HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-04-07, Page 6Goreea Sinai, -Star, 'Thursday, April 7, 1060 Auburn . Churches HoId Annual Thankoffering .Services ay `Mrs. Wes., aradnecic The Vaster ` hanko eritrg ser. . vice Of Knox PresbyterianWo man's Missionary So'aiety. was held on Sunday evening in the ehuxch with guests present from all the other congregations in the drilla The president, Mrs.. Wilfred Sanderson, gave the call to wor ship, foliawed by a. hymn with church or;anist, 1%141'01'0 San- derson an o dr'�S qtr i�:her e••o r} g .£ tlre'pUSl'C. After the president welcomed everyone to the service the .dp- vttional periods was, incharge Of the . Anglican Gi"ii1d, Mrs. Thomas, lHaggitt read the Scrip - luxe lesson and' prayer was of their living and. religiot s ata feted i» Mrs: Orval McPhee. toms, Mrs. Donald sure A duet was sung by. Misses thanked Mr. Wheeler, Betty Moss an Jennifer Grange. A social hour was spent in nth The offering was received by Sunday school room. ry Thank the ushers, Mrs, Ed. Daviel; and was expressed by.� yrs. Kennet Mrs. Alvin''teatherland, .MeDougall fvr Knox U.C.W. s s eaker crf_ the even- Ori al, gu.� _1k �.. _. . _ ,* .u_ _ �.-'�1rs... Orval-.. McPhee ,, ;fox �<St ire, .was Rev. Jahn \%�heeler.•of .111.ark's Guild and Mrs, Rober Knot, United Church. He Was J. Phillips for the ;baptist introduced by Mrs. Wes. Brad- Church. nock. Women's 'Morality told about his Eele Itilr, �'4 h � missionary work when he serv- ed his church in Quebee and Western Canada. He told about his work among the Iroquois near Montreal and spoke of etas 4911-40_$5. tta: the aster seal s campaign. An invitation ta ion to at- tendtend the Auburn Cooking School e s h The- Department Of Health Announces Vacancies At THE CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH INS1ITUTE London, Ontario In The Position Of CHILD CARE ASSISTANTS Salary -$3900-$4200 Duties: Thisis a training position for employees to learn to provide care • and treatment to emotionally and mentally handicapped children by applying recognized 'child care arid milieu therapy.,practices according to that prescribed by a phychiatrist; ability to provide group leadership to children and • try out planned_ activity programs, etc. Qualifications: 1'. Graduation in a degreeourse from a university of recognized standing, poession of a certificate from . a, teachers' college, a registration as a nurse in. Ontario, prefei ably supplemented by previous exper i- ente relatedto child care work or several years' of experience in an institutional setting working with emotionally or .mentally disturbed persons or satis- •factory completion of training as child care assistant " 1 and recommendation for promotion to child care assistant 2. 2. Ability „to create trust relationships with `emotionally disturbed children; ability to effectively trahsform treatment policies into ward activities; willingness to accept shift work in an institutional setting. Ftngebenefits include paid annual vacation, annual merit increase, sick leave credits, good pension and health insurance plaq. Interested applicants'should apply to: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR- ' THE. CHILDREN'S.. PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE London, Ontario 1415 Easter lilies and, a large bou- quet of spring flowers made a lovely Setting in Knox United Church when ,.. the U.C.W. pre- sented their Easter Thankoffer- in;g rneeting. The guests were welcomer) by Mrs. George Hal- lam and Mrs. llenry Brindley. The organist, Mrs.- Norman Wightrnain and the pianist, Miss Jennifer Grange, played several selections prior to the service. Mrs. Charles Millian gave the call to worship. Mrs. Roy Ea- som read the Scripture lesson. On behalf of _.the U.C.W., 1Virs: Millian Welcomed the guests and- tire-- thankoterit g was re- ceived by Mrs. Hallam and Mrs. Brindley. A duet was -sung by Misses Nancy Anderson and Betty Moss. The guest sneaker, Rev. H. C. Wilson of Goderich, was intro- duced by Mrs. Ernest Durnin. Ile spoke on the subject, "Mor- ality is the business of Women." Ile complimented the women who had been so devoted to the work of spreading the Gospel down through the years. Miss Margaret R. Jackson tltank��d ' Mr, ison 1'6r -his in: ' piring messa:Ye: On behalf of the Unit,.Mrs. Albert McFarlane expresed appreciation to• the speaker and all ,those who had aked, part in the service. A social hour was held in the Sunday school room of the church following the service. l Expression of thanks came from Mrs..; Wilfred Sanderson for 1 hnox Presby^t:_riah W.M.S., Mrs. Thomas 11ii Ot t for title An li can Guild, Mrs. Stuart Chafiney for the Do,nriy-br.00k Mrs. Charles Smith for the West- field U.C.W., and Mrs. Hobert J. Phillips for the Baptist ladies. Mrs. Oliver Anderson replied. . Problems With Parents. The Presby? erian . Y.P,S. and the A.Y.P.A. of the Blyth;Be1- grave and Auburn charge met at the home of. Eddie Haines. The ,resident, Margaret Sand- erson was in charge. ' The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by Nancy Van Camp, she also' gave --the financial statement, The topic for the evening was, "Problems with Parents" and this discuss -len washed by Nancy and Diane Van Camp. Plans were made to .hold - the next meeting -at the- o - home and 4 Mary Sanderson and the topic will be- the "Easter Story." After the benediction, .Ed. Haines served lunch. Walkerburn Club The Walkerburn Club held it's regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ted Hunking. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. El- liott Tapp. The roll call was- answered by 14 members' with an Easter verse. The 'prize was won by Mrs. Roy Dae:, I't was decided Send flowers at Easter. Flowers better than anything else convey the mood of the season: • Cut Flowers.. •.. Easter Lilies • Hydrangea • Mixed- Pans Potted Tulips Potted Daffodils Potted Hyacinths Mum Plants THE SQUARE . • •SEND FLOWERS BY WIRE TO OUT OP TOWN FRIENDS OR RELATIVES D EN 0 $,ME Flower. Shop. 524-8132 on April 28th was accepted, The quilting Will be held in April at the home of Mrs., Geo- rge Schneider. The May meet- ing).-will eet- ingr-will be field-- at- the- bona of Mrs. Worthy Young and the program as to be in charge of Mrli. Garth McOlin,chey and. Mrs. Lloyd McClinehey. .The lunch committee will be Mrs. Stanley Ball, Mrs. Tom Cunningham, Mrs. Walter Cunningham and Mrs. Guy Cunningham. The roll call is to be answer- ed by naming ; a spring flower or bird. Mrs. George Schneider was in charge of the afternoon's pro - ram, ° 0 Mrs. Lorne Hunking gave a ading, "The Easter Church Parade' and MVIrs. Schneider closed with a reading, "A differ- ent kind of g;3rden." A contest on Bible characters from the first of Lent to Easter was won by Mrs. Lorne Hunking. A. lunch was served by Mrs. Donald Sprung, Mrs. Joe Ver- wey,Mrs. Loine iiunking and Mrs. Stewart Ament. • Sponsor Competitions The executive meeting of the Auburn Horticultural Society was held at the horse of Mrs. W. Bradnoek with 12 members present. The president, Mrs. Frank Raithby was in the chair and tae minutes were approved° as read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig. The treasurE+r," Mrs. Norman . McDowell gave the financial statement. A- discussion follow- ed on the fixing of _the Auburn letter, at the approaches of the) village. The location of the eastern letters was discus=ld and Mrs. Belt Craig, Mrs. S. Lansing and Mrs. Robert Turn- er with the president and the secretary were appointed to see') what- can -- Th e .mThe western letters are to be in charge of '?1r. and Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mr. and . Mrs. William Straughan and_ Mr. and Mrs. Hobert J. Phillips. - A letter was read re the plac- ing of a floral exhibit at the ploughing Match and Mrs. Ar- thur Grange, Mrs. Bert Doran and Mrs. Albert McFarlane were named to be in charge. The ,Seel ty ;again degi d,. to sponsor t+he .cam e titions and Mrs. Arthur 'grange and Mrs. itobert Tune: were. named in ,charge. In, the 9=11 junior sec- tion, a 'bush marrow is to i exhibited with the words "Can- 1da ''fi7''.,: twit°h-- a--file-whil: it is growing, and there is asp a contest to see who can grow the largest sunflower heads., Plans were made for the flow- er beds of the village and the various committees were ap: pointed. . WestricLge bed —. Mrs. Eck. Davies, Mrs., W illiam Straughan, Mr i,- Gordon Taylor; Highway bed --Mrs. Norman .McDowell, Mrs. William Dodd; Loftus, bed --` Arthur Youngblet Gordon Miller, Ben Ijatniltori; Marianna bed—Mrs. Frany, ,ai'tbby, Mrs. Wry Jo-hnsp5n, . Miss Viola Thompson, John Daer; Old Forge bed—Mrs. Bert Marsh, Mrs. Guy Cunningham, Mrs. James Jackson; Ethelwyn bed— Miss Margaret R. Jackson, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Ms. Charles Scott, Mrs. W. Bradnock; Library win- dow box—.Mrs. W. Bradnock;. Mrs. Bert Doran. Plans were made for the meet- ing on May 2nd with Mrs. Rus- sel Brindley, Mrs, Graham Mc- Nee and Mrs. Charles McNee in charge of,' the program and lunch. Mr. .Roy. Bennett of Wingham has been asked to speak and show his pictures. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lapp of St. Thomas visited- with their son, Mr. Elliott Lapp, Mrs. Lapp, Bill, Nan and Keith over the weekend. - 14Ir. and Mrs. Earl Craig, Janet and Bradley of Sarnia spent the weekend, with his brother, Mr. - Bert. Craig and Mrs.` Craig. Plans are under way for the Auburn Women's I'nstitute's spring cooking school to be held on ....April 28th. The committee composed of Mrs. Bert Craig. Mrs. Gordon Chamney and Mrs. Roy Easom have arranged that Mrs. Violet Scriver (Mrs. -S.) food consultant for kitchener TV will -be present and give -the demonstrations. Everyone is welcome to attend and tickets will be available from any W.I. member. The third meeting of the Au- burn Hatters-A=Go-Go was held the home f °s, a k at _. Q_. l� __ BI;._. l�oe_ d with 19 girls answering the roll call of . telling . the accessories they had planned to make. The esident; Barbara Sanderson was in . charge of the meeting and the minutes were approved as rte' by"Jfll e -1M " - Mrs... Mary J9hnston returned to her home last week alter spending the; winter rrttnlihs in Goderich with -her daughter, Mrs. Donald ' Campbell, Mr. Camplell and family. Mr. Torrance Tabb moved out of his farm liome last yreek,and Mr. and Mrs. Irian Hallam and family of Dungannon, who re- cently bought, the farm will' move in soon. Rev. R. U. MacLean and the S.osstoh of . no Presbyterian_ Church received new member, into the, congregation at their Sacrament of Holy Cozrtmunion service last Sunday. 'Those re: 'eeived were: Edward . Donald Haines, James Keith Scott, Geo- rge Illfred C iflins;L'U11tan Boy e Leatheriand, Sheron Eliiibeth Collins, Markin Grace . Young blurt and Iviargaret. .Aileen` YounSblut. . a Mr. and Mrs. George German visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. Mr, and Mrs, William Strati-. ghan spent the weekend din Wingham with their daughter, Mrs_ Tom Jardin, Mr, Jardin and family. THIS WEEK'S PHOTO FEATURE ° •Ideally located, only three blocks'from Square, this three - 'bedroom, medium priced home features large living room, dining room and .kitchen and is gas heated. See this one soon. Exclusively Listed By:. HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER 38 Hamilton Street . Dial 524.7272 A SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH April 10,-- Easter Day Holy 'Communion at 7:30, 8:30 and, 9:30 a.mi (said) Choral Holy. Communion at 11:00 a.m. (Nursery for Pre=School Children) •� a Sunday School at 10 and 11 5:00 p.m.Evensong (in chancel , Rector ,REV. G. G. RUSSELL, BA., B.D. Mr. B. Kempster, Organist and Choirmaster • THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North . Street United Church GOOD FRIDAY 11:00 a.m.—Good Friday Service EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 10th 10:00 a.m. Junior to Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Easter Sunday Service Sermon: "Opening CIosbd. Doors"_ The Rev.,J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., B.0.—Minister Mr. Lance Reed, Organist and Choir Director,. rn Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKI-IARlf ROYAL,, B.A., ,Minister William Cameron, Director of Praise •GO.CtD4sE$.1DA_Y,.. APRIL- .8th : 11_04.--a.m. z The Crucifixion: "What It Means" EASTER" SUNDAY, APRIL 10th - 10:00 am. Church School 10:10 a.m. Minister's Bible .Class , 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship . Sermon:. "The Greatest Moment in all History"` (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7:30 p.m. Young People's Society ENTER TO. WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE Attention traders , swappers, bargain hunters & new car shoppers. It's time to get real drum -thumping values atyour 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Truth and Love Cannot Be Buried BenmIller:_bugrch and. -Sunday -School - REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist , FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH WEPE' SURE WO2L: RAO OUR DEALS ARE aiN547,181E/ R/6/ir NOW '771E 1130/4,6 AISTI C1:614/ II/ARP VSE0 ORS • • AT 711E 7-010/N6POST; 70P '7RACE-/N ALLOWANCE 011 YOUR PRESfiliT CAR! WE CAN COE Y.OU MENNE *ROW/ OVANCES ARE lie V -607" coisi4 coir PICK OUT YOU/2 Mew MAY. OUR SELECTION Of COOOMIL [ism ow GREAr AN A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE PONTIAC Eva/ Rot AND VALVE, /TS NO Will/SINE POPULAR/7Y PARADE rem AfireR WO! TERRIFIC BOYS FOR ME' FAMILY! VIE 7P/A1-5/21 BEAUMONr 15 RE4ASTIJAING? 41110 rite 77/ESE /IRE ME 77/NED CAR.S BIJICA' AND MOORS', avecie MS CAR FOR EVERY rAsre, EVERY BUDGET, ,EVOYO.NE Beaumont CuttomConvertiblewithSportS0plidn Acadian Canso 4.0aoi Sadao thikk Wildcat 4.Doot Audio') Bio:Fk SA4 Spoil 4 Authorized Geodwill • Pontiac • Buick • Beaumont • Acadian --Vauxhall - GMC Truck Dealer in Goderich REG .McGEE & SONS LIMITED (Baptist Convention Of ntario and'Quebec) Montreal Street a_Sqq,tire ' 10:00 Lin. Sunday School 7:00 p.m.—Picture—"The Last Week" -Everyone Welcome Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streets School " " 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7400 p.m. Evangelistic Service Rey., R. L.,Gordon, of ClarksburvOnt., in 6harge Wed., 7.30 p.m. — PraYer Meeting and Bible Study THE SALVATION ARMY • CAPTAIN' and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD Good Friday, 10:00 a.m.—An Hour at the Cross Easter' Sunday, 6:00 a.m.—SUnrise Sermon • Major and Mrs. Rideout of Toronto , EVERYONE WELCOME Bethel Pentecostal Tabernac te Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES „ With Six of the Students from the Eastern Pentecqstal Bible College • • Also The Kings Messengers Trio Will :Sing Good Friday, 8:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 p.m. EASTER SUNDAY • Special Sunday Schap), 10:00 a.m. with siudents in charge 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Great Evangelist seevice ALL WELCOME CALVARY *BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL 10th 10:00 .a.m. Sunday School — Ride ..tho Eius 524-7622 11:00 a.m. MORNING° SERVICE 7:30 p.m. eveNING SERVICE 'Wed., 7:30 p.m. ---, Romans verse by verse Pastor: REV. T. LESLIE NOBBINS, B.A. "A Warm Welcome To All°