The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-03-31, Page 12•F Tile 04er/eh Signal. Star, 'I?irawdv, March 3i r 1066 County Appr41 Budget.. wonttnu,+d from page 1) Emergency Measures program, $9,300 plus 0Q a u' allow- office until his successor i s ed Mrs. I'rredej Naas as as - not' matters, ... Ooveri<a• not' only in our county but Lace to $e,500 plus X600 ear' "appointed," Mr. T erry pointed sistant curator at the .rnus- nlentQi4U are calming to use the throughout the province,, It allowance., Clerical categor- *tat. - eum. at $2,000. It authorized S are c a s s o c s tione . recommended. establishment ies for the staff are eliminated, purchase of court iaottse office dere than in the past. Near- of a committee to study 'the and a single category estab- g equipment as follows: adding ly everything is becoming feasibility of the program as lished, with salary range t machine, $202.50, and electric g it affects Huron and report at $2,400 to $.4,400. The warden . i f typewriter, $517.50, „Jot the -regional. Le islation Is conn- getsurrogate court_office; filing ing clang, but we are, asked next session. is to X800 hereafter. Ses-„ X11 w -no ' - _< The Con itteee'tke warden•, . _,,tion pay for councillors milli cabinet and secretarial desk tF+,�1f at pre=' be $20 a day •plus ` mileage, ,r - .�. , sent: chairman of the h�.�1g0 tom- instead of $18, and committee mittee and chairman of the ,Reeve A. D. Smith, Turn- a also Warden's . and personnel , coin= pay $20 plus mileage, in, berry: "I think they are try- mittee (deputy reeve George stead of $15; both effective ing to do something by the Wonch, Clinton and deputy April 1, 1:906. . back .door they could. not 'do • reeve Einer Hayter, Stanley). Council ecided against gainst any b3' the front. Our township Stapley). change in the method of elect - has never belonged, doesn't "There was quite a ladle want to belong, and I think discussion that we are not ing' the 'verde Reeve Duff ticipalities should be able getting value for our money," Thompson, Qlinton, had pro - in belong or not as they wish. said Mr. Iiaytet. "It is no posed at January session that I don't think my municipality fakilt of Tar. Forbes, who is it be' done :by secret ballot, sent me dere to force them doing a good job, but whether "to remove a tendency for into it. It is like a closed or not it is of any value to patronage to creep into 'the shop." the county we are'.asking a election." f °. 4-H Organzation Meetings Mr. Urquhart "I am w$rk cclminittee to study." . c6 ;.F.Orie change, however,` is ing for you and for this area, Adopting the .report, coup- that the outgoing warden will Huron County Hog Producers' " and I am doing the most ef- oil increased the salary of ' pnesi Ie at the begin}iinj' of .4tH Swjne'Clubs - Gilt and Market Hog fective job only if I work 12 Dr, R. M..Aldls, MOH, ,to $12,- each inaugural session, after trying to promote de 1 500 plus $1,000 car allowance, which the clerk will conduct At. monthsent in •the area. The and that of the deputy, clerk- the ote. - Ontario Department of r�gf'1C tt11'E time spent in going around treasurer, B. G. Hanly, from ,The warden is elected to Board Room; Clinton soliciting revenue is really , wasted in the total job. We THURSDAY APRIL 7 are trying to cut this to a ,is there �� '' minimum so as to get on with , , 8.30 p.m. the job." . some decorating '1 l Blyth•Belgrave 4-H Beef Calf Club Reeve C. E. Boyle, Exeter: .. you'd? �, r« Blyth'4-H Dairy..,CaIf Club "We feel these associations like to do . :� �'' _ ,t 1 -. , Blyth 4-H Corn Club Librarian Resins Salary of the county librar- ian, was increased from a max - Janina a $33500. to §t4,009, The acting librarian, grs. 1. Pirie, hasr: signed,.an L Reeve. y or the Tamil court office;; Duff Thompson, committee ghairman, said the :Intention electric typewriter,, $517.. 0, is to advertise, first, for a dictaphan,L unit, 485, and.. -- fully qualified librarian . ancr, ing cabinet, $132, for clerk - secondly, at thee sante time treasurers ogee. , ' for a person with qualifications "When we have such, good' sufficient to 'be considered as personnel working for us, we acting county librarian. have to give them good equip - Adopting the property coin- anent to work with."' said mittee repi.rt, council appoint- • chairman Procter. _ z , are a must, not only for ur- ban but rura' municipalities, and we have joined the Lake Erie Association as well." Reeve Smith: "Is there any authority ta-join, in the first place?" -Mr. Berry:. "Oh_ yes, .have authority to join." Reeve Minnie Noakes, Hen- sall: "My' miunicipality drop- ped out of it, but I feel, es- pecially with the international plowing match coming up and 1 Huron being 111 the limelight, weshould be looking for econ- omic developmdnt in the coun- ° ty a's a whale, not:',only muni- cipalities." Reeve John 'Corbett, Hay: "Two members were not pr$e-. sent. It -was . a pretty slim vofe." A mettber. "So was - the County Home vote." Emergency Measures The copnmittee reported that it was "concet'hed with .the monies' being spent on the • NIAGARA KNOWS HOW Get cash novi' ... for paint and paper, re -upholstering any good reason. A Niagara counsellor will talk over the amount and repayment schedule ... and tailor.ic to fit your budget. We believe money and helpful planning go'4ogether. Loans from $50 to $3500 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 29 KINGSTON ST. f Phone 524-8357 Gry„a of.Coa,ran,y At BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL - WEDNESDAY, .APRIL 13. Lucknow 4-H Beef Calf Club Lucknow 4-H Dairy Calf Club Lucknow 4-H Corn Club Dungannon 4-H Beef Calf Club Dungannon 4-H Dairy Calf Club - Dungannon 4-11 Grain Club~ At LUCKNOW HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY, APRIL 15. 2:15 *,.p;Trt: °,- ,,- . . - . All boys and girls who have reached ,their 12th birthdaay by January 1st, 1966, and have riot reached their 21st birth- day by December 31st, 196, are invited to join one of these clubs.'• . Huron County . Club . Leaders Asociation: .32 Maintains n e w car perform- '''. ama n c e. Reduces si.ss- friction. 142, 5p.ei41 1.32 SAVE. NOW! .hrome Polish, Rust Remoyer 9 Reg. 39c. Restores dull chrome to a mirror - like ,gleam. Backyard fun at a "swiciging" low price faerJ.Yl • Lubricant*Reg.18c i':♦OpOlk %� Lubricates 3 .uanruwrl.: upper cylinders, ' valves, mors. FOR. 5 -PLAY SET COMPLETE LtottEti SPEttAt ' e 2 SWINGS r T SKY GLIDER. - 2 CHIN BARS - .88 Ehilif t rn up t,ot hinter-s}ared energy. St.,rzly 2 steel attractive green and red biked' ens -re. Crvs'. The - to test. galvanized steel chcins feature tang .,fe rry: ''Pep* -.;s. Top bcr measures 7'4", legs 6'3" it •3 l/ y.•� F j1 S �. �n + �� 1.;,uy///�y,�...�y',.,u; h - , xy,.c�F -c'�„ yMyr•' +C• f•' i[4"'X'F-- .•N 'Y}}i.• . and CARRY BQNUS COUPONS . 21" x 141" x 10" LAUNDRY BASKET C°?1 66 AT8dc. e Sturdy colorful ' no -snag SAVE $16.07 -PORTABLE, AUTO QO.88 RADIO REG. 554.95 REDUCED! 16-0Z. AEROSOL . COCOA Portable for in-cor .or gut. Automatic Volume control, powerful all transistor; Operates on. 6 flashlight batteries (extra). Beautiful simulated tan leather case. With bracket, lock and' 2 keys. • LIMITED QUANTITY fficial Softball Bat -toped handle, Choice of 32", 33" or 34". Compere et S1.95 . SENIOR --Ash or maple; white- 99 BOY'S. FIELDER'S ,GLOV,E Black split-graincowhide, yellow lin- 49 ing. Deep, natural pocket. Req. $2.89 REDUCED! MATCH More than 350 "Exact Match" . Car Colors ' Lawn Rake touch-up traffic scrataFrg, gtri�kfy, easily. . REGULAR for most 1956-66 61:24 9 9 G.M., 1957-66 Chrysler and Ford H e a v y d u t y metol products, 1963.66 . tines. 19" w i d e, 45" 'Rambler and 1960. handle. r 66 Volkswagen. ,SAVE! FLASHY BIKE DRESS - UPS ! • <.1Ar. vii: `:yrlfl FAMOUS STANLEY SURFORM PLANER 'COMPARE 3.3.3 AT $4.23 A must for the work shop. With extra blade. 1• SAVE! C.S.A. Apprerid ELECTRIC SANDER " AT 619.95 5.55 COMPARE A neat work horse. With 1Q 'sheets of sandpaper. 14 REDUCEDI Mosfercreft PLASTIC WOOD : 6 -OZ. CAN • 3 8 REG. 49c Handles like putty; hardens Into wood. .rk.C4.ir'.+.w'�':. .�owcY:,r �'.l'%�u?az•'.rr,."�.J. BICYCLE CHIME BELL .24 ' REDUCED! A flashy addition for bike or trike. •Clear, pleasant tone. Z" plated dome. BIG 12 -INCH 117 SPIN DISCSPL,. 12" Scotchlite coated 'olurftinum discs re• fleet oar lights of night. Made to 'sell of $3.98. � 1 �F l 1(1. r � f 4(,t ; 1 , 4. 441 .fir,4;ltlltii. y%ffr'. y!`� Nf, •. �l/,/ �� kill ti didi.i:# !� ZCsiCGw fir a, �� � ' 11 ,,sti iii �- ../ HANDLEBAR Streamers L■�g& , REGULAR 22e PAIR -- Landmass flame• colored plastic. 12" long. Fit oil grips. AERIAL and- •CAN. FLAG ■_ REOitut iSa - A2�ggaoyy bike otossoty. Brit 5r silk flog. 25Noverall. • CANADIAN TIRE ASSOC I ATE' STORE "NIP" W11''HE'ISiroNE 36 NORTH 'STREETGODERICH - DIAL 524-7394 JEWELLED Hub Shiners 022 Keep hubs polished shiny. Qualitymother strips PAIR BASKET CARRIER 64 11 ix } •-WAS .9l ..+ SALE 1k11xxr" -•. Wee 6149 -.. Se1e 1.11 Colorful polyethylene. Urtivenol fit. n "or, QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. I3ow many of the ikrorldzs 24 Standard Time Zones cross Canadian territory? 2.Of the seven million Canad- fans with jobs, how many are employed in farming, in re- tailing, in rnanuinetUrillia $59.45. What are the current 3. Succession duties provide figures? what proportion of federal 5' TVhiel1 Canadi u1 ail;' line has government revenues? the . greatest mileage tf regu- 4.Inl 1855' the average Work- larly scheduled routes? week in Canadian maxtufact- ANSWMRS: 5: Canadian Paci- uring was 41 h;trs and the fie Airlines, 45,2$7 miles; Air average weekly wage was Canada has 39,840 .miles. 3. r Last year succession "duties pro- vided only $97 million of Ot- tawa's $7.4 billion revenues. 1. Seven. 4. In' August of this year, 41.1 hours, $86.10 weekly wage. 2. In farming 630,000; in retailing 700,900;' in 'manu- facturing 1,400,000. • �t,AxK emit LARK'S'I 5'4/I�/8�YC�#TEST/ ENIER e O YOO p ENTER! HERON 0111 Ia, O Si • Number and S.? Fda OF Of, and hone. OpaN� Address e�cR or Fa4simde & P SNe on Print /our Same, Clark Label Product in�s�uc Will be the ,,back i °t .any special entry box Wish. Winners the to as you in order to Wet. deposit in as often- ►ng Question ds and p • & P Fwd ed an Enter a qualify. and asked of bothChafoods announced P selected and Bfamilies nter. Winners Employees and to ore 1,10I th'1966. - With Pork in Tomato Sauce -FEATURE PRICE! CLARK BEANS 5 15 -fl -oz tins 99c Clark (10 Varieties)' Reg. Price 2 tins 37c - SA\!E 17o PREMIUM SOUPS 1,10-flo=tins 49e • 3 Varieties Reg,. Price tin 390 - $AVE 90 CLARK STEWS 2 -15 -oz tins 69 -e - Clark (with Meat Sauce) Reg. Price pkg $9c SAVE 4o SPAGHETTI DINNER "l oZpkg 45e Manager's Week at &P Check these items as selected by.our store managers Carnation FEATURE PRI 1 EI EVAP. MILK 416-fI-wins 69c "''Ann --•Page"-' " • _'FEATURE PRICEI KETCHUP TOMATO 215 -fl -oz btls 49c A&,P Fancy Quality - FEATURE 'PRICE! SOCKEYE SALMON Ws tin -57c Scotties (White or Coloured) Reg. 2 pkgs 67o SAVE 12o FACIAL TISSUE ' 3 pkgs of400 89c. Crest Reg. Price tube $1.09 -- SAVE 10o TOOTHPASTE family size tube 9 9c Rose Brand • Reg. Price jai' 37c - SAVE 110 PICKLES 5 SWEET M XEp R 3 16 -fl -oz jars`'.00 5c Off Deal' • Reg. Price pkg 199c -- SAVE AN EXTRA 40 • SOLO MARGARINE 3 -lb pkg 8 5 c Jane Parker Reg. Price each 650 - SAVE 6o PUMPKIN PIE large 8 -inch pie 49c Jane' Parker ' Reg. Price loaf 24c - SAVE 21c BREAD 60% WHOLE WHEAT' 424-6t loaves 75 c Jane Parker Large ANGEL FAKE Reg.' Price each 590 - SAVE 77o 0 WIN ONE OF THESE- GREAT HESE GREAT PRIZES! R 4 COLOUR RCA TV SETS " 130 Kodak Instantatic 104 Camera Outfits 6CA Portable. TV Sets 300 Kodak Hawkeye Instamatic F Cameras 130 Sailor Boy Punching Bag Balloons ('�ATtQEj 4.95) V TOTAL PRIZE VALUE $15,000. CLARK FANCY -QUALITY YOMATO JUICE Reg. Price tin 39c - SAVE 90 48-f1= oz.tins_ FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. - CALIFORNIA, LONG, GREEN, FIRST OF THE SEASON; N. 1 GRADE Ib ROYAL HAWAIIAN, 'THE ARISTOCRAT OP PINEAPPLES", No. 1 GRADE, LARGE SIZE 6's PINEAPPLES n CUT - bunch of 12 DAFFODILS bch39C IT'S THE EAT ,1,N THE MEAT THAT. COUNTS AT A&P! LUXURY EATING AT A&P SENSIBLE ' PRICES GRADE ""A" IMPORTED 18 -OZ. MINIMUM WEIGHT CK CQRNI E CHICKEN S Stack -up Your Freezer 6 for $4.59 SAVE 15c SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY, CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND" 'STEER BEEF - BLADE ROAST BLADE STEAK RIB ROASTS' BLADE' BONE. REMOVED EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING' SHORT or CROSS CUT - 1 COTTAGE BURNS PEAMEALE ROILSHALVES DI 69c SIDE ALLGOOD SL ED n BACONRINDLESS • Na. 1 GRADE •ib pkg ° FOR A LOW PRICE DISH -CHOOSE AaP FISH , 8.a Scald • HADDOCK FILLETS LB 49C Pacific (Halves) PINIt SALMON LB 59c VIE GREAT ATLANTIC11,PACIflei COMMIT Mk F000 STORES A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY 4 ALL ,PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL - Ji66 - 0�