DONATION IS URGENTLY NEEDED TO SUPPORT RESEARCH EDUCATION SERVICES CANADIAN CANCER SOCIIETY SEND CONTRIBUTION TO Local Campaign Chairman N. T. Ormandy or Bank Of Montrea Goderich Citizens Of The Town Of GODERIC THE YOUNG CANADA WEEK HOCKEY COMMITTEE OF THE LIONS CLUB ARE. ASKING FOR BILLETS For Some 1800 HOCKEY PLAYERS These across boys will visit us during the Eastar Week from • DIAL 524-9110 FRANK HIBBERT DIAL 524-8811 • THE BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE IN THE WORLD 84 Games of Heads Up Hockey YOUNG CANADA WEEK BOOSTER TICKETS ADMISSION ° .50 FOR CHILDREN 1.00 FOR HIGH SCH-OOL STUDENTS 2.00 FOR ADULTS BE A YOUNG CANADA BOOSTER Get Your Tickets Now -- Good For Ali Week THE ARENA not only is he alive and well, but ho is. just as active as he uveas' before his illness. Frank Linsley wonders what. his chances,for recovery would have been, if he had been strick- en ten years earlier at age 20. He feels fortunate that, wihen he needed help, Tnedical know- ledge had advanced to the point at which a successful operation was possible. Of course, : insane six years since his,' illness; further ad - vanes in treatment have been made. What will happen (hir- ing the next ten years?. A c1 re, perhaps, who knows? In any case, research workers will cer- tainly develop improved treat- ment techniques. He likes to think that if one of his children should ever de- velopcancer symptoms, the odds for h;s recovery -would be longer ',han they were for Frank. That is why, since his illness, he and his wife have kept in touch with their Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. That is why they will botch be working to canvass their com- munity during April for much needed funds. QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. Which of Canada's bird species makes the loniest annnal mig- ration? , 2. Erosion has Moved Niagara Falls back by what distance? 3. Of Canada's 87 television sta- - tions haw -many are -govern- ment-owned? . 4,, Of the 112,606 iminigrants who entered Canada in 1964, how ny were women and child - 5. e federal government col- lected tax revenue of $45 per capita in 1939, of $234 at the 1944 wartime peak. What is tlie current figure? are gOvernmentowned and 71 privately -owned. 1. The Arctic tern, which migrates from the Arctic to the Antarctic: 4. 75, 228 were women and children. 2. It is believed that the Falls has • moVed back about seven miles in 25,000 years.. 11 mixed draw completed re- .cently, it was the team of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGee and Mr% and Mrs. Ben ,Chis- holm who eame. oul victorious. The ivam was skipped by Alvin McGee. . Signal -Star Photo J. W. DANIEL John William Daniel, 65 Fair -1 view -avenue; - Grimsby; -passeth away at the West Lincoln Mem- orial Hospital, -Wednesday, MarelL23rd his 83rd year: • 'He "was born in England and came to Canada in. 1903. He spent several years in Manitoba, 'before ping tp. Toronto where OBITUARY + he was managet of the Ontario Automobile CL. years ago where he Was an elder,. of Trinity Uoited Chug]; and an executive of the Senior Citi- zens' Club. _ He is surviVed by' his wife, Louise Snell NixOn of'Goderich district. Residing -in Toronto AVOID THE SPRING RtJSH QRDER AVOW! GET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OF BAGGED OR BULIC FERTILIZE HARRISTON FERTILIZERS ' LIMITED CLINTON — PHONE 482-9133 CUSTOM MIXING OUR SPECIALTY - 12 -17 are a daughter, Mrs. Florence Dyer and a son, Gordon by a former marriage, also two - His, sister, Mrs. J. Little of Victoria, B.C. And -a brother ErnesFiif Toronto also survive.„,,, With arrangements by the Home, the fimeral.'Wes. held from Trinity United Church wheit. the• service, was conducted by the pastor the Rev. H. J. Herlihey, assisted by Mrs. Daniels' cousin the Rev, H. Snell of London: Interment was in Pine Hill cemetery, Scar: borough. FEATURE - EVENT 01 RECTOR:Y for your entertainment pleasure in TORONTO O'KEEFE CENTRE MARCH 28 to APRIL 9 Anton Chekhov's tragicomedy IVANOV - APRIL 12 to ARIL 23 - THE NATIONAL BALLET O'F CANADA ROYAL ALEXANDER THEATRE ..A -RT GALLEy APRIL 15 to MAY 4 ART ISRAEL ri May we suggest a you -might -otherwise -never -buy Account? 0-0-0 EXHIBITION PARK APRIL 1 to APRIL 9 NATIONAL HOME SHOW CASA LOMA: APRIL. 2 to -APRIL 17 , Presentation by Kiwanis SPRINGTIME AT CASA LOMA 0-0-0 APRIL 6 to MAY . Norhinated for 10 Academy, awards DOCTOR ZHIVAGO . FREE WEEKEND . FOR YOUR WIFE AT - THE LORD. SIMCOE HOTEL • Treat your wife to a week- end at the Lord Simcoe Hotet free. Get her away from the drudgery of house- work, doing dishes, and the kids. • You pay only the special single rate of $8.50 per night for a double ro9m. LORD SIMCOE HOTEL CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE King & Univiwsity • Tel: 3624848