HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-1-7, Page 4•,� ,g� der E g' p'�
V: e Y^ q oR!!► te.
S.AlsT:19ERS sysrET, Props.
TIUJRBDAYL Jain 7th, 1892.
On New Year's Day news reached us.
of the first victory gained by the Con-
servatives since the general election in
Meech last. The vacancy was caused
by the elevation of Mr. Jamieson M. P.
North Lanark to a county Judgeship.
Bennett Rosamond the well known
Mitihufactihrer of Almonte, has been re•
turned by the handsome majority of
over four hundred) It is noteworthy
that North Lanark has given increas-
ed majorities for the Conservatives der
ing every election contest on four sue-
eessive occassiots. As given by the
Empire, the figures stand thus:
Conservative majority (1892) 69;
(1887) 105;
(1891) 301;
( Do) 428.
All the speeial pleading of the Globe
and iifctz'l—all the persuasiveness and
abuse of Sir Richard, who aired his
anti-British sentiments at Almonto--all
the loud professions of Grit purity and
Tory corruption—were lostupon the
sensible people: of North Lanark, who
Ivy their splendid endorsement of the
government of• Air. Abbott and Sir
John Thompson has set a noble exam-
ple to the Conservatives of confidence
in the present administration and of
good faith in the future of young Can-
. This question is looming up into
Large proportions. What does it mean?
First of all, it implies a closer relation
of the various Colonies of Great Brit-
ain to the Motherland. How the prob-
lem may be solved, in so far as the po-
litical aspect of the question is concern-
ed, and the kind of representation at
the seat of Empire which may hogiven
so Canada and the other members of
the. British hnonarth,-, is not for us to
say. Indeed, on that point the • advo-
cates of Imperial ' federation are not
:.et agreed. It would require some
such constitutional statesman as the
?ate Premier of Canada, the father and
fcunder of North American Cenfeder-
ation, to mould and give shape to Im-
perial federation. But as to the fiscal
aspect of this great question. there is a
"rowing sentiment both in England
and the Colonies, in `avor of a prefer-
ential tariff as between Great Britain
and the other States of the Empire.
The old moribund policy of Free Trade
in England is being displaced by pro-
tectionist views. Wise men are guided
'lass by theory, than by the practical
:necessities of the nation: Both Lord
Salisbury and Mr. Gladstone have via
tually admitted as much—the one
more outspoken than the other. The
:manufactures of England have been
handicapped by foreign importations—
and the result is a diminished trarle
and increasing poverty among the
operatives and laboring classes. The
question iwhiclh is now uppermost in
men's minds is the warfare of tariffs.
Statistics prove that Great Britain has
suffered immensely of late years by
foreign is ri;i's. British trade with
le United States alone has fallen. off
ing the last nine mouths $17,000,
•while American exports to Eng
ave increases. during the same
to $350,000,000. So far, then, as
ntherland is'concerned, she stands
face with a hostile tariff from
narrow Ann AFT a USa
Tun GREAT SPANXSIB REMED14 easily, e4u.lekiy and
permanently restores Weakness, Nervousness and Eoat matesoed..
A GuARAtm ern specific for Fits and Neuralgia, Hysteria, Dizziness,
Convisions, Nervous Prostration caused by the use o f Tobacco or
Alcohol, boss, of Power in either Sex, Involuntary Losses caused, by
over -indulgence. We guarantee six boxes to care any case or refund
the money. Ste bort 6 boxes for $5. Address II. S. Agents Swin-
ish Medicine Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold by druggists.
VOie Sale in Exeter by 3. W. Browning.
meat is undergoing a radical change
on the. Cobden theory; and the time
has come when the fiscal and Imperial
federation of the Empire—involving as
they do; a moderate tariff on all foreign
imports, with preferential free trade
between the Motherland and her Colo_
nies—are the only remedy to meet the
evils and injustice felt by the agricul-
tural and industrial classes. To show
the tendency of events in England, the
followiug resolution was passed by an
overwhelming majority of the Nation.
al Union of Conservative Association
in November last: "That the principles
advocated by the United Empire Trade
League favoring a preferential basis
of commerce throughout all parts of
the British Empire will be of the hi;h•
est advantage; and further that the
provisions .of any treaties imposing
limitations on the full development of
trade between the United Kingdom
and other parts of the Empire should
be abra;ated.
Winter has again strut): us.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Down, of St.
Thomas is visiting Mr. Walt Reddy.
Miss C. Manning is also the guest of
Mr, Ruddy.
Oue of Exeter's citizens called Tom
has been a regular attendant to Babes -
da Sunday nights. What brings you
all the way up here Torn,
SICK LIST.—MISS M. Howley has been
laid up with an attack of the Grip.—
We are sorry to have to announce that
Miss Sarah Lowe has been confined to
the house with an attack of grip.—Mr.
John Down is again unper the doctor's
care.—Mr. John Dew is suffering from
a severe cold,
An oyster supper was held at Mr. W.
There are several. victims of la
grippe in these parts at present.
Miss A. M Pollock spent part of , last
week visiting friends in Stratford.
Mr. J. Pollock and wife, of South Da-
kota are visiting their parenits and
friends se these parts.
A1r, & Mrs. 0:Metock, of Huron Co.
Mich are at present.visiting friends and
relatives in these parts.
Miss M. Remohr, of Toronto who has
been visiting her parents during the
past few days returned to the city on
Saturday last.
During the past week death has been
busily in our neighborhood claimin
two victims in the persons of Mr. Wm.
Turnbull sr. and Mrs. John Welsh. It
is with deep regret that we have to re•
cord the death of one of the most re•
speeted citizens of this neighborhood in
the person of Mr Wm, Turnbull who
died very suddenly at this residence on
Wednesday morning Dec. 30th • heart
disease being the cause of his.- death.
Deceased had been in his usual • health
up to about two day's beforts his death -
when he was taken with a slight pain
in his chest but nothing serious, was
apprehended as can be readily under
stood by his two sons • and daughter
hewing on the morning' of his death to
attend a wedding little thinking that
before night they were to receive the
sad intelligence of their fathers death
Mr. Turnbull leaves behind him a wife
acid five children three sons and two
daughters to .mourn his sac)' andden
end His remains were interred in the
Grand bend cemetery on New Years
day followed by a large concourse of
friends and relatives The funeral ser
mon being preached on the same day
by the Rev. Mr. Carrier who gave a
vary interesting and eloquent discourse
we feel sure that his many friends and
relatives will join with us in extending
their heartfelt sympathy to are bereav-
ed wife and family.
Reddy s on Monday night last, it beim; 1
in connection with the. sparrow hunt
iu this section. Z- hen the count was 7
made it was found that over 1134 spar-
rows had met their fate. It being
found that Mr. Walt Keddy's side had
beaten by 200 of a majority allpartook
of supper when the rest of the evening
was spent in music and singing until
'tae hands of the clock were past the
(To late for last week.)
Christmrs past off without any unus-
ual happenings in this vicinity.
the M
lace t
Miss I. Lowe is home visiting her
parents and friends.
Miss Kilpatrick, of Michigan has
been visiting at Mr. J. Plois.
Mr. Alfred McTaggart jr. is suffer-
ing from a severe attack of the grip.
School reopened on Monday last and
we hear the tinkle of the bell as of
1\1r. Geo. Moir and his sister aro home
from Manitoba and intend spending the
winter in this;vicinity.
everyether nation --and in sheer self-
defence England is compelled to recon-
sider her fiscal policy, and by the adopt-
-son If preferential trade with her Coto-
nou to accept the inevitable alterna•
. ;ave of Imperial federation trade or
• commercial disaster. How stands the
smatter in regard to our own country?
'Britain has, proved to be Canada's best
and more natural market. In cattle,
cheese, eggs, barley, sheep, horses,
poultry, and other farm products, the
;Sade has increased immensely with
Great Britain, while it has diminished
with the United States. By putting
on a moderate tax on all foreign im-
portations, and giving a preferential
tariff' to Canada and the other Colonial
'dependencies, the price of breadstuffs
would not necessarily be increased in
the Mother Country, while en outlet
•ti'oul'ci be afforded to population in the
North West and Australia for the sup-
ply of products required in Britain,
Much as John Bull loves cheap bread,
be would not be willing to buy his
bread at the sacrifice of his manufact-
aaring industries. Recent events, and
specially theindorsation of such views
by British Chambers of Commerce aur)
of Agriculture, at sovelal central.
points, go to prove that public setiti•
Mrs. Wni. Grigg, of St. Thomas is
spending a few days with her father
Mr. J. Deer. -
Mr. Peter Strang who has been visit-
ing• his parents has main left for Man-
itoba where he resides.
Mr. W. H. Harvey who has been at
tending the Agricultural College at
Guelph is home again, spending the
Messrs' Ross & Taylor have about
completed their work on the school
house chid they have done much to
make things brighter in the building
One of those happy events which
every one is pleased to hear off took
place at the home of Mx. Mice, of Rib-
bert on the 23rd inst. It being the
marriage of Mr. J. Mitchell to Miss L.
Rice. We all join in wishing them a
happy and prosperous future and all
the complements of the season.
Grand Bend.
In order to introduce the M1aDI-
CAL ADvisun, we will send it and
any of the fo flowing papers to the
end of 1392 for $1.00.
Toronto Globe, News, Mail
or Empire; Montreal. Star or
or in fact almost any weekly
paper published. seat
The weather has been very rough
for the past few days which leaves the
roads in a very bad condition for tra
Mr.ing. Wn. 011iver has been very t1l for
the past few days with inflamation of
the boivelsbut under the care of Dr.
Ovens is recovering as fast as possible.
The spelling match in connection
with the Patrons of industry association
of Harpley. which took place on Thule
day evening last and was keenly con
tested for the candidates were chosen
on each side by Ms J. E. Hodgins & Mr
S. Love which resulted in an daisy via
tory fo: the latter having three candi
dates on the floor while t1 c'ese .i - kents
were compelled to resume their seats.
Andrew Robinson returned from
Manitoba last Friday on a yisit to his
parents. We are glad to see him back
The Royal Templars are about to
purchase an organ to be used in their
Miss 'Mary Sniilie is taking advant-
age of the • holidays visiting around
Snow has made its appearance, bat a
little more is needed to make good
Mr. R. Bell who has been in Mani-
toba and Dakota for several years past
is home under the parental roof again.
Mune CLASS,—Mr. Ruse, of Exeter,
wil! hold a meeting for the purpose of
forming a singing class in the Public
Hall, on the evening of Jan. , 7th. As
this is just what our village needs,
there is no doubt but a very strong
class will be formed. The fee is $1 per
The Methodists of this village intend
bolding a grand camp meeting next.
summer. Nearly ail remember the
camp meeting of 1891. and will be
pleased to hear that Rev. II, Irvine in-
tend holding them again next sum
mer. Some of the tents are already
taken and we believe that ' the Misses.
Williams and Hall will be present. •
ess i
It is also our sad slut.. to record the
death of Wire. John Welclh° who passed
away Tuesday eveningDee. 29tafter
a prolonged illness, I-Ier remains was
interred in the Grebe. Bend cemetery
on Thursday aittirnoon Dee (list..
If you will send us
'the names of one
or two persons
troubled with Cancer, we will send you
1 of the best monthly journals publish-
ed to the end of 1892, free. Address
STOTT & JURY, Bowlnanvil!e, Ont
Divine service will beeheld (D. 'V.) in
St. Patrick's church by the Incumbent
on Su ndhty next, 10th inst. at 2.80 p m.
alien the claims of foreign - mission
will be presented. A full attendance
is revvested.—The new arrangement
owing to the formation •i1f the new mis-
sion—consisting of St. Jame's church
Claudeboye, Granton, and Prospect
Hill, will commence on Sunday Jan.
Mention this paper, and send Stott
and Jury, Bowmanville, Ont. The
names of one or two persons troubled
with cancer, and they will make you- a
present of n year's subscription to the
which is one of the best Monthly Jour
nals pubiished.
. The Head :Burgeon.
Of the Ltibon Medical Company is Mow at
Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted
either in person or by letter on all chronic
diseased peculiar to man. Men, young, old,
or middle-aged,who find themselves nervous
weak and oxhaastot , who are broken down
from excess or overwork, resulting in many
of the following symptoms: Mental depres-
sion, pormature old age, loss of vitality, Loss
of momory,bad dream s.dim ness of sigh t,pal-
pitation of the heart, emissions, leek of en-
ergy pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples
on the face or body, itching or peculiar son -
dation about the scrotum, wasting of the
organs, , izziness, specks' lefore the oyes,
twitching ot'the muscles. oyelids, and else-
where, bashfulness deposits in the urine,loss
of will power, tenderness of the scalp and
spine. weak and flabby. muscles, desire to
sleep, failure to be rested by sloop. COnetipa-
1ion, dnllu, ss of J• Baring, loss ofvoice, desire
for solitude, excitir,fliti of temper, elm ken
eyes surrounded with L.Anr:N cu.nnt1, oily
looking skin, etc.! are all symptoms ofnerv-
ous dr,l•iiity that lead to insanity'am ri;death
unless cared. The spring hr vital force hav-
ing lost ifs tension every fiinotion wanes in
consequence. Those wlio through abuse
committed in ignoranee may bepermausent-
lv cured. Sendyour address for book on all
disease; peculiar to man. Books sent free
Sealed. J reart disease, the . gym ptom s of
which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness
palpitation, skip beats, hot. flushes. nnsli of
blood to the head, dull pain in the heart.
with heats strong, rapid and irregular, the
second heart quicker than the first, Vain
about the breast bone. etc., earl positively be
cured. No cure no ay. Send for book. Ad-
dress M. V. L•UBO , 21 Macdonald Ave., Tor-
onto, Canada. Jan 1-1 year
are the latest ,woods ;in----
and overcoatings, just arrived.
All Will bo made up in the Latest Style and a
Good fit Every Time or no Sale.
Remember the Stand one Door North of .E. H, Fish's
Barber Shop.
Give me a call.
). 1 TV 11 try and get us 2
sides 1 your oh n),
for any of the following papers—Tor-
onto Globe, Mail, Empire or News;
Montreal Star or Witness? If you send
us $2• we will send any two of the
above papers and the Medical Adviser
to the•end of 1892 to any address en
U. S. or Canada. Address, MnDIOAL
Anvxsrli, Bowmanville, Ont.
Dr. Bournot, of Ottawa; read a paper
on "Memorials -of the French Regime in
Cape Breton" before the American His-
torical Association in Washington yes
terday. • •
Will he given for a case of ()Marsh
which cannot be cured permanently
by Clark's Catarrh Cure. Stop right
up to the office and prove your. case
and get the. rewai,rdl 'Thousands have
tried this remedy, but no one has
claimed the toward because it cures in
every ease. If you have a cold or are
troubled with Catarrh ask your drug-
gist for Clark's Catarrh Cure, price 50
dents, and see what a pleasant reliof it
will he instantly. If you are asked to
take somethin„ else, sen to lis direct,
and we Will send ' u a bottle by j mail
nn receipt of price. Clark Chemical
Co., "Toronto, New York.
af,w a -rt 3Y17K4'1 '.tM'r�!1t191'a$.. n .xi.
It will pay you to call on us if you wallt anything in Hclld-
wal e such as
Nails, Hinges, Locks, Glass, Putty,
Paints and. Oils.
Now Stook of Jst& ictratoti Poiats,
$1.00 to $2.00 a day, at light, easy
work, can be made by sending 9c in
stamps for three samples, which will be
sent postage paid. - Address Stott &
Jury, Bowmanville; Ont. • Mention
this paper.
Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black St Galvanized arized wises away
down for cash.
IB , :1 T BRs 0
Wheat per bushel:
Eggs ....
Potatoes per bus
Hay per ton
The Globe, the,Mail, the'Empire, the
Montreal.Star, or Witness, We will
send the above papers free for one.
year, to any one sending us four sub.
scriptions'to our journal. Price 50c. a
year Samples 5c. Mention this pap
er. A'IBDICAL ADYISDR, Bowmanville,
Send 9e. in,stamps, to Stott S; Jury
Bowmanville, Ont., and you will re-
ceive some samples by return of mail,
which enables you to earn from 150 to
$1.00 every evening . after working
hours. Mention this paper.
$0.90 to 0.92
40 to 40
• 30 to 82
60 to 60
15 to 16
30 to 35
..8.00 to 10.00
18 to 19
Mill NOT a Pur-
gative Medi-
dedicine. They are a
TONTO and HE00N-
STRucTOR, as they
supply in a condensed
form the substances
actually needed to =-
Stich the Blood, curing
all diseases coining
from Poon and WAT-
EitY BLOOD, or from
the BLOOD, and also
invigorate and BUILD
un the BLOOD and
SYSTEsr, when broken
down by overwork,
mental worry, disease.
excesses and iudisore-
tioas, They have a
SrnoIr'Io Auriozc on
both men and women,
restoring Los'r -mon
and correcting all
5 who duds his mental fag
EVERY � �t1 ultios dull er failing, or
his physical powers flagging, should take these
PILLs. They will restore his lost energies, both
physical and mental.
EVERTm shtakthm.
WOMAN They ould euro e all suep-
pressions and irregularities, which inevitably
entail sickness when neglected.
MHO@di ItiPA BII should talre Wieseta.
8N ntlddmg Hie They win ours ro-
snits of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the
s should take them.
i 1 NEN These Pmts will
make them regular.
Tor sale by all druggists, or will bo sent upon
receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing
2irocicvilae. Ons,
I have a pos'tivo remedy for the above diseaso; by its
use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long
standing have been cared. Indeed so strong is my faith
1n its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES TREE,
with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any
sufferer who will send mo their EXPRESS anti P.O. address,
T. A. SLoouM, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE
wt'Ys'`'"` .,`.•ti.- , lea ,s%lf,� 1IY4eiti1 t 4 f` 1PSCdf flus
11101 11JiEi !tillI
I S & S.
. We Cary the most complete stock: of
Musical instruments iu the' county-.
The above instruments always on
hand. •
Terms to gait Purchasers.
GOOD DIGF.•srraiv.h
It is a hard, ent0ntrovcrtible fact that more disease
is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach
than to all the other organs combined ; this ,s not hard
for even the unprofessional to understand when We
take into'considcration the mass of food that it is made
the receptacle, of fora time, there to be churned, di-
gested and so assimilated.
(an artificial gastric juice--'•forintita on every label) will
rind the weak stomach and so cure 1 ndigestibn, Dyspep-
psis etc. In fact, it, is a good aid to digest a hearty
dinner, and can do no harm, as it is only adding an extra
amount of gastric l.OiCe, doe not stimulate, and ko theta
fanorcaction gndol•aedbyphysicians. Send sels. la
postage for valuable beak to 11A Y. 1o101tSIi,
3tirtsitNArronio bi{11us,,,Uaamw.
�•axw., t , a
itr d )l 7`s e k ,
..r ..'._
Regulates the Stomach,
Liver andl3owels, unlocks
thcSecretions, Purifiesthe
Blood and removes all In" -
purities from a 'Pimple to
theworst Scrofulous Sore.
ED .a + f,, e. Zx f �'' u
Al:yytt :sv�i ; 742 t far',,,
;• CURE.S .'
, 1
V 5�
f t.
.: �l7' ll
Y y 5�,
;,,. r y
b• .tl+N