HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-03-17, Page 4Goderiolt Signal -Star, Timrsday,_14relt 166,6 3." Real Estate For Sale 1. Article's ror Sale BOLIMga StIMS1tY—rden tractor, Complete with •snowblow, culti- vator and rotor type lawnmower. 1965 Model. Cliff Low(MY. Phalle 5249304. 11-12x . s HOLSTEIN tkey. Due within a • weelr- At, IOngejan, R.R. 1, Goderia. Phalle n4-7026. -11 CI-IINA cabinet,- dining room Ultea table, six chair's, and. bef- fe,t, all in expellent condition. • Apply 92 Cambria Rd., phone „ -524-9437,. -11 WESTINGHOUSE washing rna- chine, deluxe model, like -new with pump and :tinier- Fred Gilbert„ IVIill Rd., It.R, 1, Gude- , rich, phone 524-9108. -11 KILL line a chicken equip- ment -baby chicks to laying • hens. „Suitable for 1,000. Phone 524,6461 aftr six p.m. 11-12x 30 BUS. Red Clover seed; small quantity of Cliniax Timothy seed; 1000..bales No. 1 hay. Fred • Crawford, R.R. 3, Goderieh. Phone Dungannon 529-7134. 11-12x APPROXIMATELY 900 bales mi•xed hay, 35c. Phone Zurich 236-4059„ • 1 lx - REP -Clover seed. Deep -well, Beatty pressure. pernp. Phone 529-7316, ,Dungarmon, SINGLE -AXLE house' trailer frame, 24 x 8 with tires, brakes • and jack. Phone 524-9540 after 5 p.m. -11-12 WEEKEND. SPECIALS THREE-PIECE walnut bedroom •suite includes double dresser, • "chest and bookcase bed: Top of dresser marked on corner.. Only $99.95. TEN -PIECE ” room group in- cludes double dresser, chest, bookcase bed, Sealy box and mattress, pair of boudoir lamps, pair of foani pillows. Sug. list $369.00. Special $259.95. VILAS modern walnut bedroorn suite includes doeble dresser, •ehest, panel bed and two night tables. Sug. list $359. Specie $249.50. , CHESTERFIELD SpVIALS- '• 2 -PIECE three -seater chester- field suite by Clover Leaf in char brown. Priced for quick sale. Only $149.50. TROISTER,four-seater high -back chesterfield- suite covered in 100g/0 .nylon freize, priced to clear at.only $179.50. e. • • • BRAEMORE four -seater chester: field suite with lose -cushion back,epriced for quick sale at only $229.50. KR-OEHLER two -..piece modern chesterfield suite with T cush- ions in, 100% nylon frieze cover.. Only $199.95. BLACKSTONE FURNITURE ,West Street • SILVER gray babycarriage, practically new.Phone 9512 •'0. after five. p.m: -10 TAKE over payments on RE- POSSESSED- .Singer automatic zig-zag sewing machine. R,egu- • lar $239, balance $61 or $6 per ,m-onth-: your old machine ./ ac- cepted as down payment. GUAR- ANTEED. Dealer. Write Box, 152. Signal -Star. ' Full-size box speing and, foam i • rubber_roattress, shop worn. • Priced for quicksale. Metal kitchen cabinet, slightly damaged, Priced for qui* • sale.. •• • One two-piec,e room suite, reduced for quick • sale. • „. 1. Articles FozcSale kiiikeii-OptQkcertikifir WELSH riding pony for sale, myr complete, with ' saddle, $95IELD WOOLLEN SHOPPE. Phone Clinton ,482-0693. Cabins and miniature golf 11-12x course will sell together or OPP9RTUN1TY A small business - .sharpening saws, lawn mowers, knives, etc., with automatic dfuipMent. Run it from a retell,basement or our -gataet. -ate,12111.4 Woulu 1ie1y pay for itself the Arst year. -PILAW 52+8567, • - • 11-13-15-17 RUSSELL oats and Brant barley-, registered seed; 35 Ma.ssey-Fer- guson tractor, six years old ;1507 hours); New Idea loader wi.h beide; baleelevator and number of motors, from to r h.p ; Cockshuttone-way disc. teight discs): .I.Jaxter' az, Turton, GtIderich, phone 32443341. 11-13x 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale 56 METEOR in good condition. Radio' and aUtomatieVtransmis- sion. Phone 9136. „ 11x '62 - VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, black, new tires and .battery, '5750. 0. Anderson. Auburn, phone 526-7773. -11 '65 CHEVImPala, 2 -door hard - tip, V-8 lutomatic, only driven 9,000 miis. Alust sell,- $2,800. 169 Keays- St., phone 524-7879. -.11 FORD tractor, two -furrow plow, heat houser, set chains, snow blade. Phone 7974 after five p.m. 6tf sefeetion of used cars-tr 1.-1 condition, fully recondition', xl and guaranteed_trade-ms ac- cePted- -and terms available. Rouse Auto „Electric, West St. -41tf • Special -five -piece chrome set, table $2 x 60 . $74.50. TWO Jensen,' speakers and a home unit sterio tape player. • ONE record player in first-class condition. ONE radio in good condition. ONE piano in good condition. ONE leather -covered chrome, arms. setee in good -condition. • • ONE electric stove, priced for quick sale. USED chesterfield in good con- , dition. USED full-size bed, spring and mattress. ,t LODGE FURNITURE West St. 12 -CAN air -flow milk cooler, in good condition. Stan Vander- wal, phone 482-7246, Clinton, e -10-11 WHEN buying or selling, try C. & E. used furniture, 1 mile south on Bayfield Rd. Phone 524-7231 or 7791. -9tf 65 PONTIAC Eight, Parisienne sedan. 65 CHEVROLET - Eight, sedan, automatic. 64 CHEVROLi,E,T, Two -door hardtop,, eight, auto - Matic, 10,000 miles, 63 CHEVROLET • Eight; sedan, automatic. 62 PONTIAC Six, automatic. 60 CHEVROLET Standard shift, siX'-Cylinder. • 58 DODGE • Six, sedan. 56 DODG-E Eight, four -door hardtop. ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC 58 West -St. 524-9311 gi=av.,..,,I.0.=.9:=2=emszcz!omenszczni, 3. Real .Estate For Sale ':TO ACRE farm, s from Goderkh;--•on- 41h coliCe-s.SiOn of Colborne Town:Ship, self -drained land,., all seedcd in permanent pasture, barn remodelled, pig pen, henhouse., new drilled well, new cement block silo, large -driving- _shed, 11.2 story house, newly decorated, three bed- rooms and bath, Modern kit- chen, .sunporch. Contact Mrs. Kim.Brindley mornings or after aye phone 524-9892. -11 __• _ „ EXCELLENT shady lot for sale, west end Write to Box 150, Signal -Star. 30 -INCH, Tappan gas range, • built-in style, overhead oven, four months old. List price, $439, priced for quick sale at • 98 or $20 and good electric bearranged-; Phone 524-7718. • -8tf • Fire Chief Safety Chimneys, distributors. Guy Ives & Son, phone 524-6355. ltf VACUUM Cleaner Sales and Service for all makes. Filtgr Queen Sates, Zurich. Phone 262 - 5350. ltf ELECTROLUX (Cariada) Limit- ed sales afid service. Free de- - livery. Alvin S. Riley, 153 LighthotiSe St., phone 524-6514. ltf HYGIENIC Suppliei (r ubber go..64,5) mailed postpaid in plain, Sealed enVelope with price list. Siic,SampIeS 25e; 24 Samples $1.00. Mail Order nept. hiov.Itubber Co., Bex '91, Ham- ilton, Ont„ . • ltf ^ . List your • farm with us. We have the contacts. Call C. Buruma, R.R. 2, Clinton" Phone 482-3287 Salesman for John Bosveld, Meaford, Ont. -8-13 separate. Good supplement for pension- er, or as outlet for person in clothing bustness. • - Apply on' premises,,phone „ux elle Bayfiel•d, for farther particulars. 11-12x, LAN -D-91 acres: 4 .miles from Goderich on 'highway. Phone 524-9688:* • 6tf • W. J, HUGHES* Real ,Esfate General 1nsurance 3$ EAST STREET Phone 524-8100 - Two modern homes, With Fee- • reathin rooms, $14,000 each. - 80 Acre farm, Goderieh Town- ship „ • 5. To Rent • RECEN7.‘LY remodelLed house' to rent, 217 Picton St. E., near the schools, gas furnace, TV aerial, ,Immediate possession. Phone 9298 after 5 p.m. lix LOWER duplex, self-contained, two bedrooms, bath, modern kitchen, living room, sunporch, garage., oil heat, D2 bloCkS from Square. .6 Available- 15. 'Rentreas.oriablee-Contnet Jerry, phone. 524-967Ie resile4nictef 524-9300o. FURNISHED cottage,all con- veniences.' Phone 52f7970 or 524-8891. , NEW LY-DECQRA TED three- room apartment.. - Hot and cold water, ,ground floor, private. en- trance. .1.67 Cambridge St. Phone 7214. , • t\1 ITILN4SHEDtwobedroom upstairs. apartment. Phone 9038. :10tf 'LARGE, comfortably furnished, light housekeeping rooms. Miss Mary 13, Ilowe!I, 12 St. Vincent :St. Phone 8642. • - -8t1 Red rick hous6* with approXim• - ateTH ly two acres land, Gode- REE-ROOM apartment, un - rich Township, $5,000. . , furnished, Al1 conveniences., util- , • ities paid. 53 Waterloo St.. 31 Acres, no buildings,. Colborne North. Phone 7157. -7tf Township. T'WO•BEDROOM house on James Extra , special three-bedroom St.. Clinton, reasonable. Apply home,- many ,extras, close to North End Store or phone •482- ehe lake. 3323. Three-bedroom home on Maple N,p.Nvi..y remedelled. one -bed - St., approximately .3 years old, room apartment, self -contain electric heat. • gas heated, suitable for .couple, TV and FM aerial .supplied. Split-level briek, .fineplace, fam- Phone 524 - 7540 evenings. ily room. • Oncks St. -11tf -,kniq,sea St., 3 -bedroom stucco SPACIOUS two -floor three -bed - on large lot. room apartment, just off Square. • Phone 524-6231. • '47ff 222-Elg1n W.; White briek; 4 -bed- room, west end location. . - NEWLY decorated upper two- bedroom apartment, private 200 Acres, near Lucknow, brick bath, laundry room, hot water house, two barns, priced to ' supplied. Ideal for quiet couple, sell.• 59 Kingston St. Phone 7415. SALES PERSONNEL LOWER apartment, atehe, one- • el.. H. Pentland bedroom, close to Square. Phone 182 Cameron St. 524-9007 524 -51t1 -8845. MODERN self -Contained, heated " Rqth Van der Meer "apartment, stlitable for couple 55 Montreal._ St. 524-7875 .only, Immediate possession. Bisset; -please..424.64„5.„ -ltf • INVITED • ROOMERS wanted, with or with: ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN •out meals. Clean comfortable home.. Phone 8773. 6-7-8x For Sale A one-sto-rey frame, covered. with asbestos siding. This home offers ,two bedrooms, carpeted living room, modern kitchen, a beautiful aen, • rnodern •bath- Itere's a fast, pleasant way to room and a full basement Lo- group all your out§tanding bills together - and have one con- veni nt monthly payment well Two-storey red brick, in per- wit.hi your family budget. fect condition. This home is, Rent the. money from Crescent also located close to uptown. Renting Money is like renting a It has three gbod-sized bed- ear or special tool -it -helps you /roams, dining room, living room go' places and get things done. Customers have rented money in only 1p minutes -any amount --from $50, t� larger amounts farms, residential and commerc- to suit your needs. Call Crescent Sal. and rent the money you need. IF YOU have property for sale, list with Frances Rae, 43 New- gate St., phone 9557, agent for S. E. Malins, R.111, 1, Goderich, phone 8040. ° ltf INOUIRitt HOW TO GET BACK ON BUDGET! 1:0 what you want to do _now- cated close to uptown. We will conSider your reasonable offer. and a modern kitchen. Decor- ation throughout is perfect. Mortgage money available for BRUNO LA-PAINE Phone 524-8957 RAPSON-8559. Salesman for 'Crescent Money„ Rental Plan You • For • Repay Can Rent As "Long Monthly As • Only, ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN $ 52.88 "12 months $ -5.00 ! 105.75 12 .matiths 10.00 Goderieh Phone 524-9662! ! 310.78 , 20 months • 19.00 , 506..94 30 month, • 22.00 KEN CROFT 758.89 30 months 32.00 83 Vitoria St., Goderich 1,014.07 30,, month; 42.00 Real Es:ate. General Insurance! 2,034.20 36 months 76.00 • FOR SALE Larger amounts for any purpose 10 Homes 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms, are available- justask. 5 Paring -100 acres to 30o acres., • Evening hours for your• convenience. Crescent Finance Canada's 'Most Considerate Finance Company 148 The Square Phone 524-8376 Lots -Cottages 'and Lake Front! Property. Take advantage of the low winter prices -now available for the purchase of . „New Homes * Nearly New Homes •4'. 'Older Homes Some for sale for only $1,000 &Am. (See display on page 7) . , HAROLD W. SHORE , • Real Estate Broker 38 Hamilton St. Dial ,524-7272 For Sale At Port Albert, approximately 10 acres, near lake, with good house and barn. On Nelson St, two -apartment house, in tip-top shape, three bedrooms down, one up, separ• ate -entrance, closed -in sun - porches - $12,000.06? . On Highway 8, near drive-in, two -apartment house in excel- lent condition. $9,000. Lot 52 x 107 on Lighthouse, one block from Square. Roomy two -apartment heuse in excellent condition on Bri- tannia .R.d.;- W.- - To Rent Apartrnent, living, dining, kit- chen and two bedrooms, heated, $65. Colborne Apartments. $13,800--Three-bedreom brick veneer bungalow, completely modern, gas cquipped. Finish- ed den or fourth bedroom in the basement. This home in west end of town near new public school. $11,000 -Brick Veneer, two- storey, four-bedroom home, double liViraf room, dining room, front entry hail. Near general business area and recre- ation park. PETER S. MacEWAN Insurance - Real Estate , 44 North. St. 524-9531 MALCOLM IVIATHERS • For Sale' A large two storey residence on Quebec St. The property requires considerable work so is priced right to sell. We have several residential properties, including: • A large two-storey four-bed- room„ .masonry construction dwelling on East St. An excellent two-storey 'red brick house, 4 bedrooms, all in first-class condltion. .Overlooking the Goderich Har- bor, an excellent location -the Mallough property. A, very -nice small wartime house, near the schools. MALCOLM MATI-IERS Real Estate Broker 46- West -St: ---- -Phone. 9442. • '111111111111111.1111111111111 4. Real Estate Wanted DO .YOU have a property for sale? For goodresiilts, list it exclusively • 'with Harold W. Shore, Real Estate Broker. Ae- curate appiaisals-photo display advertising. Dial 524-7272, 38 Hamiltoh St -5t1 el/11116, 111111/11111111011111111110111111MO 6. Wanted To Rent Small furnished apartment wanted. Phone 524-6536. -11 Ciassified Rates C PER WORD (Minimum 75c) .5c Extra if not paid by Tuesday of the week following publica tion. 4Se'rrii.Display • Classified • $1.40 per inch Death — $1.00 Marriage -1-• $1.00 •Engagentent — $1.25 Birth or Death Notices', • $1.00 Each THE SIGNAL -STAR DIAL, 524 - 8331 Deadline for taking Classified _Ads. is .P_M., TUESDAY g. Help Wanted REQUIRED immediately a man with some background in lum- ber or mill operations to gradu- ally take over breakout duties in the machine shop. Steady employment. Write or phone Fry and Blacic.hall Ltd., Wing - ham ' -11-12 CLASS "A" licensed mechanic. Also .-need man with l4 - experience. Excellent working conditions, employee benefits ahd above average wage scale. Apply Hensel]. Motors Limited, Hensali,- Ontario. Phone 262- 2604. - -11 41 12. Tenders Wanted GARBAGE ,COLLECTION ' • • CONTRACT Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to April 7th; 1966 for the (,larbag Collection Contract 'for the Ton of Gode- rieh. The contrac• t will include the following: A) A piek-up once a week from every address in Gode- rich. Up to 20 daily calls in the businesS section. 4 Up to 20 calls, twice a week at specified locations. " D), Parks and Beach areas daily „including Sat.'Sundays and holidays for three months during the summer. E) ,Care and levelling of the dump including the keeping down of fires 24 'hours daily. • State if your quote is for a 123 or 5 -year contract. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted,. 6 • S. II. BLAKE, • 575 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. -10-11 13) C) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA, • TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to Secretary, Departm•ent of Pub- ic Works of Canada, Room B 326, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, and endorsed "TENDER FOR HAR- BOUR-. REPALRS AND IM- PROVEMENTS, (REPAIRS TO SOUTH PIER), BAYFIELD, ONT.", will be received 'until 3.00 P.M. (E.S.T.), WEDNES- DAY, APRIL 13, 1966. 4 Tender documents can be ob- tained -through: Chief Engineer, Room E-443 ,Sir Charles Tupper I3ui1ding, Riverside Drive, Ot- tawa, Ont.; District Engineer, P0. .Box 668, Dominion Public, -457-Thichmoncf-Street, London, .Ont„ and can be seen at the Post Offices at Bayrfield and Goderich, Ont. To be considered eagh tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department and must be accompanied by the security specified in the tender documents, HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY! I need a full or part time man te. help meet the,dernand for a mach -needed servibe for motor- ists. Pleagant„ dignified, good paying work. 'No experience necessary but a car is. For full information contact ° ED. BAUER, Wingham, Phone 357-3805 -10-12 ' AVON CALLING • One territory now av'ailable in GODERICH Also rural areas open' in Dunlop - Nile ; Auburn. Phone collect tonight to have an interview appointment made. Mrs. Millson, London. 451-0541. -9-13 44, 4' • .• .4. • •4 9. Agents Wanted BEAUTY Counsellor osmetics has Meal opportunity for house- WiVeS. Flexible hours Fell or Ipart time. Write Box 87, Grand 'Bend, or phone collect 238-2178, after, five. ' -10-1/ ' 10. Wanted (General) WANTED TO 'BUY - sell or I trade, used furniture. Mike's I Used Furniture, 524-9064: -7tf LITTER carrier , pole, Steel pre- ferred. Phone 529-7185. llx ROOM and board, near industry, 19 Albert St., phone 524-8737. . . , -11-14 wanted,' -11 THREE-BEDROOM house or ground floor duplex wanted by business exe•cutive,. in Goderich area. Write to 587 Kingsway Ave., London, Ont. • 10-12x Help Wanted BABY sitter wanted Monday to Friday, one to five p.m., for two children. Phone 524-8998. llx WAITRESS required. Good wages 9and working conditions. Apply Club Grill. .41 HOUSEKEEPER' - COMPANION wanted to live in. Comfortable home. -Phone 8909. 1 lx H'ERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BIG INCOME - MAIL ,TODAY The W. 1% Rawleigh Co. Ltd. Dept. C-216-HY 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, P.O. Gentlemen: I am interested in the world famous Rawleigh line en a ( ) part-time bails , (, ,) full-time basis ( ) Please send me FREE Cook Book and catalogue with „full _details, Name ••• • . Address City • 5. To, Rent FRONT :apartment over CAI, land's thildren's Wear Store, on Square; consisting of two bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Autop matic 'gas heated, very reason. able rent Phone 524-7775. -10tf Prov.' GIRL GUr uniform size 12.. P one 9278. 11. Employment Wanted WILL. do baby sitting in my own home, Monday to Friday. Phone 7192. •,-11 14. Services Available FOR repairs to tents, awnings, tarpaulins, truck seat, boat•cov- ers, etc. Henek's Shoe Rep -air, 71 Hamilton St., Goderich. • -10-15 MIKE Cumm:ngs, Auctioneer and Appraiser 66 Hamilton St. 524-9064. -7tf • The lowest or any tender .not necessarily accepted. • LET .L1S sell your old jewellery. Do • you have forgotten gold jewellery stuck away in a draw- er? Why not turn it into cash? We buy old gold and estate jewellery. 1‘1. T. Ormandy, 94 The Square, Goderich. • -5t.f DAILY CAR RENTAL , • Reasonable Rates MeGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary. , 15. Notice To Creditors — " ALL PERSON'S haying claims against the, Estate of GEORGE CURRY RYAN, Merchant, late of the Town "of Goderich, in the County of, Huron, who died on or about the 13th day of Febru- ary, 1966, are required to 'file the same' with full particulars with the undersigned by the 261h day of March, 1966, as after that date the assets of the Mate' wil tbe diatibuted. - Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 23rd, day of February, 1066, - HAYS, PREST & IIAYS, • Barristerse etc., • , 3$ Montreal St., • Goderich, Ontario. -9-11 "TENDERS" Are called for the purchase of swill and for the purchase of Kitchen By-products from RCAF Station,. Clinton ,for the period April 1st, 1966 to March 31st, 1967 Closing date for tenders is March 24th, "1966. Tenderer's' for the removal of swill are to queele a. priee per 100 pounds. The successful tenderer will be required to re- move all swill daily arid to pro- vide all containers and maintain them in a sehitary. Condition. Tenderers "must hold a license from the Department of Agri- culture. to feed kitchen by -pro-, ducts, to. animal ACE Radio TV' SerVice. 'rank Wilcox, 60 Plcton St. W., Gode- rich, Ont, Phone 524-77714. ltf AUTO MECHANIC OR . ADVAikED APPRENTICE Steady employment; better than, usual benefits. 1q0DEIRICH marcms LTD: Ford Sales 35 South St. 524-7300 • Tenderers for the Ppurchase of Kitchen By-products are to quote - price per 100 pounds for each of trimmed bones, cooked bones, rough fat, suet__ atj grease. The successful ten erer will be required to remove by-productF at least once a week and to provide .all . containers and maintein.them in a sanitary condition. , Any questions regardirre tend- ers are toebe referred to the Senior Supply Officer, RCAF Station, Clinton. '-11 REZZAM21.. 14. Services Available SPRING clean-up time - base- ments and yards. All other odd jobs. Harold Leddy, phone 524-7237. -11tf For home TV and Stereo Service call CHISHOLM TV Sales and. Service 524:9576 -4tf 15. Notice To Creditors ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of BERNARD JOSEPH McCORMJCK, Weigh - man, late of the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 22nd day of February, 1966, are re- quired to' file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by tie 2nd day of April, 1966, as after that date the assets of the estate will he dis- tributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 3rd day of March, 1966. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristerg, ele. .4,33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. -10-12 ..a.vowawmiziginmauwwwswiiiv• 16. Public Notice RE: EMERY LLOYD BALDRY Any person knowing of the whereabouts of Emery Lloyd Baldry (ex-errny) who may have lived on East street, Goderich, Ontario, in 1945, please...com- municate with Messrs. Douglas, Symes & Brissenden, Soliciters, 16th Floor, 409 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C., with reference to the estate of his late Aunt Edith Flynn, also known as -10-11 VETERANS' Service Bureau Of- ficer will - be at the Go'clerich Legion- Hall ..on March 21 be- tween three to four o'clock. Any- one wishing an interview con- tact Ned Sale, phone 524-7853. -11 ,wimprimannimmE 19. Lost And Found SIAMESE • eat. lost, brown --and beige color, male. Finder please phone 524-8848. • -11 A. 'Births McGEOUGH.-At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, 'on Marqh 5, 1966, to Dr. and Mrs. V. L. McGeough, Goderich, a son, James Michael. STURGEON._ - At Alexandra "ir-os-pitat, GerderiWon'March 13, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenford Sturgeon, Goderich, a daughter.. Ink C. •Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from EdWard Fuels, tank truck dealer 'for all Shell Oil Co. products. phone 524- 8386. • ltf aseL „deiemexieme D. In Memoriam • BLACK. -In loving memory of a dear husband aid father, How- ard Black, who passed away five years ago March 17, 1961. There isL never a day.that passes by' But our thoughts reach out- to you; Never a joy that comes to us But we wish you could share i,to In ours garden of beautiful mem- ories You return to' us each day; Your memory is as dear today As in the hour you .passed away. --Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Edna and family. • llx ALL PERSONS having claiins against the Estate of ILA JEAN GOOD, married womah, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the llth day of Febru- ary, 1966, are required to file the same wilh full particulars with the undersigned by the 26th day of March, 1966, as after that date the assets of the estate wil lbe distributed. Dated at Goderieh, Ontario, this -28th day of February, 1966. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. E. Cards of Thanhs ISHERWOOD.-I wish to thank neighbers and friends for remembering me with flow- ers, cards, treats and visits; also Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, .. Dr. G. F. Milks, the nurses and girls in green on 2nd floor, and all others who in any .way .offered help while I "Was' in hospital. • R. F. Isherwood. llx GILDERS.-In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Mary Agnes Gilders, who passed away two years ago, March 13, 1964. God knew that she was suffering, That the nills were hard to el i.mb, • So He closed' her weary eyelids, And whispered, "Peace • be thine." -Sadly missed by daughter Lillian, son-in-law Albert, and grandchildren. llx • E. Cards of Thanks RIEHL:-.I wish to thank my friends and relatives.who re- membered nie with flowers. cards, treats and visits while( I was in Alexandra ospital. Special thanks to Dr. Flow- ers, Clinton, Dr, G. F. Mills, the nurses aed staff on first ,floor. Jerry Riehl. • -11 F. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Chester Beattie, Goderien, wish to announee the engagement of their daughter, Betty Jean, to Wilfred Barry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred V. Wickham, London. Wedding will take place Saturday, April 9, 1966 at 2 o'clock at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich. llx CULBERT.-The family of the late Mrs. Nettie Culbert wish to express sincere thanks and. appreciation to all their fri- ends and relatives for the 'kindness, sympathy 'and floral tributes extended to them in. their recent bereavement of their mother. Special thanks thi Rev. J. A. - Veldhuis, Dr. Vokes, Dr. Corrin and Mrs. Hasty and friends at the church, and Mr. Bob Mac- Kenzie of the MacKenzie fun- eral home. -11 Some 6,500 persons attended 340 Red Cross Care in the Home classes last year. • FERGUSON. - The family of Lori Ann Ferguson wish to thank all their friends, rela- tives and neighbors for the kind expressions of sympathy and thoughtfulness' extended to them during their recent bereavement; for flowers, sympathy cards and letters received. Special thanks to Dr. V. -L. MeGeough, Dr. De Veber, Rev. G. G. Russell, Vh-. E. Stiles ond -Stiles funeral home and grade one of Rob- ertson Memorial School.. -11 'GORDON.-I wish to thank all my friends who sent me flow- ers, cards and treatsf or visited me, while I was .a patient in A1e:s1andra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace, the nurss and staff. Mary Gordon. 11,x GORL.-I wotild like to thank all my relatives and friends for visits, 'treats, cards and flowers received. Also I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace, Di. K. C. Lambert, 'nurses, aides and staff for all their kindness and attention while I was a patietit In the hospital. • Mr. A. Gorl. llx • (1. Coming Eveititgmp,a-larg Knox' Presbytei:ian Church. 26, 10.30-3.30 at Salvation Army tiOn for Retardation will be held Tuesday, March 15, at 8.00 o'clock in the ladies parlor, March 11,..1960, at 8.30-p.xn., 'wnAnnuaI nsl:pLinFge'derrahttliorsndao.Y*; borne pensatidn and Pension Plan also MacJdnerwilt be • YRunimadiscussed. Vsaotrek, ri 1 a nS as1t2u rCdainmyd-, March 19, at Knox Church hall; starting 2.00 sharP, sponsored by Goderich and District Associa- Agriculture.' Guest speaker, Bert Moggach; topic, 'Farm sdetrivtsi n g $s Church, Wednesday, March 23, 7877. Seager Club, Saturday, March 26, St, George's Parish Hall at the Arthur Circle. • -10 under 50c - For tickets phone Auxiliary will meet on Monday, March 21, at 2.34 -p.m. in Knox Church Mammoth pa r Goderich Women's Hospital Teh cent sale. Saturday, M.:or-61132 pAi\leAK SUPPER lsd7a,r0leeon, - Knox Th e aln.,50n03u,i,b0a0alrke.thoemi e e g laltr-hAle-2et_ 4 • -9-11 -10 -11 2.30 p.m. WANT ADS SELL FAST! GODERICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS K!NDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Registration for September Kindergarten "classes are now being received. Any child who will be 5 years old by Dec- ` ember 31st, 1965 ,is eIigibt., Application Follws Avai1ab1At Victoria StkOol- R. E. SMITH, • Supervising Principal RIVE OtiTi AND SAVE OUR LOW OVERHEAD LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY STOREWIDE . SPRING SALE NOW ON, HUTCHINSON RADIO - TV . - APPLIANCES. 308 Huron Rd. 524:7831 OUR SPECIALTY FRESH FRUITS arici VEGETABLES - Head Lettuce — Celery Bananas — 2 Lbs. ,.25 Shrubs — Nursery Stock — Plants Lawn R011ing SKYWAY MARKET Hwy. 21 N. at Texaco Station ••,•, • SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 15 BAIRP MOTORS 524-83„t GODERICH LTD. 414 Huron Rd. (47.7