HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-03-31, Page 3• n PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHS` 'CHAT c,,. • t High School Team Trouruod 14-5 By Susan Bisset n Friday, March 25 the Girl's Ba'.ketball team was victorious inat a team tof girls from the gih School by a score of 14.51 e girls are buying team sweatshirts. There - is not much new this Week because we have.arheavy case of apring fever and we are also fretting over report Bards that are distributed on April 4. .By Jennifer Cook Pretty soon school will be out for the two glorious months of summer; The teachers and the pupils need a 29.11g rest. -- , p-ggiug, kids,, time- is. #Tying' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH,. BASTER TEA Saturday, April 2 Take a breather from your Easter rush, and come to the Easter Tea at First Baptist Church on Montreal St. Enjoy a good cup of tea, and take advantage of the home baking, candy,, aeons and novelties that will be available. Bring your friends. DANCE TO THE. .L THE CLICHES GODERICH ARE11-A RIDAY, APRIL 1st 10:00 P.M. TO, 1 A.M. Admission 75c Per Person FIRST RUN FILMS, 7 IN AIR CbNDIT1ONEP. COMFORT: ENTERTAINMENT IS OUR BUSINESS III IIIA o N ■..ut,._I NI Aso_ as X11 NI NI- 1 THURS., FRI.,— MARCH 31 - APRIL 1 If SOMEONE'S GOT A ZOO LOOSE. There's of In the sheets, an elephant in the bathtub • and a rMNThE la tit InMetrOCOlat WITH SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS 2 SHOWINGS AT 7:15. & 10:05 P.M. SPECIAL. •MATINEE , FOR SAT., APRIL 2 -- 2:15 P.M. SAT., MON., TUES., — APRIL 2-4-5 The Great Romantic Comedy 1)ORIS I111r it011 '1'��1YLO1I, 11O NNY"' "HMI__ Aa Aron Rotenberp'Martin Melchor Production sisistafimi HERMIONE BURLEY. SERCIO FANTONI SHOWS AT 7:15 and 9:15 P.M. .» 'WED., THURS., FRL, SAT., APRIL 6-7-8-9 ,STARTS WED: ,FOR 4 DAYS, 4 ■ w s ■ v M ssss.i-I. ■ M ■SISI/ ws ■..� w • �ti ti;AU:r:{:r$$:i.:•F.'•.••'!X•:t .}:.}4:;•.}Y': d:M}{}}5V>+�:;"ix:•�:'r:Y.•`'••'•••''{;i�•n'i'ih:,^.,Y,Y,.•: y.,vi'•'•r'•::.:•.}:S .. ..N:..•dr.'t'v.:•::•.t::•.•,.r.:3r::r:•::..:j�v�?:<.rre>.M::>:t•>::>•r>:if:,}:{.:�,.:swkwr::o-:�:i.��rrbrs HILARIOUS _ HAVOC H Happy goes to the d•g s!: � 4 ailJOYFUL -PUN! Walt Disney presents Winnie tfoPboh and the honey tee TTchnicotor. An AO -Clifton fodubitta own r.n 0o.ft rodan..s • WALT DISNprosants EY / -rxey�`* DACHSHUND In convey ation with ,guest speaker interclub meeting last Thursday' Goderich service clubs, • Left to right are Goderich Kinsmen Club; Dr. G. F. Mills, Joe the Connell before the presidents of the Bill Hanly, president president Goderich are 'Don't Give Up' The Goderich Lions Club host- ed the annual inter -service club meeting at the Harbourlite Inn last Thrlrr•sday. ,. All of the service clubs of Goderich were Well represented at this meeting nhic-fi"-Was in- stigated several . years ago to create better understanding be- tween the various service clubs. Guest speaker for the even- ing was the internationally - known after ..dinner speaker Joe Connell of Kitchener. Mr. Con- nell enjoys a wide reputation as he• has been the keynote speaker at national, and inter- nationalconventions in the Un- ited States and Canada. • OPENIN For. The Season Brownle's DRIVE-IN Theatre = Clinton • With Double Features, Each^ • Feature Shown Once, The Main Feature Is Shown Last. Box Office Open at 7:30 p.m. First Show At 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY` April 1-2 — OPENING NIGHT — ACTION DOUBLE FEATURE None But crA .The Brave FRANK SINATRA CLINT WALKER TOMMY SANDS • . Color -• . "BATTLE OF THE VILLA, FIORITA" MAURE N O'HARA ROSSA1v'Q B~13;[i,ZZI QOlor :.Caritoon- THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 7-8 — ' DOUBLE FEATURE — Pajama - Party TOMMY KIRK,- ANE'ITI . F'UNIiCELLO Color • "SAMSON AND THE SEVEN ,MIRACLES" GORDON SCOTT on Cant a Color SATURDAY and MONDAY April 9.11 — DOUBLE FEATURE TECI-INICOLOR�' :`X';r•{}Y.F?S?•.... X,r+w,}•,:•X .}M,.}yn4:,,r .v Eiwr X?4Km i?iP,, Released by BUENA VISTA D,slnb, t on Co Inc -SHOWS AT/ f15 ---P.M. and -9:15 P.M. _MATINEE SATURDAY -- ,?:15 P.M. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES p From e Beach CLIFF ROBERTSON' RED BUTTONS . IRINA DEMIOK. The Sequel Vo "THE LONGEST DAY". The story begins the day after'' 1 -Day. "APACHE RIFLES" AMIE MURPHY Color Cartoon SPECIAL HOLIDAY SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW -- APRIL 10 Rotal-y Club; Maurice Jenkins, president Goderich Lions Club; Joe Connell; Dave McMillan, president Royal Canadian Legion -Branch 109 and Howard Kuenzie,- chairman of .the event.k Signal -Star Photo. Tie Goderlela Signal -Star, ThUr,siditY, March 81.E ,1066 Chess And The Single Girl By* Sazsart ,Ball guest I was jumping the gun last week when I Said that it was time fin spring eloth4s,. (That's what happens when the article ;is Wricwen on Mondvy and Published PA' Thursday). Now itly. ,-).00hs.. i'ikc long • -johns. cesul'0..Bts, astUf ]F'GDCI.ridayis it'ss,en4danceing was.a$5Q•sueto- sQos Bunny Bundle to be used help crippled' children° as• a e- . Exam Jitters Most of, the exam results are back. I've heard of a number of kids who figure they have tp get '200% on Health and Phys, Ed• They fi,gurc that only this way could they possibly get a re- ' speetable average. It seems 'terrible 'that exams "make kids afraid. We can't pRssibly do our best 'when we are afraid of low marks (or, no marks) because we seem to spend more energy on being scared than on being brilliant., Besides, each one of us is different. T:-ierefore nobody (no "teachers, friends or parents) should expect us to be as tern,;„, rifically brilliant as the nest .guy. But of course we can't `make excuses for our low marks. T17,er.efore from now • on, sand- wiched between fun times, we will have "to study until we're blue in the face." • Going Curling Ed. Curry, Larry Papernick, Bob Boutilier and John White, four of our best curlers,` are going to Toronto during part of the Easter holidays to repre- sent GDCI jn a big bonspiel (all boy). .°.. Chess Without Girls Silence reigned in the cafe- Speaker. afe- Specker. TeI!s 5Clubs Mr. Connell kept his audience amused and attentive With his talk entitled "What's The Dif- ference"? • Two businesmen could come to .your town and within a • few years one could own the whole town and the other could owe the whole town. What's The Difference? asked Mr. Connell. I -Ie pointed out that one 'of the di�'erenlces could be know- ledge, the othet.could be initi- ative, the third and most, im- portant reason would be en- thusiasm. If • you don't have enthusiasm in this day and age, Mr. Connell stated, you haV•e nothing. En- thusiasm is derived from the Latin which rneans "God with you." If you have God with you, he said, nothing can beat you. •. " With a great fund of illus- trations, he brought his point home again and again. Mr: Connell told oi: Fa neighbor of his who was ahpo•inted to the Senate and decided to• legalize the • sale of margarine. H. de- cided to-do this- b-emise it had never been- done. A marl said he .could:do' this - and he set out and did it, stated the talented speaker. What could be done if you had just one man in your town like this, he asked? , If you are. riot filled with en- thusiasm you are living.' a' fool life BUT •if you are filled with enthusiasm -you are living a full life. Witlt•enthusiasm and hope you can do anything or be any- thing you want to._ be but -wish- ing is not good enough. You must tackle y)ur task kith en- thusiasm, he said. Mr. Connell illustrated the fact that you can never give up hoping and trying with a• •story from his own life. • .In 1944 Joe Connell was told • that he would never walk again. - He decided that he was going to prove the diagnosis. wrong, The first time he tried to walk he fell flat on his -face but week after week he kept at it until everi.tually his -foot moved•• - a: bit. In time he did walk and to- day walks without any- aids. A miracle? ' Wrong Diasnosis "Nut -s" said Mr. Connell. "A wrong diagnosis. If when I had. been told' I would never walk again; I gave up hoper he said, "I • never would have walked again. I didn't give up and whatever your' problem might bo tonight, don't you give up." "Play it safe," he said, "keep out of mischief, do nothing and at the end of 20 years you can say you • just didn't -get the breaks. On the other ,hand go at things With ding,know- ledge and enthusilsm and you will cave a life you never. knew was 'possible." In talking to some of the old- er members- of 'his au'd1ence he pointed_ out that when new things curie up arrd you like it, .you, are young. If new. things 'come along and 'it 1s a -nuisance;• you are old: -- If you feel you are too old for .most, of \ the things in life, too the world a favor, he said, and .just -lay down and die. In closing his address, which highlighted • humor `but left a very serious and definite mess- age he- 'said: "Anything you don't like you can change. 'IS you are charged up with en- thusiasm you could change the town, 'perhaps the country and possibly' the whole world." The' meeting was under - the chairmanship of 'Howard Kuen- zie. Mr. Connell was -introduced by Gordon McManus and thank- ed • by Paul Oliver. . SMART SHOES FOR EVERYONE WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES We have fashion plus comfort combined in our famous name brands. A narrow foot or wide foot, we are sure we can fit you in a pair of shoes by SELBY, SAVAGE, FIANCEES or WOELFLE.' 10.95 to 21.00 JUST ARRIVED OOMPHIES • If you are looking for solid comfort and a shoe that you' can walk com- •forsably in choose a pair of Oomphies in either stack heel or flats.. Cushion insoles • make these doubly comfortable. • Flats 8.95 –=- Stacks 10.95 FOR THE TEENAGER FLATS by EMI LLE 6.95 FOR THE LITTLE LADIES • We have white black patent and nylovels by Savage. SPP OULE SHOES KINGSTON STREET (NEXT TO THE CLUB GRILL) teria on Tuesday when 'our Chess Club played Bost to ,the Exeter one. One game • was -over in 25 minutes. The others took long- er. It just depends on the tac- tics and your opponent. -G.00I's ohm? t'lub_plays_ 'chess every night In ropm' 21i l+ xeorp'l for Kathy Mills and Jan Mac- Donald it was a silent stag, party. Thersaid that they ° wo Ald welcome new chess enthusiasts wilt open arms. Chess is a good game—a sil- ent thoughtful one. Last Thursday our club trav- elled' to. Clinton. 'We lost 5.6. Those who played were: David, Faulkner, Ken Hunter, Jim, Hunter, Don l3axt r, Brian Lin- field, Layy�rne Riley, Jeff Such, Duncan MacRae, Bob, Cadman, Charlie •MacDonald, Hugh Aldis and Bill Twaddle. Ted Barker Sudden stops usually indicate inexperience oz a show-off be- hind the wheel. The Ontario Safety League , •Suggests that every time you have to Jam on your brakes, y,-,11 ask yourself if it could have begin avoided by more careful driving. Sud- den udden stops advertise bad tf+'ir'1Yhg, cause unnecessary tire wear, waste gas and risk rear -end collision. and Don Pollock went as spates and sources of moraxe-saport. 'Even Clinton's team. is re,,,, dornivately ' male, since ' they 'have only' (Inc girl. Is this be. cause gildss aren't thoughtful enough to think •up lines of at- tack or is: it because,:girl>; just aren't interested.? Elliott, Rivett, Rivett Elec- tronics and TV is AO County Communications Chief in the Emergency Measures ° Organiza- tion. _ bf Business Opportunities RESTAURANT, SNACK BAR and SHELL SERVICE STATION, one deal. Fully equipped and operating year- round. Excellent location. -for - good mechanic. On Blue Water Highway in popuar tourist area.. Approximately. 360 feet . frontage; plenty of room for expansion. • • A good year-round family business which includes living quarters. - Approximately $8,000 with good financial rating will start a business of your own. Balance covered by one mortgage and monthly paymenfi. No realtor's fee. Contact.MAVOR'S CEDAR GROVE, Bayfield, Ontario (near Goderich). 145 ESSEX STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO EVERY WEEK SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY - THIS WEEK — APRIL 2"• , BRIAN PAULEY. And The ALL STARS Dancing For Everyone — Minimum 18 Years ,b Lions Bingo Next Wedriesday SPECIAL EASTER TEEN DANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 15th The COMETS of Port Elgin, SUPER SPECIAL LEENEX o 200's, AT L.D.A. ONLY ANTIPHLOGISTI,NE .,RUB A-53 SOLO BOBBY )'APINS . SUGG. LIST 1.25 1.09 SUGG. LIST 25c 19c CORICIDIN D DECONGESTANT TABLETS 12's • SUGG. LIST 1.19' 99c CREST TOOTH PASTE SUGG. LIST 1.19 97c DRISTAN ,,TABLETS FEEN-A-MINT LAXATIVE EXCEDR•LN , 36's SUCARYL SODIUM TABLETS 1oo's SUGG. LIST,80c SUGG. LIST 1.25 24's SUGG. LIST 1.25 99c SUGG. LIST 55c 47c SUGG: LIST 1.25 1.09 LAVORIS MOUTHWASH AND GARGLE 17 -OZ. MULTIPLE VITAMINS 'ONE -A -DAY loo's, 67c 97c MFR'S 4.49 VALUE FOR 3.99 3;19 6% OZ. SCHICK HOT LATHER SHAVE CREAM SECRET AEROSOL DEODORANT 5 -OZ. . DRISTAN NASAL MIST 15cc TWO 79c TUBES HEADS UP. HAIR DRESSING • . WE DELIVER EMERSON'S CORNER WEST STREET & SQUARE SUGG. LIST 1.00 8 7c . SUGG. LIST 98c 8 9c SUGG. LIST 1.25 ' 99c SPECIAL 2 FOR 99c • • DRUG STORE 4.' 521-5212 �j, •