The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-03-31, Page 10• a Q The CQderielt Signal -St , Thursday "March 31, 1060 he. BiuE.1.hti.mb 8y 6. MacLEOD ROSS • 4, �. s. ould, .be, 'read into prove its nuclear. -Aa 'er b fur- �>a�'���A'�Fltx�t�:EA� A�''ttic ailingailingi the "'concept" of yuelea,r war- ther .elaboration of its arsenal. Sig . Solly Zuckerman is the tare. Now let us turns to the widely • i ' 'fiAdviser to the It- is therefore essential to held belief, that nuclear weap- Ch of nSei mix e ons might be used on the battlg- Trktish , Ministry ' of Defence,•$•1'y and -put flesh on some of w field to redress a disparity in 1 e was bo1'rt..:in -1904, educated abstractions which have gr numbers of melt. .4'tile University of Cape Town up in discussions on measures and married 'the -`1 dost daughter such as "kiloton"; 'megaton"; Zuckerman has always been of the 2nd Marquess of Reading. Ierins such as tactical and stra- a sceptic of the notion of tact- under some old_ gentleman try - Prior to his present aPpoin,t- tegic nuclear . weapons; words ical ,use of these weapons. If ing to got ,zcross the street metat"he was Professor of An- like deterrence; escalation and you assume an attacking force before the light changes. with a three to one numerical ,, u: _;: ei superiority, and that the sue- But rafter a wild look around fenders hay a no chane to see if thei e s something I cess unless tney can reduce could destroy without makes their opponent'sadvantage to my wife sore, like maybe a pa - about two to one, then„ hand per cup, Ike discovered the reds of weapons would be need- source of my vile mood. There ed by each defending corps. they sit, stacked about' the floor These ntimhers, fired on a of my study, those piles of trivia corps front would cause damage on which I've spent the past on 'a scale to make any form eight hours -With ono obvious of warfare meaningless. ' Those change in their altitude. Exam TSE SEASON FOR SNARi ANG. -a-,d when„you_ feel depressed,, even surly, with no apparent reason? That's the way I am today. - Usually a sweet -tempered, lov- able chap, I feel right now .like' kiclfing the crutches out from otomy' at $iraningham Univei's. c1oo,msday machines. fist 1?'or .exahi.ple it is totally be - At first sight his present ap- pointment may seem a bit un; yond comprehension to under- stand • what some writers think . usual fora medical Irian, but he they are saying when they talk fills an essential slot in a ' De- about a "nuclear exchange" in ,fence Departi}tent. He -supplies which the U.S.A. takes 100 mil - the broad 'background of rea- lion casualties followed by the soning, against which weapons, assertion thaa the e s urvivors wtrategy and tactics may be' could reconstitute a thriving evaluated. civilization. He has recently given the Asingle .megaton, weapon ex - Lees Knowles• lectures at Cain -11)1(14'd ov r one cf our major conclusions have been borne out papers. bridge on science and military cities woul mean its total elim-' by sophisticated war gamest :,i affairs, when. he discussed i :'tat ion. lf, into one focal point Tbe corollary is that the pe.- .Marking exam papers is, "Facts and reason in a Nuclear' and at one focal moment you tential destruction in nuclear guess, good for the soul. It's Age „ I could coneenu ate all the de- war has assumed such proper - ;about the only thing it is good His thinking, offers laymen a';tructioie) suffered in •Britain in tions that i; moves warfare into for. It's had on the eyes, the - vital context in which to place' the last war, it would not . be as a dimension completely differ- nerves, the tailbone and the fears of wars " and hopes;•,of bad as a one megaton bomb. en.' from the one of which we temper. , • peace and his careful reasoning g Furthermore, at the lower have experience. It would be :1: ;* is the ldnd of communication we end of the scale, the radius of impossible to say where tactical .But it has a salutory e -ee on need from our scienitists—an. ''last damage 's proportional to warfare differed from strategic the ego. It's a little like trying argument comprehensible equal- the c'ibe rooi of the yield. If ,nuclear war. 1 -to pull in your stomach and ly by the man on West street'he i-.Idius -of-"total destruction • Mr. McNamara's publicized' finding that your chest doesn't and the nian on the Nevsky 1 tom a four .megaton weapon "full option" approach to NATO' go, out any more. Or catching --7Ppospe-ctI_.h,Iv:e tried.. to distil were re sliree miles, a one and a- strategy is a far cry from the that first horrible glimpse of ,,- . __...' his vietuvs for you quartI er megaton weapon would- lief- that any land -o1•rer€rtioni'•t-fie -naked-ba'Id-spot which -you in NATO Europe would immedi- thought was merely a thinning ately "go nuclear." Even the' on top. Russian High Command has up- :1: * .4: held the contention that in an Yes, it's humbling. You have attack by Western forces on the, , Soviet bloc, the fight would'•'be , waged in a non-nuclear -or con-, port of forces in the field, can ventional fashion. 'be seen only as weapons to Thus fl 11ows • that nuclear deter aggression. weapons deployed in direct sup- (To be concludednext week) begun to build up — with no reailYgovd�r,aaso.n, extePtihaa you haven't, been. fired -- the idea that you're an excellent, if not outstanding teacher. The. Potential .of The Bomb have a corresponding effect, over The basic facts about the a radio; of • twb. miles and . 160 bomb and its use are 'terrifying kilotons over a radius' oft one for civilization, and while it may mile. be said that we have learnt to "Strategic"and "Tactical" • Alive with the bomb, there is no - Concepts 1,, need for us to drift into the pisniissing the mombo-jumbo position of being prepared to1 of the theorists, the basic strat- die for it:. c^ic facts are quste simple. Speaking- ge-nerally of every- First:., .N.uclear weapons exist Lley experience, the man in 'the and cannct be brushed aside. street takes /science 'and its fruits for granted with seldom any questions asked. Electric light; radio; TV; the telephone; .flight, , Rarely do we find the expert less the person we thou.ht he was. But in the field of nuclear weapons this •no longer holds: •'Phe scientist (.knows how to • make aa variety of Weapons of high and low yield and •he has ''had .the experience of effect at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What he does. not know is what true They are deployed by thous- ands by both the U.S,A.' and by the U.K. and Prance to. a smaller extent, while China is in the earlier stages, of the process. Second:' The two sup;. er-powers, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R., have shown over a matter of 'years that• they both fear the balance •of- strategic deterrence might be disrupted, but those who. ought to know th-e .facts have argued that there is little reason 'to. suppose that either power could ;significantly' im- yi :;: Then you start to read what your' students have "learned" from you in the past six months. Nothing. Zero. You have mere- ly- compounded their ignorance. You have only "confused the simple teen-age philosophies they have acquired from tele- vision, hbotenanies, Mad maga- zine and the poolroom. _ • RABBITS WANTED Growers in all walks of -life, full or part-time to raise . rabbits. Owing to„`the increased demand for rabbit meat the supply is inadequate. Highest market 'prices paid for: 4 ato 6 -pound fryers. Also —breeding stock available. For, further information contact BUNNY HUB. RABBITRY • Mina Baker Phone 424J7 .- R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont. 12x ?he one beer so �:�od Canada famous forbeer throughout the world! In the Canary Islands and over 60 other countries, you can enjoy a world of flavour in thew-bilanced beer. :t:. :a * Some young and tender' teach- ers,' faced with this shattering moment, have been known to turn green, rush to the school board, offer their resignations and even, in drastic cases, at- tempt to pay back the salaries they have accepted since Sep- tember., :8 :1: :1: For the older, tougher teach- ers, it is not quite such a trau- matic. experience. Oh, they may swear' a bit, tear their hair 'a bit, and froth slightly at. the mouth. But they do not offer lo return their salaries. The last known case of this, among older teachers, was in 1714. .,,Snarling" I Danger Of :Distemper ars accept this. dis11.10sionment as they do the changing of the seasens. They, 'know that by some magic alchemy Of spring, gaster holidays, parental pees- sure, and three months ,of un, relenting labor on their own parts, it will be all sorted out Early ...a is the anter. 1 arly spring' the danger. period for distemper -that high- ly contagiousdisease, that kills an estimated 253000 dogs in Canada each year. Some ' veterinarians say the death toll, runs higher °since many strayRdogs become infect- st_ of the kids ed by distem _er and; not hrlInng Y,�9�ao�-:and. Too ., . .x .. f' , - - , will advance a,grade. own rs, theyjust wfinder off .;: :i: . and die. . And it must be admitted that But there's a brighter side. Inarkin''bams is not unmitigat- 'first, dogs' can be immunized ed misery.` lt.. as..its, moments. against, distemper through vac - On several occasions, respond. cination • and more and more ing to peals of maniacal laugh- ' , ter from my study, my wife has And then, of course, amid the dashed up the stairs, ready to Welter of ',confusion, comes the call the boys in the white coats. • sudden stab of ore,. refreshing is I. delight, the discovery of an or - There's the student who tries, .l incl, perceptive mind, trying the shot -gun approach, Scatter to • make sense out of all this your gems as widely as possible, nonsense It's like finding a and you're bound to hit some- cent solid piece of ground in a thing right: One such, in afi d swamp, a cool spring in the e desert. :1:* The more experienced teach - John D. Rockefeller thus: H was a Prime Ministerof England and very important in the labor movement.” 'Therumble heard at the time was John D. trying to' argue his way back to this world so he could strangle the kid, Sometimes it's nbt funny. On a recent exam, junior students were asked to pi,ck the right verb from this sentence: "They have (drunk, drank) all th water.., A little blonde girl with troubled eyes chose `.`drank b cause, . as she pointed out, "Drunk is not . a verb, It's a noun." She had good reason fo her answer. Her father is on e e- r e. :1: That's the moment when the poor old teacher is hooked once again by that most, irritating nuisances, faithof in -the future of the humans race. And bleary- eyed, but with alighter heart, he bows his weary head once. more over the wasteland. of words, looking for the diamond in, the coal -mine. dog owners are taking this owners are tatting this course --particularly with young pups. They are particularly susceptible to distemper shortly city leaving their mother. Vaccines have also unproved; "Today we use live vaccines that have been clinically proven to be 99�10 eflectiye," says Dr. Rod- erick Mier,- president (of 'the Academy 'of Veterinary Medi- cine. Dr. Davies added: "With such vaccines. a ,.dog builds up the required resistance to dis- temper. Pups should receive their first injection at approx- imately nine weeks of age and the second vaccination at 12 weeks. A11 dogs should have a booster shot each year," Damp weather and marked changes in temperature "are most conduciVe to the spread of any virus—particularly ., distemper. More dogs succumb to distem- per during early spring and late fall than during all the other seasons combined. mina, s The preliminary • y •mtoms of p distemper vary so greatly and in many- cases are so mild that i a they are recogn1e only •b o y to a trained professional. On the other hand, the disease may be ushered in by violent con- vulsions. Generally, the .affect- ed dog shows signs of discharge from -the, nose and eyes, diar- James Richardson & Sons Ltd. 'Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario" PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH In Spring rhoea and 'pneumonia. Once the symptoms reach the second- ary stage marked by chom Ing fits and foaming at the mouth,. the, disease is hardly ever treat- ed successfully+', "Distemper in its secondary or terminal stage" added Dav{�Ir. {{• - w N . is -usual - ays.�:i a tat, Even if ' we are " successful in treating the dog, we cannot pre- vent such after effects as per- manentparalysis, loss.of natural reflexes and 'stupidity." Since the virus is air borne, d'iste'mper is one .of the most contagious of all canine . dis- eases. It' can be transmitted from dog to dog or picked up from surroundings where the disease has been present. W. J. Den�mrne FLOWER SHOP phone= s.k.EGR 8132 524 - DAY OR NIGHT ' Agent for • 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 30 - APRIL 2 INCLUSIVE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMiT QUANTITIES 1 PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 30 • APRIL 2 INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ro ..SAVE 32c -- TOP - 2c -TOP- VALE (Wad O NigO 31) PRODUCT OF ISRAEL NEW CROP ' SIZE 105's, DOZ•. AFFA NGE U.S. NO. 1 HEAD LETTUCE 2. -Lk:= 351' { RE.D EMPEROR FANCY GRAPES 291t. TREESWEET ,UNSWEETENED ORANGE. JUICE 1=AN'CY GREEN .PEAS or FRSEASONED GREEN BEANS ENCH STYLE ',SHIRLEY GAY • NYLONS' SIZE„ CLARK BEANS CHILIISAUCE LIBBY'S. FROZEN a ` CUBED .SQUASIT 2 TOP VAtU PCIWDE'RED DETERGENT - r 48 -oz. Tins 1T0-ozins. $ >� 3o;r9 6 1S -az.' Tins 1 14 -os. 490 Poly Bags 224b. Pkgs. $8 MONARCH POUCH PAK CAKE J'IIXES YORK' FANCY c'm STYLE CORN . MONARCH PARCHMENT ASST'D FLAVOURS 'F -oz... $ @ 6 1 " 8 10-. $ I Tins • t-fi6� ,3 Pkgs. 1" MARGARINE . .• CLARK VEGETABLE..5�� or TOMATO 10 -oz, 9 Tins 1 SH I RLEY GAY S,trawberryyPie .Pain s,xe 59° Pie One 24 -oz. Plastic With the purchase Ctner. Maple Leaf bt one 24-oa. plaa- FREE.- y tic Cter, at the " LIQUID► Rog. Price Qa¢ DETERGENT of anis► V7 T, CANADA'S FINEST PERSONALLY SELECTED RED BRAND BEEF! BLADE or SHORT RIB Ib. SHOULDER ROAST th. Dv% IMPERIAL .ROAST Le. $5c , moNgss CHUCK. STEAK u,. 79° CROSS CUT ROAST Lb. 79° TAELERITE (,i VARIETIES) COOKED MEAT• 3 ya pay. 790 TABLE -RITE WIENERS Pkg.' 59°" TABLE -Rig BOLOGNA Lb. 39° SHAMROCK sr LAMB IN THE BASKET (b. 39e LAME SHOULDER ROAST OR CHOPS Ib.,59 E� BACON „KG. WIN CASH DAILY ON iGA'S EXCITING NEW QUIZ SHOW: "I GIVE AWAYt'' CFPL Radio CKWW Radio CI:NX-TV f\ LONDON WINDSOR WINGHAM IN.GT 1 SEE THIS WEEK'S ICA HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTANDING ,VALUESII