HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-03-31, Page 11Huron County Endorses Car Salety Resolution "Some automotive engineers" belicAre 22 good features could r — be ineoporated .in cars for bet- ter safety, and Sinneoe county councg suggests that the federal "`ov rc email take -the necessary steps .to sec that these features are added as soon as possible - Huron council accepted a re- commendation of its legislative corimnittee that this resolution be concurred" in, 'also .a spine - what similar one from Grey county. The latter' called• as well for compulsory driver training in'secondary and voca- tional schools. Bruce Sent• along five resolu- tions, all of which aeon concur- rence. One proposes that the federal government haire Parlia- ment 'pass a law making the Bell. Telephone Company - re- sponsible for all casts when cables are located on municipal roads. "Since the pritce of farm ma- chinery is steadily increasing and the quality in , some in- stances deteriorating," the On- tario government is requested to investigate, and introduce Pauls Delivery Owned and Operated by Paul Spain. Local Delivery Service Local Hauling .ANYT.IME_. Fpr Information CALL -524-9469 legislation requiring implement' manufacturers "to provide 're. pairs and services to the fame. er, and that 'the repair depot btR', rithi -: 1 olio . -.dist, `ante." The minister of education is urged to consider revision of grants to municipalities in out- lying districts for, construction of new schools or additions: It is proposed that funds be made .available: through ARDA to- help bear the' cost of estab-, fishing water reservoirs in muh- icipalities for recreation;,- con- servation, ground wafer level' improvement, and general rural improvement. Huron joined Bruce in oppos- ing "any action to abandon- any railroad' lines in Ontario" ani adapted a resolution of its own: "We pont out that the rail facil- ities of the CNR in the Gode- rich-Stratford , area should be reviewed by the railroad auth- orities in view of the deplorable conditions that existed during the r(,;eent Rural -Municipalities and road conventions." Dead Animal :REMOVAL: ror dead and d'isabldd 8,nimals call collect Darling & Company . _ of _Canada Lit0., Phone 482-7269, Clinton Dead animal -licence number 350-C-65 • 4tf Wa1115111.111110110111121•RIIMNIM= .M101•111•111•111111111111 coIn'RAcT:YouR BEAN ACREAGE. AT E. L. MICKLE; &SON . LTD. QUALITY MIEllIGAN AND ONTARIO SANILAC AND SEAWAY SEED - FERTILIZER SiIPPLIED EPTAM AVAILABLE • FERTILIZER - WE HAVE BAGGED OR BULKHARRISTONFERTILIZER AVAILABLE AT COMPETITIVE PRICES: SPRANG.. SEED REGISTEREP, CERTIFIED- AND COMMERCIAL SPRING SEED AVAILABLE SPECIAL SEED MIXTURE AVAILABLE', SEE OR CALL ° • MICKLE &.'. SON LTD: HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 262,2714 Mike Naylor, corn ,grower and custom sprayer of Guelph, says: "ATRAZINE -a most convenient weapon against Quackgrass" During the '65 season -Mike Naylor sprayed several hundred acres with a split application of Atrazine for the control of heavy duackgrasi infest6tions. The first spray Was 'applied in the spring as soon as the quackgrass started to groW. After'waiting 7 to 10 days, the rand was ploughed,athe seedbed prepared and the corn planted: A second spraywas applied afterthe corn had emerged. A one-two • punch that knocked out the quackgrass, annual grasses and broadleaf weeds, and resulted in a bumper cpm crop. "For the control of quackgrass," Mike Naylor says, "Atrazine is a most convenient weapon—and I say weapon advisedly,;. because We' need weapons to control weeds and grasses. For myself I just wouldn't have a crop of corn it it weren't for ' Atrazine." Order your Atrazine now and plan to take full advantage of this new split application technique to eradicate quackgrass once and for all! Write for further information. Gesaprim® brand of Atrazine 65W is available in 5 Ib. bags and 50 Ib. cartons from farm supply dealers. g'Reg'd:,,Ti . of Geigy HENS Fisons (Canada) Limited,o, 234 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, Ontario 'Sharon June Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith of Wallaceburg was married to Mitchell J. Troian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Troian of Wallaceburg on Saturday, March 19. ' Wedding DALTON St. Patrick's Raman Catholic Church in Hamilton was the setting'for' the I?ebr-uary 1.2wed- ding of Dianne *arie IGailis_ and,., Maurice Dalton, both of Hamil- ton. The bride is the daughter Of' Mr and—Ars.- El"v400d Gu11-isr of 51 Miles street, Milton, On- tario. The groom is the son of Mr.'aud Mrs. Dennis Dalton of Bat 3, Goderich. ',I'he ceremony was conducted by ,Father Diennert, with Dennis. Driscoll as organist and, Randy Chisholm of Burlington sang several musical selections, The bride was gowned in a floor -length gown of beige peau de sole - and lace with Jong sleeves. • Her headpiece was a pillbox., holding an elbow length veil. She wore a drop pearl, a gift of the groom, and.:Or bou- quet was a -cascade of pink roses and white mums. The matron of honor was Mrs. Judy Thring of Milton and the bridesmaids were 1'4iss Kay Scott of Hamilton and Miss Sharon Guthrie of Wyndam Centre. They were dressed alike in floor - length gowns with empire waist- lines in telly green peau de soie. All were drop pearls, gifts of the bride, and their flowers were nosegays of yellow roses and white mums. --. GVIILIS the bride's ,,father gave her in inarriag"b ,• Groomsman was Brian DaJten, • brother of ' the groom, and ushers were Dennis Connolly and Mike Dalton: Vill,)1Or was held that after- leo fter- xotrta �4iie e��e4V4-1,, Hamilton. The bride's mother was • gowned in a gold crepe dress with lace jacket and beige accessories, with • a corsage .of pink. sweetheart roses, The, groom's mother wore a brown suit and white accessories and a corsage of yellow sweetheart roses. :The 'bride's going awaycos- tume was a. blue and black wool tweed suit, with fox trim and accessories to match and a cor- sage of pink sweetheart roses. They will reside at 1266 Fennell avenue East, Hamilton, Apt. 105. A social get-together followed the reception when the bride's grandmother Mrs. " Early and two aunts and an uncle sup- plied music for dancing and while the bride and groom open- ed some of their wedding gifts. The. bride's gx andmother Mrs. Gullis made the wedding cake. Guests attended form Milton, Ballinafad, London, Campbell- ville, Toronto, Goderich, Au- burn, Hamilton Pickering, Luc - know, Burlington, Q u e 1 p h, Grimsby', Beamsville, Wallace - burg, Detroit .and Windsor. • Mrs. Judy Thring gave a mis- cellaneous shower at her rgoth- er's home on Miles street. Mrs. Ron Ervin and Mrs. Lucille Cole also held a miscellaneous show- -er for the bride 8 at Mrs. Evan's home on Miles street. Huron Airs Home Payments The loan obtained by sale -of a $375,900 debenture issue to pay for the Huronview ad- dition _ _will require, .by the time. it is pant off, a total of $509,280, county council learn- ed at the, March session. Annual payments- through the 10 -year term approximate $50,000-$51,000. The coupons are 6%. Successful tender for .the- debentures was 98.1. The contract with Monteith - McGrath Limited has been signed, the ,I-iuronview board reported;- and construction -'has commenced. "The board," said Reeve Ernest Snell, chairman, cussed in detail the salaries for employees of Huronview and made every effort to bring these in line with pre- sent conditions,'' The board Inas agreed to a new.` minimum salary of $2,300,•, a Experienced employ- ees will be engaged at a sal-• ary which is suitable and a- greeable to the • department head, the superintendent and the,. ernldoyee„ .OUR .PECIALTY FRESH F' ITS and VEGET;LES o Hes -L 'ttuce Bananas -� Celery 2 Lbs. .25 Shrubs Nursery Stock —• Plants - ..Lawn Rolling A SKYWAY M4KET Hwy. 21 N. at Texaco Statim -11-12 The annual increment, ef- fective January 1 each year, "will be subjet to recommend- ation and approval of the de- parlment 'l'oad- and the super- intendent. The percentage of increase ranges from 8% in the $2,300 - $3•,000 category down to 4°i, in the $4,i1 and over cateory ("There is no indication yet as to the exact number of new employees - to staff the add'i tion, deputy clerk -treasurer B. G. Ilanly said). • '"The need -for accommoda- tion continues," the report stated. "Each meeting we have additional applications which we accept, subject of course to accommodafion 'be- ing available." 1 ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN ' 0 r Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY '7a.r�s:"t 0 p.rn. Open Friday 'and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The ,Esquire Restaurant "524-9941" Enjoying the bonus -benefits of these Royal. complete -banking i` services? tc.*; C:1 Use this check -list as a helpful guide: Royal Bank termPlan loans—can be economically arranged for a new car, appliance, or similar purchase. DStudent Loans—can be discussed, at your convenience, at your nearest Royal Bank branch. Joint Accounts -for two or nore people to opera a bank account together. Bank -by -Mail facilities—for people who live far away or can't drop in easily during regular banking hours. Savings Accounts—for steady savings and El accumulation of interest. •- • Personal Chequing Accounts—enable you to pay bills economically without dist turbing your Savings' Account. Royal's complete range, of banking services are providing, bonus benefits, such as those indicated above, to many, thousands now regularly using them. No matter what your persoia1 or business banking requirements may be, it will pay you to,check them against t°he full variety .of facilities available at Royal Bank. Ask for our useful booklet entitled "Helpful Services", today. ROYALBAN!K Consult yoyr Royal Bank branch manager; Goderich Wench -- —— -- — J, D. Davison, Manager • Check Your Car Warn Officials. Every April and May, the ve- hicle safety committee of the Canadian Highway Safety Coun- cil sponsors a nation-wide cam- paign to alert owners, of their personal responsibility for the Safe -operation of their vehicles, The 1966 „canipaign- .wiil..open at midnight, March 31, and end at midnight, Miry 81,rwith the, active paricipation of dealers, service, and garage operators from coast to coast. • x 'The Goderich Signal -Star, 'phur +d y, liarch I;nn IO Weddin LEE McCONNELL A , profusion of pink carna- ers of ivy and pink rosebuds tions and white mums decorat- completed the ensemble. ed Knox Presbyterian Church, Miss Diane McConnell. f Tor Goderich, on Saturday, March onto attended her sist s maid 12, when Eiizabeth Anne (Bette) of honor. Bridemaids were Miss McConnell 'became the bride of Betty Cartwright of Clinton,, Kenneth James Frederick Lee Mrs. Ray Robinson, jr. of Gode- in a double ring ceremony per- rich and Miss Joan Marshall -of formed by Rev. G. L. Royal. Oshawa, cousin of the bride. A11 The bride is the daughter of wore identical. floor -length Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnold McCen- gowns of pink peau de soie with bell sli.aped skirts with':match- g -wedding- _ring ._ headbands, They carried -bouquets i of pink and white mums. Miss Pamela Wilkins of Weiland was flower - girl wearing a lour -length gown of .pink peau do soie with match- ing headband and she carried nell ,of Goderich and the -gr.00m°s parents- are . Mr.. -and ��. Clrt ,les Lee of Clinton.. Mr. William Cameron, Gode- rich presided at the organ and soloist Was Mrs, Barbara McKee of •Goderich. liven in marriage by her father, the bride chose a iflnor; a nosegay of pink and white }ength gown of cloud white• de baby mums, Master Randy 11ustered satin in sculptered de Robinson of Goderich was ring - sign. The fitted bodice was line fa,shioned with a sabring ,peck- iine end had lilypoint sleeves. The gently draped skirt, falling into a chapel train was ,caught with a bow in the back. Her tie ,ed..u,eil o,f`.,silk -ilius,ion with scalloped edge was clasped' to her head With a miniature crown of seed pearls. Ai white Bible crested with pink sweet- heartroses and trailing stream - Mr. Donald Cudmor.e of Clin- ton was groomsman 'and. usher- ing guests were Messrs. Bruce Lockhart of Clinton, Ray Robin- son jr. of Goderich, and• Robert Lee, brother of the groom of Clinton. ' At a 'reception at' the brid'e's home 4o11otibing- the ceremony the guests, were 'greeted ,,by the mother of the bride wearing a McII$AAC 1ARNACK Knox . , Presbyterian Chapel\ was the : scene on Saturday, Harsh •26, when Anne Elaine Uarxiaek became the bride of Vi11ia><ur4awaypi. M .saav, ,it). ti doable -ring ceremony perform, e4 by -Iter.. -444,R9;91. The .bride is, the daughter-lit— Mr. aug Iter f•__Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. far/ink of Goderich .and the groom IS`" the son 'of 1111,r,r and lir..ij Douglas Aifclsaac of Bathurst,. NOW Brunswick. Given in 'ina%rriage ; by: her father,the bride chose. a street- length gown of .pink sheer 'cov- eretl',by a jacket Of pink lace. A shoulder -length bouffant veil and a corsage of pink roses eo1n- pleteid her ensemble. Mrs. W. A .Thak was matron of honor wearing a street -length d"ryess of aqua taffeta with white accessories. Groomsman was Rona 1 d Young of Goderich. After the ceremony, a recep- tion in the bride's home was held for guests from Toronto;' Kitchener, Guelph, Hanover, Niagara Falls and Bathurst, New Brunswick. , • Prior to her inariage the bride was honored at a surprise shower given, by Miss Pat Fer- guson. AV9IDTHE SPRING RUSH ORDER- NOW! GET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OF BAGGED OR BULK FERTILIZER HARRISTON FERTILIZERS LIMITED ' CLINTON PHONE 482 -9133 - CUSTOM MIXING OUR SPECIALTY more corn parsers minimum tillage more protit ro a new product from -Imperial Oil for use with Atrazine 65W as a post -emergence treatment p Ooh two-piece suit in dawn blue lame accented witlir French braid with mate l jtng accessories and a corsage of -pink anti white carnations. 'The groom's' - mo- ther assisted wearing a Frctkioh blue' crepe 1 # re - emibroider1ed- dre% with matching bead de- sign and a coc rage of pink and white carnations. Out of town guests were pry ant from Clinton, Blyth, Acton, Toronto, Guelph, London, Strat- ford,Milton, Ottawa, Kitchener, Trenton anc., Oshawa. Fora motor trip to Florida and the Sout`cern States, the brid>~ changed .. to_ . a tivop oink boucle-, suit with black ac- cessories. A corsage of white gardenias completed her en- semble. Prior to. her ..marriage, the. beide • ,was honored at showers given by Mrs. -Earl Allison and Mrs. Lay Ro'iinsspn, jr, The bride .was honoi'ed, at a trous- seau tea given by her niother. The couple will reside in Blyth. WANT ADS - }SELL FAST ! - 9:55a..m. Hot water washes away your washload - -: faster. a�• Get more hot water heny ou i ant:it...wi atural Gas® • 4IyOiir plumber dealer, department store, or Union Gas. -� Corntrol 862 is an emulsifiable light mineral oil. It is used at the rate of 11/2 gallons per acre with 1.5 to 2 lbs. of Atrazine 65W Which MI effectively controls quackgrass and annual grasses ..s ■ controls broadleaf weeds over a longer period. CORNTROL 862,has undergone repeated plot tests and field trials over a three-year period and is now FULLY FARM .PROVEN. Ontario tests have shown yield increases of over 20 bushels per acre when an oil-viiater emulsionis used with Atrazine at 1.5 lbs: -compared to Atrazine in water only. ' Order your requirements of Corntrol 862 nowt BE READY To GO WHEN THE WEEDS ARE READY TO GROW!! CORNTROL 862 OIL—AVAILABLE:ONLY FROM YOUR IMPERIAL Esso AGENT' B. Chisholm - Goderich 9• .J Cas makes the big (hot) difference,